Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 115: IDO, I would

In the end, Meng Xian chose Ai Changhuan as a cutout wedding gown, but it was low-cut, so it solved the problem of the high neck with a short neck.

It seems nothing special from a distance, but if you look closely, you will find that the openwork carving is extraordinarily exquisite, every flower and every leaf is lifelike, and it simply reveals inexplicable elegance.

Ai Changhuan tried it on and liked it very much.

Meng Xian raised an eyebrow at Xiang Ji Xingfan: "Miss Ji, what do you think?"

Ji Xingfan coughed uncomfortably and said, "OK."

Meng Xian also said, "In fact, we also provide wedding photos of girlfriends. Would you like to try it, Miss Ji?"

"No." Ji Xingfan refused immediately, then said to Ai Changhuan, "or else, I think it's fine."

Ai Changhuan also nodded, because Lu Zhanke was wearing military uniform at that time, so he didn't have to come and try on clothes.

Before choosing a wedding dress, Ai Changhuan told Ji Xingfan about inviting her to be her bridesmaid, but Ji Xingfan pushed it, and also said that the wedding did not come, because she had a very, very important day. Activities that have to be attended must not go away or be excused.

Angrily, Ai Changhuan grabbed her and scratched Titicaca. Ah, she got married and she couldn't come as a dead girl's girlfriend. It was simply too much.

Ji Xingfan kept begging for mercy, and said that the next time Ai Changhuan would marry, she would definitely come.

Ai Changhuan grabbed her without control and was a violent meal. Ah, she dared to curse her divorce.

However, she couldn't come because of some activities, and she didn't stick to it, but she still had regrets in her heart.

Picking a good wedding dress, Meng Xian explained that Tian Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke can come to take wedding photos, and that the bridesmaid clothes in his store are also very beautiful, and he can sponsor Ji Xingfan for free.

Ai Changhuan looked at Ji Xingfan and Meng Xian, but couldn't help laughing, and said, "I'm sorry, she's not my bridesmaid."

"Ah ..." Meng Xian seemed to be very regretful. When he gave them two to the car, he took out a business card to Ji Xingfan, and said, "Miss Ji, I admire you very much. If I have time, I will reward my face and drink A coffee bar. "

Ai Changhuan turned his head and gave a severe cough. It turned out that he meant it. No wonder he just kept talking to Ji Xingfan.

Ji Xingfan took the business card and said with a smile, "OK, but can I take my boyfriend with me?"

Meng Xian's face changed: "What? You already have a boyfriend?"

"Sure, they're not blind." Ji Xing couldn't help but stink.

Meng Xian looked disappointed.

Ai Changhuan couldn't stand it, and said, "Well, let's go, bye."

The car sharply rushed out, Ji Xing laughed proudly: "Haha, Miss Ben's charm is really unstoppable. Even if he covers a half of his face, there is still a man bowing down under my pomegranate skirt. You said , If in ancient times, could I be a generation of concubines? "

Ai Changhuan is extremely speechless.

Ji Xingfan also said, "You understand now, I do n’t go to your wedding for your own good. What do you do in case I take your limelight when I go out? Wouldn't I be so sorry for you? "

Ai Changhuan said, "I beg you, come and grab my limelight. I have no opinion, as long as you can come."

Ji Xingfan started to play dead again, pretending not to hear.

In fact, Ai Changhuan meant that the wedding only had to invite relatives and friends from both parties. For Lu Zhanke's body, everything was simplified.

However, Lu Zhanke wanted to give her a grand wedding. In addition to relatives and friends on both sides, she also invited business partners and some of the company's relatively large-scale entertainers, so there are always three or four hundred people in total.

As you can imagine, the wedding day will be quite a tiring day.

The wedding venue was arranged in Jinbo's villa. The French Michelin five-star chef invited by the chef, the champagne and water cakes were the best picks, showing their exquisiteness everywhere. Even the decorative flowers were directly transported from the air. Real flowers, not plastic fake flowers.

The two sides have special identities, plus the largest film and television company in A city as the pillars, business giants, film and television celebrities, and big names have gathered, so after a long time, some people continue to mention this grand wedding and the entrance Ninety-nine salutes.

Ai Changhuan's most worried is Lu Zhanke's body. Although the doctor said that there is no major problem, as long as he does not carry heavy objects and stretch the wound, it will be fine.

Lu Zhanke pretended to say easily: "Look, the doctor said it's all right, what else are you worried about?"

Ai Changhuan did not speak, she was worried that she could not speak.

Lu Zhanke's heart moved slightly, and said with regret, "Unfortunately, my hands are not good enough to hold you in the wedding car."

Ai Chang hugged the corner of his mouth and reluctantly said, "No ... it's okay, I can go by myself."

She tried hard to keep from crying and keep tears from staying. This was a happy day.

After taking a deep breath, she said, "It will be okay. You will hug me again."

The wedding date is set on December 26, the second day of Christmas. This day is a sunny day, and it looks like it should not snow. Although it is a bit regrettable, as long as you have your favorite people around, everything will be it's the best.

The best man ordered Jin Bo and Ke Yisheng, and the bridesmaid ordered Meng Xian's twin sisters Meng Yi and Meng Yue. When they first met the twins, Ai Changhuan was a bit surprised because they and Meng Xian's **** It's nothing like this. It's completely two little ladies, and they are wearing pure white dresses. They are not afraid of cold at all, but their parents are too sensible to take their names, one by one and one by two.

Moreover, Meng Yi seemed to have liked Lu Zhanke once. After knowing that Lu Zhanke was about to get married, if he had lost a long time, then he banged Meng Xian in front of her and said why he did not tell her.

Meng Xian stated that he was very wronged. It was only recently that he knew that Lu Zhanke had been quietly married for more than half a year, and he felt that Lu Zhanke had been married, and it would not help to tell her, so he said nothing.

Meng Yi rushed over and grabbed Ai Changhuan's shoulder and asked her if she could marry him?

When Meng Yi beat Meng Xian violently, Ai Changhuan knew that he had looked away. This was not a soft girl at all, but a female man.

Now that the man is coming to grab her husband, she naturally refuses to agree, so she said, "Sister paper, to destroy the military marriage is to go to jail. If you go in, you will not see the beautiful boy, and if you give up on the land war, There are also a lot of beautiful men waiting for you. If you think about it, which one is more cost-effective? "

Meng Yi said immediately: "I see. I wish you a happy wedding and a hundred years of good marriage. In fact, Lu Zhanke is a bit old. I like small fresh meat now."

Ai Changhuan's mouth could not help but smoke.

Meng Yue said inadvertently: "Hey, I didn't expect it to be you, I thought it would be Shen ..."

After speaking, he seemed to find that he had said something wrong, paused in a hurry, and then blinked at Ai Changhuan, revealing an extremely innocent smile.

Ai Changhuan just pretended not to hear, no matter how many people used to like him, he will belong to her from today onwards. Any woman who dares to slap her husband will not be pardoned!

It was time for the wedding, and Ai Changhuan was helped outside, then holding his grandpa's arm, the next step in the attention of everyone went to the land battle Ke waiting at that end.

Ai Changhuan's heart was pounding, the whole world could not bear anyone else except him.

Mr. Ai handed Ai Changhuan's hand to Lu Zhanke's hand: "Take good care of her."

Lu Zhanke took Ai Changhuan's hand, nodded solemnly, then the two stood in front of the priest, ready to take an oath.

The priest first asked Lu Zhanke: "Mr. Lu Zhanke, would you like this woman to be your wife to enter into a marriage contract with her? Regardless of illness or health, or any other reason, love her, take care of her, respect her, accept her, and always be loyal to her Persistent until the end of life? "

Lu Zhanke held Ai Changhuan's hand tightly and replied firmly, "I do."

"Ms. Ai Changhuan, do you want this man to be your husband to enter into a marriage contract with him? Regardless of illness or health, or any other reason, love him, take care of him, respect him, accept him, and remain loyal to him forever End of life? "

Ai Changhuan also held Lu Zhanke's hand back: "I am willing to love him forever, no matter how old, sick or dead."

Ai Changhuan deliberately added the latter sentence. Her good intentions and other people at the scene knew that only Lu Zhanke did not know.

The priest also said: "Liu Zhanke, Ai Changhuan, I have witnessed that you vow each other to love each other, and I am extremely pleased to announce to you all that you are a couple. Now please exchange rings."

As a best man, Jin Bo took the ring prepared in advance, and Lu Zhanke picked up a ring, his fingertips trembled a little, and Ai Changhuan's heart tightened a little bit. Fortunately, the ring was finally set securely. Go up.

Next is Ai Changhuan putting on a ring for Marine Ke. She will use this ring on her ring finger to fasten the man for life.

After the ring was exchanged, the priest announced: "The groom can kiss the bride."

Ai Changhuan looked at Lu Zhanke shyly, closed her eyes slowly, and leaned forward slightly, and then she felt his warm lips covered, which felt a little different from usual, as if there were more Something else, so she dared to bite on his lips boldly.

Sitting in the first row of Meng Xian's eyes, when he saw the interaction of Ai Changhuan, he applauded immediately, and other unknown people also clapped.

Lu Zhanke seemed a little surprised. When he stepped back, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Ai Changhuan smiled at him mischievously. Today they held a wedding under the witness of all their friends and relatives. From now on they will support each other and finish lifetime.

Lu Zhanke, loving you is the best promise I can give you, and I will never give up all my life.

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