Master Mao looked at his daughter, who was sweating profusely, but showed a happy smile, and could only shake her head helplessly... It seemed that she really couldn't keep it.


Sweat formed into a trickling stream, falling down the girl's collarbone.

The clothes were soaked due to the infiltration of the stream, which made the outline clear.

Fortunately, there is a red bow to hide the spring light that may leak for her.

Xiangling wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hands and accidentally left the oil stains on her face.

After being smoky and roasted, the face came under the sun, like a smoky makeup applied, just like the little sister.

But Little Taimei doesn't have Xiangling's pure eyes and lovely smile.

Xiangling's food can give the body the strength it needs, and her smile brings the nutrients the spirit needs.

Summer blushed inexplicably, not because of shyness.

Xiangling didn't dress up too much, she just looked like an ordinary girl.

She came out to greet her with a smile, and then asked, "What do you want to eat? I'll get it for you."

Xia Xia felt very happy and very happy, and this kind of happiness naturally manifested on his face.

Manmintang is so popular that there is no place to sit, not even a chance to make a table.

Of course, Xiangling couldn't disappoint her friends, so she brought Xia and Ying to the table by the side of the kitchen.

This is for employees to rest.

The tables and chairs are a bit old and not clean enough, and Xiangling is also sorry for that.

She cleaned up the towels on the table and put on a new tea bowl. She said that she would like to give everyone a special dessert that was developed recently.

Paimon was full of anticipation, and asked his doubts in his heart: "Xiangling, Xiangling, Xiangling, why don't you go to Xiaoshi? I think many shops have set up stalls in Xiaoshi."

She deliberately said her name several times, and it sounded like some kind of bell.

"I want to come too, but Wanmintang is too busy..." Xiangling shook her head, but instead of regret, she was even more proud: "But Wanmintang has so many guests, if I go to Xiao City, Wouldn't it be disappointing for these guests who came here because of their fame? So, I decided to eat Huyan, in Wanmintang, right here, and grab the guests from Xiao City!"

What a bold statement.

If all the business of Xiao City was robbed by your Wanmintang, then Kuqing would probably organize a loneliness, so it might be better to just open Xiao City directly at Eat Tiger Rock.

Xiangling herself was amused by this big talk.

Besides joking, she has enough confidence.

Even if they don't go to Xiao City, those guests will come by themselves for the food.

The table is very close to the kitchen, and Xiangling can even chat with them while cooking.

Although upholding the principle of equal treatment, neither commoners nor nobles have privileges.

But at this time, let Xiangling have a little bit of her own mind!

She gave priority to preparing special desserts for summer, and wanted to quickly get the evaluation of the prince in her heart.

"Three servings of Frosted Sugar Slime Spicy Slime!"


Xiang Ling's energetic voice made the scene awkward for a while.

As a dessert, the color is still good.

The aqua blue of the main body was added with a layer of dark blue ice chips.

Put it on the plate, swaying back and forth, it seems to be very flexible. this pudding? Or slime?

Xia Xian was afraid that if he ate it in one bite, these puddings would turn into slimes and jump in his mouth.

Even Paimon, a big foodie, didn't dare to say anything, and his expression was ever-changing, indicating that he was fighting a fierce battle in his heart.

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

Xiangling worried that the special dishes from the previous few times had frightened them, and hurriedly explained, "What's wrong? I promise this time it will be delicious and not so spicy!"

"Yeah." Xia Tian completely believed her words.

It is hard to accept Slime, but Xiangling's sincerity cannot be matched.

Xia Tian scooped a spoonful and put it in his mouth.

The ice crystals instantly occupied the mouth, and the tip of the tongue felt a short-lived spicy taste.

If it is said that hot pot is spicy, then this is the so-called frozen spicy?

The spicy taste is very strong, but because of the freezing, the sensitivity of the tongue is reduced, and the full sweetness is further neutralized, showing a icy taste that is spicy but not spicy.

How to describe this taste, how to describe this amazing!

Xia Xia was short of words for a while, so she could only express her best compliments with actions.

The unstoppable arm and mouth, spoonful after spoonful, instantly wiped out his own bowl.

With his example, Ying also plucked up the courage to try it.

He scooped too much in one bite, and his mouth froze. After a few seconds, he began to praise: "It's delicious, this is definitely the best dessert I've ever eaten!"

Now, only Paimon is left standing still.

She has a shadow left over from history about slimes, and was once entangled by water slimes and almost merged into one.

Xia Tian deliberately stretched out the spoon: "If you don't eat it, give it to me!"

How can that be done? Paimon's hen hugged the plate like a cub, and fiercely refuted: "Don't touch me!"

Afterwards, I reluctantly took a sip...

Then, there is no need to say more.

How many are there!

To be praised by three friends, I am even happier than the affirmation of more guests.

Xiangling laughed like a sunflower facing the sun, her face flushed red.

Summer's eyes were frozen in the sun and stuck on the core of the sunflower.

Xiangling's heartbeat increased when she saw it, as if there were many small ants crawling around, and she whispered, "Guoba is still watching the fire! I'm eat first."

"Why is Xiangling so shy all of a sudden?" In Paimon's impression, Xiangling is not a shy child.

She first doubted Xia Tian: "Did you do something bad again?"

What is it called again!

Xia Xia really didn't make any excuses, and answered with a mixed answer: "It's like she stole something from her!"

Paimon frowned, and cautiously and worriedly persuaded: "Then you hurry up and return it! Otherwise, be careful that she puts Jue Yun peppers in the clear soup!"

Some things are neither easy to take nor return.

Xia Xia is not a dull man in Riman, so of course he can feel Xiang Ling's feelings for him.

Maybe it's just the beginning of love or a vague longing...

But, what do you think about Xiangling?

So cute Xiangling, I really want to take her home, I really want to eat her cooking every day, I really want to see her smile every day, I really want to hear her energetic voice every day...

Is this a liking?

But why didn't you feel that Gan Yu was so eager to confess and want to be together?

Really strange and complicated emotions.


It was rejected, so it should be alright with a little modification, right? Nothing was written.

Chapter 420 The sorority of the seven girls

Full and warm and lustful, it's time to go home and sleep.

It happened that Ying had something to do with Mona, saying that she wanted to discuss preparations for the Sea Lantern Festival, and they had an appointment to enjoy the lanterns together.

In the summer, there is a feeling of being robbed of love by Hengdao... The two of them are going to appreciate the lights? put me where?

Let's go back to the "Yuheng Mansion" together.

At the door, I found a light mark on the ground, like some kind of luggage package was dragged.

Could it be that the yard that has been deserted for a while is going to be inhabited again?

After "the emperor passed away", Yuheng's mansion has been silent for a long time.

In fact, there are still many foreign talents seeking temporary residence, but Ke Qing was busy with official business and delayed the reception of Ke Qing.

When someone comes, someone comes. Summer doesn't take it too seriously.

Continuing to walk forward, the drag marks on the ground are actually the same as his forward route, and the final destination is exactly his room.

Can't help but think, is it some new instrument that Mona bought?

She likes to collect messy things very much, and the utility room of Mond's house is full.

Because it's not very convenient to go out, I haven't been "choosing hands" during this time.

She wrote down all the things she was interested in in a small notebook, and waited for the day when the "Dongtian Immortal Mansion" was repaired, and made a lot of purchases.

Thanks to the restraint during this period, I saved a lot of manuscript fees.

Mona found out that her income was quite high. How could she not even be able to eat enough food in a city with such a low price in Mond?

Never before has there been so much money, a box locked with a key, full of golden Mora.

You have to take a look and count every night so that you can fall asleep with peace of mind.


From the half-closed crack of the door, a girl's laughter can be heard from time to time, which is very familiar.

Like a hundred birds in the spring, swaying around the beams and swinging the pillars, there is no end to the ears.

Is it them?

With anticipation, Xia Xia stepped up and opened the door.

It seems that multiple painting scrolls are unfolding at the same time, showing their own unique charm, and I don't know where to catch the eye.

The hope in his eyes turned into a surprise: "Why are you all here? No...why are you here?"

Keqing and Qin were sitting at the table, tasting the brewed tea.

Gan Yu was on the side, arranging the salute packages neatly.

Mona took Barbara's hand and pulled it towards the bed, and the two played together.

Anyone will be amazed.

Five girls with different styles, with their fragrance and youth, held a "sorority party" in their own rooms.

"Summer!" Barbara was the happiest, and was the first to call out Summer's name, and the first to blushing and bowing her head.

"Little girl is so active!" She was teased a lot by Mona, who was beside her.

Barbara didn't care about Mona's jokes... She just glanced at Qin timidly, for fear of losing Mond's face because of her lack of restraint.

Gan Yu happened to be at the door and just bumped into Summer. The two were very close together, and the familiar scent of green grass made people feel comfortable.

"Mr. Summer." He called out so gently.

With a face with a business-like smile, it seems that it has been nourished by the sun and blooms real flowers.

For a moment, it seemed that there was only a being named Summer in her world.

After looking at each other for two seconds, he greeted Ying and Paimon, "Good afternoon, both of you."

Although they didn't express it verbally or physically, but... people with discerning eyes can fully feel the affection contained in the two people's eyes.

Ke Qing was surprised, and her eyes became complicated when she looked at the two.

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