Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 147: Shen Qingyan's Entanglement

After doing all this, she started to help Lu Zhanke to fasten the buttons, but she did not know whether it was intentional or not. She staggered a button, so the shirt became a little wrinkled.

Lu Zhanke slept very deeply. I don't know how long it took before he finally woke up from his sleep. The first person he saw when he opened his eyes was Ai Changhuan.

Seeing him waking up, Ai Changhuan immediately got together and asked with concern: "How are you, are you okay?"

Lu Zhanke thought about it for a while before thinking of where he is now, and then thinking of the fact that he didn't want to see Ai Changhuan because of his weakness. He asked, "Why did you come in?"

"Dr. Shen asked me to come, she said that you were too tired to let you rest." This sleep was another two hours, during which she was afraid that Lu Zhanke would suddenly wake up and sit beside him without moving. After two full hours, staring at him, looking at him, thinking about the past, and then she also found that his shirt button was wrongly buckled, as if it was not the same as before, but she thought maybe she remembered it wrong, After all, he was still wearing a coat at that time, and she was idle and she helped Lu Zhanke re-fasten the buttons and then waited for him.

Fortunately, two hours passed quickly, and Lu Zhanke woke up.

"Oh." Lu Zhanke closed his eyes and said, "I'm fine. Are you tired?"

Ai Changhuan shook his hand: "I'm not tired at all. I always feel that time passes quickly when I'm with you."

"What time is it?"

Ai Changhuan raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, and said, "Are you hungry at three in the afternoon? I'll buy some food for you."

"No need," Marine Cora stopped her. "I can get up myself."

"Well then, Dr. Shen said you have to drink some water to replenish your strength first." Ai Changhuan poured a glass of water to feed Lu Zhanke to drink, watching Lu Zhanke slowly drink water under his own care, Ai Changhuan Can't help laughing, saying, "It feels so good."

"What?" Land War Ke unknown.

"I mean the feeling of taking care of each other and supporting each other." Ai Chang hugged Lu Zhanke, "I feel closer to us."

Lu Zhanke raised an eyebrow and said, "Relax, when my arms are all right, I will make our relationship closer."

Ai Changhuan froze for a while before reacting to what Lu Zhanke said. His face turned red all of a sudden, and he shrugged his shoulders a little shyly, and said, "What nonsense, hate."

Women are good at talking right and wrong, and they say that they hate it. In fact, they like it terribly. After all, Lu Zhanke hasn't shown his intention to be close to her for a long time. Even if she takes the initiative to approach, he always pushes her away.

Now she felt the sweetness of intimacy between the two people returning.

"Chang Huan ..." Lu Zhanke reached out and held Ai Changhuan's chin, rubbing it lightly. He did all this for Ai Changhuan, and he didn't want to let her down.

Ai Chang leaped cheerfully and kissed Lu Zheke's lips, then smiled and said, "It will be fine, Lu Zheke, I believe you, everything will be fine."

Lu Zhanke raised an eyebrow: "There is only one kiss? This doesn't seem to be enough to fully restore my vitality."

"Do you think all I exhale is oxygen?" Ai Changhuan reached out and grabbed the collar of Landing Ke, helping him straighten out. "Bad guy, this is not the time to think about this."

Two people were kissing me and me, but Shen Qingyan suddenly pushed in the door, and the two people who had been in a hug immediately bounced off like an electric shock.

Ai Changhuan felt embarrassed, lacking in self-compliance, flushed, and wished to find a place to dig into it immediately.

Lu Zhanke didn't have any special feelings. Just looking at Ai Changhuan's embarrassment, he couldn't help but make a siege. He coughed and said, "Just a celebration hug."

Shen Qingyan nodded his head clearly, then spread his hands, but said helplessly: "Sorry, I came in without knocking."

"Ah ... nothing ..." Although they did nothing excessive, Ai Changhuan still felt embarrassed. She said, "Well, we are going to have afternoon tea. Will Dr. Shen be together?"

Shen Qingyan didn't hesitate, and immediately agreed: "Okay, I just have a half-hour break. There is a cafe across the street, and the coffee and snacks look good."

Ai Changhuan glanced at Land War Ke and saw that he had no objection, so he said, "Okay."

The three went to the opposite cafe together. Lu Zhanke was weak and walked slowly. Ai Changhuan patiently walked with him little by little.

Shen Qingyan couldn't bear to cover his eyes, and said, "Ah, you two, can you restrain yourself a little when Xiu En's love, how can you let me live as a single person?"

"Where's Xiu En's love?" Ai Changhuan was very embarrassed. "Besides, Dr. Shen, you are in such a good condition. It is not a matter of minutes to find a boyfriend, but your own vision is too high, and ordinary people don't care."

"How can you have high vision? It's just that luck isn't good." Shen Qingyan said with emotion.

"What's wrong?" Ai Changhuan asked curiously.

"I used to love someone, I liked it very much, but he didn't like me. Unfortunately, he was too good, and none of the men he met later surpassed him. So even after so many years, I still feel right about He missed it. "

"Ah ..." Ai Changhuan looked at her with sympathy, and at the same time, her affection for her rose a little. To know that a woman is most likely to be soft to an infatuated person. She knows that feeling and loves an impossible person a feeling of.

"Actually, I came back to find him this time," Shen Qingyan said again.

"Did you find it?" Ai Changhuan asked, her opinion on Shen Qingyan had changed a lot.

"I found it, but I'm still hesitant to continue chasing him. You know, I may still fail." Shen Qingyan looked helpless and full of frustration, "You said, should I try harder? once."

Speaking, she also took a special look at Lu Zhanke, but Lu Zhanke didn't have any expression, as if he hadn't heard their conversation at all, which made her a little frustrated.

"If the man has no girlfriend and is not married, I suggest you try again. After all, not crazy. How do we know what the end result is? Maybe the man was moved by you after he knew what you were thinking about. "Even she couldn't help but be moved, I believe the man would not be indifferent.

However, Shen Qingyan seemed to have suddenly lost interest, and his interest suddenly dropped. He said, "He won't be touched. For me, he will always be hard-hearted. Sorry, I just remembered that I had something to do. If you do, I won't go for afternoon tea with you. "

"Ah ... isn't it?" Ai Changhuan felt a bit dignified.

"Yes, you try to give him something that can be more energy-enriching, such as meat and fruits, he consumes a lot." Shen Qingyan paused, then turned decisively, "Goodbye."

Ai Changhuan looked inexplicable. She asked Lu Zhanke, "Did I just say something wrong?"

"No. Didn't I tell you? I want you to stay away from her as much as possible?" Ai Changhuan also noticed the change in Shen Qingyan's attitude. He didn't think it was a good phenomenon.

"Well, I think that such an infatuated woman should not be a bad person." This is the true view of her heart, how can a person with such soft feelings be a bad person?

Marine Ke refused to explain, as usual, overbearing announcement: "Listen to me, stay away from her."

Later, Lu Zhanke used the facts to tell her how boring it was to accompany him for rehabilitation, and it was a waste of time. If she continued to do so, she would not be able to work at all, so she could not use it tomorrow.

A long time after the argument, Ai Changhuan couldn't beat him and had to agree.

The next day Ai Changhuan was rushed to work, while Lu Zhanke was sent to the hospital by the driver for arm rehabilitation, this time the same as yesterday.

It was only about yesterday that the physical strength was too much. This time, Zhan Ke seemed to be more tired than yesterday. He struggled to get up and leave, and Shen Qingyan gently pressed him back with just one finger.

Shen Qingyan stared at his eyes, saying word by word: "Relax, don't be nervous, you are tired and sleepy now, you need to close your eyes, take a good rest, listen to me, after I count to three, Just close your eyes and go to sleep. One, two, three ... "

Lu Zhanke's eyelids grew heavier and he finally fell asleep.

When he woke up again, all he saw was Shen Qingyan's face.

"Wake up? Are you hungry? I prepared for you the favorite braised pork and green onion and sea cucumber, and ..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted coldly by the Marine Ke: "Are you hypnotic to me?"

He didn't forget what Shen Qingyan had done before, and he didn't know anything about hypnosis.

Shen Qingyan flashed a little surprise in his eyes, and then smiled pretending to be relaxed: "You are too nervous, this is nothing, it's just a simple hypnosis with rehabilitation. Because you don't want to rest, it's very It hurts, I can't help it ... "

Lu Zhanke stared at Shen Qingyan to determine if she was lying.

Shen Qingyan shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands helplessly, saying, "If you don't like it, I won't do it next time, but you must obey the treatment well, don't rush to achieve, but don't relax easily."

Then Lu Zhanke looked back: "I'm gone."

He got up and left, and Shen Qingyan stopped him in a hurry: "Wait a minute, and then leave after eating, all your favorite dishes."

Lu Zhanke turned to look at her, his gaze was still cold. He raised an eyebrow and asked, "This is also part of the treatment?"

To him, Shen Qingyan couldn't lie, she unconsciously touched her neck and said, "Uh ... no, it's just me ..."

"Then don't have to." He insisted on leaving, not willing to stay for another minute.

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