Chapter Seventy-Seven Dragon Kingdom will perform a breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion technology for the world at the Spring Festival Gala!!

Just when Mikoku thought that what Ryukuni was doing was just bluffing.

Dragon Kingdom,

The whole plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Longguo TV,

All staff are treated with seriousness.

Command room.

The leader had a serious face: “Prepare to connect the network of other countries to the live broadcast room.” ”

The operator who hears the command immediately executes it sequentially.

After more than ten seconds, the report sounded.

“Curry country access successful!”

In an instant, the icon representing the curry country lit up, and countless curry country users poured in.

Because the text of the entire live broadcast room will be intelligently converted into the text of the corresponding country

Therefore, there is no obstacle to the exchange of different countries.

As soon as the netizens of the Curry Country came in, they saw the welcome words in the live broadcast room – “Welcome the people of all countries to witness the miracle that has entered the annals of history with the Dragon Kingdom! 】

“Miracle? Where is the miracle? ”

“Sigh… Is this the Spring Festival Gala Live Room of the Dragon Kingdom? Nothing to see! ”

“Oh huh… Long Guo likes to do such sensational things. ”

“According to the latest population data of Lianhe Country, the population of our curry country has surpassed that of Dragon Country, becoming the world’s most populous country.”

“Indeed, in terms of population and many other aspects, the number one country in Tanju today is our curry country, and the Dragon Kingdom can only rank second.”

Longguo netizens looked at the comments of those curry country netizens who were automatically translated and were indignant.

Can you still be bullied by a little A-San on your own turf?! That’s impossible!

One by one, Longguo netizens grabbed the keyboard and began to fight back.

“Yo, this is not the little A-sans of the curry country, out of the zoo barking wildly.”

“Dear third brothers, the younger brother recently opened a domestic pig farm, but because the water source is not clean, the pigs are sick, I heard that the Ganges River water there is a cure for all diseases, you can see if you can sell me some Ganges water, I will feed the pigs, save these pigs.”

“Upstairs brother confused, your pig drank the water of the Ganges, directly closed his eyes, dead warped.”

“The curry country is so strong that the population must have soared, and the mother mosquitoes have to cover their butts and fly when they go to the curry country.”

“Hey, a second of silence for the curry country lizard.”

“According to the latest report, the curry country lizard daughter-in-law takes the baby at home, and the curry country man goes outside to find the female animal to fool around!”

“Haha, or the three brothers are strong, in terms of finding a partner, my Dragon Kingdom men are willing to bow to the wind.”

Dragon Kingdom’s counterattack left the netizens of Curry Country speechless.

Think of them shaking the air on the extranet,

I didn’t expect to just arrive at the first stop in the Dragon Kingdom.

At the same time that the curry three were angry one by one, they could only start diving, and from time to time they secretly came out to scold a sentence.

But immediately he was kindly caught by the netizens of the Dragon Kingdom to greet the eighteenth generation of the ancestors.

Foreign networks continue to access it.

The debriefing voice came.

“The access of this sub-country is successful!”

“Baseball country access success!”

In an instant, a series of comments popped up.

“The Spring Festival is the traditional festival of our baseball country, and the Dragon Kingdom simply does not want to face it, not only imitates our Spring Festival, but also declares that the Spring Festival is a festival of the Dragon Country.”

This is clearly the words of a mallet who thinks the whole world is a baseball country.

Dragon country netizens instantly fought back.

“Are you really good at deceiving yourselves?”

“Even your proudest kimchi is passed down from the Dragon Kingdom, what is there to be proud of?!”

“The small country of the stick country, because of the lack of materials and no cultural inheritance, has been humbly touching the ancient civilization of five thousand years of culture around the porcelain!”

At this time, some people from the country jumped out.

“We can testify that the Spring Festival was originally the Dragon Kingdom, and the Baseball Country basically inherited from the Dragon Country from costumes to festivals.”

The words of the country of Benzi have attracted a counterattack from the country of the base.

“Oh, what do you know as an island nation?”

“On that day, the country of Benzi, shopping, the weather was sunny, the outdoor temperature was 6,000 degrees Celsius, and the streets were full of acquaintances.”

“Damn the baseball people, our own country will definitely let the United States punish you.”

“Huh… The United States and the Baseball Country are close fraternal relations, and we are working with our own countries, and the United States must help our Baseball Country. ”

The two gangs of guys exposed each other’s old bottoms, and even staged a ‘battle for the father’ against the United States.

The netizens of Longguo are very happy.

Suddenly, Benzi Kingdom burned the fire on the Dragon Country again.

“The countries around our Honko Kingdom, the Baseball Country, the Korean Kingdom, and the Dragon Kingdom will all become subordinate countries of the Honko Kingdom in the future!”

Longguo netizens must kill with one hit:

Benkoku: Baba sheep, where did you get the mushroom bomb?

Baba Yang: My eldest brother sent it, didn’t your eldest brother also send you? Motokoku: No!

Baba Yang: I really sent it, the whole world saw it, but you didn’t catch the Benzi Kingdom: Bagaya Road!

“Haha, the brother upstairs directly pierced the heart of the small book.”

“Uh… What about the little book people who were still aggressive just now? Go ahead! ”

The quarrels of the countries here have not stopped,

New national members are still being added to the live broadcast room.

“The United States has successfully accessed!”

“Bear Kingdom successfully accessed!”

“Bayang country successfully accessed!”

“The Empire of the Sun Never Sets has successfully accessed!”

“Camel Country successfully accessed!”

“The country of South Mexico was successfully accessed.”

“Wise successfully accessed!”

“Van Di Gang successfully accessed!”

The time of light access passed almost half an hour.

In the end, the communications staff reported: “196 countries in the world, all connected!” ”

“The lines are normal!”

“Comments show normal!”

“Everything is in normal condition, you can turn on the screen at any time!”

The leader gave an order: “Start playing the prologue of the Spring Festival Gala.” ”

Prologue is a propaganda film about changes in human mobility and the use of energy

The propaganda film begins in the primitive era, and they can only walk on two legs to wade through mountains and rivers.

Even most of the time the food eaten is Ru Mao drinking blood, and barbecue food can only occasionally use natural fires caused by natural conditions.

With the slow advancement of the picture, to the feudal era,

People already had flint, kerosene lamps for lighting, and horse-drawn carriages for transportation.

Time flies by, and the means of travel in Western countries have appeared steam engine cars.

Later, in the industrial era, a series of epoch-making things such as electric energy, light bulbs, and engines appeared.

Humans have invented airplanes, automobiles, and can use the oil resources drilled out of the ground to fly quickly.

This can make the netizens of the Dragon Kingdom look confused.

“What does this promo mean?” It’s a carriage again, it’s an airplane and a car again. ”

“I feel that the state should show us some of the mobility tools that have occurred in the process of human development, the changes in energy, but the intention is not known.”

Longguo netizens had a friendly discussion.

But foreigners’ comments are not friendly.

“Unbelievable… Is the miracle that Dragon Kingdom shows the world this short film? ”

“With all due respect, this kind of propaganda film we in the third grade of the United States Primary School will do.”

“Oh, I’m so disappointed, I shouldn’t have come in to see it, it really insulted my eyes.”

“Oh God, I swear it’s the most boring promo I’ve ever seen, and I promise to go home and watch a funny movie to save my eyes.”


“Hahaha……… The Dragon Kingdom has become the laughing stock of the world. ”

The Chinese people are not used to these trolls.

“Shut your mouth when you come.”

“Remember that you can see this film because your country’s leaders asked for this opportunity.”

“A bunch of two or five boys, after watching a short film, began to spray, this quality is far worse than the Longguo people.”

“Our country is an ancient civilization, pay attention to a step-by-step, big moves must be placed behind, you foreigners are waiting to be punched in the face.”

When the various countries insulted each other, the Dragon Kingdom officials did not end up governing.

Because this quarrel that shows the sense of national honor makes the netizens of Longguo participate in it.

Just when netizens from all over the world scolded each other happily.

The screen in the live broadcast room has changed,

The promo was removed and the picture became a multiple-choice question.

If a science and technology were to break through in today’s world, what would you most like to be? 】

a: Complete cure of myopia.

b: Complete cure for cancer.

c: Breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion technology.

D: Aircraft engines have made major breakthroughs.

e: Build a spaceship that can navigate the solar system.

Five options, one per user.

“Haha… Long Guo began to play a quiz program. ”

“It’s really boring, Long Guo blows such a big Spring Festival Gala to perform these?”

“On the contrary, I think it is interesting, Dragon Kingdom performing these low-level topics, is not enough to show that Dragon Kingdom will be humiliated when the time comes?”

“Right, right, everyone quickly cooperate with Long Guo to complete the answer, and then wait to see the joke.”

The Dragon Country audience is also very confused.

“The grade of this program can’t keep up, and it also involves all the staff to answer the questions.”

“Don’t, the officials don’t do this, otherwise tomorrow it will become a joke all over the world.”

“Hey, leave it alone, let’s quickly choose one, we have reached this step, just follow the footsteps of the country.”

The foreign audience, as well as the people of the Dragon Kingdom, were in a confused mood:

They all chose their own answers to this question.

A few minutes later, the statistics came out.

The proportion of abde four items accounts for 40%.

And c [breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion technology] accounts for 60%. It is enough to see the influence of controlled nuclear fusion, the crown of technology.


Allowed under the watchful eyes of the multitude.

The leader walked up to the camera.

“Since most people around the world have chosen to hope for a breakthrough in controlled fusion technology.” ”


“We in Dragon Kingdom performed a breakthrough in controlled nuclear fusion technology for the world at the Spring Festival Gala.”

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