At this time, Lin Kui was covered in blood, with a cold expression on his face as he walked all the way, and no revolutionary army dared to stop Lin Kui.

With every step Lin Kui took towards the revolutionary army, people on the revolutionary army's side unconsciously took a step back until they were about to exit the street.

A figure in the sky, waving the strange bladed weapon in his hand, bombarded Lin Kui.

After seeing the attacker from above, Lin Kui was just about to take a step back to avoid temporarily when a mechanical arm suddenly appeared beside him and grabbed Lin Kui's wrist.

The huge force clamped Lin Kui's wrist like iron tongs, and the above attack was about to hit Lin Kui.

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Chapter 4: The Man of Susan? Tiancong Cloud Sword (4/[-])

But Lin Kui didn't panic, instead he grabbed the wrist of the robotic arm with his left hand and pulled it hard, and the rope connected to the robotic arm was instantly pulled in front of him by Lin Kui.

A strange weapon was held at the top of the body to attack. The man, he was holding a strange weapon. The weapon cut off the link to the mechanical arm. Black line.

"It's alright."

Holding a strange weapon. The man has two small horns on his head and looks sorry. Looking at the missing arm. The woman with short white hair.

These two people took the lead in the revolutionary army this time. The leader also attacked Najehitan at night.

"It's okay, just a mechanical arm, you can still connect it when you go back."

Najeshtan stood up slowly from the ground, dressed in a smart suit. The black suit and the blindfold gave...

This woman brought a different kind of heroic spirit.

He took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, Susanoo took it, and lit a cigarette for Najeshtan by the way.

"Just. Lin Kui, the new general in the empire."

"Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved. Just relying on one person can force the entire army to retreat."

Najeshtan slowly exhaled a ring of smoke from the end, and the broken mechanical arm did not make the female general feel any discomfort.

Just like an old friend. Talk to Lin Kui.

"However. A group of betrayed compatriots hooked up with aliens. It's just a turkey."

"Not worth mentioning yet."

Lin Kui dropped the robotic arm in his hand and threw it to the side with a look of disdain. He looked at the revolutionary army that kept retreating in front of him.

"It's true. The words are sharp. It's really hard to be a little general in the empire instead of taking over the position of Minister Ernest."

Najixitan was not provoked by Lin Kui's words, but instead applauded Lin Kui.

"Compliment. There's no need for words, today we are destined to be unable to leave alone."

A flowing arc gradually appeared on Lin Kui's palms, wrapping around his arms, and the whole person's aura became heavy.

"No, today

The Revolutionary Army is destined to win!"

"Suzano's man! The evil spirit appears!"

Seeing that Lin Kui was still intact in front of him, Najixitan had already understood that Udi and the others should have failed.

It must have been beheaded by Lin Kui, but at this time, the army behind Najie is not allowed to...

Hitan, the leader, said something depressing to affect morale.

Even if you order Susanoo to open the hidden skill, even if you know it.

Today may fail, but Najeshtan still chooses to give it a shot.

"Before the fight, can you answer. A question."

Najeshtan's body began to gradually radiate golden light, great pain

began to sweep over her body.

But still. Resisting the pain, he said to Lin Kui, "Ask, I can answer. I can answer."

Lin Kui watched as the breath in front of him gradually changed: it was different. Susanoo's face also showed a dignified expression.

"Why join the Empire?

"If you join the revolutionary army, it will make people more reliable and reassuring."

The golden light from Najeshtan's body gradually transmitted to Susanoo's body, and it seemed that Susanoo's hidden skill was almost completed.

"Because. Heart thinks that the revolutionary army is wrong."

".Just follow the path that I believe in."

Lin Kui spit out a cloud of white air, and the color of the flowing water arc began to become much darker.

"Really simple and easy to understand. Answer, thank you."


"It will be your duty to burn with faith!"

The golden light on Najeshtan's body represents his own vitality, and Susanoo is using his chest to absorb the vitality of his master, Najeshtan.

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