Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 214: Child birth secrets

With these words, even Master Lu, who had been obsessed with fine wine, couldn't help looking at it, so the attention of a table of people focused on him.

Lu Zhanqing slowly chopped chopsticks, in fact, I still feel a little embarrassed, but I couldn't help but evoke the corner of my mouth, and my heart was irresistibly sweet. When I thought of Ji Xingfan's instructions, he didn't say her name When he came out, he only said vaguely: "I'm a female artist. When the New Year's New Year film is released, if you want to know, go to the movie."

"Female artist? Is it the main character?" Ai Changhuan asked again.

Marine Lu nodded.

Mrs. Lu glared at him: "You dead child, just say the name is not good, what is the point of selling?"

"What kind of person is the other party? What is his character?" Father Lu asked a rare question.

Mr. Ai is also very concerned about this issue, because in addition to the relationship between mother-in-law and mother-in-law, it is also very difficult to handle the relationship. He is a little worried that in case Marine King marries a tough woman back, Ai Changhuan will be bullied, or wait After the New Year, let the two soldiers move out to live alone, or wait for the two soldiers to return to the army.

The reason why Yang Zhanqing kept it for so long was that he didn't want to face such cross-examination. He originally wanted to bring people back to the family to take a look before getting the certificate. Now he is helpless by Marine Kolla as a shield.

"People don't necessarily look at me, and I'm afraid they won't say anything because they are embarrassed in the future."

"How could I look down on you? You said that you were bad, asking for money and money, and looking good-looking." Madam Lu was very puzzled. "If it can't be done, the woman is not worthy of you."

Ji Xingfan hasn't been through the door yet. Lu Zhanqing didn't want Mrs. Lu to leave a bad impression on her, so she smiled bitterly and said, "If she valued that, it would be easy to do. The key is that she doesn't care about these things."

Mrs. Lu understands that this is her son's entanglement with other girls. If she is not good to other girls and scares them away, this son will not be able to treat her daughter-in-law, so she will not continue to entangle this issue. He said something else.

After dinner, when Mr. Ai returned, there were 10,000 reluctant to inevitably have to beat some land battle Ke, now looking at him is like watching a thief who stole his granddaughter.

Lu Zhanke obediently listened, anyway, the daughter-in-law has already arrived, and it doesn't matter if you say a few words.

Ai Changhuan had to persuade him again, and promised to go back to live with Lu Zhanke for a few days after the Chinese New Year, and then Ai Yiyi reluctantly left.

After a busy day, Lu Zhanke was tired, and after talking to Mrs. Lu for a while, he went upstairs to wash.

Mrs. Lu left Ai Changhuan and said that she would like to talk to her. She gave Ai Changhuan some ointment first, saying it was an exclusive recipe. The effect of removing scars was very good. Ai Changhuan needed this, and she was happy now Thanks a lot.

Then Mrs. Lu gave her some other supplements. Ai Changhuan thought that it was tonic, so she quit and let Mrs. Lu keep eating.

Mrs. Lu couldn't help laughing when she looked at her like this, and said, "I do n’t need this anymore. It ’s for you. It ’s easier to conceive when you eat it. It ’s easier for me to get pregnant. I am pregnant now, and I also know that you have just suffered an injury and need to rest for a while. This is just a tonic for recuperation. You need to do the preparatory work first, and you can get pregnant sooner in the future. "

Upon hearing Mrs. Lu's words, Ai Changhuan immediately flushed with blush, and looked at the ground with a vacant look, without knowing where to put her hands.

Mrs. Lu smiled again: "You, why are you still so shy. What's so embarrassing, husband and wife need children in order to form a complete family. I know you are a good boy, good for land battle Ke, for us Both also worked hard and remember to buy gifts for us when I went to the United States, so I believe that you will also be a good mother in the future, right? "

Ai Changhuan bit her lip and nodded: "I see, I ... I will work hard ..."

After hearing her assurance, Mrs. Lu nodded with satisfaction: "Well, you are also tired, go back to rest, or you will run to someone after waiting for Ke."

"Then I'll go back." Ai Changhuan got up and was about to leave, but Madam Lu shouted at her again.

"Wait a minute ..."

Ai Changhuan looked back at her.

Mrs. Lu hesitated, then said, "Can you tell Zhan Ke about this tonic? I don't think he wants to have a child so early, of course it's not too early for him, but it's too early for you It's early, he always cares about you. "

Ai Changhuan agreed: "Well, well, I won't tell him."

"Good, go." Madam Lu was very satisfied with Ai Changhuan's obedience.

When Ai Changhuan returned to the room, Lu Zhanke just had to go out. It seemed to be going out to find her. He stopped at the door when she came, and when she saw the big bag in her hand, she asked: " what is this?"

Ai Changhuan said: "It was the cream that your mother gave to remove scars. She was really thoughtful."

Lu Zhanke took the bag, took out the contents and looked at it. In addition to the ointment, there were some black pills in glass jars without any instructions and no names on it. Akira: "What about this? It's scarring too?"

Ai Changhuan grabbed the jar, and held it in her arms like a baby: "Hate, don't allow people to move things."

Lu Zhanke sat over, took Ai Changhuan into his arms, and vaguely understood: "Did the mother tell you about having a baby again? Did she force you to take medicine? I'm sorry for you? Don't eat it Give me something, I'll go talk to mom. "

"No, this is a blood supplement. My mother said I was stabbed and bleed a lot of blood. My face looked pale, so I was given this medicine and said it was prescribed by an old Chinese medicine. It was particularly effective. You said she was a Fan good intentions, I ca n’t help it? ”Then, Ai Changhuan's face wrinkled and said bitterly,“ Grandpa also sent a few boxes of supplements, and said that he must eat them a year ago. And from the Meng family, Ke family and Jin family, and from the eldest brother, and from your mother, I think about it, there needs to be a car, will it have to be eaten next year? "

Seeing her sad face, Lu Zhanke couldn't help laughing, took her hand, and said, "Then you can make up for it. If you can gain ten pounds, I promise you a wish, what do you want to do? Just do it. "

"Fat ten pounds? I don't want to." Ai Changhuan immediately rejected Lu Zhanke's proposal.

"You see how thin you are now, holding your hands when you sleep." Lu Zhanke still feels sorry for her, thin as if the wind would blow down, this time he has suffered such a heavy crime, even thinner A lot.

Ai Changhuan pushed him away: "Hold your hands, don't hug, go to your room at night."

"Parents are still there. Let me sleep in the room. You are not afraid that Mom will come to talk to you." Lu Zhanke pressed her to the bed as soon as he pressed his arm tightly, and held him tightly in his arms. I admit it, whoever makes me scarce you. "

Ai Changhuan kicked him: "Get up, I don't want you to be rare."

In the end, she still couldn't get rid of Marine Ke's arms and was forced to sleep in his arms.

Because the two of them slept early at night, they woke up early the next day. At seven o'clock when they woke up, it was still dark outside, they couldn't see the sky, the weather was cold, and they didn't want to move. , Just hugged and kept in my arms.

Ai Changhuan held a mobile phone to chat with others. Meng Yi and Meng Yue said that it was the time of Good Friday. Every year, when the Chinese New Year is celebrated, they will be surrounded by seven aunts and eight aunts to ask whether there is any marriage or not, and then they will be arranged. A series of messy blind dates, annoying.

Yesterday, being forced to ask his girlfriend at the dinner table, she had already experienced the horror of forced marriage in advance, and she could only boo about the encounter of the sisters Meng.

Speaking of this, she remembered the story of Lu Zhanqing's girlfriend, so she checked the internet for the latest heroines.

There are a total of eight new year films that have been scheduled for release, all of which are comedic. The heroine of two movies is a married person. Excluding, there are two heroines who already have a public boyfriend. Lu Zhanqing, there is also a man's drama, the heroine should at most be a soy sauce, it should be ignored, then Lu Zhanqing's girlfriend is among the remaining three.

One is Xin Wei Xiaohuadan Du Wei, the other is the summer solstice of the international film actor, and the other is, Ji Xingfan?

Ai Changhuan thought hard, and couldn't search Ji Xingfan's information about Lu Zhanqing in his mind, so it should not be her, this may just be a coincidence.

Lu Zhanke looked over and asked Ai Changhuan what he was thinking of. Ai Changhuan put away his mobile phone and nested in Lu Zheke's arms, and said, "Isn't this about Chinese New Year? I don't know if Mr. Feng wants to go back to his hometown for Chinese New Year. Wouldn't the treatment of your arm be delayed if you leave? "

Lu Zhanke's hand lightly rubbed her shoulder, with the meaning of caressing: "It's always impossible to let people go home for the New Year, and ask him when he comes."

When Feng Jinghe came to treat Lu Zhanke's arm, Ai Changhuan tentatively asked where he was planning to celebrate the Chinese New Year this year.

Feng Jinghe has n’t returned to China for a long time, so he has n’t been home for a long time to celebrate the Chinese New Year. The New Year in his impression is not lively, but it ’s less indifferent than usual, but since it ’s all back, go home and take a look Well, he went home on the 29th, and returned on the second day of the new year. It was only three days, and there was nothing to delay. During this period, Marine Zhanke only had to go through all the usual rehabilitation procedures. As for the other Just wait until he comes back.

On the afternoon of the twenty-ninth day, Feng Jinghe went home, and Lu Zhanke helped to get the round-trip air ticket. He decided too late, and almost all the tickets were sold out. Lu Zhanke also asked his friends to get two.

On the night of the thirtieth year of the New Year, Ai Changhuan took over Ai Ai. The two people sat together to eat New Year's Eve to watch the Spring Festival Gala and called the New Year with friends and relatives. Lu Zhanqing, because Ji Xingfan refused to return to the Chinese New Year with him, and even did not want to see his parents, this made him feel an unprecedented frustration, I do not know what to do.

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