Infinite Evolution

Chapter 443: Son-in-law number one!

"Thirteen young, please come on stage!" Seeing that Thirteen young did not come on stage, Zi Yan flashed an inexplicable color in his eyes, and then continued to laugh and said, "For this auction, everyone is looking forward Long time! "

"Haha, I'm sorry, I just just talked to the beautiful people, and almost forgot about the business." After all, Thirteen was a direct heir to the fallen city, and he was carefully educated by the fallen dragon. Extremely scary, far from being comparable to Andre's ordinary giants.

Therefore, after hearing the words of Ziyan, the gloomy color on the face of Thirteen Shao also disappeared instantly, replaced by the kind of light and easy smile that people are familiar with. Then he chuckled a little, and then took the few attractive and voluptuous women around him, walked out of the booth, and came to the auction floor.

"Thirteen young!"

"I love you, thirteen!"

"Thirteen young, you are so handsome!"


As the thirteen young people came to power, many young women in the auction room also screamed. That looks like it was the enthusiastic enthusiasm of the star-studded people who met the stars they admired before the last days.

At the same time, more people laughed in good faith. Obviously, the popularity of Thirteen Young People is very high, and even the failure of the recent bid for the auction item has not affected his popularity in any way.

I have to say that although Thirteen is a fancy player, he does have fancy capital.

His almost perfect handsome face and the wicked smile on his mouth are fatal to most women. More importantly, he is a natural charmer.

Charismatic body, like Angel's fire spirit body, is a very rare special constitution. The person with the charm body will emit an inexplicable aura, which makes it easier for him to get close to him and trust him. Even this constitution is effective for mutant creatures, allowing him to reduce the chance of being hostile and attacked by mutant creatures. At the same time, he will be much easier to conquer or summon some special summons than ordinary people.

In a word, it is simply that when a man meets and wants to be a brother, a woman meets and wants to be a lover, and a mutant creature meets and wants to be a pet.

It can be said that this is an extremely domineering and powerful physique!

The handsome appearance, the special charm body, and the identity of the heir to the fallen city have also made the thirteen young people the most popular king in the younger generation of Sky City.

"Haha, thank you for your support, but don't tell this story, otherwise my dad knows that I almost broke his affairs, then I will be miserable!" When I came to the auction floor, Thirteen was facing the platform. The crowd laughed and said, "As for the beauties who just said they loved me, I take it seriously. The next time I ask you, you can't refuse, otherwise I will accuse you of cheating."

After hearing the words of Thirteen Shao, there was another burst of good laughter from the audience. As for the young women who had just screamed, the 13 Shao was fascinated and their hearts beat.

"Look at me, I almost forgot about the business after a chat. Well, let's get back to business!" Suddenly, the thirteen younger seemed to think of something, and then the conversation turned and went straight into the subject, saying: "I think everyone Knowing that many years ago, we fell into the city to work with SHIELD to research and develop various types of war robots and war mechas. We hope that the power of science and technology can be used to further enhance human strength, thereby reversing the current situation of human beings. Disadvantage. "

Speaking of this, Thirteen Shao sighed slightly and said, "But unfortunately, due to material, cost and technology constraints, most of this development has failed. And the only G800 on the market ... keke, its I think everyone knows where the market is. "


After hearing the words of Thirteen Young, there was another hearty laughter off the court. Especially in the Longbao private room, Chu Hang and others even moved their eyes to Yang Ling, and then laughed.

"But even so, we haven't given up, because we firmly believe that since technology can become one of the two cornerstones that support our human existence, it must be, and it must also play a more powerful role. Even the battle robots and The failure of the research and development of fighter mecha does not mean that science and technology will not work, because it is more likely that we have gone the wrong way and found the wrong research direction. "However, when everyone laughed, the thirteen was His face was clear, and he said, "So we started to reflect and start looking for problems from ourselves. Finally, we found the answer from a sentence that had been circulating before the cataclysm."

With that said, the expression of Thirteen Younger also became more serious, and then took a deep breath and said verbatim: "That sentence is-technology, people-oriented!"

"Science and technology are people-oriented?" After hearing the words of the Thirteen Young, Chu Xun's face suddenly appeared a strange look, because he was so impressed with this sentence.

As a former Nokia iron powder, how could he forget the most classic slogan of Nokia mobile phones?

"That's the sentence. Let us wake up, maybe we failed because we completely abandoned the" human "in the process of research, and only focused on science and technology." Thirteen young people did not notice the strangeness of Chu Xun But continued to say: "So we started to change direction, began to focus on people, and researched the scientific and technological strength that enhances human strength. Finally, after combining technology and materials excavated from the relics of a prehistoric civilization, our research and development also gained substance. A breakthrough in nature resulted in the development of a cross-era technology product. "

Having said that, Thirteen took the silver suitcase in the hands of a beautiful woman next to her, opened it, pointed at the three tubes of liquid like mercury, and said, "This is where we fell into the city and Aegis City. Auction, No. 1 son-in-law! "

"What is this?" Looking at the three tubes exuding a silver metallic luster and flowing silver liquid like living things, curiosity appeared on everyone's faces.

What is it that can be so valued by Fallen City and Aegis City, or even called it a "cross-era technology product"?

"Nuowa is a mythical character that spread before the Cataclysm. Legend has it that we humans created it from Nuwa." Looking at the curious expression of the crowd, Thirteen smiled slightly and said, "The reason why we use Nuwa No. 1 named this invention precisely because it can reshape human beings like son-in-law and give them a new life. "

Speaking of which, there was a flash of enthusiasm in the eyes of Thirteen Shao, and then increased the volume, saying: "Nuwa No. 1 is actually a special biological nano-robot. As long as you inject Nuwa No. 1, then This kind of bio-nano robot will gradually integrate, and assimilate and strengthen the body of the injector. With the continuous assimilation and strengthening of this kind of bio-nano robot, the body of the injector will be continuously activated and cured. More importantly, this activation and healing is at the cellular level and spread throughout the body, so it can play a significant role in increasing the life expectancy of the injector. According to our test results, as long as Nuwa No. 1 is injected, then theoretically That said, the life expectancy of an injector can be more than doubled! "

"More than double life?"

Everyone in the audience was shocked to hear the words of Thirteen Young, and at the same time fanaticism appeared on their faces.

Below level 9 are ants. As long as they are humans, unless they reach level 9, they can integrate the body and nature, otherwise the longest life expectancy of a quasi-level 9 strong person such as [Insect Master] is generally only the longest. 200 years old, but also shorten lifespan due to various injuries and the accumulation of viruses in the body.

If the injection of Nuwa No. 1 can double the life expectancy, it means that they can live for decades or even hundreds of years. This is an irresistible temptation for anyone, especially for a dying strongman like [Insect Master]!

"Don't be too surprised, life extension is only one of the effects of Nu Wa No. 1!" However, when everyone was shocked, the thirteen threw up a blockbuster again: "In addition to increasing life expectancy, women After completing the whole body assimilation, the No. 1 bio-nano robot can also use the iron and calcium elements in the body of the injector to strengthen the injector's bones, and even to a certain extent, it can form a set of insect-like bodies on the body surface. The exoskeleton armor greatly increases the defensive power of the injector. At the same time, the son-in-law biological nano-robot can also use the biological current to continuously stimulate the muscle of the injector, thereby greatly increasing the speed and strength of the injector. "

Speaking of this, there was a hint of self-confidence on the face of the thirteenth young man, saying: "According to our many experiments, the degree of improvement is related to the strength of the injector. The stronger the injector, the greater the increase. The stronger it is. The range of improvement is between 100% and 500%. The eight beauties next to me are the best testimony. "

Click! Click!

As the thirteen young voices dropped, the original beautiful and beautiful next to him, and a group of eight beautiful beauties flashing with metallic luster suddenly gathered. And with the appearance of this white armor, a powerful breath also erupted from the eight beautiful women.

Until this moment, all the talents were surprised to find that these eight beauties turned out to be 7th-order peaks, almost 8th-order powerhouses. It's just that they just used some method to hide their breath, so they just looked so weak!

"Now, please help Master Ziyu!" Looking at everyone's surprised eyes, Thirteen Xiao smiled slightly, and then said to the old Zipa old man: "Please Master Ziyu with the power of ordinary 8th-order powerhouse. They attacked! "

"Oh, are you sure?" After hearing the words of the 13th youngster, Ziyan froze slightly and said, "The gap between the 8th and 7th peaks is not small, and the power of my destruction is extraordinary. If they can't resist it, If you do, you will be hurt or even killed. My old bones don't want to be spoiled! "

"Rest assured, they will be fine!" Thirteen Shao smiled slightly, a look of confidence appeared on his face.

"Okay!" Seeing that Thirteen Young was so confident, Zi Yan nodded, and then waved his right hand, and a purple flame was blasted out of his palm at a very fast speed, and finally he was heavily bombarded there. Of a woman.


Suddenly, a loud noise rang through the auction house. At the same time, the purple flame completely burst out, completely wrapping the woman headed by it, and it was burning.

Seeing this scene, many people frowned slightly.

The cricket's destruction is very powerful. Even if he is controlled to the level of the 8th level, that power is not generally able to withstand the 7th level!

Could such a charming and charming woman be burnt into coke?


However, when many people frowned, Ziyan's pupils shrank slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in her eyes.

The next moment, the burning purple flame finally disappeared, and the woman in the flame also appeared in front of everyone.


Seeing the appearance of the woman, everyone in the audience exclaimed, but many people frowned, and even showed an intolerance.

Obviously, the scene that happened before them far exceeded their expectations.

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