Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 149: Chilling truth

Ai Changhuan was embarrassed: "I don't think so, I just want to take care of him. Besides, I use my own money, although he has given me everything from his salary card to private house money. "

"Your own?" Shen Qingyan looked up and down Ai Changhuan's dress. At the beginning, she didn't look carefully. Now she looks carefully. They are all famous brands. Low-key luxury. Think of that dress as ordinary clothes, but she knows that the fabric and workmanship are absolutely the best. "So you are still a rich second generation?"

"... No ..." Ai Changhuan was a little embarrassed. She didn't really like the rich second-generation title. She was her, and she was no different from anyone else.

Ji Xing murmured two times: "I originally thought you were slain by Lu Zhanke, but now it seems that Lu Zhan Ke was slain by you. You even paid your salary card and private house money. With the power of the economy, I have the initiative. Saner, it is great. "

Wen Yan Shen Qingyan took a lip and unconsciously took a lip, then took the coffee, opened his mouth to take a sip, and for some reason suddenly dropped it. The right index finger rubbed the edge of the coffee cup unconsciously, a look of absent-mindedness.

Ji Xingfan glanced at her, and slightly twitched the corners of his mouth.

Ai Changhuan pushed Ji Xingfan: "Xiao Fan, what are you talking about? There is no question of who controls the other between the husband and wife, but he is good to me and I am good to him. That's enough."

"It's good, don't say it. When you talk about your land warrior, you laugh like a fool. I can't help looking at you, do you know?" Ji Xingfan couldn't stand her "I told you that I had been to the army where the Marine War Ke was once before. At that time, the two of them were tighter than they are now, and they were inseparable. Lu Zeke thought I was running around in the past. My wife also came to tell me something inexplicable. Oh, really, now I still feel toothache when I think about it. "

"Hey ..." Ai Changhuan turned a little embarrassedly, "Actually, Lu Zhanke didn't do it on purpose. And he has changed a lot since he was injured."

"That's why I didn't take the opportunity to let you leave Lu Zhanke. He was obsessed with you. In order to save you, he sacrificed his arm and infinite future." Ji Xingfan said with emotion.

Shen Qingyan was surprised, and even accidentally overturned his coffee cup: "What did you say? You said that Lu Zhanke broke his hand to save you?"

"You ... what's wrong with you?" Ai Changhuan felt that Shen Qingyan's eyes were too scary, as if to eat people.

Why was she so shocked?

Shen Qingyan bit his lower lip fiercely, his breathing became quicker, and deep in his eyes was a cluster of anger.

Ji Xingfan said: "Ah, sorry, I accidentally said that it was a leak, but everyone is his own, it doesn't matter."

She had admitted this indirectly. Shen Qingyan's hand could not help but clenched her fist, and the back of her hand was raised with blue tendons. She was very angry and very angry.

But she also had to put up.

Ai Changhuan quickly drew a paper towel to help her remove the coffee stains on her body: "Well, there are a few drops on my clothes."

Shen Qingyan waved her hand away with a strong force.

Ai Changhuan looked at Shen Qingyan confusedly.

Shen Qingyan seemed to notice her discomfort at this moment. She wanted to smile, but just pulled the corner of her mouth and said, "I'll go to the bathroom and wash."

Immediately after getting up, he walked away, his pace was quick and fast, and even hesitated.

Ai Changhuan was confused and asked Ji Xingfan: "What's wrong with her?"

Ji Xingfan waved the waiter over to clean up, and then asked Ai Changhuan: "How do you know each other?"

"She's a doctor of rehabilitation from the army, so I just met her."

Ji Xingfan smiled at the corners of his lips and said, "No wonder, but Doctor Fujian is so beautiful, and he is still treating him personally, you are not afraid that Lu Zhanke has other thoughts."

"Don't make a joke, how could Lu Zhanke's kind of wood be thoughtful of other women." Ai Changhuan dismissed it, then looked at Shen Qingyan's direction with a little worry, and said, "She is all right Do you want to go there? "

"It's okay, it must be okay. She'll be back in a moment. I think this girl is very good, very kind to my taste, straightforward and straightforward." Ji Xingfan did not worry at all, but exaggerated with a smile. Shen Qingyan.

Ai Changhuan trusts Ji Xingfan very much. She feels that Ji Xingfan's experience must be accurate in seeing people and not look away. Then it is really worthwhile to make a deep statement, after all, many friends are also very good. .

After a while, Shen Qingyan returned, his look had returned to normal, and he was not in the same state as before.

Seeing Ji Xingfan and Ai Changhuan talking and smiling, they asked, "What are you talking about, so happy."

"Talk to you, and say you are a good person, I like it." Ji Xingfan answered with a raised eyebrow.

Shen Qingyan also looked slightly looser.

Ai Changhuan said, "I have re-ordered a cup for you. How is your clothes? Would you like to go back and change?"

"It's okay, it's washed out, don't worry."

Ji Xingfan suddenly asked Shen Qingyan again: "How are you, what type do you like? Do you mind the entertainment? Would you like me to introduce you?"

"I am disappointed with men now, do you know? When I was abroad, I had seen many wonderful things, one of them ..."

"Haha, really? Is there such a wonderful thing?"

"Of course, there are quite a few wonderful ones."

"I know, I know, and I know one ..."

The two of them really talked about it, beauty, makeup, and strange men who have seen it. You can talk about this topic without feeling tired all afternoon.

From time to time, Ai Changhuan inserted a sentence or two, and laughed when she heard the funny place. It was a really good time to chat with her girlfriends and drink afternoon tea. All the troubles were left behind, especially comfortable.

After drinking coffee, the three went to the perfume store and the store upstairs to buy perfume.

Ji Xingfan's favorite is MidnightPoison, she said that she wants to be a night fairy, exuding her own unique charm.

Ai Chang sniffed for a while, and the taste was indeed very special. The charming perfume was in line with Ji Xingfan, but not the type she liked.

Shen Qingyan has her own brand, so she bought chanelno.5, which means that time passes still exudes eternal charm.

She also said with a smile: "Smell this fragrance in the future and you will think of me."

Ji Xing couldn't help but vomit: "It must be a nightmare."

Ai Changhuan rarely used perfume. She had n’t used up the last time she bought it, so this time she only picked a Dolce & Gabbana, and bought an Armani men's perfume for Lu Zhanke under the encouragement of Ji Xingfan and Shen Qingyan. They said that Lu Zhanke also started to work, there will always be some social occasions that need to be used.

However, it seems that Lu Zhanke did not like to use perfume than she did, and he would not know whether he would use it after buying it. Moreover, she liked Lu Zheke's natural masculine flavor. She didn't know what it would look like after spraying perfume.

After shopping, three people went to the second floor for a cold drink, during which Ai Changhuan got up and went to the bathroom.

"It's so hot, I'm sweating." Shen Qingyan said as he took off his jacket, and then frowned his hair.

Ji Xingfan bit her straw and watched her move, chuckling softly: "Pretend to look."

Shen Qingyan acted stiffly, then looked at Xiang Ji Xingfan in wonder: "Sorry, what did you just say?"

"Oh, all right, San Er is not here, what are you playing with me?" Ji Xing said slightly dismissively.

Shen Qingyan was surprised, she didn't understand why she had smiled with her before. Why did Yan Xingfan suddenly become a person, and her words became so sharp and stern, the smile on her face could not be maintained? "You ... what you say, I don't seem to understand."

"Don't understand? Then I'll tell you a little bit better. Don't treat me as a fool. Don't treat me as a fool." Ji Xingfan looked through all the expressions, "I don't think the doctor has every disease. Suffering from the responsibility of making friends, you are actually close to San Er in order to get closer to the Marine War Ke, and the Marine War Ke is your ultimate goal. I have to say that your strategy to save the country is indeed better than other sister-in-laws who want to grab someone's husband.

Shen Qingyan's breathing was quick and quick, and she squeezed her lips tightly without saying a word.

Ji Xingfan smiled again: "Look, this is the expression, the nose is slightly flared, the pupils are shrinking, and the breathing is quickening, which proves that you are angry and angry. When you were in the cafe before, whenever San Er talked about How can Lu Zhanke be good to her and be considerate to her, you can't control the anger, so that when it comes to Lu Zhanke's arm was injured because of three children, your anger can no longer be suppressed at last, you knocked over Coffee cup, I have to say, it's a bit rude. "

Shen Qingyan finally adjusted her emotions. She pulled the corner of her mouth and smiled reluctantly: "This ... Miss Ji, do you think you are very good and can see through everyone? Then have you ever looked in the mirror? When you see your face through the mirror, what are you thinking, are you thinking, ah, that person in the mirror is really a bitch! "

Shen Qingyan didn't want to tear his face, but talking, the anger could not help getting stronger and stronger. What qualifications does this woman have to say this?

She thought that Ji Xingfan should be angered when she heard these words, and she would be furious, but she did not expect that she just tickled her lips and said, "Fine teeth, yes, I said before, I like you very much. Such a person is qualified to be my comrade in arms. However, can you first collect the smirk on your face, I feel sick when I look at it. "

Shen Qingyan did not force himself to laugh, but he was a little puzzled: "comrades in arms? What do you mean?"

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