It seems that Su Cheng’s popularity is not bad.

At the urging of this group of elite soldiers, he shot 5 more times, aiming for about 1 minute each time.

The results are quite OK.

2 x 10 rings, 2 x 9 rings, 1 x 8 ring.

It’s clear.

Su Cheng is serious, and the shortcomings and advantages are equally obvious.

His rate of fire is urgent, but his high accuracy is also terrifying, which is very enviable!

And the eyes of the soldiers looking at Su Cheng were also quietly changing.

This young boss.

It provides them with an excellent working environment, a generous monthly salary of 1.5W US dollars, and professional-grade marksmanship.


They’ve already liked it a little bit.

“BOSS, it seems that working on Paradise Island is really a right decision, and my wife and daughter in the United States will definitely be happy for me.”

The previous American soldier smiled and said.

The salary he received on Paradise Island was enough to support his daughter’s studies in the United States.

“The military doctor told me that the tropical climate is good for my body, and Paradise Island is simply too suitable.”

A former French Foreign Legion soldier who went to the battlefield of a lac said.

Several soldiers with war experience nodded.

The environment here is simply a health resort, much better than the dry and hot Middle Eastern desert.

“It was 1994, in Rwanda, Africa, and my comrades and I witnessed a massacre. The scene at that time has always tormented me and made me stay up at night. Until I came to Paradise Island, I felt a lot better. ”

An officer-looking soldier said.

He came from the prestigious SASying National Air Service and was a commander who served there during the Rwandan genocide.

The remarks resonated even more.

Su Cheng also thought so.

This is typical PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder, which soldiers who have experienced war will have more or less.

This is a mental illness.

But, the 3 points of happiness on Paradise Island healed it perfectly.

“Paradise Island, it is a gift from God, only here can I find a moment of peace of mind.”

The corners of the Ying officer’s eyes were a little moist.

“I wish I could bring my wife and children to Paradise Island, you know, it’s really livable.”

The American soldier sighed with emotion.

“I don’t want anything, I just want to bring my mother here, and I don’t regret anything in my life…”

A ** soldier gritted his teeth.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of these soldiers, who had experienced many vicissitudes, but it soon dimmed down.

Paradise Island, whose main customers are the world’s richest people, is the top of the planet.

They don’t belong to that class.

See the reaction of the crowd.

Su Cheng bowed his head slightly, it seemed that he wanted to announce that decision in advance.

He cleared his throat, his expression became serious, and announced:

“Paradise Island, which will be open for permanent residency. The first quota will be for my private secretarial corps, as well as members of the Coast Guard.

“Of course, provided that you are loyal enough and rigorously tested.”

That’s right.

Paradise Island is a private island, and anyone who enters requires the authorization of the island owner Su Cheng.

From the owners of Paradise Island to ordinary employees, they only have temporary residency. After expiration, it needs to be re-authorized, otherwise it is illegal detention.

Permanent residency, on the other hand, means that you can always live on a paradise island.

Enjoy the excellent natural environment, cultural environment, business environment, and abundant job opportunities.

People with permanent residency.

It will also be easier to apply for temporary residency on behalf of relatives.


Su Cheng originally hoped to announce this news later, but these veterans who had experienced many vicissitudes moved him.

Then, there was a heart-wrenching cry.

Su Cheng’s four personal flight attendants were equally excited, but they had received good etiquette training and were not as exaggerated as they appeared.

But…… They still couldn’t help but rush towards Su Cheng!



At South Bay Airport, a huge Air Force Y-20 transport plane landed on the runway.

The rear side hatch opens.

An Asian man of medium stature with a slate head walked down.

This man.

A bullet necklace was hung around his neck, his face was completely cold, and his eyes were full of beastly ferocity.

He looked around coldly, and the corners of his mouth inadvertently twitched.

Then, walk towards the terminal.

He is the soldier king Leng Feng.

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