"Then, I hope you can persevere until I come back victorious and don't die."



Three days later, in the early morning, everyone looked at the shocking scene in the sky.

The thunderclouds were densely covered, the thunder continued one after another, and the white-gold lightning flashed and split the sky, and the magnificent momentum seemed to suppress all existence.

I saw a land like a deserted island in the sea falling towards the ground, without any floating technique, it just fell directly.

"Actually, it actually fell directly."

At the same time, the sky was torn apart again, and the same powerful breath appeared again, no, or several equally powerful breaths appeared.

There is endless thunder, there is a powerful fire of the sun, and there is endless light.

"Sure enough, no matter what the cost, Pandora, why can't you be reliable? This unexpected deviation is too big."

Feeling the strong malice, Tian Chen frowned. With three statues of six levels, Luo Hao was able to block one of them alone, and the others plus Athena didn't know if they could block the remaining two.

Chapter 0134 Battlefields Everywhere

"Tsk, tsk, this stage is really big enough."

Looking at the appearance that shook the world, Tianchen felt that the gods who had been reluctant before were all weak, even Koronos was not so arrogant.

"This, is this a narrow road for enemies?"

Tianchen silently looked at one of the powerful beings who came, as if to answer the argument that it wasn't that enemies didn't get together.

At this moment, Athena's figure appeared directly, and the unforgettable hatred and disgust of all beings present could be clearly felt, and there was even a crazy figure in the depths of her soul.

The existence accompanied by the endless thunder is exactly the king of the third generation of gods in Greek mythology, the head of the twelve gods of Olympus, and the supreme god Zeus.

"My descendants, are you planning to raise the banner of rebellion and fight against me?"

A thick, contemptuous and aloof voice sounded, and as his mood fluctuated, endless thunder rioted, explaining to everyone what the wrath of God was.

"Have you lost the glory of our gods? You actually committed yourself to mere mortals."

"This wave of hatred is very well drawn, and I give it full marks."

Tianchen's face suddenly turned dark. Similarly, this time it was like adding a buff directly to Athena and the others. I saw that the coldness on them was really freezing at the moment.

"Don't worry, as a sister, I will avenge you, and even mocking your husband."

Luo Hao comforted Athena and said that after this period of time, everyone regarded her as a sister, and she was very protective of the calf, and the most important thing was that she even mocked Tianchen.

Slowly moving the lotus step, Luo Hao's aura rose step by step, and within a few breaths, the two formed a situation of rivalry. At this moment, even Zeus' face flashed a dignified look.

"You can be regarded as one of the strongest warriors in history, but the source of your troubles will surely be wiped out by us."

Even if he was shocked by the power of the person in front of him, Zeus still had the pride of the king of the gods, and the lightning-shaped weapon in his hand began to show great power.

"Today, my sisters and I will fight side by side and vow to kill you here."


On the other side, the endless rays of light seemed to bring endless warmth to the world. It seemed that everything would be purified. This was simply unimaginable. Before the battle had begun, the Marquis of Vauban and the others were already at a disadvantage.

A handsome blond man with a gentle smile and a red cross looked down at everyone. Unlike the god of disobedience who hid myths and legends in the past, the wings on his back were completely exposed.

Gnivia and Sita directly used their spiritual vision abilities. With their abilities, they could easily know the identity of the other party. The two slowly told the myth of the god in front of them.

"The first hero to fight Satan."

"The existence that guides the dead to the other shore and judges the fate of people after death, one of the angels of death in Jewish esoteric legends."

"Deputy Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven, Lord of Light, Archangel in command of the army of angels."

"Michael the Godlike." The two said together.

Hearing this, all the people present broke into a cold sweat. Compared with this guy, the god of disobedience that he killed himself was more than one grade worse.

"Does this mean that we still need to fight against that huge army of angels?"

Alec's face also darkened. It is estimated that the weakest angels are not much worse than the fourth-order great knights, and the strongest of them are not even weaker than them.

"We just need to drag him, and it should be almost the same when the guy wins."

On this side, Alec, Annie, and Marquis Vauban are in charge of fighting against Michael. Even if they can't fight for a while, they should be able to do it.

"Then let's start, this time it's a strong pressure, this time it's the battle I'm looking for."

The huge werewolf roared up to the sky, and the pitch-black magic bird took off with a huge earthquake...


"The supreme god of Egypt, the sun god Ra, is also regarded as the god of creation. In mythology, he is portrayed as omnipotent. Although it is impossible to be true, he is absolutely powerful."

"However, legend has it that Ra, the sun god, was bitten by a snake created by his great-granddaughter Isis, and was deceived by Isis of his power."

"Every night he has to enter a state of death, riding the sun boat through the underworld, and the road is full of difficulties. There is a big snake waiting to eat him, and he must rely on the protection of the gods to pass safely."

"The struggle between the god Ra and the snake is repeatedly mentioned in Egyptian mythology, and the snake is the natural enemy of the god Ra."

"We are the Earth Goddess, which contains the blood of snakes, which can restrain him. Moreover, Circe can block the brilliance of the sun and restrain the sun god. The reversal of Aisha's healing power can also affect to the sun."

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