Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 155: I just love you, is this wrong

"She committed suicide?" Jin Bo twisted her eyebrows. How could this be possible? Although Shen Qingyan said that she loved the battle, Ke loved to die, but she loved her most. How could she commit suicide? I think it must be a deception.

Thinking about it this way, I feel that Shen Qingyan is crazy to a certain degree. In order to get close to the land battle, Ke is really doing everything.

However, Ai Changhuan was still caught in the drum, and he spoke wholeheartedly for her.

"Yes, she is so nice and loves you so much. Why can't you think about it? People who love you so much, are you really willing to live up to it? Anyway, you don't have a girlfriend now, just think about it , Even if it is a moment. "

Looking at Ai Changhuan's clear eyes and trying to persuade herself, Jin Bo's mood was very complicated, and he muttered, "If only she had half of you."

It does n’t have to be beautiful, it ’s not so powerful, it does n’t have to be smart, as long as it has a sincere heart, it is enough. Unfortunately, Shen Qingyan never understands how to think about others. She always cares about herself, and is selfish and sad. .

"What did you say?" Ai Changhuan didn't hear it all at once, but repeated her words again. "You think about it, even if you can't accept her for the time being, you can also make friends with her first. It's often when you are fine. Come see her. She has no friends here. "

Another lie, how could she have no friends? She just didn't want to contact her former friends, and didn't want people to know her past.

Jin Bo was thinking a little bit badly, I don't know what Shen Qingyan's expression would be the day when all the lies were taken apart? Suddenly he looked forward to that day.

Just when he arrived at the door, Jin Bo said, "Okay, send it here. Your eyes are really big. You can rest assured that Lu Zhanke and a beautiful woman are alone."

He was also indirectly reminding Ai Changhuan.

Ai Changhuan wondered: "How can you be the same as Lu Zhanke, I always think that women in the world seem to like him. I am not assured of others, Dr. Shen, but I am greatly relieved, because she likes you Now, I also believe that Lu Zhanke's person will not easily shake the beauty. If he shakes, he can only shake me alone. If he can't bear this beauty, how can he be worthy of me? "

Her self-confident look is very similar to that of Lu Zhanke. It turns out that two people will become more and more like each other after a long time together.

Jin Bo laughed and said, "I suggest you pay more attention and pay close attention to Marine Zhan Ke, don't let other women approach him."

"I know, I'm waiting for you to bring Dr. Shen home. Don't be cold to others." She seized the last chance and persuaded Jinbo again.

Jin Bo shook his head helplessly, then drove away.

And in the ward, after seeing Ai Changhuan running, Lu Zhanke also wanted to chase out, but was kept by Shen Qingyan.


Lu Zhanke looked back at her, her eyes were colder than ever.

Shen Qingyan bit his lip and said, "I saved Ai Changhuan, don't you want to show it?"

Lu Zhanke raised his chin, looked at the pile of fruits and nutrition products on the table, and said, "That's my expression."

Shen Qingyan slightly resentment: "You know what I want is not this."

Lu Zhanke finally took a look at her and said, "You originally saved Chang Huan, I am very grateful to you, although I do not know what purpose you are. However, seeing you use Jin Bo to deceive Chang Huan, I I think you're disgusting, so disgusting that I don't want to look at it any more. "

"That was his willingness!" Shen Qingyan sneered, "Since you don't like me so much, why don't you tear me apart? Break me apart, isn't everything over?"

"I'm waiting for you to eat yourself."

"I just love you, is there anything wrong with it? If you reject me now because of Ai Changhuan, then why did you refuse to accept me? You know that I love you so much!"

"Don't you think what you said is ridiculous?" If everyone who loved him had to accept it, wouldn't his wife and concubine have long been in the family? Even if his wives were in groups, Shen Qingyan would definitely not be one of them. He didn't want to take a look at this woman from the beginning, especially because she also harmed his good brother Jin Bo, which made him extremely disgusted.

"Why do you have the heart to hurt me like this?" Her eyes were full of pain and sorrow, and tears ran down her eyes, looking a bit pitiful. If other men looked at them, they would not be able to hold back their soft hearts, but Lu Zhanke I just feel sloppy.

"I have the heart, so don't approach me anymore." After this sentence, Lu Zhanke walked out of the ward, as if staying for a second would dirty his eyes.

Shen Qingyan held the sheets under her severely. She didn't want the result. She wanted Lu Zhanke to thank her Dade.

But why did this happen? It was because Ai Changhuan, because she suddenly offered to see the person she liked, and she had no choice but to call Jinbo over, and then she was bumped into by Lu Zhanke, so Lu Zhanke became more and more disgusted with herself.

All blame Ai Changhuan, she must be intentional.

Shen Qingyan thought angrily.

When Ai Changhuan returned to see Lu Zhanke waiting in the corridor, he trot all the way: "Why did you come out?"

"Wait for you." Lu Zhan Ke helpless, she was really relieved and ran out immediately.

"Why don't you talk to Dr. Shen, how depressed and lonely she is lying alone on the bed?" Ai Changhuan looked at him with disapproval.

Lu Zhanke had a black line on his face: "Why should I stay with her?"

"Because she is my life-saving benefactor, your doctor in charge."

"..." Lu Zhanke knew that whenever he talked about this life-saving grace, Ai Changhuan was as if he had been brainwashed. He had to stand by Shen Qingyan all the time, no matter what he said, it was useless. Just don't say anything, just say, "You know, I'm not good at words, it's better to be out of breath than to sit there embarrassing each other."

Ai Changhuan thought that when he first met Lu Zhanke, he really didn't like to talk much, so he let him go.

"Well, I won't force you to chat with her, but you have made a bet with me. If Dr. Shen's favorite person is not you, you have to agree to let her come to our house for injuries, right?" Ai Changhuan felt that it was imperative that the doctor received the incident of staying at his own home. Since he had said that he would take care of her, how could he go against it?

Kai Fu, a soldier in the army, wondered why she was so obsessed with this incident? Knowing her unsuccessful personality, Lu Zhanke didn't bother to persuade her again: "If you are willing to take her home, then we will take her home, please be happy with you, OK?"

Ai Changhuan finally smiled with satisfaction: "It's almost the same."

The two went into Shen Qingyan's ward again, holding hands, and Ai Changhuan told her about Lu Zhanke's consent to live in her home, and said that they would help her clean up after Lu Zhanke was rehabilitated.

Hearing Ai Changhuan's words, Shen Qingyan took a meaningful look at Lu Zhanke, and said, "Is that so? That's great, we can finally be inseparable."

Lu Zhanke only considers himself as a disabled person. He cannot hear, cannot see, and cannot speak.

He also regarded Shen Qingyan as transparent, thinking that it would be useless to live in it.

After rehabilitation, Ai Changhuan really asked the driver to drive Shen Qingyan back home. Originally, when Ai Changhuan helped Land Zhan Ke to the back seat of the car, and then he had to keep up with himself, Shen Qingyan suddenly reached out and helped him. Speaking: "I just walked a little bit, and I feel dizzy."

"Ah? Then come and rest for a while." Ai Changhuan hurried to help Shen again.

Shen Qingyan didn't know if he didn't see the road or what, he went straight to the back seat of the car, and then sat next to Lu Zhanke.

Ai Chang stared at Shen Qingyan with a stunned expression. She was going to help her to sit in the front passenger seat. She did not expect that she went to the back seat of the car first, and she was so close to the land battle Ke, which made her slightly Somewhat uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Lu Zhanke immediately opened the door and got out of the car. He sat in the front passenger seat. Although his face looked a little gloomy, Ai Changhuan felt a little happy.

Ai Changhuan got in the car and sat beside Shen Qingyan.

Shen Qingyan seemed to realize that he was sitting in the back seat of the car, and said in a hurry, "Ah, sorry, I just got too dizzy. I didn't see the road clearly. I'll sit in the front. You and Lu Zhanke sit together. "

He was about to move again, another crumbling, as if to fall down at any time.

Ai Changhuan quickly grabbed her and said, "It's all right, just sit here. It's okay, don't move anymore."

After hearing Shen Qingyan's explanation, Ai Changhuan's mustard slightly lightened. It turned out that he didn't see the road clearly and was not intentional.

Shen Qingyan seemed really uncomfortable. There was very little talk along the way. Most of the time, he closed his eyes and rested. Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke were separated by a distance. It was a bit inconvenient to speak, so the words of the two of them were also inconvenient. A lot less.

After arriving at Shen Qingyan's home, Ai Changhuan wanted to go upstairs to help her packing.

Shen Qingyan agreed at first, and then suddenly remembered that in his bedroom, there were still pictures of them and Ke Jinbo who were on the ground, afraid that Ai Changhuan would recognize them, and hurriedly said that he would go up and clean the clothes. Come down soon, without Ai Changhuan's help.

Her attitude was resolute, and Ai Changhuan couldn't hold on anymore. She only said that she was waiting below. She didn't need to worry, she could take it slowly.

When Shen Qingyan left, the solidified atmosphere inside the car suddenly relaxed.

Lu Zhanke turned back, looked coldly at Ai Changhuan, and asked, "Do you know what you did wrong today?"

"Did I do something wrong today?" Ai Changhuan's face was unknown.

Lu Zhanke shook his head helplessly. This is the sorrow of a wife who is not indifferent to the world. When other women are staring at themselves, his wife is unaware.

Ai Changhuan tilted her head: "You are a weird person, always talking halfway, and all the words are incomprehensible."

Lu Zheke couldn't say anything.

Shen Qingyan really packed his things quickly and came down with a small suitcase.

The party set out again for the Lu family.

Ai Chang looked out of the window and suddenly reacted after a while and said, "Well, Dr. Shen, don't you say that your home is my way to my home? Why do I look like that?"

Shen Qingyan's mouth couldn't help but pumped. She didn't expect that Ai Changhuan remembered it so clearly. Is this a question or just a random question?

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