Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 109: Willing to serve him

"Ha?" Ai Changhuan's heart jumped and his face went red. "You ... what are you talking about?"

Looking at Ai Changhuan's expression that almost buried her head in the ground, Mrs. Lu's face also changed, her gaze fell on Ai Changhuan's belly in surprise: "You ... you and Zhan Ke are almost married It's been six months, no ... "

She was a little embarrassed after she said it, just watching Ai Changhuan silently.

Ai Changhuan's blushing has begun to smoke, her tiptoe has been unconsciously poking at the ground: "That ... that ..."

Hey, who said that he would definitely go to bed after marriage? All I can say is that Lu Zhanke is really very fond of her.

The two were speechless again.

Mrs. Lu was expressionless and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Isn't you willing?" If two people hadn't been in the same room before, then Lu Zhanke has become like this, she must have looked down even more.

Ai Changhuan has no room for self-confidence. Madam Lu is her elder, and the two are so different in age. It is not appropriate to talk about such topics, but since she asked, she couldn't help answering.

"No ... no ..." After thinking about it, I shook my head again. "In the beginning it was ... but now ... I have changed my mind ..."

Having said that, Ai Changhuan's head was lower, and he added silently: "I also want to give a child to Lu Zhanke."

This was what she said, not for anything else.

Seeing her blushing was no longer the case, Mrs. Lu said nothing, but just shook Ai Changhuan's hand comfortably. If she can really defend Landing Ke for a lifetime, that's fine.

Lu Zhanke woke up that afternoon. At that moment, Ai Changhuan and Mrs. Lu were standing by his bed. Although the other three men didn't come around, their attention was always on this side. , And all looked at each other with an eye to eye.

"Zhan Ke ..." Madam Lu was so excited that she almost cried again.

Ai Changhuan's eyes were also flushed: "Land Zhan Ke, you finally woke up."

Lu Zhanke's throat moved and he wanted to say something.

Ai Changhuan said hurriedly: "We are in City A now, rest assured that it is safe here."

Seeing Ai Changhuan right in front of him, Lu Zhanke smiled by pulling the corner of his mouth. He just wanted to raise his hand and touch Ai Changhuan's cheek, but found that his right hand could not move, and his face changed slightly.

Ai Changhuan noticed his mood swings and said quickly: "Don't move, the doctor said that your hand has just been fixed and you can't move for the time being."

"I ..." Lu Zhanke opened his mouth, but his throat interfered, he wanted to ask himself how long it would take to move.

Ai Changhuan calmed down: "Don't worry, it will be fine soon, believe me, Lu Zhanke, you believe me."

Looking at her sincere eyes, Lu Zhanke's anxious heart finally settled down a little.

Seeing that Ai Changhuan took good care of Lu Zhanke, Mrs. Lu finally felt relieved, and saw that Lu Zheke kept staring at Ai Changhuan, and she couldn't help but feel lost. Go back and see you later. "

Now I am afraid that the only person whom Lu Zhanke wants to meet is Ai Changhuan. They stay here just as electric light bulbs.

After a few words, they took a good rest and left, leaving space for both of them.

Lu Zhanke stared at Ai Changhuan without blinking, remembering the situation before he entered the operating room, he stared at Ai Changhuan for a long time: "You ... Do you know me?"

Before being injected by the military division with a hallucinogen and the hallucinogen caused him to fail to recognize Lu Ke, Ai Changhuan had heard from Pei Zheng, and he was even guilty when he heard the words: "Sorry, Lu Ke, I promise, I will never forget you again .Now you are in the deepest place in my heart. "

Ai Changhuan pointed to his chest.

This straightforward confession made Lu Zhanke very happy, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted. He wanted to raise his right hand and found that he couldn't move, but only stretched out his left hand to touch Ai Changhuan's cheek.

There were thousands of words in my heart, and I rushed into my throat, and eventually they all became one sentence: "I'm sorry."

Making her hurt, leaving her alone in that kind of place, making her feel hopeless and scared, were all reasons he wanted to apologize.

Ai Changhuan has made up his mind beforehand, no matter how much he wants to cry in front of Lu Zhanke, he must give him the warmest smile, but the words of Lu Zhanke still slammed her tears severely. It became red, and the hand holding Landing Battle Ke cried silently.

After so long exhaustion, so long sadness and self-blame, she was almost out of breath. She thought that she had collapsed several times, but she still remembered the landing battle, and wanted to see him support her. And finally waited.

She wanted to throw a cry in Lu Zhanke's arms, but Lu Zhanke's injury made her dare not to act lightly. She could only cry by holding his left hand desperately, but crying louder when she thought his right hand was broken. .

Lu Zhanke was taken aback by her sudden loud cry, but in a blink of an eye she turned into a pet, and crying so loudly indicates that she is fine, and that's fine.

Tired of crying, Ai Changhuan was lying next to Lu Zhanke, holding his hand, looking at him with red eyes, and saw his chin from his forehead all the time, and refused to miss the slightest.

Lu Zhanke was also watching her. He couldn't move. He could only look at her with his head on his side. Ai Changhuan was very considerate. He supported his head with his arm and hovered above Lu Zhanke. .

Lu Zhanke looked more painful when he looked. He saw the wound on her neck. Although it had begun to scab, the shallow scar seemed to be left on his heart.

"You ... where else did you get hurt?" He remembered every word in the letter, and each of those abuses she had suffered seemed to have been severely shot in his heart.

After hearing the words, Ai Chang raised his eyes cheerfully, and looked at Lu Zhanke in surprise: "You ... did you receive that letter?"

"Um." Lu Zhanke whispered.

Ai Changhuan bent his corner of the mouth: "You believe it? It's a lie."

"What?" Lu Zhanke looked surprised.

"Although I wrote the letter, it wasn't true. I was controlled by drugs at the time and I was not in control. The content of those letters was deceiving you. In fact, I have nothing at all, Lu Zhanke, I'm fine. Ai Chang laughed with a relaxed expression, as if all he said was true.

But Lu Zhanke knew that she was lying to him. If the content of the letter was fake, what about those videos? He saw it all.

She must say that she didn't want to make her feel sad. This fool is really a fool.

Seeing Lu Zhanke's eyes staring at himself without blinking, Ai Changhuan unnaturally looked away, and lay back again: "Lu Zhanke, have we forgotten the past?

Lu Zhanke lowered his eyes, um, but he knew that he could not forget that he had to keep in mind the past things so that he would not repeat the same mistakes.

Ai Chang laughed aloud: "It's good, quietly leaning together to talk, take a look at the night, and talk about your thoughts. Lu Zhanke, do you like these days?"

Her words were full of temptation. If Lu Zhan Ke could not return to the army in the future, they would have to live like this every day. I wonder if the busy Lu Zhan Ke could adapt.

Lu Zhanke held her hand: "You are enough."

Ai Chang smiled a little, then tightened up Marine Ke Ke: "Me too."

After this grind, the two people's moods have changed and their feelings have become better and better.

How sticky Lu Zhanke was, Ai Changhuan realized it when he was injured and hospitalized last time, but this time he was more sticky than the last time, and he was injured on the pretext that this also caused Ai Changhuan and Ai Changhuan Huan.

"Chang Huan, I want to drink water."

"Chang Huan, I want to read the newspaper. I can't see it. You read it to me."

"Chang Huan, I want to watch TV. This one doesn't look good. Give me another."

In fact, Ai Changhuan really wants to vomit, don't you still have a hand? After enduring for a long time, he said nothing at all, willingly continued to be an old lady to serve Master Lu.

"Chang Huan, I'm hungry."

Ai Changhuan lifted the bed table again and put him in front of him to feed him.

If he said that he wanted to eat fruit, Ai Changhuan immediately washed it and brought it to him. The most favorite of Marine War Ke is the apple, so often Ai Changhuan peeled it and cut it into pieces. In a few days, Ai Changhuan has been trained from the basic skills that can cut apples into pits to the advanced skills that can be peeled in one go.

However, this behavior similar to coquettishness, Lu Zhanke will only do it when no one sees it. If Mrs. Lu or Qing Qing came, he immediately transformed into a positive five-good youth who is physically and mentally enthusiastic. Come, if he came forward to help him, his face was still unhappy.

In short, it feels like a split personality.

Several times Mrs. Lu couldn't stand it, all suggesting that Lu Zhanke should not do too much, and also mentioned Ti Ai Changhuan's careful care for so long, but Lu Zhanke was as deaf and deaf, this should be put in the past, Ai Chang Huan must have rushed to hit him without hesitation, but now he couldn't bear it anymore, only secretly scolding him as a freak.

It has been almost half a month since Ai Changhuan returned to City A. Every day he stayed next to the Marine Zhan Ke, accompanied him to talk and watch TV or something, and never went out.

Seeing the weather was fine that day, Ai Changhuan also wanted to get together with his friends, and said that he would go out to meet friends and let Lu Zhanke play by himself.

Although Lu Zhanke was unhappy, he agreed, and only told Ai Changhuan to return early.

Ai Changhuan looked at his gloomy face, can't help but feel a little funny, but also feel a little bit sour, she leaned down and kissed Lu Zhanke's cheek and said: "Relax, I just go to see Xiao Fan, and come back soon."

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