Infinite Battlefield: Ten Times the Points

Chapter 180: Level 25 with new skills

[Huan Shen: Then I will transfer the strong points to you now. ]

[Overturning the world: Good. ]

Through Mu Qingtian's talent, Su Yang transferred 36 strong points to her.

The remaining 324 points will naturally belong to me!

[Turning the world over: Thank you, in fact, it doesn't matter if you keep a few points for yourself, I don't mind. ]

[Fantasy God: ...No thanks, this is originally yours, if I don't give it to you, my conscience will not get through. ]

[Overturning the world: You really are a good person. (*^▽^*)]

[Illusion God: ...]

Looking at the "324" number, Su Yang whispered: "Actually, I did leave a few points for myself..."

For Su Yang, now Mu Qingtian is beginning to give back to herself.

With more than 300 attribute points, it is completely worthy of the previous tens of thousands of points and S-level treasures.

It's hard to say that the legendary career, but in the future, she will definitely be able to bring herself hundreds of strong points. After all, it is definitely worth it.

Su Yang was very fortunate that he had agreed to Mu Qingtian's symbiosis request, otherwise he would not be able to get so many extra strong points.

These 324 strong points were quickly converted into free attribute points by him, all of which were added to agility.

Agility 262 → Agility 586!

Su Yang's five dimensions have also become:

Strength 632, Agility 586, Spirit 308, Endurance 237, Physical 237.

Compared with Mu Qingtian's attributes after fusion, only strength and agility were higher than the other's.

But even so, Su Yang's normal combat effectiveness far surpassed her after fusion.

Because the professional skills he used to fight were legendary, the professional skills the opponent used to fight were intermediate.

——[Tianjuan Shenzhao] has no combat skills.

So she can only rely on the skills of those 5 intermediate classes to fight.

There is a huge gap between the opponent's high-attribute intermediate skills and Su Yang's high-attribute legendary skills.


Su Yang just learned from the symbiont's information that he could now reach level 25.

At the moment, he has risen to 2 levels in a row.

Points -480!

Points -500!

After adding 10 free attribute points to the spirit, he non-stop raised the legendary class [End Yan Devil] to 2 levels.

Points -3600!


Final Demon God Lv3 → Final Demon God Lv5!

Points remaining: 381990.

[Currently, the final class of the Demon God is 5, please choose a skill to learn]

Su Yang had already learned [Student Eye Wanli] and [End Yan Death Servant] before, and now there are 6 vocational skills that have not yet been learned.

The magical change, the condensation of time and space, the final verdict, the funeral of the sky wheel, the flash of the sky, the countdown to the end.

Su Yang always takes the demand level as the highest priority for learning skills.

That is to say, what he lacks most now, he will learn something first.

"What I lack most now should be the mental output skills."

As a lone ranger, it is natural to develop in an all-round way.

Otherwise, facing a physically immune enemy in the future, he would have to stand still and scratch his head.

The last four are output skills.

The final verdict is a long-term continuous output, the Sky Wheel Funeral is a controlled output, the Skyburst is an ultra-long-range explosion output, and the final countdown is...

Su Yang frowned and looked at this skill description carefully.

[Final Yan Countdown]: Expend all mental energy and unfold a huge golden clock behind it, counting down 12 seconds. As soon as 12 seconds arrive, it will immediately cause rare and great damage to everything in the super large area, and the central target will absolutely be killed.

This is a skill that takes 12 seconds to cast and at the same time comes at the cost of a whole "blue bar".

The 12-second cast means that it is easily interrupted, and the consumption of all mental power means that if the user does not immediately replenish the mental power, he will fall into a coma.

The extremely high difficulty of use and the great price have resulted in a large damage range and unprecedented "rare and great damage".

Su Yang had enlightenment.

The output of this skill must explode.

"'s not right."

"I am a super long-range output. I attack others after dozens or hundreds of kilometers. How can they interrupt me if they can't even see me!?"

Having said that, I have to mention the core skill of the Demon God [Hitomi Wanli] again.

[Hitomi Wanli]: Obtain vision from a very long distance, and all the skills of the Final Demon God can be used in the vision area.

How far is this "extremely long distance"?

According to Su Yang's current level 25 318 spirit, the area 79.5 kilometers away can be clearly seen now.

79.5 kilometers, it's already very long!

"Just learn how to count down."

After Su Yang watched these 6 skills again, he finally decided to learn this.

Although the conditions of use are harsh, the three descriptions of "extraordinarily large damage range", "rare and extreme damage" and "absolute destruction" are really fascinating.

After acquiring this skill, there will only be more than six minutes left on the battlefield.

Su Yang didn't dawdle any more, and immediately chose to return.



This world.

When Su Yang came back, she saw Tang Wuyue lying on her bed.


At that moment, he thought he had come to the other party's bedroom.

The next moment, the familiar bed made him realize that this was his bedroom.

Seeing Tang Wuyue opening her eyes in a daze, Su Yang asked in shock: "Are you...what are you doing?"

He glanced at her a little, Tang Wuyue was lying on his back on his quilt at the moment, all clothes and pants were well dressed.

It seemed that he was only tired before coming up to lie down for a while.

Tang Wuyue rubbed her forehead to prop up her body, and sighed: "I just had a professional trial, and the task required me to stay up for three days."

"I was sleepy after I came back, so I lay down."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Su Yang smiled and nodded, but yelled in his heart: ‘Then why are you lying on my bed! (ノ`Д)ノ’

"Huh? Three days?"

"Yes, the time has been adjusted in the trial scene, one minute a day outside."

"Oh, there is such a thing."

Su Yang was not struggling with the bed problem. He touched his chin and said with a little interest: "So you have a legendary career now?"


Tang Wuyue arched her legs on the bed, tilted her head and showed him a sweet smile.

"The legendary assassin profession'Ghost Reaper', which happens to be the same as my forum nickname."

" That's a coincidence."

Su Yang sat on the edge of the bed, swept his eyes and saw a bowl of pale golden hot soup on the bedside table.

‘It seems that after she came back, she made this bowl of soup in a sleepy mood and delivered it, so she couldn’t help lying on my bed. ’

He guessed the facts immediately.

Tang Wuyue seemed to be very tired, and continued to lie down.

With her head resting on Su Yang's pillow, she faced Su Yang sideways, frowning slightly: "But just after changing careers, after spending 9,000 points accumulated over a long period of time, she only raised the legend to level 5."

"The combat effectiveness has not been greatly improved."

She used to be a 7th-level intermediate class, now she has changed her class, and all the previous bonuses and skills have disappeared.

She felt that she had not improved much compared to before.

"If you continue to fight the road of the strong tomorrow, it is estimated that you can only continue to fight four or five levels."

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