"Humph." Xia Tian wanted to stop his laughter but couldn't, so the sound he made was very strange.

Strange enough to lean towards the yin and yang sarcasm, Hu Tao immediately raised his brows and asked, "What are you laughing at? Is it strange?"

Xia Tian quickly shook his hand and shook his head: "No, it wouldn't be strange at all if it was a walnut."

But in her heart, she thought: If Hu Tao really meets a man who wants to marry, with her personality, there is a high probability that the man will be annoying, right? Where can there be time to fight the bondage...

That's it for the digressed topic, and it's time to return to the question of "God's Eye".

Xia Xia looked at the "God's Eye" that Hu Tao gave him, and asked inexplicably, "What attribute is this?"

Because of the loss of luster and pattern, it is impossible to distinguish at all.

"Grandpa is of grass attribute. I'm not sure if it will change if you activate it." Hu Tao is not sure.

Generally, the holder of the eye of God is not an ordinary person, and either died on the way of adventure, or achieved a family business.

Not to mention those who died on the road of adventure, of course, those who have accomplished a lot of family business will of course pass on the Eye of God to their family members, and their family members are relatively similar in nature and morality, so it is not difficult to activate them in many cases.

"Can I activate him?" Xia Xia was both doubtful and surprised.

He already has a "weird eye of a god" hidden in his right hand, can he still get another "normal eye of a god"?

Hu Tao didn't dare to promise, but suggested: "I heard that Tianquan Ningguang's "God's Eye" was picked up, you can ask her, maybe there will be a way and an answer. "

It was a good idea, and Xia Tian asked again, "What does the grass attribute look like?"

Before he crossed over, except for the Qiuqiu people, he had never seen the ability of grass attribute, and grass was different from the element, so it was difficult to directly imagine its ability.

"Ever since the grass **** of Xumi disappeared five hundred years ago, there have been very few grass-type "eyes of God"..."

Hu Tao had never seen it before, so he had to shake his head: "Grandpa is too old to drive elemental power, so I have never seen a real grass-type power... Except for the mage of Qiuqiu, there are people who are not in Bulu."

Hu Tao complained hostilely: "Atractylodes is very stingy, and won't show me the grass attribute ability, saying that he is afraid that I will use the grass attribute ability to burn Bubulu with a torch. Although my surname is Hu, I don't know how There's so much nonsense!"

Hmm... Xia Tian had to agree with Bai Zhu's idea.

I also remembered that the green-haired doctor in Bubulu with a white snake hanging around his neck seemed to be the eye of God with grass attributes.

By the way... is Yaoyao also a grass attribute? There are too many things to remember.

Just as Xia Tian was thinking about it and Hu Tao was talking, a white shadow visible to the naked eye was floating out from a crack in the stone not far away.

The purpose is very clear, it is walnuts!

Because it is a soul body, it has no voice and no breath.

When I found it in summer, it was less than one meter away from the walnut.

"Walnut! Be careful!"

Xia Tian exclaimed, his body instantly exerted strength, and rushed over to hold the small walnut in his arms.

Then he turned and jumped a few meters away.

Chapter 471 The Burning Soul

Xia Xia's sudden action not only frightened the walnut in his arms, but even the ghost was frightened.

She ran back to the back of the woods timidly, but the slender sapling couldn't cover her body at all, making this ghost seem stupid and cute.

Hu Tao didn't understand what happened, and looked up in Xia Xia's arms: "What are you doing? What happened?"

She has a faint plum fragrance on her body.

Some people like to cook plum wine, but I don't know which is more intoxicating than the taste of walnuts.

With Xia Tian's gaze, Hu Tao saw the coward who was trying to "attack" her behind the sapling.

I probably understood the whole story.

"Let go first..." Hu Tao savagely broke free from Xia Xia's embrace, stretched out her fingers and said, "She is my friend, not some dangerous bad ghost!"

"Ah?" Xia Tian didn't understand: "Didn't you say that ghosts can't be seen in general? I thought all that I could see were infected by demons..."

"It's just that you can't see it in general, but it doesn't mean that you can't see it." Hu Tao shook his fingers and explained the metaphysics: "If a ghost has existed for a long time, the yin qi is heavy enough, and it happens to be in an extremely yin environment, is it visible."

The existence of the lonely soul is linked to the obsession that is incomprehensible. In theory, it is not disturbed by external forces. As long as the obsession exists, it can always float in the world.

But in essence, after turning into a ghost, many obsessions will slowly dissipate, and then go to the realm of life and death to enter reincarnation.

Souls that survive long enough are quite rare.

Xia Xia looked curiously, and the ghost came out timidly.

A little girl, maybe only seven or eight years old? She looks pretty cute, and she will definitely be a beauty when she grows up.

It's a pity... It's a pity in summer, such a beautiful life will be gone before it blooms.

However, things are impermanent, and life and death accidents are part of the cycle of reincarnation.

Xia Xia said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I thought it was a ghost controlled by a demon... It's fine."

"Even if I wasn't frightened by ghosts, I was frightened by you..." Hu Tao patted his chest pretending to be nervous, then smiled and looked at Xia Xia with a forty-five-degree angle.

"But... the act of protecting people just now is very handsome!"

Hu Tao's praise caught people off guard. Xia Tian seemed to swallow the buns in one go, unable to hold his breath: "Hmm."

Hu Tao smirked and poked Xia Xia's blushing cheeks with her fingers: "Eh? So lecherous big brother is so easy to blush? I thought it would be thick-skinned!"

Xia Tian took a deep breath and complained unhappily, "In your eyes, what kind of image do I look like?"

Hu Tao put her finger on the tip of her nose, and came to the answer after serious thought: "Lustful, cheeky, and occasionally a little handsome big brother?"

Xia Xia was helpless, trying to get more positive comments: "Apart from being handsome occasionally, do I have no other advantages?"

"Don't be so greedy, I'm trying my best to discover your strengths too!" His eyes rolled around, and Walnut had a flash of inspiration, and said, "For example, just... if you know your mistakes, you can correct them, you're a good boy."

The two were talking one-liners, and the little soul plucked up the courage to float over.

She took the initiative to apologize to Xia Xia: "I'm sorry, I scared you."

The bun-faced ghost on the cuff of walnut immediately greeted him, and the two hugged each other intimately. Maybe this is the friendship between the ghosts?

"He is Summer, and he can be trusted."

"This is Xiao Jiujiu, my friend."

Hu Tao helped with the introduction, and immediately asked with concern, "Are you all right? I'm worried about you..."

If the human body and the soul body can come into contact, she will definitely hold them up.

No one knows better than Hu Tao how profound and urgent it is for this little Jiujiu's soul to be able to wander on Wuwang Slope for ten years.

This kind of urgency is likely to become a breakthrough for the evil spirits, thus being polluted and enslaved.

"Well..." Xiao Jiujiu's answer was hesitant: "I-I'm fine, don't worry."

Her abnormality could not escape Hu Tao's sensitivity to the state of the spiritual body.

At the index finger of the left hand that Xiao Jiujiu tried to cover, there was a red light that seemed to be burning.

Walnut is all too familiar, that is the "Uninhibited Fire" from the "Goma Staff".

Although it seems that only the fingers are burned, the "Uninhibited Fire" cannot be extinguished after touching the spirit body.

It will continue to burn until the spiritual body is completely burned out.

There are only two paths in front of Xiao Jiujiu. Either give up cares and obsessions and enter reincarnation, or disappear forever like those ghosts.

Give up your obsession? If it was so easy to give up, she would not have stayed in Wuwang Slope for ten years with such a small and fragile body.

In other words, it is only a matter of time before Xiao Jiujiu is swallowed by the unbridled fire.

"Are you stupid?" Hu Tao was angry and nervous, contrary to the normal open-mindedness.

Two years ago, when her grandfather died, Hu Tao came to Wuwangpo alone, and Xiao Jiujiu was one of the few souls she could see.

So, the two became friends.

Every time Hu Tao comes to Wuwangpo, he will share the secret in his heart, and he will quietly listen to Xiao Jiujiu's concern.

She can accept Xiao Jiujiu's departure, but she can't accept Xiao Jiujiu's disappearance without reincarnation.

"I'm sorry, I..." Xiao Jiujiu lowered her head, like an ordinary little girl apologizing for her mistake: "I... I don't seem to be able to wait any longer."

When she lost her life, she was only eight years old, she was an innocent and lovely little girl full of fantasies and expectations for the future.

In her soul state, even if she gains a certain amount of spiritual growth, it is difficult for her to reach the state of mind of an adult.

So, she said that she was seduced by a demon, she stretched out her claws to her friend, and was then punished by "uninhibited fire".


"Don't you want to see Brother Jiu?" Hu Tao lost her smile. She was frustrated because she couldn't fulfill her wish for Xiao Jiujiu.

Xiao Jiujiu has a brother Jiu whom she admires very much. In her eyes, Brother Jiu is the smartest person in the world.

Brother Jiu painted a wonderful world for her with words, and those words played pictures automatically in her mind.

She really likes Jiu Ge's story, Jiu Ge's writing, Jiu Ge...

However, when she accidentally got the draft that Brother Jiu gave her into the river, she thought of picking it up, and then it was gone. Then...

Even in death, there is no sadness, no unwillingness...

Her obsession was very humble, she just wanted to find the draft of those few pages and return it to Brother Jiu.

However, at a young age, she died in the water and accumulated so much yin that she couldn't even leave the Wuwang Slope, let alone floating in the sun, so how could she find her ninth brother? ?

So, it's not because of being eroded by demons, but because Xiao Jiujiu has chosen not to wait.

The soul body that cannot be cared about cannot enter the afterlife, so Xiao Jiujiu can only choose to be swallowed by the "uninhibited fire".

Perhaps, it can be turned into a fire dish, and with the breeze, can fly to Jiu Ge's side...

"Well, it's gone." Xiao Jiujiu pursed her lips, her little hands clenched into fists.

There are no tears in the soul, but Walnut and Xia can hear the sound of crying, which is the sadness that spreads in their hearts.

The atmosphere became gloomy, and Xia Xia probably figured out the specific situation.

And... awakened a sad memory: "Little Jiujiu... Are you looking for Brother Jiu?"

"Well, I shouldn't be able to find it..." Xiao Jiujiu has met a few old people he knows, but he has not been able to find out the news: "Ninth brother's family is in business, and I heard from other people in the same village, what time is Jiu brother earlier? I moved to the city in 2018... and I, I forgot what the name of the ninth brother is."

Without the help of physical cells, it is difficult for the spiritual state to remember things for too long.

Hu Tao helped find that "Ninth Brother", but he didn't know what business he was doing, and he didn't know his name. It was really difficult.

"Is it possible to go to the realm of life and death as long as the care is completed?"

Xia Tian's words made Hu Tao's eyes light up: "What's wrong? Can you... find Brother Nine? Do you know where Brother Nine is? You are not from Liyue..."

A series of questions are essentially expectations.

Judging by reason, it's hard to believe that a stranger can help, but maybe... maybe he really can.

Seeing Xiao Jiujiu's raised eyes, even if it's just a spirit body, it still exudes a pure luster.

Xia Xia smiled: "I want to help her... I want to help your friend."

Chapter four hundred and seventy-two Xiao Jiujiu's wish

According to the information obtained, if Xia Xia guessed correctly, this little Jiujiu should be the one for the task of "Little Books in the Forest".

The conversation at that time, even in retrospect now, adds a chill to Hui's heart.

The first time I went to Wuwangpo, I thought it was getting dark. In the dark forest, I met a strange little girl.

Ask: "What are you doing?"

She replied, "Xiao Jiujiu is looking for a book. Brother Jiu wrote it for me."

"Looking for a book? What happened?" The seven- or eight-year-old girl looked weird in the wild alone.

She added, "I went out to play with Ninth Brother. Ninth Brother said that he has a book for me to read. I was so fascinated by it. I don't know when, Ninth Brother suddenly disappeared..."

"I wanted to find him, but I accidentally fell into the river, finally got up and lost the book again..."

"Are you willing to help me find it? That book is very important to Brother Jiu. If he really loses it, he will be very sad."

"I remember that I drifted down the river for a long time, and the water was very cold... my hands were frozen..."

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