"Sister. Xiaoqing shouted at the bar.

As soon as the words fell, a beautiful mature woman about thirty years old came out of the bar, it was the white snake Bai Susu in the legend of the white snake.

"This is my sister, this is Jin Zhengzong, these two are Mr. Nie and Mr. Guo, they are all my friends. Xiaoqing introduced a few people.

Guo Tianyou saw at a glance that Bai Susu was not an ordinary person, or that she didn't think about covering it up at all.

The moment Kim Zhengzong saw Bai Susu, he felt his heart beat faster, and he was completely attracted to Bai Susu.

"What do you want to drink? Bai Susu said to Nie Feng and them in a very flat tone.

"No, I'll please, what are you drinking?" Jin Zhengzong hurriedly said, at this time he had only Bai Susu in his eyes.

"It's rare to have such a special guest here today, how could I not be invited. Bai Susu looked at Guo Tianyou, and she was also very keenly aware that Guo Tianyou was not a human being, but she couldn't detect the difference in Nie Feng.

Jin Zhengzong thought that Bai Susu was talking to him, covered his nose and said with a shy smile: "I'm not so special, I'm not a human being, it's okay to call me a few middle." "

Guo Tianyou looked at Nie Feng suspiciously, Nie Feng couldn't help but cover his forehead, Guo Tianyou sold a good teammate! Bai Susu is a snake demon who has been lingering in the world for thousands of years, no one has seen it, and he can find something with a simple look, not to mention that Tianyou has seen it above board.

Sure enough, Bai Susu looked at Nie Feng suspiciously, and also looked at Nie Feng again, but unfortunately she couldn't see anything! But she had already determined that Nie Feng was not simple, because not being able to see the problem was the biggest problem!

However, Nie Feng didn't intend to hide anything, and greeted generously: "I am Nie Feng, the companion of this Mr. Guo Tianyou." "

"Mr. Nie is really powerful, why don't you let me mix a few glasses of wine for everyone to drink, it can be regarded as a meeting gift." Bai Susu understood what Nie Feng meant, picked up the wine at the bar and began to mix it.

"This glass of wine is made by my sister herself, and she can't drink it outside. Xiaoqing sat next to him and introduced.

"Miss Bai, don't bother, I don't drink. "Besides, Tianyou is afraid that he will have a stomach trouble after drinking.

"There are always times when you want to drink, and if you can't drink when you want to, it's a pity. Bai Susu's flat tone seemed to be telling something, and it seemed that he was still reading something.

"What's the pity? just don't drink, don't be afraid when you're drunk, I'm here." Kim Zhengzong patted his heart and said.

"I'm really looking forward to Miss Bai's wine. Nie Feng looked at Bai Susu with a calm gaze.

Besides, Tianyou didn't say anything more, since Nie Feng said that he could drink it, he should be able to drink this wine.

"It seems that Mr. Kim rarely gets drunk. Bai Susu held the bottle and shook it gently.

"For a while, when you're unhappy and want to get drunk, you can't get drunk, but when you're happy, it's easy to get drunk. "

"Then honestly, are you in a good mood today?" Xiaoqing asked curiously.

"It's okay. Jin Zhengzong looked at Bai Susu and replied honestly.

Bai Susu put the bottom half of the three glasses like clear water, and the top half of the glass was like a cloud of wine in front of the three people: "Then let's see if this glass of wine can make you drunk?"

Jin Zhengzong picked up the wine glass and asked, "What is famous about this glass of wine?"

"It's a good thing, it's a little lighter in your mouth, but you can drink it slowly. "Xiaoqing is like a professional commentator today.

"It's amazing? Kim Jung-jong picked up the wine glass and drank it in one sip, "It looks like boiled water, and it doesn't seem to have any taste." "

"You'll find out later. Commentator Xiaoqing said.

"Mr. Guo and Mr. Nie, you can also drink this wine, please feel free. "Bai Susu made a 'please' action.

Guo Tianyou picked up the wine glass and thought about it, and drank it in one gulp, but Jin Zhengzong had already fallen on the bar and was drunk.

Nie Feng tasted the wine unhurriedly as soon as he took it, this wine is very magical, but even Tianyou can stay sober after drinking it, let alone him.

Nie Feng, who drank the wine, slowly closed his eyes, not resisting its power, and the experience of his previous life kept coming to his mind, the happy days with his parents when he was a child, the sadness and helplessness of losing his parents in a car accident when he was a teenager, the sadness of a teenage orphan who was robbed of the few compensation and even the inheritance left to him by his parents by those so-called relatives under various pretexts, and the sadness of his beloved girlfriend who was forced to separate from him but was powerless to stop it... And then there was everything he had done since the time travel, all kinds of sweet and bitter memories kept coming to his mind, and he watched calmly like a bystander.

Let him go with the wind in the past! But no one in this life wants to dominate my life anymore! It's ridiculous that after crossing over, I have always claimed to be at ease, but I was frightened by an imaginary enemy who had never even seen a shadow, so what is the difference between that and the previous me?!

At this moment, Nie Feng seemed to have realized something, and he seemed to have let go of something!

Nie Feng slowly opened his eyes, his pupils had turned into a shining yellow, his strength did not change at all, but the whole person obviously emitted a smell of dust.

Bai Susu looked at Nie Feng in surprise, just now Nie Feng gave her the feeling of being preoccupied and always on guard or something, but at this moment, Nie Feng was like a cynical boy.

"What kind of wine is this?" Guo Tianyou also woke up instantly at this time, he saw the days when he was with Ah Xiu before he was bitten by the general god, and stared at Bai Susu in surprise and asked.

"Of course, it's not an ordinary glass of wine, the most important thing is to see what kind of mood the drinker is in, some people will think back to a long time ago after drinking, or some feelings that they have forgotten! Bai Susu still said to Guo Tianyou in a very flat tone.

"But there are some people who wait while drinking, thinking that time can be easier when they are drunk. Xiaoqing looked at Bai Susu and said.

"Miss Bai is waiting for someone?" Guo Tianyou knew that Xiaoqing was talking about Bai Susu.

"I don't know how hard it will be to wait. Xiaoqing shook her head and said.

Guo Tianyou shook his head and said seriously: "As long as it's worth waiting, no matter how long you wait, you won't feel hard." "

"Yes, only in this way can I continue to wait!" Bai Susu empathized with Guo Tianyou's words.

"Mr. Guo, I can't imagine that you are less than thirty years old, and you can realize a lot of things. "Xiaoqing still doesn't know that Nie Feng and Guo Tianyou are zombies.

Bai Susu looked at this sister who had been with her for thousands of years and said, "You have not entered the world deeply, and there are many things that you still can't understand." "

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