Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 672: Now it's a lump of shit

As for why Assange seeks ZZ asylum from Ecuador instead of other countries?

Some media analysts believe that it may be related to a talk show that Assange gave to Ecuadorian President Correa.

In the program, Correa praised WikiLeaks for publishing confidential U.S. diplomatic cables for the "transparency" of international relations, and invited Assange to take refuge in the "recipient club" in Ecuador in a true and false tone.

In the same year, an Ecuadorian foreign minister expressed his willingness to provide Assange with a house in the country without any conditions attached. Although President Correa subsequently called this a personal statement of the foreign minister, he did not completely deny it. Whether Assange will be given asylum, so although Assange’s true thoughts are unknown, finding Ecuador’s help is probably related to this matter.

In addition, even though the incident is ostensibly a "struggle" between Britain, Ecuador and Sweden, it actually reveals the shadow of the United States behind it. What Assange is really worried about is that he will be extradited to Sweden after the crime is confirmed. Extradited to the United States to face charges of "espionage" and thus face the death sentence.

Based on this, it is not difficult to understand that Assange chose to run away. Since he has run away, he can't go to the allies of the United States. Wouldn't it be equivalent to throwing himself into the net?

And precisely because the current president of Ecuador, Correa, has always been a leader of the left in Latin America, he has been in close contact with Venezuela, Iran, Cuba and other countries, and he often sings "opposite drama" with the United States, and his skills and attitude are very tough. Assange is very likely. It was this point that made the ZZ asylum request to Ecuador.

From the Ecuadorian side, the foreign minister has stated in an interview with the media that the reason for the decision of the Ecuadorian ZF is that Assange’s personal safety is indeed threatened.

Although the Swedish side sued Assange on the grounds of * and xing harassment, the Ecuadorians said that Assange might be persecuted by ZZ. This obviously refers to the United States. He also claimed that the Swedish prosecutor did not give Assange as his own The right to defend does not have due human rights protection.

Of course, after entering the Ecuadorian embassy, ​​it is basically impossible for Assange to fly from the UK to Ecuador. First of all, the Ecuadorian embassy in the UK is a diplomatic territory and the British police cannot enter casually, but once Assange walks out of the embassy gate, he will always May be arrested.

Since Assange entered the embassy, ​​the British police have continued to increase the police force around the embassy, ​​and the water around the embassy has been blocked. Not to mention Assange as a big living person, even a bird does not want to fly out, and the United Kingdom It has been made clear that it will not provide a convenient passage from the Ecuadorian embassy to the airport, and in accordance with British domestic law, the British government will have the right to revoke the diplomatic nature of the Ecuadorian embassy and forcefully enter and arrest Assange.

In addition to convenient access, Assange has several possibilities for "escaping" from Britain.

One is that Ecuador provides Assange with diplomatic status, which means that Assange is regarded as an Ecuadorian diplomat, so that he has diplomatic immunity. However, diplomatic immunity can only protect Assange from judicial trial, but not him. Under arrest, in fact, the British police have repeatedly arrested diplomats stationed in the country for drunk driving in the past;

The second is to allow Assange to enter the diplomatic license vehicle provided by Ecuador to go to the airport. According to international law, vehicles with diplomatic license cannot be detained or confiscated. Unfortunately, the Ecuadorian Embassy in the UK does not have an underground or internal parking lot, that is, Assange. To get on the bus, you must first get out of the embassy. Moreover, even if Assange can get on the bus smoothly, he will always need to get off the bus and board the plane. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that the British police may start arrests at this time;

The third is to place Assange in a container and transport it as a "diplomatic parcel". International law stipulates that diplomatic parcels cannot be opened or confiscated during their transportation, and their size can be unlimited, so this can also be regarded as a method However, international law also stipulates that the contents of diplomatic parcels must be "official materials", so it is difficult to say whether this path will work.

So there is only one last option, that is, Assange can choose to stay in the Ecuadorian embassy for a long time. The most typical case of ZZ asylum applicants staying in the diplomatic embassy for a long time is that there was a Hungarian cardinal who lived in the US embassy in Budapest. For 15 years, but this is also related to the strong position of the United States.

Compared to the strong and weak relationship between the United States and Hungary, it is clear that the British are much stronger than Ecuador.

But no one expected that the Ecuadorians vented all their anger towards the Americans on the British. They were stupefied by the stalking of John Bull and protected Assange. It has been almost 3 years now. .

Of course, during the three years Assange’s own life is not Anyone who hides in a dark room and faces the computer all day will not feel very comfortable, although Assange often orders takeaways with a provocative nature. Pizza arrived in his room, but this still couldn't change his fate of not being able to leave the embassy.

The Ecuadorian Embassy also criticized Assange. According to legend, in order to protect Assange, the Ecuadorians invested no less than 5 million U.S. dollars before and after, completely becoming Assange’s personal nanny, not only for him to eat and drink. He has to clean the room for him. Of course, these are not the main ones. The biggest impact is the crisis to the relationship between Ecuador and the EU, which makes Ecuadorians who don’t have much support can not stand it.

But for the time being, Assange is still safe, and Ecuador has not broken his face.

But Yang Cheng saw a trace of loopholes. He didn't believe that Assange asked for 10 million pounds to enjoy life.

Hansen was waiting for Yang Cheng's reply on the other end of the phone, but Yang Cheng was silent for a long time, and Hansen couldn't help but become anxious, "Boss, do we want to give him this money?"

Yang Cheng retracted his thoughts and said angrily, "Give him a pile of shit, Julian Assange is now a shit, and anyone who gets it will get a sao."

He regretted it a little, and he should not explode the mail door incident hastily. History has proved that no one will end up with the scourge of Assange.

Yang Cheng is different from Hansen, a group of upright soldiers. Everything he did was for profit. When he tried to cooperate with Assange, he also valued WikiLeaks in his hands, instead of appreciating the so-called "Robin Hood" chivalrous spirit. Now that he realizes that this guy is poisonous, Yang Cheng wants to be as far away from him as possible, and wants to make money from him? No doors! (https://)

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