Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 105: She did n’t believe this explanation

"What did you say?" Ai Chang turned his head slowly and looked at him.

"Don't be stupid, how long have you been married, how can he be such a heartbreaker for you?" Du Yucheng's mouth had a smile of nearly sympathy, "He just looked at the love between the two of you and did his best He takes care of you, and if something goes wrong, he can't explain to your grandpa. "

Ai Chang frowned slightly: "How did you know ..."

How could she know her background, not even Pei Soo.

"Want to know how did I know?" Du Yucheng chuckled, "Of course Zhan Ke told me, even those words he told me personally."

"It's impossible." Ai Changhuan wouldn't be so stupid as to believe Du Yucheng, she just thought that his behavior of provoking alienation was too annoying, and she felt resentment for a while.

"What is impossible, my relationship with Zhan Ke is more intimate than you think. Do you want to know why?" Du Yucheng turned around and looked at Ai Changhuan with a smile, his eyes full of provocation.

Ai Changhuan turned his face away from his eyes: "If you're fine, just go. I don't want to hear you talking nonsense here."

Du Yucheng refused to stop: "Don't want or dare? Don't you really guess why?"

Ai Changhuan clenched her fists, her fingertips paled slightly, and she bit her lip. She said, "As long as I know, he loves me, that's enough. For the rest, I don't want to know, I don't want to. Believe."

Upon hearing this, Du Yucheng squinted slightly: "You know what?"

Otherwise, according to her previous personality, she would have jumped up and refuted, and it would not be such a dodgy appearance that she could not admit.

"You go." Ai Changhuan didn't answer.

"I guessed it, but didn't dare to think deeply." Du Yucheng chuckled again. "He hasn't been waiting for you for so long, but he is waiting for someone else. That person is called Shen Qingyan, and it is the military general hospital. The doctor, also Zhan Ke ’s first love, had been together for almost ten years, but finally had to break up because of family reasons. Zhan Ke was very angry, he threw out both of them, and did not leave a photo. under."

"Don't say it." Ai Changhuan interrupted Du Yucheng's words impulsively, because he was right, she guessed, but Lu Zhanke still had a picture of the woman, she had seen it, but did not expect Lu Zhan Kezhen Loved her, maybe, still love.

"Oh, I say this for your own good. He's not the only one in his heart. He doesn't deserve you. Don't be too stupid, don't really fall in love with him." At the end, Du Yucheng's voice gradually lowered. With a hint of fragility.

But Ai Changhuan was so upset that she couldn't find out that Du Yucheng was wrong, and only repeated it again and again: "I don't believe that Lu Zhanke has never mentioned it to me. Besides, whoever hasn't lived in the past, the first person I like is not He, but now, I only have him in my heart, that's enough, I didn't want to mention it in the past. "

"You are the only one in your heart?" Du Yucheng repeated, his body shook a bit uncontrollably, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became pale. "You have a deep affection for him, but he only considers it a responsibility, and his heart gives it back. Do n’t you really mind if another woman stays? Ai Changhuan, I do n’t know, you are so generous and generous enough to share your husband with another woman. ”

"Enough!" Ai Changhuan interrupted Du Yucheng's words with a calm face. "Although I don't know why you said these things to me, I really don't want to listen anymore. You go, remember to take the door for me . "

Ai Changhuan turned to stare out the window, leaving Du Yucheng with a back of his head, a gesture of refusing to talk.

Du Yucheng seemed to hear his heartbreaking voice. He wanted to rush to tell her that he was Qin Zhan and he was always by her. Why did she no longer love him?

But he couldn't, he had endured it for so long, he couldn't fall short at the critical moment, he ... could only watch her open and far away from him.

There was a tinge of pain in the heart, and then the pain quickly spread in a bursting manner, and there was a real possibility that the pain would die.

He didn't dare to look at it any more, then turned and rushed out quickly, his footsteps were urgent and heavy.

Ai Changhuan looked back at the swaying door panel with a little cyanosis.

Why, till now, she still has an illusion. Du Yucheng and Qin Zhan are so much like each other, but Qin Zhan won't say strange things like him.

It's just that Qin Zhan will definitely not appear again. He shouldn't have gone there that day ...

Looking back again, looking at Lu Zhanke's sleepy face, he couldn't help falling into a moment of contemplation. He ... did he really love that woman for a full ten years? If he really can't forget her, then it's excusable, after all, how many decades do people have in their lives?

Although I was thinking so, I was a little sad.

Lu Zhanke, I believe that you love me.

At noon that day, Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke flew to City A by plane. The hospital has already been contacted and experts are in place. Ai Changhuan only hates that the plane can't fly faster and faster, and the danger of a delay of one second for Land Warriors increases.

After countless sufferings, the plane finally landed, and the hospital ambulance rushed them to the hospital.

Ai Changhuan didn't expect that except for the arrival of Father Ai, Father Lu, Madam Lu and Qingqing Lu were also waiting there.

As soon as Lu Zhanke was lifted from the car, they quickly surrounded him, looked at the situation of Lu Zhanke, and asked the doctors who came with him what was happening.

Mrs. Lu wanted to touch Lu Zhanke, but was afraid that she might accidentally break it. She was very sad: "Zhan Ke ... what happened?"

Although this son had left home earlier, it was better to be kind to the eldest son who was beside him, but in the end he was his own son, and his heart was not uncomfortable. It was fake, and Mrs. Lu could not help but wipe her tears.

Ai Changhuan whispered, "Little grandma."

The Lus are younger than Father Ai, but they are of the same age, so she called the grandpas and grandparents of Lus and the uncles of Lus before they got married. The relationship changed too quickly, and she did n’t get used to it for a while. come.

Mrs. Lu ignored Ai Changhuan and didn't even give her one. She turned her head and asked the doctor about the chance of Lu Zhanke's hand recovery, and she didn't know if she hadn't heard or was angry with Ai Changhuan.

Ai Changhuan couldn't get in, and went along with the car. During that time, he continued to hold the unarmed hand of Landing Warfare and told him that he was always by his side.

It wasn't until she was sent to the operating room that she had to let go.

In fact, Grandpa Ai first saw her granddaughter and knew what happened and how she was injured. However, the people in the Lu family were still watching. He could n’t be too short. An angry look taught her a meal, otherwise the Lu family couldn't get over it.

The door of the operating room was closed, and the footsteps of several people also stopped outside the door. Ai Changhuan was anxious in his heart. He subconsciously looked at his grandfather whom he trusted most, but found that he and his grandpa who had always looked so suddenly suddenly sank and sang: "You are not ready to kneel down!"

Ai Changhuan was a little bit blindfolded, and looked around, and found that the eyes of Lu's family were extremely cold, especially the land warrior who didn't like her at first, and her eyes were cold and bitter at the moment.

"Kneel down!" Father Ai sang again.

As soon as Ai Changhuan's legs were soft, he knelt down.

Mrs. Lu watched coldly, she wanted to see what step Ai Ai could do.

Mr. Lu frowned slightly, but he was afraid of the friendship between the two, and he said, "The child is tired all the way, so I'll talk about it later."

Lu Zhanqing didn't say anything, her eyes were slightly lowered, and she also held a good attitude.

"No!" Master Ai said sharply, "I don't teach her well today, how can I deserve you, brother."

Mr. Ai turned to look at Ai Changhuan: "You, you, let me say how you are good. Although you are younger than Zhan Ke, you ca n’t be so ignorant. What are you going to do? This kind of thing is happening now, how do you feel in your heart? Young man, just playing hard, I think you will stay at home this time, and you are not allowed to go anywhere, I must give you this escaped temperament Polish it well. "

"Grandpa ..." Ai Changhuan felt uncomfortable. When his grandfather said so, his grievances increased. She didn't expect it to happen.

Looking at the two of them, Mrs. Lu sneered.

Mrs. Ai, she could clearly understand this, saying that Ai Changhuan was smaller than Lu Ke, didn't it just make them cheaper for the Lu family? To say that she is young and not qualitative and playful means that this is not a big mistake, nor can the Lu family take her. Finally, she said that if she wanted to go back to Ai's house, wouldn't she be afraid they would abuse her?

He said all the good and bad things, and waited for them to express their opinions.

Because of his face, Father Lu could only dissuade him: "It's not a matter of Chang Huan. It's because the criminals are too fierce. Besides, they also made great contributions this time. I think this is the case."

Lu Zhanqing raised an eyebrow: "Zhan Ke woke up and would definitely like Chang Huan to accompany her. It is not appropriate for her to go back to live."

Moreover, their Lu family didn't want to be buttoned down for abusing their daughter-in-law.

Mr. Ai was embarrassed: "No, no, I didn't teach the children well ..."

Ai Changhuan didn't receive the warning look from Mr. Ai. She focused on landing Zhan Ke, and immediately said: "No, grandpa, I want to stay here to take care of Lu Zhanke, but I'm sorry for him, I can't just leave."

Father Ai only wanted to vomit blood, and cursing was really a silly girl. Why didn't he understand Grandpa's hard work so much?

Mrs. Lu asked, "Why, your name is Zhan Ke?"

Father Ai secretly said in a bad voice that the mother-in-law of the Lu family had begun to find fault. Poor Chang Huan was still kneeling on the cold floor.

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