Hu Tao continued: "After arranging my grandfather's funeral, I always thought that I took my life and death lightly, and I wanted everyone to be like me, so that I wouldn't feel sad when the important people around me left."

"Well." Xia Tian listened quietly.

Hu Tao's voice was very soft, so Xia Xia had to get very close to hear it clearly: "But I seem to have forgotten that there is something sadder than the sadness of a friend's departure, that is, I don't want to leave, but I have to. own death is the saddest thing."

"There is growth!" Xia Tian praised and shaves Walnut's nose.

"No matter who leaves, someone will be sad, just like the reincarnation of life and death, it's a normal thing..."

"These griefs are just a part of growing up. After the pain, people will continue to live strong..."

"However, when your life comes to an end, when you have to abandon those who love you and those you love, it is unacceptable pain..."

"Most of those souls who are unwilling to be reborn in Wuwangpo, those who are waiting hard are like this..."

Xia Xia said a long speech, Hu Tao blinked, listened carefully, and then pretended to be unhappy and blamed: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Tell me earlier, maybe it will make the business of Life Hall better!"

"It's not too late to know now!"

"Maybe it's too late..."

Xia Xia originally laughed, but then froze.

But Hu Tao's smile was even brighter, and she exhausted all her strength: "Using the body to forcibly open the world of life and death would have to pay the price... However, the price seems to be a little heavier than I thought."

The breath is getting weaker and weaker. Hu Tao doesn't know how long he can hold on, or how many more words he can say.

Looking at the stunned summer, she pretended to be free and easy and said, "Don't act so sad... Look, I'm not sad at all! The dead are not sad, and the living should not be sad. Now... and I'm not dead, am I talking to you?"

It seems that a lot of words have been said, and it seems that there are a lot of words that have not been read out.

Hu Tao couldn't tell whether he spoke or not, or if he just said it silently in his heart. After all, even his tongue was frozen... Even if he could speak, it would be ambiguous, right?

She looked at Xia Xia, Xia Xian seemed to have opened her mouth, but she didn't seem to have... In short, she couldn't hear it, and she almost disappeared.

"You said, wouldn't it be strange for me to go to the realm of life and death after I die?"

Hu Tao is still talking, whether she can make a sound or not, even if it is just her inner self, she is still talking.

Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking, at least you can pretend to be talking to Xia Xia, even if it's only for one more second.

"Every Hall Master of the Hall of Rebirth leaves without any regrets, and will not linger in the world of life and death, and I... may linger in the world of life and death for a long time..."

"There must be many people who have been burned by me. What would they think if they saw me?"

"Would I be afraid to burn them again, so I hurried to reincarnation? In that case, did I do another thing of infinite merit?"

"You said, if I die, can I see Grandpa?"

"Grandpa, will he spank me? He said that I died at such a young age. Will there be a good revival in the hall of rebirth? Hurry up and go back, it's still a hundred years before you want to die!"

"Haha, my grandfather wouldn't say that! He treats me so well..."

"But yes, I died before the revival of the Hall of Rebirth began... I haven't even decided on a successor."

"You said, can Qiqi still forgive me? I went to her several times to apologize, but she didn't believe it. Could you tell her for me, and tell her that Hu Tao knew it was wrong, and that Hu Tao will not burn her again in the future. There's no chance to burn her..."

"I also want to apologize to Bai Zhu, because he always makes trouble and likes to scare me with snakes..."

"That old Zhongli knows everything and doesn't care about anything. If he knew I was dead, would he be worried? He's actually quite good to me..."

"Beidou's ship is called "Death Omen", everyone is afraid of this name, but I like it very much... But now I hate it because it has the word "death" in it. "

"Tianquan Ningguang is a rich person. If you can catch her, you won't have to worry about eating and drinking in your next life... Although I can let you eat and drink without worrying, if you only eat "Wanmintang". "

"Speaking of Wanmintang, I forgot to tell Xiangling several times. I lied to her when I said that Chongyun especially likes spicy food... Can you help me convey it?"

"The second young master of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce is writing a novel. I really want to tell him your story. It will be beautiful to write a book!"

"I know Ke Qing is not a robot. Every time I happen to be serious, I want to tease her, but I am afraid that she will hit me on the head with a sword... You have helped her, so next time I will hide behind you and tease her, okay? no?"

"You say, what is Yan Fei doing now? It's so late, is she still breaking the law? Remember to remind her not to read in a dark place, it will damage her eyes... Although her eyes are short-sighted It's already very high, by the way, behind the plaque of the Hall of Rebirth, I hid a pair of glasses, which is a birthday present for her this year, if I die, you must remember to send it to me!"



"Think about it, there are really a lot of things that haven't been done..."

Hu Tao talked a lot, as if giving her three or three days would not be enough.

The summer was so close that the tip of her nose could touch her skin, and it was getting colder.

Walnut didn't dislike it at all. It was the first time that she could see Xia Xia's eyes, nose, and lips so closely. If she had a little more strength, would she just kiss her like this?

"What does it feel like to kiss? You might die if you haven't experienced it yet..."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to kiss now... If you kiss me now, it will make me very troubled, and will you think about accepting your love? If you accept it, I'm about to die, it just adds to my concern. That's all... But if you don't accept it, won't you have a chance in the future? That way, you will not be able to live with regret..."

"But even if you kiss me, I can't feel it, my tongue is numb..."

"Am I talking now? Or is it just the voice in my own heart, I can't tell."

"Xiamen, did you hear me? Why didn't you answer?"

"If I die, will you be the head of the Hall of Rebirth?"

"If you don't speak, are you afraid? Are you afraid of ghosts? Then I become a ghost, will you be afraid of me? If I go to you, will you avoid me?"

"If you avoid me, I will be very sad..."

Hu Tao's words didn't convey a word, and her trembling lips couldn't make any sound.

But Xia Xia can hear her, can hear her reluctance, can see the tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Please don't die." Xia Xia's throat was as hot as drinking a pot of scalding water, and all the words he wanted to talk about ended up with a request: "Please don't leave, don't close your eyes..."

The tone became heavier word by word, afraid that Hu Tao would not hear, he shouted loudly in his ear: "I don't want to let Hu Tao die, I still have many things that I haven't told Hu Tao, and I still have many, many places that I haven't talked to. The walnuts go, so... please, please don't close your eyes, please don't let the walnuts go away..."

Walnut heard it.

She wanted to laugh, but tears fell unsatisfactorily.

What fell were not tears, but a string of frozen crystals, shining like diamonds.

"I...I don't want to die either...I still have many, many things that I haven't told you, and many, many places that I haven't gone to with you. I...I really don't want to die..."

Hu Tao still couldn't make any sound, her consciousness was getting weaker and weaker, and her soul was being stripped from her body.

No matter how reluctant you are, no matter how you resist, you can't go against the established life and death.

"I, really like this world..."

"I, really like it..."

Walnut, after all, she closed her eyes that she never wanted to close.

Walnut, still dead, in Summer's arms.

Chapter 515 I won't let you go

The smile with tears is the expression fixed on the walnut's face, like a plum blossom blooming in the winter snow, the more difficult it is, the brighter it is.

This beautiful girl, she can't make it through the night.

Some kind of alarming warning is recalled in my heart, constantly reminding and urging summer.

"Don't sleep... idiot! Aren't you afraid that the ghosts of Wuwangpo will laugh at you? Didn't you say that you still want to bring the business of Rebirth Hall to Mond? It turns out that the seventy-seventh Hall Master of Rebirth Hall, speak up. Are you so untrustworthy?"

In the dry throat, the weak voice was amplified little by little, and finally it was almost roaring.

Then it became weak and powerless.

"...Don't you have a lot to say! Don't you want to listen to my story? I'll just tell it...I admit that I'm lecherous and perverted..."

"...Don't fall asleep! Don't close your eyes... stinky girl!"

No matter how much he shouted or what words he was looking for, the people in front of him didn't respond in the slightest.

The traces of tears condensed into frost, and the smile on the corner of the mouth was sweet and heartbreaking.

Hu Tao likes her smile the most, she wants to leave the most beautiful moment in summer, at least that's what she did.

Xia Xian panicked. He stretched out his hand and slapped the walnut on the cheek. It was as cold as thin ice covering the water.

Walnut can't survive the night.

Once again, reminded him again and again.

Outside the camp, there was a faint light. It was late night, and there were still at least two hours before the nighttime storm stopped.

Wait? Can't wait.

It's impossible to predict the terrible consequences of heading forward in the storm... But the walnut's breathless breathing and the no longer heaving chest all herald the coming bad news.

There has never been a more terrifying time than now.

Xia Tian worked hard, biting his lips with his teeth, and licking his own blood with the tip of his tongue, so that his will would not be affected by the wind and snow.

He let go of the hand that hugged Hu Nuo and left the bed, feeling even warmer... Hu Nuo's side was colder than the cold night.

When he got up, the fluttering quilt twisted Hu Nuo's beloved big hat.

Hu Tao said that the hat was passed down to her by the seventy-fifth hall master of the Hall of Rebirth.

But Grandpa's physique was strong and his head was more than two laps bigger than a walnut.

So, she spent a day and a night dismantling and repairing the old hat to her own size.

He also picked the plum blossoms he had planted by himself, made ornaments and attached them to the side. The tentacles were like soft mist, and it smelled fragrant.

The hat that her grandfather gave her is a unique treasure in the world. She would always show it off to the people around her, saying: This hat has magic power, it can fight evil and keep you safe!

Xia Xia heard it at the time and laughed it off as nonsense, but now, I wish this hat was so magical.

Do you really have the magic power to keep her safe? At least... please help me take care of her for a while.

Xia Tian put on a loose hat for Walnut, kissed her on the forehead, and told her in her ear, "Wait for me here, I'll be back soon."

Where is he going? Who else can help her in Longji Snow Mountain? Who else can help him at this time?

Xia Xia was not so naive, and naturally knew that Walnut's situation was different from that of Mona.

Mona was just sick. Her soft body, her hot breath, and her rushing heartbeat could all be felt so substantively.

And walnut, the body loses its vitality, as if the soul has abandoned this body... has gone to a place that can no longer be touched.

In a world with gods, just believe in gods once.

In the summer, he left all the clothes that could keep warm on the walnut. He was naked, and he didn't care how many frostbites were added, and he didn't care that the black and dry wounds cracked again.

He rushed out of the tent where he was staying, ran against the wind and snow, and walked on the mountain road completely covered by snow. No one could control the elements of chaos and mania. Steep sections require both hands and feet to climb.

The cold made him numb to the pain in his body, which may be one of the few good things.

In summer, I remember that not far from here, there is a statue of the wind god.

He found it there.

The statue is connected to the thoughts of the gods, where the words of prayer can be heard.

The idol is connected to the end of the ley lines, where the words of prayer can be known.

He placed his hands that were as red as chervil on the statue, and said something softly as if he was praying devoutly.

The idol, as always, did not give any response.

Then, Xia Xia jumped directly from the high platform where the statue stood and tried to unfold the Wings of Wind, but in such a snowstorm, the Wings of Wind could not maintain balance, and the frozen joints could not spread out their arms to control.

It was a direct fall that was almost a free fall. Fortunately, the thick snow slowed the damage.

This is not an accident after recklessness, this is the fastest way to go down in the summer.

He just wanted to get back to Hu Tao as soon as possible. He didn't stop, got up and walked back along the mountain road that was covered by blizzard for two layers.

It only took twenty minutes, and the walnuts who stayed by the campfire had lost all signs of life.

The skin was coated with a layer of frost, and those quilts and coats that protected him had no effect at all.

Xia Xia didn't let grief and panic overwhelm his will. His purpose was very clear. He had to take Hu Tao down the mountain and couldn't stay in this ghost place anymore.

He hugged the walnut whole with a quilt, and then tied it tightly with those ropes, carrying it behind him like a zongzi.

In the summer, carrying a walnut on his back, he opened the tent where he was staying.

In front of me is the snowstorm that has not yet faded, and it even becomes more arrogant, as if to say: I will not let you leave Longji Snow Mountain! You all have to die here!

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