Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 229: Crisis is coming

On the first day of the broadcast, even Lu Zhanke, who never watched an entertainment program, stayed in front of the TV. Of course, he was more concerned about the ratings. Although there was no expectation, if it was too miserable, Huaren's face would be unbearable. This night is an anxious night, and everyone is waiting for the final result.

The final result finally came out. I thought the ratings would be bleak, but I didn't expect it to be too high, which was a full three percentage points higher than the previous ratings.

Because of the leak of the contract, major media across the country rushed to report. After the bombardment of the media in turn, people who did not know the show now know it. Because of the novel scoring method, it attracted a lot of people to watch and watch it. Quickly went up.

Mr. Liu Donghai finally has a place where he can tell the truth unscrupulously. This is also one of the conditions that the show team invited him to come out. That is, he will never dry him, nor will he want him to support him. What he wants to say Just say nothing, without obstruction, Father Liu naturally spoke openly and happily. Although his language was a bit direct, but the reviews were very in place, it was happy, and the audience looked straight at it. The ranking of the show and the audience The expectations were similar, and everyone was satisfied, so they admitted that this time was really fair, without any shady.

When I heard the news, Anniversary's face turned blue. I didn't expect that this time not only did not break down Huaren, but gave them free front page headlines for several days. The publicity effect was much stronger than the one she bought, which made her quite a bit. This kind of stealing chicken does not make the illusion of eclipse rice.

However, she would not give up so easily. She looked at the ratings chart in the new newspaper and smiled gloomily again.

This time Anniversary Heart was focusing on Ai Changhuan. In fact, she was focusing on the marine warrior behind Ai Changhuan, and then wanted to attack Huaren Company through the marine warfare. However, she could not catch the handle of the marine warfare and had to start from Ai Changhua Huan started, which is why she chose to steal the files from Ai Changhuan instead of stealing them directly from the archives.

The woman's mind is unfathomable, and everything is left behind.

After the situation stabilized, accounting for the post-autumn period began. The first person to be investigated was the person who leaked the documents.

Ai Changhuan insisted on coming to the meeting, and Lu Zhanke came to protect her.

At the beginning of the meeting, Manager Zhou directly pointed out that only Ai Changhuan had kept the documents alone on the day, and that this document was in her hands from the morning off to the afternoon, so she was the most suspicious person. She also rightfully demanded that the Marine Secretary take the matter seriously.

Facing the accused eyes, Ai Chang bowed his head in guilt.

Lu Zhanke gave Mr. Zhou a cold glance and said, "Of course the company will take the matter seriously, but whoever has the suspicion and who does not have the suspicion is your choice? Who was there that day and who passed the documents? After a thorough investigation, no one can run. "

Ai Changhuan has told him everything that day. Manager Zhou's behavior is naturally the most suspicious, and Ji Xingfan has admitted that she is also an accomplice, but she did not expect that this happened. She not only ran away, but also boldly went to the meeting. Come up and accuse Ai Changhuan.

Manager Zhou's face paled slightly, and he did not speak again.

After the incident, she originally wanted to run away immediately, but Anniversary Heart has always urged her to stay, on the one hand to push all the responsibilities to Ai Changhuan, and on the other hand to continue to monitor Huaren's developments Otherwise, she would not give her the rest of the money, but she had to participate in this meeting with her head.

Just after being seen by Marine Zhe Ke, she almost thought that she was exposed, and she was sweating all over.

The meeting was suspended, and the meeting would resume after half an hour. The three men, Lu Zhanke, Lu Qing, and Ai Changhuan, entered the office of the war fighter, and Ai Changhuan expressed his willingness to assume all responsibilities.

In order to protect Ji Xingfan, she did not mention Ji Xingfan's name, nor did she say what happened that day, so even if she knew that Manager Zhou and Anniversary were working on ghosts, she could not come up with the identification evidence, and only gritted her teeth to make everything Take it down.

Lu Zhanqing's fingers have been pounding on the desktop, thinking about how to deal with this matter, it is naturally impossible to hand over Ai Changhuan, but you must give everyone a reasonable explanation ...

Lu Zhanke naturally demanded to protect Ai Changhuan. After all, Ai Changhuan was also used by others. She was the biggest victim because she lost her most trusted friend.

The soldier said that he had to think again, it would be best to have the best of both worlds.

While talking, the secretary suddenly rushed in again, saying that someone broke the news online, saying that the contract leak was done by someone inside the company, and that person was still in the legal department, so he could easily get it. Contract and take a photo.

Reminiscent of what Manager Zhou had publicly accused of Ai Changhuan before, it is basically certain that it was directed at Ai Changhuan.

Ai Chang smiled bitterly and said, "You don't have to worry about it now, someone has already made a decision for you."

"How could things go so fast?" Lu Zhanke's brows frowned deeply.

"What should I do, are you any good way? You can't just let those people take our noses!"

Lu Zhanke thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: "There is one way, but it depends on your acting skills and our luck."

After speculating that the leaked person was Ai Changhuan, the board of directors was violent and moved, because the leaked event had a great impact on the company, the company's stock fell all the way, the shareholders' assets shrank, and the company's image It was also damaged, and even nearly closed down. They were very angry and resentful and asked the company to take Ai Changhuan seriously.

During the meeting, a group of people were emotional, loud and noisy.

Lu Zhanke rubbed his eyebrows, patted the table hard, and said, "Give me some quiet. Don't you want to say it? I'll give it to you now. The person in charge of the Legal Department and the person in charge of the archives office both need Take responsibility, the two of them are fired now and will not be used for work tomorrow. Ai Changhuan is only an employee of the Legal Department and obeys the arrangement of the Legal Department Manager to get the contract, but this does not mean that the photo was taken by her. If it is Others, it is understandable to sneak photos and sell them to Shengshi, but Ai Changhuan is absolutely impossible. I am the second largest shareholder of the company. She is my wife. Is it good for her? "

I heard that Lu Zhanke said that Ai Changhuan was his wife, and the cold sweat on Manager Zhou's forehead was more intense. Why didn't she know about this? Why didn't Anniversary tell her?

Manager Zhou did n’t know that it was understandable, because she did n’t come here to work at all, so she did n’t really care about the relationship with her colleagues. They were always cold, and they would n’t take the initiative to come up with her. Talking gossip, so she didn't know, and then she would say that kind of thing to Ai Changhuan on the day of the farewell party for Shan Xiao.

If Ai Changhuan was Lu Zhanke's wife, did she already tell Lu Zhanke about the day? That's why Lu Zhanke said something strange to her, which meant to warn her not to mess with Ai Changhuan again?

When everyone heard what Lu Zhanke said, everyone was lost in thought. Indeed, Ai Changhuan didn't need to do this. It didn't do her any good.

A shareholder said: "Although there is no evidence to prove that this was done by Ai Changhuan, there is no evidence that she did not do it. After all, only three of them were privately contacted that day, and the other two suffered. It ’s not appropriate to let go of her alone? We ca n’t believe the Law Department with all our heart. Who knows if this will happen again in the future? ”

He said this, and everyone else nodded again, because the signs of shelter were too obvious.

Another person stood up and said, "I heard that Mr. Lu Er recently rested at home. Is there any intention to abandon politics and do business? If Huaren's stock price drops, it should save a lot of money if it takes the opportunity to buy, as long as the shares If you surpass the big boss, the chairman's position should be changed to another person. "

It is clear from the words that Lu Zhanke deliberately asked his wife to make such a move in order to gain control of the company. It is also extremely unforgivable to damage the interests of other shareholders of the company for the private benefit.

The anger, which was finally calmed down by the crowd, was burning, and they looked at Lu Zhanke with a skeptical look.

Beautiful, Manager Zhou said secretly in his heart, then quietly told the anniversary news, let her quickly call the remaining balance, and she hurried after the meeting.

"What nonsense, isn't it clear that you took the opportunity to buy stocks? You didn't all know about this?" Lu Zhanqing was very angry. This man said so clearly that he wanted to stir up his relationship with Lu Zhanke, maybe the two did not want to fight People will fight because of this incident.

Who knew the man said again: "This is exactly the explanation of why Mr. Lu Er's wife took those photos because they are working with Shengshi."

The Marine King was about to get angry, and Marine Zhan raised his hand to keep him from moving, and then sneered: "Then you worry more, I have no intention at all. This share is nothing to me at all, I can Now, in the presence of everyone, all my shares are given free of charge to my brother, Mr. Lu Zhanqing. From now on, he will be Huaren's largest shareholder. What about you, what else do you want to say? "

The man heard that Lu Zhanke said that, naturally, there was no other reason, and he hummed for a long time, and could only say sullenly: "Then this does not prove that it is really not Ai Changhuan's doing, I think it must be done Give the appropriate punishment to look straight. "

The phone vibrated a bit. Manager Zhou opened it. It was the account information sent by the bank. There were already three million more in her account. The corner of her mouth could not help but secretly hooked up, but it was only a short time before she hooked up. Cold sweat came out again, cursing an idiot like Anniversary Heart in his heart.

Because the first section was only 200,000 yuan, the anniversary heart gave cash, so there was no evidence left, and the remaining three million was too much, and it was inconvenient to cash, so I chose to transfer money, but it was easy to stay Evidence, if someone knew that there was suddenly so much money in her account ...

She didn't dare to think about it any more, and hurriedly looked up at Lu Zhanke, hoping that Lu Zhanke didn't expect to check her account.

Seeing that Lu Zhanke frowned again, Ai Changhuan quickly stood up and said, "I can swear, this is really not my job. But because ... the Legal Department has a heavy responsibility, so I also Choose to resign. "

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