Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 120: Wow! Can spend three lifetimes

After listening to Lu Zhanke's words, Ai Changhuan felt relieved and jumped out of Lu Zhanke.

Looking at the empty embrace, Lu Zhanke was a little disappointed.

"Well, what should we do now, can't we always hide in the room?" Ai Changhuan scratched his head and asked.

Lu Zhanke asked, "What did you do at home when you were on vacation before you got married?"

"Just ask friends to go shopping or chat or something, or should we go shopping too?"

Lu Zhanke's eyes flickered, and he suddenly had some bad memories in his mind. It seemed that when he was in high school, Meng Xian was shopping with his girlfriend. His girlfriend was strong in combat and was not tired all day long There was a dragon and a tiger, and after going back and forth, Meng Xian broke up with the woman.

Unfortunately, he followed the whole day that day, and several times he wanted to shake his hand, and Meng Xian kept holding him.

And now he doesn't have a good opinion of shopping.

"A lot of photos were taken during the wedding yesterday. They were all with Meng Xian. Otherwise, let's get them. By the way, look at the wedding photos." Lu Zhanke proposed.

Ai Changhuan doesn't matter, she originally talked casually about shopping, now that Lu Zhanke has a better proposal, she certainly agrees.

At the moment, both people change clothes and go out, but Lu Zhanke seems to remember something. He takes a black bank card from his wallet and hands it to Ai Changhuan: "Home."

"..." Ai Changhuan looked at him silently. "Isn't it given before?"

Before in the army, Lu Zhanke gave her the entire wallet, but she only picked one of the cards and swiped it only once. After all, there were too few opportunities to go out.

Lu Zhanke said, "The one you got is the salary card."

"... What about this one?"

"Spending money," said Lu Zhanke faintly.

Ai Changhuan was a bit scornful: "You are still so old and ask your parents for pocket money?"

Marine warfare amount: "No, don't I have a share in the company? Then I have a dividend at the end of each year, and Zhan Qing gave me such a card, and I have money every year. I do n’t know how much it is. Troops, it ’s expensive, you take it. ”

"..." This time it was Ai Changhuan's turn, and the year-end dividend of the largest shareholder of Huaxing Company, how much money did he get? He didn't even look at it, and it was regarded as pocket money. She should marry her as if money Are your husbands happy?

Ai Changhuan blew his teeth and asked, "Then you didn't use the money to do some investment and financial management?"

Lu Zhanke asked: "Why invest and manage money?"

"... Do you still need to ask? Of course, it is to increase the value of the funds." Ai Changhuan's face was incredible.

Lu Zhanke frowned, and after thinking for a while asked: "Isn't this money enough?"

"... Of course it is enough." Even if she was extravagant and extravagant, the money would be enough for her next life.

Lu Zhanke smiled: "That's not enough, since it is enough, why bother with such a small thing."

Ai Changhuan couldn't help but want to draw circles silently. He even said that it was a little thing. Uncle Lu really regarded money as dung. Such a good husband is really good.

Lu Zhanke asked, "Have you changed it? Change it and come and help me fasten the buttons."

Uncle Lu waited calmly for Ai Changhuan's service.

Ai Changhuan glanced at the black card in his eyes, and gritted his teeth, willingly became Uncle Lu's daughter-in-law. He was still proud of himself. He was no longer afraid of Lu Zhanke's private money, and he would only give him twenty dollars a day in his bag , So no woman came to seduce him.

After finishing the two, they went downstairs one after the other and learned that Father Lu had already gone to work, and Mrs. Lu had a rare appointment with a friend to do maintenance.

Just about to go out, butler Wu Ma came in with a bouquet of flowers.

Lu Zhanke asked casually: "Who sent it?"

Wu Ma replied: "There is a card on it saying that it is for the second master to let you know. The guards have checked it and it is safe."

Lu Zhanke and Ai Changhuan both felt strange, who would send it, and it was still a bunch of thin grass.

The words of acquaintances should know that the two of them just married yesterday, and they will not send the thin snow grass that represents love.

Never forget? Is it the old lover? Or is it kidding?

Lu Zhanke and Ai Changhuan looked at each other, both felt a little inexplicable. Lu Zhanke opened the card, and saw that it said: "Guess who I am?"


Although no name was left, the clear typeface indicates that the woman who sent this card is a woman, and only the woman can say such annoying words like `` guess who I am? ''

Yo, is it really the old lover? Ai Changhuan suddenly felt qi and blood rising, and then qi and blood were not smooth, in short, it was unhappy.

She blew her teeth and pretended to ask, "Who is it? Anyone you know?"

Lu Zhanke stared at the card for a while, then frowned, and said, "I don't know, I don't know."

After that, they threw the cards into the trash.

Ai Changhuan raised an eyebrow: "You threw it before you even saw it? Maybe what key information is hidden inside?"

Lu Zhanke turned to look at the trash, as if he was really considering whether to pick up the card and re-check it.

Ai Changhuan's face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and she thought to herself that if he really dared to pick it up, she would immediately jump up and kill him.

Fortunately, Lu Zhanke just glanced at it and didn't really pick it up. He said impatiently, "Maybe it's a neurosis."

Ai Changhuan: "Hehe."

After hearing this sneer, Lu Zhanke finally found out that Ai Changhuan's look was not right, but he didn't quite understand, so he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Ai Changhuan gritted his teeth: "It's okay, the weather is fine, and I'm very happy, so I didn't ... haha."

She would not admit that she felt a little bitter in her heart.

The steward Wu's eyes and noses and eyes were silent, but she was silently voicing. She was jealous. Second Master, when a woman is jealous, do n’t ask why, just coax it.

Lu Zhanke only felt that her expression was strange, but she didn't think deeper, but explained, "I don't know who she is."

He also guessed that the other party was a woman, but he really didn't know who it was.

Looking at his innocent look, Ai Changhuan just wanted to roll his eyes, pretend, and continue to pretend, either he didn't know to say, or there were too many wild women, so he couldn't remember which one?

Heck, not only is my heart sour, but her teeth are also sour. She Ai Changhuan is not the kind of woman who is jealous. She is just ... she is just a little angry, yes, just a little angry!

The other party even sent the cards and flowers to the house, and it was clear that she was not forgetting. She was clearly provoking to her big room. There were more and more shameless foxes in this era. They just entered the marriage grave. Someone can't wait to rob the tomb. Hum, she must give those women a little look and let them know that her man from Ai Changhuan is not so easy to pry!

Looking at Ai Changhuan's increasingly embarrassing face, Lu Zhanke finally realized what he was doing. He hurriedly threw the thin grass in his hand into the trash can, and then proceeded pretendingly calmly, saying, "Let ’s go, Go early and return early. "

Lu Zhanke was silently thinking that Chang Huan's eyes were so horrible just now, why did he seem to eat people? Doesn't she like thin grass? Fortunately, he didn't like it either.

Ai Changhuan wanted to vomit blood in a depressed mood. Does this nerd really don't know or don't want to explain at all?

She snorted heavily, then strode over Marine Zhan Ke and walked out quickly.

Lu Zhanke hurried to catch up. The other man had high legs and caught Ai Changhuan in three or two steps. He grabbed her by the arm.

In fact, Ai Changhuan didn't really think about it, she just hoped that Lu Zhanke could coax her, so when Lu Zhanke caught her, she only pretended to resist, and then stood still, waiting for Lu Zhanke to coax her.

Lu Zhanke said, "Don't go so fast. You forgot your waist isn't it?"

Ai Changhuan's expression began to twist uncontrollably. She turned back and yelled, "Lu Zhanke, you big wood!"

Shake off his hand after speaking, and run faster.

Although Lu Zhanke was inexplicably shouted, he quickly caught up: "Chang Huan ..."

Looking at the two of them away, the steward Wu Ma shook his head helplessly, thinking to himself, Master Er, in this relationship you are eaten to death, I'm afraid I don't want to escape my grandma in this life Palms up.

Fortunately, the courtyard of the Lu family was large enough. After running for a while, Ai Changhuan didn't run to the gate, but was stopped by Lu Zhanke in the courtyard.

Lu Zhanke asked, "What's wrong with you, how can you suddenly get angry?"

Lu Zhanke, who has always been a master of love, suddenly felt like a knot in his head at the moment, but he never expected that Ai Changhuan would be jealous.

Looking at his innocent appearance, Ai Changhuan finally could not help but yelled arrogantly: "Which eye do you see that I am angry? Am I angry? I am very good! I will not be there for this The trivial matter of being trivial! I'm not angry! Do you understand? "

Lu Zhanke reached out and wiped the spitting star on the face sprayed by her, with a bit of grievance flashing on her face.

Ai Chang wanted to laugh, but reflected that this was not the time to be angry, so he bit his lip and glared at him and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Lu Zhanke blinked: "No, evenly!"

Looking at his timid appearance, Ai Changhuan finally couldn't help laughing, and the tears of laughter came out: "Lu Zhanke, I really convinced you."

Lu Zhanke also laughed: "You, how can you cry like a child, laugh for a while, and get angry and happy for a while, I can hardly guess."

Ai Chang revived, and said half sadly, "Maybe, this is how it feels to fall in love with someone."

Gains and losses.

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