"It's not good, before experiencing these things, I have never felt the life of the people at the bottom so deeply, whether it is the children of the cultists or these villagers now, they are forced to become not like themselves."

"How can we put ourselves in the shoes of these people if we have not experienced their lives, and we have not experienced such things?"

"There are probably many people like them in the world, who have to get their hands dirty."

Michelle said a lot in one breath, and Leo quietly listened to her talk.

In this short period of time, Michelle has clearly grown, but it is also accompanied by trouble.

"There must be something to hate about the wretched, and I just want to say that you can have compassion for these people, but do not be merciful." Leo admonished.

There is still goodness in the hearts of these villagers, who know to repent, but there are also people whose hearts are completely depraved and do nothing evil, so these people do not need sympathy, and they can do whatever they want.

"Yes, too."

After talking, Michelle showed a relieved smile, and she quietly leaned on Leo's shoulder.

"The empire is too big, I want to go out for a walk, just like now, see the vast world, and wait until the matter of the cultists is dealt with..."

Michelle stopped halfway through her words, as if she felt a little inappropriate.

Leo probably guessed what she was going to say, "It's already okay, what you experience now will become a later experience, don't force yourself."

"I'm still far behind, in fact, a long time ago, the candidate saint promoted to the saint would embark on the road of trial, hide her identity and travel all over the empire, see the life of the people at the bottom, experience various things, and only the saint born in this way will understand what the people really need, and now the church can no longer cultivate such a saint, if I can, I also hope to travel around the world and feel the hardships of others."

Leo did not know this, in his opinion, it was the real saint who experienced this, not the mouth full of benevolence and morality, only talking.

"Isn't the promotion saint now on the path of trial?" He asked.

Michelle shook her head, "It was canceled a long time ago, and no alternate saint has walked by."

"I guess something happened to me."

Many people stared at the saint, maybe she was assassinated, Leo thought a little darkly.

"In the history of the Church, she was once known as the most outstanding candidate saint Emily, and was recognized as a person who was bound to become the chosen saint, but it was because when she was on the road of trial, she met people she should not befriend, and embarked on a path of hostility with the church, which brought great losses to the church, and since then the church has canceled the saintly trial."

The Chosen Virgin, who awakens the profession of the Holy Virgin, is not the official saint recognized by the Church.

"There is such a thing? If she is really the chosen saint, it is estimated that the church has done something wrong.

Leo smiled, feeling like he had told a joke.

"You are right, everyone in the church now thinks so, but no one knows what happened before, but according to the stories passed down from the elders, it is not even clear whether it is true or not."

Oh, what a thick history, maybe the history of the righteous church also has a dishonorable side.

"Leo, you see, it's a firefly."

In the grass next to it, there was a little bit of crystal light, like a sky full of stars.

Michelle came to the grass, with a bright smile, gracefully turned her body, and the fireflies immediately danced around her.

This beautiful beauty, Leo really wants to keep in the memory.

Thanks to these fireflies, Michelle has completely let go, she came to Leo, leaned on his body, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Leo, for listening to my wayward words, I don't know why, I feel so relaxed after talking to you."

Leo's body stiffened again, and he said quietly: "I promised you that I could listen to you at any time." Hearing

this, Michelle smiled slightly, and her eyes curved into a crescent.

"Miss Saint, in fact, I am also very sad and sad, now it's time for you to heal me, can you let me lean on?" Leo said shamelessly.

"No, you must be trying to take advantage of me."

Michelle saw through his thoughts and responded mischievously.

Leo secretly regretted it, he still liked the pure and immaculate Miss Saint before.

"Is it really okay for me to rely on you like this? Every time you help me, I am afraid that I will become dependent on you, and I will become inseparable from you in the future, what should I do?

Michelle's face was faintly troubled and entangled, and she moved her head to look at him, her eyes were hazy, with a trace of intoxication, and there seemed to be tenderness and honey contained in it.

Leo's heart trembled violently.

This look, this expression, foul!


How to respond, there were a thousand words in his heart, but his throat was dry, and he struggled to speak, spitting out only one word.

The words came to his lips, and he spit out strange words smoothly.

"Great! Michelle Raiders progress increased by 50%! His

eyes were blank, what a mess.


Michelle covered her small mouth and chuckled, it was the first time she saw Leo's panicked side.

With her eyes sparkling, she blinked and raised her crimson face to look at him.

The cold moonlight shone on her stunning face, and the pretty face that was close at hand had a shy blush, and her rosy lips opened softly, saying seductive words.

"So, is Leo trying to attack me? Want to fall in love with me? Although it is not allowed to fall in love as an alternate saint, but..." Michelle's

eyes were filled with mist, and the blush on her face expanded, like sympathy for the young girl who had just opened Dou, shy and timid.

Acting, right? Definitely acting, right?

Leo's heart seemed to stop beating, and he watched stunnedly.

He will never be deceived!

"If it's you, in private... Can...... Can..." Michelle

suddenly turned her head, before she finished speaking, she was too shy to stand it, covered her flushed cheeks with her hands, and there were only the last few words left, and she couldn't say anything.

Leo's brain directly shut down, his body fell backwards, and his head became dizzy.

He seemed to see a group of angels Michelle and little demon Michelle circling around, little demon Michelle with a spear to poke him in the head, and little angel Michelle flying towards the distance.

What to do, that little angel Michelle disappeared completely.

"Ah! Leo, are you okay, I'm sorry I shouldn't have teased you. Michelle

secretly looked at Leo's reaction through her fingers, but saw him fall to the ground.

Leo runs the Heart Flow Meditation Method, throws away distractions, and restores peace to his heart.

After it was okay, Michelle moved away from him a little, her head bowed, still shy in her heart, just too bold to imagine that she would do such an abnormal thing.

Her eyes dodged, she wanted to see Leo, and found that Leo was also looking at her, and immediately turned her head, and could only shyly change the topic.

"It's not early, let's go back and rest."

Seeing Leo's calm appearance, his heart was a little low.

The two walked on the road, the atmosphere was a little awkward, and there seemed to be a kind of green feelings circulating in the hearts of the two.


Coming outside the tent, Michelle spoke softly.


Leo followed Michelle into her tent.

He was quite helpless, although the Holy Lady acquiesced to sleeping in a tent with him, the hand that pinched his waist never let go.

The night sky was silent, the torches around were extinguished, a cicada chirped in the distance, fireflies surrounded the surroundings, emitting a little fluorescence, and the other villagers except the night watchman had fallen asleep.

"Leo, are you asleep?" Michelle's voice sounded in the darkness.

"Rest early, and continue to rush tomorrow."


Michelle lay on the bed, her silver eyes shining outside the covers, shining brighter than ever.

Leo is also a little uncalm in his heart, how long will this opportunity to be alone with Michelle last.

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