This one.

The CEO group of Paradise Island has a small number 20 person, and it is instantly lively.

There are even business competitors.

For example, Douyu TV and Panda TV; TikTok and Block Hand; Every day Meizu and Meitu Show Show. These are old and dead opponents, all in the same group.

“Panda TV, you little, you dig our Douyu anchor again, Laozi goes to your door to block you…”

Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie took the lead in opening the gun.

“Welcome, see if Lao Tzu doesn’t break your third leg. Three pistol emoticons. ”

Panda CEO Wang Congcong replied unceremoniously.

“Douyin Lao Tie, can you stop looking for the black block hand of the water army…”

“Didi ~ Drip! Everyone is a social person, do you see that the Peppa piglet on me is good-looking! ”

Douyin CEO Lin Mengyue deliberately pretended not to see it, and the hand sold was cute.

“How can this commotion be there every day?!”

“Just came back from you, by the way, you have so much water…”

All right……

The originally tall CEO group immediately switched to the vegetable market model, and Su Cheng was really a little big.

It seems that there are no rules, no square circle.

It takes a group manager to take care of them.

Then, a row of system prompts appears in the group:

ID: Yao Xiaoguang, CEO of Tianmg, was appointed as an administrator by the group owner.

ID: Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie was banned by administrator @Tianmg CEO Yao Xiaoguang for 10 minutes.

ID: Panda CEO Wang Congcong was banned for 10 minutes.


A massacre was staged in the group.

Yao Xiaoguang’s old face was almost crooked, and it was really refreshing to ban all the CEOs who were famous in the ** start-up circle.

After 10 minutes.

Various wails began to appear in the group, well, and those who directly greeted Yao Xiaoguang’s mother were brutally banned.

“@Su Island Lord, give me a management, Laozi is fed up with Yao Xiaoguang’s permission dog, by the way, I want to permanently ban @Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie.” Three angry expressions. ”

Panda CEO Wang Congcong said angrily.

“@Su Island Lord, I also have to manage…”


Su Cheng did not answer one by one, but sent a few group rules out.

First, Paradise Island holds 10% of the shares, once a month Atlantis …

Second, Paradise Island holds 30% of the shares and has a Morgan Club dinner every three months…


Fifth, Paradise Island holds 80% of the shares, and the CEO group administrator …

Sixth, Paradise Island holds 100% of the shares, and a permanent residence permit of Paradise Island…

All right.

As soon as the group rules came out, the group was quiet for a while.

This group of people instantly understood that if they wanted to speak well in the group and enjoy the high-quality resources of Paradise Island, well, they must first sell their shares to Su Cheng.

It’s really ruthless…

Especially today’s headline CEO Zhang Yiming.

He was shivering at the moment.

His company was too large, $30 billion, and Su Cheng barely subscribed for 1% of the shares. Undoubtedly, he is now the lowest status of the group.

He wanted to cry…

“As a wholly owned subsidiary of Paradise Island, I feel relieved. Three tooth expressions. “

Tianmg CEO Yao Xiaoguang Meizhi said.

Well, he is now a privileged class in the group, and he can enjoy basically all the benefits.

Other than that.

He also posted that photo, which was a permanent residence permit on Paradise Island.

“The same CEO, but you secretly sold your shares to @Su Island Lord, how insidious!” Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie complained.

“You dogleg @Tianmg CEO Yao Xiaoguang…”

In addition, more people have noticed the Paradise Island Permanent Residence Permit.

This is so envious!

As far as they know, this is the first time that non-Paradise Island staff have obtained this certificate.

“Now Yao Xiaoguang is awesome, her daughter can enter Bellini Art School, and she will definitely be a big artist in the future!”

A daddy CEO envied.

“With this card, I can apply for a half-year temporary residence permit for my family every year, and I can reunite as a husband and wife, sing night and night, and work happily until dawn!”

“Ahem… Guy, your kidneys are so good…”

“@Tianmg CEO Yao Xiaoguang, I have a Modu account, can I change it? Three expectant expressions. ”

“Fuck off, the turtle son just changed with you, the three suites of the magic capital are not as good as a bed on Paradise Island, don’t you know?!” Three expressions of disdain. ”

Yao Xiaoguang, CEO of Tianmg, replied with a high spirit.

Well, in addition to being a game development genius, this Yao Xiaoguang does have a little talent for being a dogleg.

Su Cheng was satisfied.

He also believes that these startups will take out their shares little by little when they get on their thief ships.

Well, what to do when there are too many shares …

Paradise Island should be quality rather than quantity, and if the company does not meet his expectations, then liquidate its shares and expel Paradise Island.

Paradise Island does not feed idlers!


The PES exhibition is in full swing.

The world’s major capital companies are crazy to acquire start-ups, for the next 10 years of layout, the total transaction volume has exceeded 10 billion US dollars!

It simply refreshed people’s eyes.


Twitter also became lively.

“Thank you @Mr. Sucheng, I am a software developer from the Balkans, here I met the Morgan consortium and received a $30 million investment.”

Someone said so.

“Thanks to PES Exhibition, my team received an angel investment of 12 million US dollars from Puyu Group! Oh my God, do you know how many times 12 million dollars can be done in Latin America? ”

A Brazilian machinery CEO was surprised.

“I know, I can grind you into a needle…”

“At present, 12 deals have been negotiated, with a turnover of 720 million US dollars, which is very rewarding. Three applause emoticons. ”

Blackstone Capital also tweeted.

“This feast of global capital, thank you @Su Cheng, thank you PES, thank you for this beautiful paradise island, even, it is really beautiful like paradise!”

“Friends, the combination of capital, talents, and technology is an important force that promotes the progress of human civilization.”

Harvard professor Theonidi commented.

This message received a large number of likes.

Other than that.

There are also many people who beat their chests and regret it greatly. For various reasons, they regretted that they could not participate in this PES exhibition.

On the official website of North America.

More than 100,000 people have already petitioned, hoping to hold a second PES exhibition next year.

Well, the U.S. government can’t control the land.

However, if more than 100,000 people petition, the US government must deal with it, which is sacred US law.


At a North American press conference that night, spokeswoman Sanders said:

“Regarding this matter, the government has communicated with the ** embassy in Mi and will continue to contact Paradise Island.”


Another “Long live USA” message on the Internet.


In the hotel.

Li Changxi, the prince of Sanxing, watched the live broadcast of CNN News Network in the United States, and a cruel smile curved at the corner of his mouth.

2nd PES?


When Paradise Island becomes a dilapidated island that no one cares about, who cares about the second PES exhibition?!

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