Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 107: Surgery failed

Ai Changhuan knew what Mrs. Lu wanted to ask, because she had thought about this question more than once. What would happen if Lu Zhanke's hands did not recover.

The only answer she could think of was that she would be sad and sad.

It's just that this sadness and sadness is not for himself, but for land battle Ke. If his hand is injured, he can no longer continue to do what he likes to do. In that way, he will not be happy.

Ai Changhuan blinked and forced back the tears that came to her eyes. She pulled the corner of her mouth and said, "Regardless of whether his hands can recover, his position in my heart will never change."

Mrs. Lu turned her head and looked at Lu Zhanke in bed: "Don't say so nicely, if you really hate him, you might as well leave now."

"I won't go, even if he rushes me, I won't go." This sentence is for Mrs. Lu, and for herself.

The night was extraordinarily long. Ai Changhuan's body couldn't take it anymore, but he stubbornly defended against Ke.

Mrs. Lu was too old to stay up all night and was sent back.

The hospital is left with Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanqing, who are silent and boring.

Lu Zhanqing took off his coat and covered it with Ai Changhuan: "You hold on for a while, Zhan Ke will call you if he wakes up."

"Well, okay." Ai Changhuan couldn't hold it anymore, her head crooked, and she leaned on the back of the chair and slept.

In my dream, I remembered that when I was injured last time, Lu Zhanke kept taking care of herself for so long. The first person she saw when she opened her eyes was him. Now she is waiting for Lu Zhanke to wake up with this feeling, she hopes The first he saw when he woke up was her.

It was just that she was very worried, very afraid. Wasn't that the same feeling when the land battle Ke guarded her?

No wonder at that time he asked her if she had thought about the feelings of others. Now she thinks that she is really too wayward and irrational. She always affects others and always makes her wary.

Now that she understands, and knows that she should grow up, don't let Lu Zhanke worry about herself anymore, she also needs to take good care of Lu Zhanke and let his body recover quickly.

I thought too much before going to bed, so I kept dreaming after falling asleep. The deeper I slept, the deeper she dreamed. She also remembered what happened when she was caught and imprisoned.

She had been worried about Landing Ke's body before, and she didn't have time to think too much. Now she was half awake, and those horrific incidents that she had just experienced were overwhelming.

She was struggling in a nightmare, endless torture and beatings, and a wound cut around her neck, ticking off the warm blood dripping down, it was terrible.

She was so scared, she was really scared, but she bit her teeth tightly and didn't make a little sound, because Lu Zhanke couldn't come, she couldn't come at all.

Even if it hurts again.

It was so cold. When the unknown liquid was injected into the blood vessels, her whole body seemed to be frozen. She couldn't move. There was a devil-like voice in her ear. Let her write a letter. No, those are not her true words.

In the dream, she pinched her hands tightly, don't write, don't write.

She regrets that she blame her for being sad. Everyone is blaming her, even she is blaming herself, but no one tells her that in fact, none of her matters. Even without her, Lu Zhanke would still want those criminals. Hit it all.

No one told her that she could only continue to punish herself.

She later dreamed that Lu Zhanke was awake, but his hands could no longer be raised, because he did n’t have a little strength, he said that he had become a wasteful man, and he could not even do such a simple gesture of hugging her with both hands. Holding him crying was silent, because the feeling was so terrible, she seemed to be able to clearly feel the sad and desperate emotion of Lu Zhanke, she was crying for him.

"Landsman Ke, don't ..." Don't come!

"Don't ... not ..."

"Marine Ke ..."

Don't give up, don't be sad, don't despair, she will always be by his side and guard him.

"Wake up." A person next to her kept pushing her. Ai Changhuan suddenly awakened from the nightmare, a cold sweat, wheezing and panting, a look of consternation.

She opened her eyes in confusion, turned her head, opened her mouth to the last striking face, and murmured: "Lu Zhanke ..."

The man frowned. "I'm not Zhan Ke, I'm Zhan Qing."

"Ah ..." Ai Changhuan sat up straight, looking at the surrounding environment, and then remembered that he was still in the hospital, "What about Lu Zhanke?"

"Still inside, the nurse has just gone into the rounds, and you just had a nightmare?" He could not help waking her up when he heard her yelling at Lu Zhanke's name, and still weeping.

When a person is asleep, his state is the most real and most unprepared, so he often shows his most real emotions.

It can be seen that she really loves Ke.

He couldn't help but have a slight change in her opinion, maybe she was not as annoying as she thought.

Most importantly, Zhan Ke loves him very much.

Ai Changhuan wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "Fortunately it was just a dream."

There was a tingling in the palm of her hand, and she realized that she didn't know when to cut her hand, and the pain became more obvious when she was touched by sweat.

"Otherwise, you can go to bed." There is an empty ward here, and the Marine Secretary wants Ai Changhuan to go in for a rest, but Ai Changhuan insists on keeping Lu Zhanke by his side and refuses to leave.

Ai Changhuan shook his head: "No need."

Marines handed the handkerchief over, "Erase it."

"Huh?" Ai Changhuan was a little confused, and touched her cheek, only to find that her face was actually wet, did she cry in her dream?

She returned the jacket to Lu Qingqing and stood up and said, "I'll wash my face."

The dream was so terrible that she didn't dare to sleep anymore, so she planned to wash her face with cold water to wake her up.

She was dizzy, and she was holding the wall slowly forward, but after just two steps, there was a sudden sound like an alarm behind her.

She quickly turned back, and then saw that the Marine Secretary also immediately got up and grabbed the nurse in the rounds and asked, "What's wrong?"

The nurse told him that Lu Zhanke had a postoperative reaction and suddenly had a fever. She had rang the bell to inform the doctor to come.

Ai Changhuan looked at the overlapping figures in front of her, and fluttered straight down.

The last thing she wanted to see happened, shouting in her ear, but she didn't want to think about it any more.

Someone said in her ears that she was weak and irritated, and that she suffered a serious injury before she passed out. Take a good rest. Do n’t let your mood fluctuate too much.

She also heard the grand sigh of grandpa, and someone was talking about Landing Ke's name.

Marine Ke ...

Her heart moved slightly, and she opened her eyes forcefully, seeing a white ceiling, and she did not know when she was lying on the bed.

The sound of ticking water coming from the ear was very light and slow. I looked at it and realized that I was also infusion.

Next to the bed was another bed, on which was lying Marine Ke.

He ... is he okay?

Ai Changhuan struggled to get up from the bed, pulled out the needle on his hand, and got out of bed to Lu Zhanke's bed.

She wanted to touch him more, and was afraid to disturb him, and finally hesitated to touch his nails and said with a smile, "Are you all right?"

Lu Zhanke was still in a coma without any response.

Ai Changhuan looked at Lu Zhanke infatuatedly, and found that he could not see enough, and his eyes were reluctant to blink.

Is he really okay? She was still worried.

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened, and Mrs. Lu Zhanguo came in, followed by her grandfather and Mrs. Lu. Their faces were very heavy, and it looked like something bad had happened.

She also saw Mrs. Lu's eyes red and swollen, as if she had cried.

Ai Changhuan's heart tightened, his thin shoulders shivered.

"Xiaohuan, are you awake?" Grandpa Ai hurried to see Ai Changhuan who had risen at a glance.

I heard that Ai Changhuan suddenly fainted. Father Ai was almost scared to death. This is the only seedling in his old Ai family. What can he do if something happens again?

Looking at the grandfather who was suddenly much older, Ai Changhuan immediately wet his eyes: "Grandpa, I'm fine. Lu Zhanke ..."

Mr. Ai's face was stiff, as if he was holding back something, but finally he just sighed heavily and turned his head.

Ai Changhuan had already foreseen something, but he refused to believe: "No ... No, how could this be possible?"

She turned to look at the other three people in the room, with a little pleading in her eyes: "Please, tell me, what is going on?"

She hoped to hear a negative answer from them.

Mrs. Lu put aside her face, and her eyes were flushed.

She looked at the Marine again, waiting for his answer.

Lu Zhanqing's eyes dropped: "Yesterday, after you passed out, the doctor immediately performed a second operation on Zhan Ke, but ... very unsuccessful ... they said ... Zhan Ke ..."

A calm and calm person like Lu Zhanqing is at a loss at this moment.

After taking a deep breath, he continued: "The doctor said, Zhan Ke's hand may not be all right."

This means that Lu Zhanke's right hand is going to be abolished, he can no longer lift it, can no longer afford a gun, and can no longer do anything.

No ... how is this possible ... how is this possible ...

Ai Changhuan softened, and fell directly from the bed to the ground, his mouth kept murmuring: "I don't believe ... this is not true ... you lied to me ... land battle Ke he is obviously good ... he is so powerful, Do you know? He can run for eight kilometers with me on his back, but he does n’t even breathe. He can single out dozens of people. He also said that he would teach me military punches ... He is the most powerful gunner. No one ... no one can beat him ... no one! "

In an instant, she burst into tears.

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