The weapon gift package, Su Cheng is still the first time to get, I don’t know what will open inside.

Well, he’s also looking forward to it.

Although the army of Paradise Island has taken shape, in terms of weapons, only the “Dingyuan-class” destroyers can be obtained, and other weapons are purchased from China or modified.


“You have a weapon pack, please open it now!”

The system prompts.


Su Cheng nodded emphatically.

Then, the huge dark treasure chest in front of him slowly opened, and a green light came out of it.

The screen turns.

There are three bright moons hanging above the firmament, floating islands floating in the smoky mid-air, tall trees, silver waterfalls rushing down, everything looks beautiful…

Between the dense jungles, there live the magnificent Pandora, the fierce hammerhead thunder beast, the huge thunder wing beast…

As well as the toned and tall Na’vi female warrior …

Here, it is the planet Pandora in “Avatar”.


A black-pressed swarm of aircraft suddenly flew in the sky, the troops of the RAD Mining Company, who would prepare to deliver a brutal attack on the Na’vi rebels, led by Colonel Miles Quartch.

And the male protagonist Jack is also riding the Phantom and is gathering the Na’vi into two lines of defense on land and air to resist.

War is on the verge of breaking out …

Although Su Cheng had seen this battle picture many times, after the systematic reinterpretation, he still watched his blood boiling, and various weapons kept flashing in front of his eyes.

There are Colonel Myers’ wasp pistols, as well as GS-221 carbines, FD-11 flamethrowers, GAU-9030mm machine guns, AVR-M60 machine guns, Hydra three-barreled machine guns, etc.

There are also the RAD’s giant excavators, AMP giant power exoskeleton systems, SA-2Samson transport aircraft, SA-52B poison scorpion gunship, dragon ship (C-21 large assault aircraft), Valkyrie space shuttle, etc.

Of course, there are also the weapons of the valiant Na’vi, bows and arrows, spears …

The battle was very intense, and the sci-fi weapons of the RAD Mining Company also dazzled Su Cheng and were very enjoyable.

And yet, suddenly.

A SA-52B poisonous scorpion gunship hurriedly fled to Su Cheng under the attack of the protagonist Phantom, and then the picture rippled, and the poisonous scorpion helicopter seemed to travel through time and space, from the planet Pandora to Su Cheng’s eyes, faded its color, and slowly turned into a design drawing.


“Congratulations, you have obtained an extremely advanced helicopter design drawing: the Scorpion helicopter design drawing!”

The sound of the system machinery sounded.

Su Cheng couldn’t help but be stunned in surprise, it turned out to be the main military helicopter of RAD Company in “A Development”, this helicopter is famous in the hearts of fans.

Powerful firepower, sci-fi tough shape, two huge ducted propellers on the left and right.

These have allowed the Scorpion Helicopter to gain a large number of fans.

I didn’t expect to be drawn by myself!

Decisively click on the property.

Name: Poisonous Scorpion.

Category: Gunship.

Parameters: 18 passengers, length 25 meters, height 6 meters, takeoff weight 25 tons, speed 800 km / h, range 40000 km.

Propeller: 16 m diameter bypass type propeller X2.

Powertrain: 3500KW Scorpion King engine X4.

Avionics system: Scorpion King intelligent weapon control system, radar bit X4, backup position X4.

Weapon systems: rocket launcher X6, missile launcher X40, hydra three-barreled machine gun X2.

Looking at the attributes above, Su Cheng couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

This, this is also too strong!

In other words, this poisonous scorpion, strictly speaking, is a large circle larger than in “A Development”, with a length of 25 meters and a height of 6 meters, which is basically the size of a transport helicopter.

Thanks to the abundant power, the take-off weight of the poisonous scorpion far exceeds the 12-ton take-off weight of the previous generation of Longchi helicopter, which is nearly twice as high.

This not only allows the Scorpion helicopter to carry a large amount of ammunition, but also allows some advanced DIY options to be available.

Similarly, the ample power, coupled with the sci-fi tough shell design, also gives the scorpion helicopter a terrifying speed: 800 kilometers per hour!

This speed, even for many jets, is quite fast!

At present, the speed of mainstream military helicopters is generally 200~300 kilometers per hour, which is basically a fraction of that of poisonous scorpions.

And then.

Su Cheng paid attention to the power system of the poisonous scorpion.

Among them, the engine is provided with drawings with a system, the power is 3500KW, and 4 units are installed at once, so that the luxurious power setting makes people no longer worry about power problems.

In terms of propellers, it is the most advanced ducted propeller.

Bypass propellers, as the name implies, the biggest difference from traditional propellers is that a ring is wrapped around the propeller, so that the blades can rotate at high speed in this wrapped duct.

The advantage of this is that it avoids the waste of power of traditional propellers, can achieve great rotational speeds, and the power is more flexible.

As a result, the helicopter is not only faster, but it can also make a lot of difficult evasive maneuvers.

Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious, one is that the process is too complex and difficult to produce; Second, the current structural strength of the material is not good.

However, with the system store, as well as Edelman alloys, photovoltaic alloys, these two problems are no longer a problem at all.

The only thing Su Cheng was worried about was the quality of the finished product.

Other words.

The avionics system is only equipped with a “Scorpion King intelligent system”, and other radar, infrared targeting and other instruments also need to be purchased and installed by themselves.

In terms of weapons, due to the abundant power, the number of bombs is 3~4 times that of the Longqi helicopter.

Simply an aerial mobile battery!

Other than that.

The system also gave away drawings of the “Hydra three-barreled machine gun”, well, this will also be the first gun-type weapon produced on Paradise Island.

Name: Hydra three-barreled machine gun.

Details: A modern Magnum machine gun with three barrels that can fire at the same time, high stability, strong penetration, and an extremely fast rate of fire.

Function: Effective range 1200 meters, rate of fire 3000 rounds / min.

All right……

This is a modern machine gun that completely surpasses the Gatling gun.

The firing range is comparable to a sniper rifle, and the rate of fire is quite good, and the most important thing is that its trajectory is very smooth, and it will not be like ordinary Gatling machine guns with bullets floating around the world, and can only rely on quantity to make up for accuracy.

After reading all this, Su Cheng immediately copied a copy and sent it back to Paradise Island.

The military technicians there are asked to immediately study the mass production of the scorpion helicopter, well, he can’t wait to see this sci-fi helicopter appear in front of his eyes!

“Lord Su Island, this is your itinerary for these two days, please take a look.”

At this moment, the secretary with a convexity walked in.

Su Cheng is ready to stay in New York, which can attract the attention of major families in New York and major chaebols in the United States, and they have all issued invitations, hoping to meet with Su Cheng and talk about the possibility of various business cooperation.

Well, in the capital market, Paradise Island is a big fragrant food, and they have long been hungry!

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