After an unusual red carpet, the 79th Oscars officially entered the exciting awards stage.

Inside the lobby of the Dolby Theatre.

Brilliantly lit.

The world’s most talented directors and stars, in addition to irrepressible excitement, are also a little restrained.

They probably heard.

In this theater, there is a Chinese gangster worth $6 billion.

Even the always humorous Oscar gold host, Steve Martin, his eyes frequently drifted to the back row of the theater.

Su Cheng was sitting there.

He felt that this was really a bad opening of the award ceremony, and several American stars next to him were also a little restrained.

Always, a little afraid of his appearance.

“Hey, my ** friend, are you really a gangster tycoon?” On the side, Robert Downey Jr. asked secretly.


Su Cheng gave him a blank look.

Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man has a super high IQ, but he himself, is the question asked a little too …

After all, who would tell someone at the Oscars that they are gangsters.

It’s live streaming around the world.

“Hello, my name is Su Cheng, I am the owner of a beautiful island…”

Su Cheng still chatted with him.

Because of Little Robert’s little bit of funny characteristics, the chat was very pleasant, and finally, Little Robert also invited Su Cheng to his sea-view villa to play.

Su Cheng did not refuse.

And gave little Robert a crystal card, which was an Atlantis hotel invitation card.

“I’ll definitely go when I have time!”

Robert Jr. assured.

Then, in a blink of an eye, the card was thrown to the assistant, who again casually threw it into an inconspicuous bag.

This kind of invitation to see too much …

The awards have also officially begun.

Best Director, Best Picture, Best Actor… Well, none of these awards have anything to do with Su Cheng.

Time to midfield.

The two male and female guests opened the envelope and prepared to announce the 79th Academy Award for Best Screenplay.

Su Cheng cheered up, “Ocean Princess” was nominated for Best Screenplay, although there is little hope, but what if it wins…

He was disappointed.

The winner was “The Sun Sets in Busan”.

When the award presenters were announced, the Han crew not far away instantly boiled, and director Kim Cheol-chuan’s face was full of red light, and his smiling face was almost cramped.

This scene was also captured by SBS TV in Han Country.

It was then transmitted to every corner of the country.

Han Guo Seoul Central Plaza, Busan Grand Theater, Blue House Presidential Palace… The entire Han country was in a huge boil.

on Twitter.

Han international students, Korean immigrants instantly hit chicken blood…

On stage, director Kim Cheol-cheon concluded after giving a speech:

“World cinema, divided into West and East. The representative of Western movies is Hollywood, and the representative of Eastern movies is the Korean movie Smecta! ”

“Han films represent the highest level in Asia!”

“Fortunately, the East has our Han country movie, otherwise it would really be a bunch of rotten fish and smelly shrimp smecta!”

“It is clear who is the best oriental nation at a glance!”

Kim Cheol-cheon’s words quickly detonated the entire Han country and detonated the Internet.

Well, even ** is not spared.

In the live broadcast room of Huayang Four Channel, Dong Qing and the two guests looked embarrassed and a little angry!


Can Han movies represent the East?

In the eyes of this Han National University director Kim Cheol-chuan, is there still **?!

Inside the director’s office.

The phone rang non-stop, and many old leaders were watching live TV, all feeling very angry and humiliated!

They did not lose to the Han people on the battlefield.

but lost in the movie!


Su Cheng’s face was a little inexplicable…

This group of excited Han people who are about to go to heaven should know very well in their hearts that the script of “The Sun Sets in Busan” was written by a famous editor in the United States.

So, this award is actually given to the Americans!

“I don’t understand why this group of Han people is so excited, in fact, it was my friend who wrote this script.”

Robert Jr. also complained.

The award continues.

A moment later, came the Best Music Award, and “Ocean Princess” was still nominated.

At the time of the award.

Su Cheng noticed that the Han country crew was more nervous than the Celestial Empire crew, well, they were afraid that “Ocean Princess” would win the award.

“Lao Tzu swears that he will not cooperate with Han filmmakers in this life!”

Director Zhang was about to explode.

This Han country crew is also a little less graceful, and it is simply a loss of the face of the filmmakers!

“In fact, I think it’s time to push off the contract for Han films.” Robert Jr. was also infected.

And it’s a pity.

Didn’t win again.

There was a cheer from the Han country crew.

Su Cheng’s face was a little angry, not only because of the ridicule of the Han people, but also because he missed two awards in a row, which made Su Cheng very unhappy.

Why ** movies are worse than others …


The best costume and the best photography were awarded. Both China and South Korea were nominated, but both were named Sunsan.

Then, came the Best Visual Effects Award.

Robert Downey Jr. instantly came to the spirit and showed off to Su Cheng: “My friend, it’s time for me to go on the field to receive the award.” ”

He is confident.

The Best Visual Effects Award is basically for Hollywood blockbusters. “Avengers 3” starring Robert Jr. is a blockbuster of blockbusters, full of special effects.

Han country crew, listless.

It seems that even the always arrogant Han people think that they cannot compete in Hollywood for this award.

Su Cheng’s side…

Everyone looked expectant!

“The most arrogant Eastern people, haha, they don’t expect to win this award, right?”

Jin Zhechuan glanced at this side and mocked.

He also casually took a photo of the Celestial Empire crew with an expectant expression and posted it on Twitter, leaving a message: Haha, the most arrogant Eastern nation.

Finish this tweet.

He felt very comfortable!

The following Han international students sent thousands of “laughing and crying” expressions, well, they were really laughed and cried by this group of “arrogant ** people”.

At this time, the guest had already opened the envelope.

But did not read.

Then the lights dimmed, and a set of beautiful “underwater” shots appeared on the screen on the stage…

Underwater, schools of tropical fish swim around…

A group of Asian faces dance with schools of fish, in a graceful and natural posture, like a beautiful water elf.

Combined with the superb acting skills of the actors.

This scene is only a few minutes, but it is so incredible that it can give people a great shock to the heart!

“Even buy Ka, poor “Avengers 3″…”

Robert Downey Jr. gritted his teeth and looked pained, “Avengers 3” is very promising to win…

Why, I came across this movie!

“Congratulations, my friend, you guys made this movie really great!”

In the end, Robert Downey Jr. still smiled generously, sent blessings to Su Cheng, and behaved quite a gentleman.

And at this time.

The lights came on, and the two hosts applauded excitedly and announced: “The 79th Academy Award for Best Visual Effects belongs to “Ocean Princess”! ”

There was an uproar, and the audience fell into a boil.

All the filmmakers stood up and applauded Su Cheng, Director Zhang, and the entire “Ocean Princess” crew!


Except for the Han country crew whose angry faces are crooked!

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