On the fifth day, a large number of videos of Chennava committing crimes suddenly appeared on the Internet.

Accepting bribes, buying officials and selling titles, forming cliques for personal gain, and even ordering the assassination of political opponents.

However, less than half an hour after these shocking videos were uploaded to the Internet, they disappeared without a trace.

Not even a single blister came out.

Han Su shook his head and turned off the computer, “After all, the Internet is not omnipotent. It’s really not as reliable as real power.”

With a wave of his hand, the black coat flew out of the closet, landed on his shoulders, and was fastened automatically.

The silver-white mask also slowly fell into the palm of his hand.

Put on the mask, Han Su pushed awaywindow.

The sky at night is beautiful, without the noise of the day, it looks extraordinarily quiet.

Especially looking down from the seventeenth floor, there is an indescribable meaning.

Taking a step forward, Han Su wandered in the void.

Then the silver lotus tray under his feet suddenly accelerated, and his whole body shot out like lightning.


In the center of Bangkok, a magnificent manor.

In the center of the manor, there is a magnificent villa.

It is elegant, luxurious and beautiful.

This is the residence of Chennava.

One of the most luxurious places in the entire Tai Kingdom.

It is also one of the most defensive manors in the entire Tai Kingdom.

The situation in the Tai Kingdom was turbulent, and assassinations among political opponents were commonplace.

In order to prevent being killed, Chinawa mobilized a battalion of regular troops to guard the manor. Even equipped with armored vehicles and helicopter gunships.

Here, there is a post at three steps and a sentry at five steps, and the defense is extremely strict.

Standing high in the sky, Han Su nodded in satisfaction.

“The defense is extremely strong, which is good. I don’t want to assassinate, what I want is to defeat the opponent’s strongest defense head-on. Only in this way can we achieve a shocking effect.”

He descended slowly and landed on the grass of the manor.


Soon two soldiers spotted him and rushed over with their guns raised.

Han Su just turned his head and took a look. In an instant, two silver lights whizzed past. The soldier screamed, his chest was pierced, and he died immediately.

From the beginning to the end, they didn’t know how they died.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!”

The ear-piercing siren sounded, and the whole manor completely boiled.

Countless soldiers pointed their guns at them and charged forward in military vehicles.

Han Su walked towards the central villa as if he didn’t see it.

Hundreds of soldiers stopped in the middle of the road, and densely packed guns aimed at Han Su’s whole body.

An officer shouted coldly: “Take off your mask, put your head in your hands, and kneel down!”

Han Su walked away as if he hadn’t heard of it.

The officer shouted: “I’ll talk about the last change again, put your head in your hands, and kneel down!”

Han Su’s footsteps still did not stop.

The officer was furious: “Speak up!”

With an order, all the soldiers pulled the triggers together,

At this moment, Han Su snapped his fingers.

The invisible magnetic field distorted instantly. Before the bullet could fly out of the muzzle of the gun, it was deflected and slammed into the barrel of the gun.

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

More than a hundred rifles exploded in unison.

The soldiers clutched their arms and wailed in pain. Bright red blood gushed out from their palms. Many people even had their entire palms blown off, screaming again and again.

The officer was stunned. He never thought that this would be the case.

Seeing Han Su walking slowly step by step, he felt like he was facing a god of death.

Tremblingly, he drew out his pistol, “Don’t come here, don’t come here, I told you not to come here.”

As soon as Han Su waved his hand, the pistol suddenly escaped from the officer’s control, turned his head in mid-air, and pointed the black muzzle of the gun at the officer’s own forehead.

Under the horrified eyes of the officer, the trigger of the pistol was automatically pulled.


The officer had a big hole in his forehead and fell to the ground dead.


The pistol fell to the ground, Han Su took a step forward, and strode forward.

He suddenly paused, and a silver light roared away.

A scream came from a tall building a few hundred meters away, and a sniper fell down and died.

In the distance, a row of military vehicles drove quickly, filled with soldiers with live ammunition.

Behind the military vehicle is an armored vehicle. The huge muzzle shows its unparalleled destructive power.

Farther away, two armed helicopters came quickly, and the propellers made a huge roar.

Han Su waved his hand, and hundreds of coins flew out. At terrifying speeds, every coin is as powerful as a sniper bullet.

Boom, boom! ! !

Several military vehicles were sieved on the spot, and the soldiers howled.

Inside the armored vehicle, the soldiers were dripping with sweat, and hurriedly sent out signals: “Target found, target found, request to fire, request to fire.”

“Permission to fire!”


The soldier was overjoyed. He quickly loaded a shell and pressed the launch button.

next moment,


The flames soared into the sky.

The gun barrel of the armored vehicle exploded and was overturned into the sky. .

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