Chapter 62 The Ban Begins! It turns out that all this is related to the Spring Festival Gala!!

“The suspension of the Spring Festival Gala is related to the changes in the pattern of the Dragon Kingdom in the next hundred years.”

The heads of the two organs, the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda, carefully pondered the meaning of this sentence at the top level.

Thinking about it, the pupils of the two people constricted,

Suddenly a cold sweat broke out.

They figured it out.

The highest level summoned their two major institutions to join forces,

The biggest reason is not because this baseball star uses the name of the Spring Festival Gala to incite the fan group to make trouble.

And the point is that he is dissatisfied with the suspension of the Spring Festival Gala,

The Spring Festival Gala just mentioned by the leaders has a bearing on the future pattern of the country.

This baseball star dared to make a fuss about it,

Instigate fans to attack the Spring Festival Gala program group that obeys the national order, and even attack the real offline,

Isn’t that a sabotage of the country’s future pattern?

The main purpose of the two major institutions joining forces is to erase all opposition to the country’s suspension of the Spring Festival Gala.

And the remediation of the Internet ethos is only incidental.


After the two leaders figured out the main point, they inhaled a cool breath.

In addition to the shock, a wave of doubt filled the hearts of the two people,

What kind of national event is it? Need such a name as the Spring Festival Gala.

Although they are the leaders of the department, they cannot touch such a core thing, and the two cannot guess the meaning of the superior, and can only give up.

But the two knew that this matter was very serious, not handled well, and their positions were not guaranteed.


The two discussed cooperation plans and went offline to begin implementing orders.

Minister Wang, head of the propaganda department, immediately summoned a subordinate.

Then he took out the special stationery of the Ministry of Literature and Propaganda and began to write a red-headed document on it.

Many letters were written in a row, covering all the departments under the Ministry of Culture and Publicity.

All departments of the Cultural and Propaganda Department must participate in this matter and handle it as quickly as possible.

After the subordinate came in, he saw that the leader’s face was not good, so he stood on the side with interest and did not disturb without saying a word.

Quietly wait for the leader’s command.

One document after another is stamped with the red seal of the Ministry of Propaganda and officially takes effect.

Minister Wang handed the letters to his subordinates and instructed: “Send these letters to all departments as quickly as possible, so that they can be executed as soon as possible.” ”

“Especially the star in charge, the light point department of the network, must be personally handed over to Director Li.”

“Okay, Minister, I’ll do it right away.”

The subordinates saw that the minister’s face was solemn, knew that this was a big deal, and did not dare to be slack in the slightest.

He had just walked to the door when he was stopped.

“Wait a minute,” Minister Wang stood up and walked over.

“Forget it, the stakes are high, I will go to the point of light department or myself, you just distribute the documents to other departments.”

Minister Wang drew a copy of the document and personally sent it to the point of light.

The entire Cultural and Propaganda Department building is located on the higher floors of the offices of the more senior personnel.

Minister Wang took the elevator down to the light point department, and he went straight to the office of Director Li of the light point department.

At this point,

Director Lee is working on a number of documents.

Recently approaching the Spring Festival,

There are many things happening on the entire network, especially the fan fight incident of baseball star Park Chang-chan, which has caused a great response on the network.

Suddenly, boom! There was a knock at the door.

Director Li did not raise his head, he thought that his subordinates had come to report on the work, and directly shouted: “Come in.” ”

The door opened but there was no movement,

Director Li raised his head, only to see his superior, Minister Wang, standing in front of him, frightening him to quickly stand up and hurriedly say, “Minister Wang, I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was you who came in.” ”

Minister Wang waved his hand and said, “I have come to you to deal with important matters.” ”

Minister Wang pulled over his chair and sat down and said, “You should know about the recent incident with the baseball star Park Chang-chan, right?” ”

Li Fu nodded, “I know, Park Chang-chan issued a statement on the bib, saying between the lines that he did not get a penny for rehearsing the Spring Festival Gala, and then his fans went to the Spring Festival Gala program group to explode the comments, and even attacked the Spring Festival Gala program group offline.” ”

Director Lee thought that the Minister had come to let the Light Point Department calm down the matter as soon as possible.

He said hurriedly: “We usually do lack supervision of foreign stars, and I immediately ordered someone to contact Park Chang-chan and ask him to come forward to restrain fans and stop attacking others.” ”

Wang Bu shook his head, “I didn’t come this time to let him restrain the behavior of fans, but to block him and investigate whether there was any illegal behavior behind him!” ”

What the? Block it!

“This… Is it so serious? ”

Director Lee couldn’t believe it.

He thought that the most he could do was to rectify Park Chang-chan and let him restrain his behavior a little.

Minister Wang threw the red-headed document on his desk,

“See for yourself.”

Lee took the red-headed document and looked at it carefully.

[It is required that the baseball star Park Chang-chan be thoroughly investigated, and if there is any violation of the star’s morality, he will be deported and blacklisted, and he will never be allowed to enter.] If there are facts of the crime, arrest and sentence are carried out immediately. 】

“Sizzle… This and this…”

Li Fu looked at the contents of the red-headed document and was shocked.

“Minister Wang, why is it so serious?!”

Wang Bu rubbed his eyebrows, “I also received the news suddenly, and I didn’t know it very well. ”

Director Lee, in charge of the star section, has some understanding of the company behind Park Chang-chan, and asked: “However, Park Chang-chan has involved several powerful entertainment companies, will banning him will have a greater impact.” ”

Minister Wang’s voice was beyond doubt: “This time is the order of the highest level personally, and no one can save him!” ”

“No matter who it is, it is handled according to law, as for the entertainment company behind him, it is difficult to protect itself, and it is blocked together!”


Director Li remembered what he had just said and asked, “Minister Wang, it is very easy for our Ministry of Culture and Propaganda to ban Park Chang-chan, but we have no right to check whether he has violated the law!” ”

Minister Wang: “You don’t need to worry about this, whether Park Chang-chan has violated the law or not, the personnel of the national security department will find out for sure.” ”

Director Li was stunned and numb: “The country… The people of the national security also shot? ”

Wang Bu took a deep breath and nodded, “Yes, the upper authorities have asked the two departments of national security and culture and propaganda to jointly investigate and deal with Park Changcan.” ”

Lee chuckled in his heart,

National Security, Cultural and Propaganda Departments Joint Investigation and Handling,

This was the first time he had seen the country personally spend so much effort to deal with a star.

He knows………

This baseball star Park Chang-chan is completely finished.

After more than ten minutes, several black cars stopped in front of the Cultural and Propaganda Department building.

Dozens of people got out of the car. It is the personnel of the Ministry of National Security.

They quickly walked into the building.

Minister Wang of the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda received him in the conference room.

In the meeting room,

In the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda, hundreds of people from the Ministry of State Security sat around the rectangular conference table.

Minister Wang first issued the regulations that the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda needed to investigate and punish Park Chang-chan to everyone present.

[1, the Ministry of Culture and Propaganda collects Park Chang-chan’s remarks from various channels to incite fans. 】

[2, the account of Park Chang-chan’s bib, comma and other platforms will be completely banned. 】

[3, all films, televisions and advertisements related to Park Chang-chan have been removed from the shelves. 】

[4, the entertainment company behind Park Chang-chan conducted a crackdown. 】


After Minister Wang finished sending it, he sat down.

Minister Li of the Ministry of State Security stood up and issued the regulations that the national security needed to be investigated and dealt with to the public.

[1] The Ministry of State Security will find out from Park Chang-chan’s contacts with domestic and foreign countries whether he has carried out espionage operations. 】

[2, check Park Chang-chan’s usual chat records, whether there is any illegal behavior]

[3) Conduct a thorough inventory of Park Chang-chan’s tax problems and his properties in the Dragon Kingdom. 】

After deliberations between the two departments, a complete plan was finalized.

Unbeknownst to Park, the two major departments were poised to strike and prepare to kill him and the company behind him.

And at this time,

Park Chang-chan is lying leisurely in the villa,

Together with the assistant, the assistant pointed to the plan in the mobile phone and introduced: “After the Spring Festival, the location of our first fan rescue meeting will be selected in Su’an, the city of Su’an is the top ten cities in the Longguo economy, and the fans are also relatively rich, and since the last time the city fans used cash to weave a ‘love’ gift to you, the current rescue will be rolled up, and the fans of this city have also woven a gift in cash to give to you, the amount of which is not lower than the last time.” ”

Park Chang-chan smiled and said, “Haha… Well, I like that straightforward way. ”

The assistant continued: “In addition, we have also created a VIP fan group, which requires a fee of 1,000 yuan to join the group, and becoming a VIP fan can get your signature and whereabouts first. ”

“Then there’s some of the products you endorse to sell to fans.”

Park Chang-chan sighed, “Selling products or coming for money is too slow, I like fans to give me money directly.” ”

The assistant smiled flatteringly, “Mr. Park, you can rest assured, this time we will hold fan rescue meetings in more than ten cities in a row, and the remuneration will definitely be tens of millions.” ”


Park Chang-chan nodded with satisfaction.

Then, he asked, “What’s the situation over there in the Spring Festival Gala program group?” ”

Assistant: “They are only willing to settle at 10% of the contract, but your fans have banned the bib number of the program group.” ”

Park Chang-chan spat dismissively, “Then don’t reconcile, continue to let the fans and the program team consume.” ”

“But, Mr. Park, your fans go to the program group to make a big impact, what do you think should be done?”

Park Chang-chan sneered, “Fans? ”

“That’s what the fans did, what does it have to do with me?”

“You go and send a statement in the name of my studio saying that I have always kept my duty and hope that the police will severely punish those fake fans who have my name.”

“Okay, I get it!”

The assistant stepped aside and started to deal with the end of the matter.

And at this time,

Bib Neck Headquarters, ushered in a group of unexpected guests!

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After this baseball country Park star plot has passed, it will really start the Spring Festival Gala global live broadcast with controllable nuclear fusion power generation to light up the plot of the Dragon Kingdom, so stay tuned!

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