Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 20: Magic stone

   As in the original book, Hermione eventually became good friends with Harry and Ron. For Hermione, although Harry and the others did nothing when dealing with the trolls, they risked their lives to save her after all. This made her who lacked friendship couldn’t help but moved, and after breaking the school rules once, she She didn't pay so much attention to these things anymore, which made her look much more lovely. Harry and Ron also did not reject being friends with her, and the Hogloods Iron Triangle was officially established.

As for the relationship between the three and Mo Wen, Harry and Ron both admire Mo Wen’s strength and feel that Guris is a very good person. Mo Wen has been upgraded directly from a familiar stranger to a good one. Guris, who saved her once in Hermione’s heart, has almost the same status as Harry and Ron. He is a friend who can talk about anything. If the two were not in the same college, maybe the relationship would be better than Ha Let them get closer.

"Do you want to know Nicol Lemay? You ask what he is doing, Nicol should have nothing to do with us now?" Mo Wen in the library gently closed the book in his hand, looking at it with some'curious' The few people in front of me.

   Hermione glanced at Harry and Ron behind her, and gritted her teeth to tell Mo Wen what she had discovered, although the latter two were somewhat reluctant.

   "What, Snape wants to harm Harry, and he also wants to get something that has something to do with Nico LeMay?" Mo Wen said pretendingly in surprise.

"That's it, I said why Harry had a problem with the broomstick during the game that day. Was it Snape's hand? But he shouldn't be so bold, and he could teach at Hoglover for so many years. Professor Dumbledore should trust him very much, he shouldn't..." Mo Wen began to'talk to himself', then glanced at Harry and Ron a little eagerly, and said apologetically : "Sorry, I want to be fascinated. Do you want to know about Nico Le May? Let me think, um, yes, Nico Le May, one of the greatest alchemists in hundreds of years, last year I just celebrated my 665th birthday, and I should now live in Devon with my wife Perenal (658 years old). He is the only maker of the Sorcerer’s Stone known to people, too A good friend of our principal, the two have had a lot of cooperation in the field of alchemy."

   "Six hundred and sixty-five years old!" "Sorcerer's Stone!" Harry, Ron, and Hermione exclaimed at the same time.

   "How is it possible, how can a person live such an old age, this is incredible." Harry exclaimed, and Ron agreed with his face.

Hermione was surprised. On the other hand, "The Sorcerer's Stone, no wonder, Snape would do it." Then he gave Harry and the others a blank look. "Are you usually not reading? The Sorcerer's Stone can turn any metal into Pure gold can also make the elixir of life, so that people who drink this medicine will never die. Is it surprising that people who have lived for more than six hundred years?"

She said confidently: "That big dog must be guarding Le May's Philosopher's Stone! I dare say Le May asked Dumbledore to keep it for him, because they are friends, and he knows that someone is playing the Philosopher's Stone. . That's why he moved the Sorcerer's Stone from the Gringa."

But Harry and the others were still immersed in the amazing effects of the Philosopher’s Stone, "A stone can turn into gold, and it can make you never die!" Harry said, "No wonder Snape is also hitting his idea! Want it!"

   Ron murmured to himself: "It's more than six hundred years old, no wonder we can't find him in the "Research on the Development of Modern Witchcraft"."

Mo Wen closed the book gently, and smiled and said to several people: "Any longevity spell should have its limits. Although I don't know the specific effects of the magic stone, I'm sure it will There are certain side effects. Otherwise, a great alchemist like Nico would not hide its secrets, so you don’t have to be too envious. As for Snape, although I still can’t believe he would do that. Do, but I will pay attention to him. If you encounter any trouble, you can come to me."

Seeing the three people who left, Mo Wen shook his heads. Although they agreed, it was obvious that Harry and Ron didn’t want him to be involved. Young people always like to be in the limelight, ha. They subconsciously wanted to make some achievements by themselves, especially Harry, who has always been carrying the name of the savior, has attracted much attention. He has always wanted to prove himself, but Hermione trusts himself, but it is a pity She was never the one who made the decision.

"Hey, you have a good relationship with our opponent, Your Royal Highness!" Throwing a book on Mo Wen, Qiu Zhang walked out from behind a bookshelf with an unhappy expression. Recently, Mo Wen and Hermione's relationship The temperature rose sharply, which made her feel very bad. In addition, in the game against Hufflepuff, Harry caught the Golden Snitch in just a few minutes, which put her under a lot of pressure, even if it was unheard of. No matter how sharp the offense is, it is impossible for them to get more than one hundred and fifty points in a few minutes, so the possibility of them losing is not small.

   Now that Mo Wen is talking and laughing with his team's worst enemy, UU reading Qiu Zhang will naturally not be in a good mood.

But Mo Wen blinked, reached out to hold Qiu Zhang’s small hand, and squeezed, “What, are you worried? Don’t worry, it’s a coincidence that Harry was not so good at the game. It takes just a few minutes to catch the Snitch and he can be selected for the national team. You just have to keep an eye on him in the next game and we will do the rest."

   was blushed by Mo Wen's little actions, Qiu Zhang said grumpily, "Then don't stray from the front, Your Royal Highness, Gryffindor's score is about to catch up."

"It doesn’t matter, isn’t there still our beautiful Miss Qiu Zhang? You just have to wink at that time. I guarantee Harry will be fascinated and fall off the broom. At that time, we will win, and they have no substitutes. ."

"Go to hell!"

But apparently Qiu Zhang’s worries were unnecessary. Gryffindor deducted points much faster than they scored. Gryffindor lost one hundred and fifty points overnight. The distance suddenly widened to the point that he could no longer keep up, and gave the second place to his rival Slytherin. Even Hufflepuff’s score was much higher than that of Gryffindor, a student of Gryffindor. When we passed the huge hourglass that recorded the score of the Academy Cup, we couldn't even believe our eyes and thought that something went wrong. How could they suddenly be one hundred and fifty points less than yesterday? Then things slowly spread: Harry Potter and two other stupid first-year students were caught by Professor McGonagall while wandering around at night , Everyone deducted fifty points.

   Ps: It's really Chapter 20, Chapter 19 can't be passed up, I don't know why, I have left a message and I am waiting for a reply

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