Bai Youling waved his hand expressionlessly.

The crowd took out strange guns and pointed them at the black robot,

The baroness smiled and said, “The emp electromagnetic pulse gun is specially prepared for you. I hope you like it.”

The black robot felt extremely threatened. He raised his head suddenly, and a red light shot out from his eyes.

The red light is like a tangent line, dividing the sky,

A row of mysterious people was instantly cut in half, red light fell in the distance, the forest fell down, and the mountain slid down.

Anything that stands in front of it, no matter what it is, is cut in two.

No one expected that the robot would have such a skill after being beaten.

The white ghost’s expression changed, and he passed the emp electromagnetic pulse gun, and shot wildly at the black robot.

A series of electromagnetic pulses surged crazily,

The electromagnetic disturbance around the robot caused countless devices all over his body to fail.

Bai Youyou threw away the electromagnetic pulse gun, pulled out the sword on his back, and walked in front of Chen Long coldly.

The Taidao was raised high, and it was about to slash down suddenly.

Suddenly a strong wind hit.

Bai Youyou turned over and narrowly escaped.

The next moment, bullets fell like raindrops.

, hitting everyone, jingling

These people kept retreating, but none of the bullets could break through the strange body armor on them.

“Abandon the gun and turn into melee combat.”

As soon as Si Nuo’s voice fell, the death squads threw away their guns and rushed up.

They are powerful, they move like the wind, and they leap three to four meters high.

In an instant, he rushed to the front of the mysterious army and started fighting with them.

The scene was an overwhelming massacre!

Under the terrifying strength of the Death Squadrons, the opponent was almost powerless to fight back.

The other party’s mysterious firearms were extremely powerful, but it was a pity that the death squads got close to them, so they had no chance to shoot at all.

The mysterious armor on their bodies can easily defend against bullets, but it cannot stop hammer blows at close range.

And their physiques of ordinary people are as fragile as babies in front of the death squads injected with crocodile potion.

After a face-to-face meeting, more than a dozen enemies were slaughtered on the spot.

Only the Baroness and Bai Youyou relied on their agility to deal with the Death Squadrons.

Bai Youling confronted Li Kui.

He wields two Taidao vigorously, and his sword skills are very exquisite.

Li Kui was originally a fighting champion in the Southern Military Region. After being injected with the crocodile potion, his strength increased dramatically, but he was still beaten by Bai Yougui.

Bai Youling’s too-sharp sword was too sharp. Li Kui saw with his own eyes that the other party cut off a steel spear with one knife. He didn’t dare to gamble with his defensive scales.

Fortunately, Wang Chuan and Zhao Si resolved their respective confrontations and came up to help one after another.

Only then did he draw with the opponent.

The baroness over there was beaten and fled.

“Damn it!” She cursed angrily, and pressed the button on her waist.

The next moment, the ground drilling vehicle soared into the air and flew in mid-air.

I saw shots coming from all around it, revealing rows of machine gun muzzles.

Bullets poured down like a torrential rain.

The bullets hit the team members’ scales, making tinkling sounds.

The team members were beaten back and forth, and some people’s scales began to shatter, and a faint amount of blood flowed out.

Suddenly, countless silver lights flashed.

The ground drilling vehicle exploded and turned into a cloud of fireworks.

The expressions of Bai Youling and the others were shocked, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

They turned around suddenly, and saw a person floating in midair, looking down at them from a height.

Countless silver lights surrounded this person, as if coating him with a layer of holy silver light.

Bai Youyou and the baroness looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other’s eyes!

“Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to make trouble with our cobras?”

Han Su was about to launch an instant electromagnetic cannon to destroy these people, but suddenly his expression changed slightly. He ignored them and drove his supernatural power to fly towards the distance.

It turned out that just now the black robot stood up again. He rolled on the ground and turned into a black off-road vehicle, and fled towards the distance at high speed.

Han Su couldn’t care less about these two, so he immediately chased after them.

Bai Youling and the baroness Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that they escaped death by a narrow margin. They jumped onto the last ground drilling vehicle at the same time, drilled into the ground, and disappeared soon.

The speed of the black off-road vehicle can be imagined as it drove on the potholed and muddy ground.

Han Su quickly closed the distance, and the magnetic control ability was activated.

The magnetic field was instantly disturbed, and the black off-road vehicle flipped over on the spot and slammed into the dirt.

A faint blue light floated up, and the black off-road vehicle slowly twisted, gradually turning into a black-clothed youth.

He lay motionless in the mud, his eyes calmly looking at Han Su who was walking slowly.

“Hello, Chen Long.”

Chen Long’s expression changed. This was the first time a human being called himname.

Everyone else called him k88, but the person in front of him called him by his name and communicated with him as a real person.

This made him very happy.

“Hello. I’m Chen Long. Who are you?”

Han Su stretched out his right hand, “I’m Han Su.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Long’s mouth, and he tried hard to raise his right hand.

Unfortunately, it failed.

Han Su stepped forward, grabbed his hand and shook it. “Nice to meet”

Chen Long asked: “Are you here to kill me?” His tone was very calm, without any fear of death.

Han Su shook his head: “Why did you kill you? You should have noticed that I am not with them.”

“Then you are here to arrest me? Are you going to take me back to Xia Kingdom?”


Chen Long looked at Han Su suspiciously.

“Am I here to make friends with you?”


Chen Long was a little excited, “Is it really possible? Can someone like me have friends? I’m not even alone.”

“Why not?” Han Su said: “Descartes said: I think, therefore I am. The body is just a shell, what matters is our thoughts. As long as the thoughts are independent people, then whether the body is composed of carbonyl or silicon What’s the difference?”

Han Su looked at Chen Long with a sincere tone and sincere eyes: “Chen Li, you have your own independent thinking and independent personality. You are an independent individual, so of course you can have friends.”

Chen Long was very excited by Han Su’s words.

It was the first time that a human recognized him.

After he escaped from Xiaguo Research Institute, he felt that all human beings and all robots were chasing and killing him, and the whole world was rejecting him, and he never encountered any kindness.

Han Su’s few words hit his weakest and most vulnerable place.

Although it’s just a few words, a little recognition and a little kindness, but this is what he desires most.

“Really? Can I really have friends?”

“Of course. As long as you want. I can be your friend.”

“That’s great.”

Chen Long smiled brightly, like an innocent child. .

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