In this life, we don’t even talk about love dogs

Chapter 395 Senior sister, what are you doing?

In the morning, after waking up, Ye Ge stood on the balcony and stretched.

Before I knew it, it was already mid-April.

If Ye Ge were to use the composition he wrote when he was in elementary school - "Spring is coming" to describe it.

That is--

"In the trees on campus, you can hear the chirping of birds, the flowers on the roadside are blooming, and the grass is poking its head out of the mud, and the dewdrops are quietly sliding down.

After a deep and forceful kiss, the whole nose was filled with the scent of earth and grass, which was the smell of spring. "

Now that he has grown up, Ye Ge would not describe it this way.

At most, I can only say the previous sentence——

"Spring is here, and it is the season of recovery of all things. In this season of recovery of all things, it is the best time for nature to reproduce beautifully."

However, compared to humans, the strongest desire to reproduce is not in spring, but in summer.

Ye Ge also likes summer the most.

But still have to wait two months.

Two months later, I can see Yuan Guoxue walking around in her office again wearing various short skirts and cool COS clothes.

Speaking of Yuan Guoxue.

Now it has been twelve days since the night when the girl got drunk.

During these twelve days, you can say that Yuan Guoxue was normal.

As usual, she works at Station B or Mihuyou in her spare time every day besides going to class.

His work attitude is also very correct, and he is becoming more and more skilled and efficient in handling things.

But you have to say it's not normal.

Yuan Guoxue would look at herself every day when she went to get off work, as if she owed her millions.


Even if he owed millions, he probably wouldn't be like this.

In addition, Yuan Guoxue would look at herself in a daze from time to time.

It was as if her face was a TV series and she couldn't move her eyes away.

I don't know what she was thinking.

After reminding her, she turned her head and said, "I'm not looking at you."

Ten years later, Tsundere has indeed withdrawn from the environment.

But now, tsundere is on the rise.

Not to mention that a tsundere of Yuan Guoxue’s level is really a big killer for boys!

And one day, when Ye Ge went to work at Station B, he saw a moving company moving objects one after another.

Ye Ge didn't pay too much attention.

It's just a normal company move, it's happened before.

Generally speaking, companies with poor profitability will move out of this area.

After all, the rent in this area is not a small figure.

Ye Ge returned to Mihuyou and checked the progress of the game.

Now Mihuyou is divided into three groups.

One group is Fennu's Birds.

Nowadays, the development work of "Fennu's Bird" has not stopped, the popularity on the market is still rising, and the value of IP is constantly growing.

So taking advantage of this wave of popularity, Mihuyou plans to launch "Fenu's Bird 2" and make another huge profit.

There is no way, now Mihuyou and Bilibili are really short of money.

If they didn't make more money, I don't know if "Phantom Beast Palu" and "Honkai Academy" could be developed.

But the good news is that Bilibili’s online store has been selling very well these days.

The other two groups are Honkai Academy and Phantom Beast Palu.

But now, in addition to Fennu’s Birdie, there is another main source of income, which is the store at Station B.

Within one day, Station B sold out all 70,000 items.

This kind of sales volume will be extremely scary ten years from now, let alone today.

These days, the assembly lines of various factories are almost smoking. Production is ramped up and all employees are getting double wages.

The employees are happy, and so are the bosses.

Of course, Ye Ge is happier.

Ye Ge heard that Fu Liuyou went to the Porsche 4S store yesterday and planned to start picking up the car in two or three months.

But these small factories are still not enough.

Ye Ge has asked the marketing department to conduct further research and plans to cooperate with several more toy factories.

In a few days, Ye Ge will also talk to them about buying shares.

In the past, when Ye Ge talked to them about acquiring most of their shares, most of them were reluctant.

This is understandable.

After all, they all want to sell themselves higher, or else they feel that although their factory is small, it is all about emotions, and they are a little reluctant to allow others to interfere.

It's like having your wife shared by someone else.

But now

Because of Station B, all the production lines were smoking, and we had to consider expanding the scale.

They feel that it is not impossible to invest in Bilibili, and it seems that their wives cannot come out to meet people.

Otherwise, if station B stops cooperating with itself, then its production lines will be as deserted as before.

One thing that worries the bosses of these manufacturers the most now is that Bilibili said that it will integrate all the factories together and establish a subsidiary.

Naturally, they can stay and be the person in charge of a certain factory. After all, these factories are scattered in Yiwu and need someone to manage them.

But they even hope that they can become the general manager of this subsidiary!

Not to mention that the general manager of this subsidiary can subscribe for 6% of the shares while he is in office.

Even without this share, this is still a big company. When the time comes, sitting in the office and becoming the boss of a former competitor, wouldn’t it be great?

They were already planning to find some time to treat Mr. Ye to a meal and a bath.

Ye Ge knew what these people were thinking, but he didn't care at all.

"Thank you thank you."

"Your company is too kind."

"Hey, we are all in a brother company."

"In that case, I'll accept it."

"How embarrassing this is"

"Everyone will be neighbors from now on."

Just when Ye Ge was writing a novel in the office and Yuan Guoxue took off her shoes and lay on the sofa watching the projection TV, bursts of noise suddenly came from outside the office door, which sounded very lively.

Ye Ge and Yuan Guoxue looked at each other.

Yuan Guoxue turned off the TV, put on her shoes, straightened her clothes, and then walked out with Ye Ge to see what was going on.

As soon as I went out, I saw Tang Zhiyan and some employees pushing a gift cart, and one person was handing out gifts.

"Everyone has one, there's not much left."

When Tang Zhiyan saw Ye Ge, he personally took two gift boxes and walked forward, handing them to Ye Ge and Yuan Guoxue.

"Senior sister, what are you..." Ye Ge was a little confused.

Tang Zhiyan curled his eyes and smiled: "From today on, we will work in the same office building. We are new here. If we have any questions, please help your company."

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