In Wu City, Jingchu Province, a boy who is only sixteen years old is playing a game called League of Legends at home.

The boy’s name is Chen Mingkai.

This is not the first MOBA game the teenager has played.

The first MOBA game that a teenager played was "Nobunaga's Ambition".

In this game, the teenager formed a team with some other MOBA players, but eventually the team was disbanded due to differences within the team.

Not long ago, a friend said that a game called League of Legends launched in the country was very fun.

But because the server is in a bad country, the latency is too high, and you need to turn on the accelerator to play, which is really troublesome.

In addition, the internal beta test of the national server was about to be launched, so Chen Mingkai did not try it.

Chen Mingkai just tried to apply for the qualification for internal testing. It doesn't matter even if he doesn't qualify for internal testing. Anyway, this game is expected to be launched during the Spring Festival.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mingkai got the qualification to play the game, and even the qualification for the internal beta of this game was sold online for two to three hundred yuan each.

Someone offered 280 yuan to buy Chen Mingkai's internal beta qualification, but Chen Mingkai didn't sell it.

After logging into the Paper Pigeon gaming platform, Chen Mingkai directly downloaded the game "League of Legends".

The modeling and interface of the game are very beautiful.

And Chen Mingkai didn't know why, but he always had an inexplicable feeling about this game, as if it was destined.

After logging into the game, Chen Mingkai passed the human-machine trial and quickly became familiar with the operation. After playing a few human-machine games, Chen Mingkai started matching.

At the beginning, Chen Mingkai was a little uncomfortable with it, but this was just the first day of the closed beta. There were very few people who had played this game before, so everyone's skills were not very good.

However, Chen Mingkai's record is more than ten kills every time, and he has become the leader of the team.

Even if there is a hidden point mechanism in the game, the better your record is and the more you win, the more powerful opponents you will be matched with.

But Chen Mingkai won easily every time.

Unconsciously, after playing for a whole day, Chen Mingkai only lost two games, and even in the two games he lost, he was named MVP by the system.

Chen Mingkai thinks this game is really fun, but for now, it doesn't challenge him.

Even if the official server is opened and the qualifying competition is started, then I should be able to reach the top position in the national server.

It’s not that Chen Mingkai is conceited, but the level of the current closed beta players. Chen Mingkai can say, “I’m not talking about someone on the scene, I’m talking about everyone sitting here.”

But soon, Chen Mingkai met a team.

Several other members of this team have poor records. They can miss three or four soldiers in a wave, and the support team also competes with the AD position for soldiers.

Even their team's jungler was often beaten to death by buffs.

However, their team's mid laner is very powerful.

He was playing the hero Yasuo, doing whatever he wanted in the middle, E coming and going, and no one could control him.

Not long after, he was already single-killed four times in the middle.

Seeing that Lu Lu's mentality was about to collapse, Chen Mingkai quickly went to help arrest him.

Who knew that he used E to dodge his own skills, then blocked Ezreal's ultimate move with a wind wall, and then blew himself and the mid laner up with a blow.

"The pain of Zarya!"

Yasuo made a big move downstairs, and then Haza gave him a double kill.

Chen Mingkai plays a tank hero. Although he has a lot of kills, compared to a big core like Yasuo who is extremely smooth, he becomes more and more weak the more he fights.

In the end, Chen Mingkai lost the game.

Chen Mingkai was convinced that he lost this game. The Yasuo on the opposite side was really awesome.

When Chen Mingkai wanted to invite the other party to play in duo queue, the other party also added him as a friend.

"Brother Ye Zi, I admit that he is very strong, but that was all an accident. In fact, I am better than him!" Li Jiangnan was very unhappy when he heard that Ye Ge wanted to add him as a friend.

The main reason is that Li Jiangnan's jungler has always been countered by the opponent, and every time when his health is very low, Li Jiangnan is already greeting the opponent's family tree in his heart.

"That's right, Brother Ye, this guy is just lucky. Every time he comes to gank, it's when we press forward at half health." Dasha was also caught by the opponent and felt numb, wishing to delete his hero directly.

Ye Ge shook his head: "It's not that he's lucky, it's that his understanding of the jungle position is far ahead. I won't go into details anymore. You guys will play first while I talk to this buddy."

Ye Ge ignored them and added Kelier Dancing as a friend.

The friend message of Claire's Dirty Dancing came through, and then she sent a message to Claire's Dirty Dancing: "Hello."

"Hello." Keli'er quickly responded.

Ye Ge: "Brother, you played really well."

Kelier Dirty Dancing: "Brother, you still play well. Can you double queue, bro?"

Ye Ge: "No, the lights in the dormitory will be turned off later. Speaking of which, buddy, where are you from?"

Kelier Dirty Dance: "Jingchu people."

"Jingchu is a great place. By the way, buddy, have you ever thought about playing professionally?" Ye Ge asked.

Kelier Dirty Dancing: "Huh?"

This game was just a closed beta test, and I was only on the first day of the closed beta test. Kelier never expected that someone would invite me to play professionally.

Playing a professional role with a stranger whom she just met a short time ago made Kelier very hesitant.

"This is my contact information."

Ye Ge sent him the phone number of the director of the operations department.

"If you want to play professionally, you can call this number and say that the call is from Ye Ge, and participate in the team selection, because I am responsible for the investment of the team, and our company has seen the future possibilities of League of Legends.

I want to build a team and gather the five people who I think are the most suitable and strongest people to compete in the professional arena in the future.

If you come here, I will give you the most professional training and a guaranteed minimum salary of 8,000 per month, including food and accommodation. You will sign your salary for one year first.

If the industry improves, your wages will be increased according to the market. "

"You are not a liar, are you?" Chen Mingkai was a little dazed.

Ye Ge just smiled:

"Liar is not a liar. You will know when the time comes. You can't just get in. The team we created is called BIG. It is backed by Station B. There will be auditions when the time comes. I hope you can participate.

Do you have any other questions? If not, I'm going to quit. "

When Ye Ge saw that the other party was silent and didn't reply, he wanted to close the game window, but soon, the chat box lit up.

Kelier Dirty Dance: "Boss, do you think e-sports will really be recognized by others in the future?"

Ye Ge was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile: "This is up to you."

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