Chapter 484 Drunk, the wind in the ninja world is blowing Chapter 484 Drunk, the wind in the ninja world is blowing

Uzuki Xiyan clearly remembered that Naruto had told her in advance that if anything happened in the village, Ino and Hinata would be protected immediately. Then. Then nothing happened, but Nohara Lin was resurrected.

Although she was aware of this relationship, she did not mention it.

Naruto said before that he would wait for the opportunity to come. Is this what he meant? When the dead are resurrected and day and night are reversed, is it considered the time when the wind rises? As she thought about it, she thought of Ma Ji in Sand Hidden Village again, and her eyelids couldn’t help but twitch.

At the wine table, Nohara Lin responded to the goodwill from her friends and raised her glasses frequently.

Metkai still looked the same, and his conversations with Kakashi enlivened the atmosphere of the scene. The friendship between the two is indeed enviable, without any impurities, just good friends.


When it came time to pay, only Neci was left as an honest person, while the others had long since found excuses to sneak away. Choji found an excuse to go out to sober up while Naruto was going to the bathroom, and he still hasn’t come back after waking up for an hour.

Neji was so grand that he just smiled and stood up to pay, and by the way, he helped Inuzuka Kiba back, who was really drunk.

Choji, Shikamaru, Naruto, Kiba, these Konoha F4 combined have more minds than half of the people in Konoha Village. A few of them are not short of money, mainly because Naruto single-handedly lowered the overall quality of F4.

So much so that when dinner arrived, the F4 Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed off their magical powers.


Kakashi paid the bill early and looked around to see his friends leaving. Asuma and Hong were the first to leave. They still had a daughter to take care of at home and couldn’t go back too late. Next is Metkai, who trains unwaveringly every day.

The others dispersed, leaving space for the two of them.

Nohara Lin’s face was red, she looked a little drunk, and her mind was a little unclear. Kakashi sighed and tried to shake her awake, but found that this person was really drunk. His neck was red, and he was still shouting that he was not drunk.

Although coming back from the dead is a bit weird, it is always a happy event when someone is fine. In particular, several people knew how lonely Kakashi was usually, and how profound his early experiences had a profound impact on him.

Rather than saying that he is not interested in three-dimensional women, it is better to say that he has no expectations for the future. I have lost too much and I don’t want to have any more, so I just live alone like this without messing with anyone.

In this case, Nohara Lin suddenly came back to life, and Kakashi was no longer alone.

It was a bit late at night on the street outside, and it started to rain lightly at some point.

The raindrops from the street lamps entangled the lights with each other, and the drizzle reflected the darkness of Konoha Street. It seems to stretch forward endlessly, with dim yellow street lights scattered here and there, and a red fox dog running wildly in the rain.

Um? Wait, is there something weird mixed in?

Before Kakashi could take a closer look, the street became silent again. If he were alone, Kakashi would have walked slowly into the rain, soaked all the way back and took a shower before lying on the bed reading a book and slowly falling asleep.

But now he was dragging a drunk Nohara Lin with him, and he had to find a way to get her to her apartment. But it’s raining, where should I find an umbrella?

Just as he was hesitating, he suddenly saw a body running past. This time he saw it clearly. So he was not in a daze at that moment, but decisively called out to Huang Mao who was running wildly in the rain.


“Huh?” Naruto stopped and looked back at the corner of the street where the lights were turned off.

On the poorly lit steps, he saw Kakashi standing supporting a limp person, and he immediately understood that he probably didn’t have an umbrella. Just now, he was busy chasing the bastard Kyuubi and drank the fruit vinegar in his refrigerator.

Now he was suddenly interrupted by Kakashi, so he had no choice but to walk over.

“Kakashi-sensei doesn’t have an umbrella? I do, take it.” He stretched out his hand and took out an umbrella from the sealed space. In fact, he had stored a lot of umbrellas in the sealed space, so he didn’t take it out. Just pure life wisdom.

“Uh, yeah.” Kakashi was stuck for a while, and before he could say anything, Naruto said it for him.

And where did you get this umbrella from?

He didn’t worry too much, and there was a drunk Nohara Lin lying next to him. After Kakashi took the umbrella, he said thank you and hurriedly held the umbrella and left. He held Nohara Lin with his hand and plunged into the thick night.

Naruto stood there, squinting at the two people’s leaving figures, with a gossipy smile on his face.

got windy.

From the moment Uchiha Obito decided to resurrect Nohara Rin, the gears of fate had already begun to turn. The dead are resurrected, old dogs dig graves, Kakashi cannot stay out of it, and the position of Hokage is crumbling.

The daimyo of the Land of Fire has stretched his hand too far, and the nobles are eager to try, so let them do it.

When Kakashi mentioned those people to him before, he knew that sooner or later he would have a conflict with the Fire Nation nobles and even the Fire Nation daimyo.

Last time, he took advantage of the situation and used force to suppress an upstart from the Fire Nation. It seems quite relieving, but in reality it is just a wall that everyone pushes against.

The top ten old nobles of the Land of Fire did not just look at it coldly, but secretly communicated with the daimyo. Naruto vented his anger, and the four nobles divided the upstart’s body.

There is no justice being carried out, but everyone is happy.

Although several nobles were trembling to please Naruto at that time, it was just their survival wisdom and they were not really afraid.

The flowing daimyo, the iron-clad nobles, they don’t want to make enemies with the lunatic. Even if you offend Naruto, you can kneel down openly and sincerely apologize and make amends.

It’s not that they are well-educated, but that in their eyes, dignity is not about kneeling down or devoting one’s wife and daughter. Face is property, connections, and supreme power.

Behind the daimyo, who among the officials in the capital of the Fire Country does not have the shadow of the four nobles? Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.

In their eyes, Naruto was an object of accommodation. They would not offend him and they would agree to his conditions if they could. But this did not stop them from expressing dissatisfaction with Kakashi and wanting to use this to interfere with Konoha’s internal interests.

To put it bluntly, nobles want face, but when the interests are big enough, face is not important.

Naruto knew very well the nature of those nobles. It was precisely because I knew how troublesome those people were that I kept that matter aside.

They were waiting for Kakashi to make a mistake, and Naruto was waiting for them to make a move. The method used to deal with the upstarts was rough last time, so this time we have to be more careful.

Some nights.

Kakashi didn’t know that his student was watching him leave with complicated eyes just now. He was holding an umbrella in one hand and supporting Nohara Rin with the other as he struggled to walk on the street.

After finally getting him home, he was in trouble while standing downstairs. You can’t use support to go upstairs. Although Nohara Lin is not unable to walk, she obviously can’t do such a difficult thing as going up the stairs.

He was standing downstairs supporting someone. The black umbrella was not big enough to cover the two of them. In order to avoid getting caught in the rain, Kakashi could only stay close to Nohara Rin.

Behind the two of them was a silent street, surrounded by silence. The street lights here were denser than elsewhere. The ANBU had already spotted Kakashi and turned away from him.


The light rain was still floating. Nohara Lin groaned twice and raised her eyelids, as if she was about to wake up. Kakashi saw this and tried to wake her up.



“Huh?” She opened her eyes weakly and stared at him for a while, then lowered her eyes and shouted softly, as if she had glutinous rice balls in her mouth.


“Lin, are you okay now? You have to go upstairs.”

“Okay, don’t worry about me, I can go up by myself.” She said, and walked away, but there was an ouch. Up the wall.

Kakashi: “.”

“Let me do it, don’t move.” Kakashi said, generously wrapping his hands around her armpits, pulling her back and carrying her on his back.

It was originally a simple back movement, but due to Nohara Rin’s hands and feet moving unconsciously, the two of them lingered on the stairs for ten minutes without finishing.

Until a door upstairs was unbearably opened with great force, and a person came out whose appearance was unclear, and his voice was filled with boundless resentment.

“What are you doing mumbling there for so long in the middle of the night?”

“Sorry, let’s go right away!” Kakashi dragged Nohara Lin up the stairs in despair, and then quickly closed the door.

There was a click and the door was locked. Kakashi was stunned, looked down at the door lock, and then looked up at Nohara Rin.

Her face was red, her body smelled of alcohol, and she was looking at Kakashi proudly with her head slightly raised. It seems to be saying, how about it? Am I awesome?

“Why are you locking yourself up?” Kakashi was stunned.

“Safe.” Nohara Lin burped and said confidently.

Kakashi thought to himself that you are drunk, there is nothing safe or unsafe, and you are not involved at all. Just as he was about to help Nohara Lin towards the sofa, he suddenly felt a soft thing on his body.

This is completely drunk and has no energy left.

With a slight sigh, Kakashi helped her to the sofa and wiped her face with a hot towel. After hesitating for a while, he reached out and took off her shoes.

When he looked at the pair of pink socks, he didn’t know what to do. The living room was quiet except for the drunken Nohara Lin who was lying on the sofa with her mouth open and making a slight whirring sound.

After a minute, he reached out and touched the edge of the sock and took it off smoothly. The other one did the same, but Nohara Lin had no reaction.

He didn’t know how to say it. He could tell that Obito was interested in Nohara Rin before. At that time, he was still immersed in the shadow of his father’s suicide, so he didn’t pay much attention to Lin.

A lot of things happened later. Along the way, Kakashi looked back at the past. His relatives and friends were all left in the past, leaving only one person.

Nohara Lin’s sudden resurrection was, for him, the world’s response to him. As if she felt pity for his recurring nightmare, she slipped a Nohara Lin from her fingertips to him.

He has no other intention now, he just hopes that Nohara Lin will not die. This vague feeling is accompanied by a hint of possessiveness.

At least now he wants to check her safety every day, and wants to know what Nohara Rin is doing every once in a while.

Generally speaking, in the eyes of girls, this is what they care about. This strong emotion cannot be misunderstood no matter how excessive it is.

Even if others misunderstood, Nohara Rin would not think that Kakashi liked her.

Everything in the story begins with that pair of socks.

The ceiling light in the living room was on. Kakashi held the pair of small pink socks in his hand and stared at the sleeping Nohara Rin in a daze for a while.

He was wondering if he had gone too far. There was no need to help her take off her socks. This seemed to be a boyfriend’s job? Why don’t you put it back on for her secretly?

Well, this seems to be even more perverted. Then, these socks. For a moment, Nohara Rin’s pink socks were no different from Kakashi’s eyes than a hot potato.

During this period, Nohara Lin did not wake up, and under the light her face seemed to have been kneaded with honey. The little mouth opened slightly, and the whirring sound was gone.

Kakashi scratched his head, but placed the pink socks on the edge of the sofa, then turned off the light and exited the living room and closed the door.

It wasn’t until the door lock clicked shut and the living room was completely plunged into darkness that Nohara Rin, who was “sleeping soundly” on the sofa, opened her eyes. Two eyes were spinning around in the darkness, glowing with water.

The next day.

When Naruto woke up, he had just finished washing up with sleepy eyes. Just as he was about to open the window and take a look at the noon sunshine of Konoha, he

suddenly saw a figure appear in front of his eyes.

The beautiful moonlight fell silently on the window sill, and the two of them were separated by a floor-to-ceiling glass window. The sunlight is just right outside the balcony, and the autumn colors are sultry.

She gently clicked on the glass window twice, moved her mouth slightly and said an open mouth wordlessly.

With a crash, Naruto opened the floor-to-ceiling window, and a gust of warm wind mixed with the delicate fragrance of Uoyuki Xiyan rushed towards him. It made Naruto’s heart tremble slightly, but he quickly calmed down.

He thought to himself that he probably had nothing to do with abstinence in this life, but still couldn’t live without it.

“What?” He leaned aside and asked with his hands folded.

“Kakashi is looking for you.” Uzuki Xiyan still conveyed the news concisely and to the point.

“You have become the captain of the ANBU, why do you still send messages to Kakashi every day? Don’t you want to lose face?” Naruto smiled and asked by the way.

“Get used to it.” After she finished speaking, as she was turning to leave, she suddenly paused, “What you said last time about waiting for the wind to blow, was it about Nohara Rin?” ”

I didn’t say that.” He shook his head in denial. , “I don’t remember, maybe.”

Uoyue Xiyan was not angry because of his ambiguous attitude, but instead smiled.

“I know, maybe I heard it wrong.”

Uoyue Xiyan left directly, jumped a few steps and landed on a roof. She had a neat figure and looked at the Hokage Rock in the distance.

All she could think about was revenge. As for the matter of resurrection, she had never asked Naruto, nor even asked Nohara Rin if that matter had anything to do with him.

People need to be self-aware. She knew her abilities were limited and didn’t think too much.

Under the sunlight, Kakashi’s huge head was embedded behind the Fifth Generation.

The wind was so strong that it was normal for me to mishear something. Naruto didn’t admit it, but it made her feel at ease. The world was really different.

Nohara Rin was resurrected, and the wind in the ninja world began to blow.

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