Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 175: Afraid of losing you

Lu Zhanke thought silently, is this before and after makeup? I looked at Ai Changhuan, who had always been so beautiful, and felt relieved a lot. If Ai Changhuan was a person before makeup and another person after makeup, he was really afraid of going to bed wrong.

Seeing Ai Changhuan also coming, Shen Qingyan's complexion changed first, and then sneered and said, "Why, are you planning to come to the hospital to make trouble? Anyone who intends to make trouble knows that everyone wants me to. Rob your husband and make me shame? I tell you, I'm not afraid of you! "

Seeing Shen Qingyan's emotion seemed very excited, Ai Chang said happily, "No, you have misunderstood, I just want to talk to you."

Lu Zhanke sneered and said, "But if you want to make things bigger, we don't mind helping you."

With such a block by Lu Zhanke, Shen Qingyan's face suddenly turned blue and white, and his eyes were resentful.

Ai Changhuan said, "Are you free now? Or let's find a place to talk about it."

Shen Qingyan looked at Lu Zhanke resentfully, nodded for a long time, and said, "Okay."

In the end, Shen Qingyan took them to the cafe across the road. She deliberately made Ai Changhuan feel more guilty.

Sure enough, Ai Changhuan, who was behind Lu Zhanke, couldn't even lift his legs after seeing the road.

Lu Zhanke thought she was in a psychological shadow, and could not help but hug her tighter, soothing: "It's all right, I'm by your side, I will protect you."

Shen Qingyan looked aside, her eyes were about to stare out, she bit her lip hard, and then said angrily: "I'm going first, you can't come."

Ai Changhuan has no choice but to this day, no one can retreat, but can only bite his teeth and continue to move forward. Today she came for the land battle Ke, then put the **** guilt and self-blame first.

Taking a deep breath, she finally took steps and entered the cafe alongside Lu Zhanke.

Shen Qingyan had chosen a corner position and sat down. Ai Changhuan and Lu Zhanke walked over and sat opposite her side by side, their hands were still tightly held together.

Shen Qingyan said angrily: "You two have no sincerity at all. I can't seem to talk about it, but I'm deliberately provocative."

Lu Zhanke was a little angry: "What do you want?"

He had tolerated it to such an extent that this woman really did not know what to do.

With regard to landing battle Ke, Shen Qingyan did not dare to lose his temper, but only said: "This is a matter between our women. It is not good for you to sit here as a big man, so you find another place to sit by yourself."

Lu Zhanke lifted his leg and left, and did not want to talk to her anymore.

Ai Changhuan took his arm and said, "It's okay, she's right, you listen to her, will you go to another place to sit?"

In the face of Ai Changhuan, Lu Zhanke forbeared this for the time being. He found another place to sit, not far away, and he was separated from Ai Changhuan by two tables. You can see every move here. If Shen Qingyan dared to do anything against Ai Changhuan, he could rush over immediately.

Shen Qingyan looked coldly at Ai Changhuan and said, "Say, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Ai Changhuan said, "I hope you don't get involved in landing wars anymore, let it go."


"What? Huh ..." Shen Qingyan sneered first, then laughed, "Ha ha ha ha, I'm so ridiculous, it's so funny ... you even ... dare to ask me this kind of request ..."

Ai Changhuan looked at her silently: "I'm telling the truth, let it go, for the land battle Ke, but also for yourself."

Shen Qingyan suddenly smiled, and looked at Ai Changhuan spookily: "What qualifications do you have to say such things to me? When I was with Lu Zhanke, you didn't know where, you knew I loved him How long? I dedicated my whole youth to him. "

Ai Changhuan was startled by her sophistry: "Of course I am qualified to say such a thing, because I am Lu Zhanke's wife, and now you are entangled with my husband, no matter how you were before, now we are married It is protected by law, and he has never been with you. "

"Protected by law? Oh, I almost forgot that military marriage is indeed protected by law, but what about it, if you have the ability, go to the police to catch me!" Shen Qingyan looked provocatively at Ai Changhuan, "If I get caught, Lu Zhanke's hand will never think about it."

"You!" Ai Changhuan admitted that he did say a little but couldn't speak lightly, because people are invincible.

"I chased him for more than ten years, how long have you been with him, hum!" Shen Qingyan said disdainfully, "and where do you match him?"

"You also said that you have chased him for more than ten years and you haven't caught up with him. Even now he is indifferent to you. Why do you struggle with it again? Even if you continue to haunt him, ten Years, twenty years, no matter how many years, he doesn't love you, he still won't love you, do you understand? "

"Then give me another ten years. If you leave Marine Ke for ten years and let me stay with him, you will know if he will fall in love with me after ten years."

Ai Changhuan didn't expect that she could not let Shen Qingyan let go. Instead, she let herself go.

"Doctor Shen, I and Lu Zhanke are married, I will not leave him, and you are not qualified to ask me to leave him."

"Well, if I didn't save you that day, you might be dead. Do you think you can stay with Marine Ke like you do now? Can you still sit here properly and the person you should be most grateful to is me , Let alone ten years, I just ask you not to see Land War Ke again in your life. You must also agree. "Shen Qingyan holds the weakness of Ai Changhuan, and there is another biggest chip, she is convinced that she can Victory in the battle, she must be able to defeat Ai Changhuan.

"I ..." As long as Shen Qingyan mentioned the incident, Ai Changhuan's momentum was much weaker, and he couldn't even say anything to refute.

"How's that?" Shen Qingyan said with determination.

Ai Changhuan glanced at Land War Ke, remembering what he said to himself last night, and his momentum recovered a lot. She said, "I won't promise you, because the life-saving grace and leaving Land War Ke are two different things. You want me to repay You, I will never quit, but if you want me to leave Marine Ke, I will never agree. "

"You!" Shen Qingyan was furious. She thought that Ai Changhuan was the kind of person with a soft heart and a weak will. She did not expect that she was unexpectedly stubborn and could not convince Ai Changhuan. She could only Using the last killer, she relaxed her body, leaned slowly on the back of the chair, took a sip of coffee, and then said leisurely, "I can tell you that, based on the effects of these days of treatment, I completely treat Lu Zhanke's arm. There is a good chance of recovery, but now I don't want to continue treating him because my relationship has been hurt so much that I want to go back to the United States. "

"You, how can this be?" Ai Changhuan panicked. If Shen Qingyan left, what would Lu Zhanke's arm do?

Shen Qingyan shrugged, with an indifferent expression: "Why not? You asked me to come, but I did not sign any legally valid documents with you. I am completely free. Of course, I want to leave. Now, as for Lu Zhanke's hand, what does it matter to me? He doesn't love me anyway. "

Ai Changhuan frowned: "Are you threatening me?"

"Of course," Shen Qingyan said with a sharp smile, "I can tell you plainly, this is a trap for me, and it's your thing to not fall in."

"I don't believe that only you can cure it." Ai Changhuan bit her lip. In fact, she was extremely unconfident when she said that. She helped Lu Zhanke treat the best orthopedic rehabilitation doctor in China, but he was It has been confirmed that Lu Zhanke's arm is hopelessly restored, so Mrs. Lu will ask Shen Qingyan to return from abroad.

Obviously, Shen Qingyan was extremely confident in her medical accomplishments. She said, "If you don't believe it, you can go to another doctor. I won't stop you because the results are already obvious. They will tell you that they Can cure, but the biggest hope is only 10%, just like my original judgment. Do you think I'm just jealous with you these days? Of course not, I'm studying day and night how to cure the arm of the army, because I believe that only in this way will Lu Zhanke stay with me forever. Fortunately, God has pity on me. I really found a way to treat his arm, and I increased the chance of success to 80%. Ai Changhuan, now, you tell Me, how would you choose? "

Ai Changhuan's heart was struggling and hesitating like never before. Shen Qingyan's words undoubtedly poked her weak point. She knew that she could not let go of the battle, but she put it up like a heart. She was anxious, worried, and unable to make a choice.

"You ... are you telling the truth? Didn't lie to me?" She was afraid that Shen Qingyan would lie to her and let her leave Lu Zhanke, but still couldn't cure Lu Zhanke's arm.

But if Shen Qingyan really had a way to get Lu Zhanke back, she might, she would really consider leaving Lu Zhanke.

Because in her mind, Land War Ke is more important than herself. As long as Land War Ke can be restored to the previous state, she is willing to pay whatever the cost.

Shen Qingyan was abnormally cunning. She didn't tell Ai Changhuan the exact answer, because she said too confidently, Ai Changhuan would easily make a decision, so she lost the opportunity to torture Ai Changhuan. She How could she easily let go of her?

So she raised her eyebrows and said, "You can't believe me, but you have no choice but to gamble."

As she expected, Ai Changhuan really fell into a more tangled state. She wanted to believe Shen Qingyan, but she also faced the pain of losing Lu Zhanke, but if she didn't believe, the pain of Lu Zhanke was her pain.

Now there is such an opportunity in front of her. If she does not cherish it, she will regret her life in the future, and she will not be able to selfishly let Lu Zhanke choose, because she knows that Lu Zhanke will definitely choose her.

But in that case, he will live in regret for the rest of the decades, and she will be entangled in self-blame for a lifetime.

Therefore, this is only her choice, as Shen Qing said, this is her own gambling, she can only let go.

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