Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2084: Great Britain

Some people say that the UK is small, but the history is very complicated.

In fact, it is not complicated at all. Basically, if you can understand Quan You, you can understand British history.

England in the south experienced successive annexations by the Romans, Germans, and Vikings, and finally fell into the hands of the Duke of Norman; while Scotland was the home of the Picts from the beginning, and the Romans failed to break in. The Germans came in a little bit, and the Vikings were beaten away by the militant Picts as soon as they arrived.

So the Scots are of purer blood, and the British are basically mixed Saxon Anglo.

After the death of the first king of Scotland, Kenneth, his grandson Duncan inherited the throne, and Macbeth, who also had inheritance rights, launched a rebellion, killing Noken and then ascending to the throne. After 17 years in power, Macbeth was killed by Duncan’s son Malcon. Mu killed and regained the throne.

The descendant of Alfred, the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms, fled to Scotland after being defeated by William I, and married his sister to Malcom.

William I used this as an excuse to send troops and defeat Scotland. Malcolm surrendered, but Scotland was still an independent country.

But since then Scotland has been half short in front of England.

Later, the throne of England passed to Edward I. He can be regarded as an aggressively expanding king because he has made territorial claims to surrounding Scotland, Wales, Ireland and even France.

During his reign, he successfully annexed Wales and named his son, the first heir to the King of Wales, as the Prince of Wales. Since then, the British royal family has made this canonization a tradition.

He ruled Northern Ireland. The other part of the island of Ireland is called the Kingdom of Ireland. Although it remains independent, the same king is a Commonwealth.

In other words, at this time, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Kingdom of Ireland have become a unified whole, but each has different degrees of autonomy.

There was only one Scotland left on this island that did not join in. At this moment, the throne of Scotland passed to Queen Margaret. Edward I wanted to bring Scotland into his jurisdiction through "blood penetration", so he asked Queen Margaret to Married to his son, the Prince of Wales.

The queen had to agree due to the gap in national strength, but died of illness halfway to England.

Because the two royal families had a marriage contract before, the headless Scottish nobles invited Edward I to arbitrate for Scotland and elect a new king.

When Edward I saw that the marriage was unsuccessful, he wanted to take this opportunity to foster a puppet who was obedient to himself.

As a result, his abacus was lost. The newly established King of Scotland did not listen to him at all, and opposed him everywhere. Edward I finally decided to "come hard", send troops to defeat Scotland, abolish this new king, and take the Scottish throne. The symbol "Stone of Destiny" was brought back to London.

Originally, when the change of the royal family was under the control of the King of England, the Scottish people had not shown much, but when the "stone of fate" was taken away, a large-scale uprising against the actions of the British king and restoring Scottish independence broke out.

Here was the birth of Wallace, the most famous national hero in Scottish history, and was made into a movie called "Brave Heart".

During the uprising, King Edward I died. His successor was not as hard-hearted as he was. In the end, Scotland won and restored its full independence. The grandson of the supreme leader of the rebel army inherited the Scottish throne and opened the Stuart dynasty. prelude.

Although Scotland has maintained its independence, its strength has never been comparable to that of the British Kingdom.

For a long time, the British royal family has been using pressure and marriage to "dilute" the blood of the Scottish royal family, and finally this quantitative change has accumulated into a qualitative change.

When the British throne was passed to Elizabeth I, the famous "virgin queen" was unmarried and had no heirs. The closest blood relationship was actually King James VI of Scotland. Their relationship was: James VI. 'S grandfather is the queen's cousin.

In this way, James VI inherited the British throne, and his appellation followed the local customs. Because the British royal family had never been called "James" before, it became James I.

Scotland merged with the Kingdom of England for the first time, under the rule of a Stuart dynasty king.

But it was also during the Stuart dynasty that the glorious revolution broke out in Britain, and Parliament replaced the king as the country's highest authority.

It's as if the South is saying to the North, "Your king will also be our king. Will we merge?"

North said: "Okay!"

As soon as the result was merged, the South said, "Our Parliament leads everything, and the King is just a symbol."

The northern forehead dropped three black lines, "...".

Anyway, the Glorious Revolution broke out. Although the Scottish aristocrats felt it was a pit and strongly supported the king's rule, they were defeated in the end.

So the Scots set up their own parliament in order to maintain their independence, but in 1707, the British parliament passed a joint bill, all parliaments were merged, and the arms were never twisted.

After the Scottish Parliament was merged, the Scots broke out three successive uprisings, all of which ended in failure. Later, it happened that Queen Victoria came to power and led the entire British Isles to the "peak of life".

The Scots have since called themselves "North Brighton", which is a transliteration of Scots, actually "Northern Britons", which means that we are a family in the south with you, but we live in the north.

At the peak of the British Empire's dominance of the world, Scotland's voice of independence became less and less.

But after two world wars and the glory of the empire ceased, Scotland again saw the power model of the states in the United States. In 1997, together with Northern Ireland, they won the right to organize their respective parliaments. Since then, Scotland and Northern Ireland have become the United Kingdom. The "constituting country" of the United States has quite high autonomy in terms of local internal affairs, economy, culture, and religion, which is only slightly inferior to the "state power" of the United States.

Until now, when the British referendum decided to withdraw from the European Union with a narrow vote margin, most of the Scots wanted to stay in the European Union, so the independence sentiment was once again high, hoping to take this opportunity to become independent from Britain and become a sovereign state. Continue to stay in the EU to enjoy the economic benefits brought by it.

So is this history complicated? It's not complicated. If you look at Quan You with the mentality of drama, you will understand. After all, Scotland looks like the northern border in "Quan You" in terms of ethnicity.

Both the original seven Anglo-Saxon nations and William the Conqueror were branches of the Germans. In the long historical process, they did not come together until 1707.

After talking about history and talking about modern times, Scotland’s independence is much stronger than Catalonia and Bavaria.

Why do you say that? The answer is simple, because of the money!

Scotland is very developed in industries such as oil and gas, photovoltaics, fisheries, animal husbandry, tourism, finance, etc. ~ and even occupies a large proportion of the British economy. It has enough strength to ensure that it can develop after leaving the UK better.

Not to mention, first of all, Scotland has very rich oil resources. In 1978, the United Kingdom discovered oil on the North Sea shelf. The reserves were as high as 2.3-4.5 billion tons, enough for the development of a developed industrial country. North Sea oil has driven two countries or Regional development, one is Norway, the other is Scotland. Of course, the North Sea is not the North Sea. Yang Cheng and the others are at best a small branch of the North Sea oil, which is enough to feed them.

Aberdeen, a city in northern Scotland, is located on the northwest coast of the North Sea. Many large international oil companies have settled here, so it is called the "European Oil Capital".

According to the survey, there are about 24 billion barrels of crude oil stored in the seas near Scotland, and the peak annual oil revenue reached 11.6 billion pounds, accounting for more than 75% of the UK's total oil revenue.

Therefore, the Scots have always believed that it was England who took away the oil that originally belonged to them. This has become the greatest strength of Scotland's independence.

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