Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 27: Fight

Mo Wen shook his head at this time, "You'd better not ask Malfoy about this. First, he wouldn't admit it. Second, if the elf acted without authorization, he might be What did the Malfoy family hear? You will hurt the elf if you ask like this." Because Dobby will still be useful in the future, Mo Wen reminded him in a'goodwill'.

   It's a pity that Harry and Ron obviously didn't listen. They were gearing up to plan trouble with Malfoy.

  At this moment, the Weasleys came over, and Mr. Weasley could not hear those golden and silver eyes that lit up, "Are you Modi Guris?"

   "Yes, Mr. Weasley." Mo Wen saluted seriously.

Seeing that Mo Wen was so polite, Mr. Weasley was even more delighted, and took Mo Wen’s hand and said, “Ah, it’s really you. I didn’t expect to meet you here. Did you come to buy a book? Damn, Gidro’s book is still precious. If it weren’t for a new job, I really don’t know what to do... ··"

Mr. Weasley was holding Mo Wen and talking excitedly, but Weasley’s children were embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. They also knew that their father had a new job because of Mo Wen. They were a little short of breath unconsciously, and Ron even blushed.

"That's not the case, Mr. Weasley, your talent is obvious to all, and Minister Fudge also appreciates you. Our industry is developing so well with your help. It is because we have been taken care of here." Mo Wen said. Ron and the others were relieved, after all, no one wanted to owe such a big favor to his classmates.

   Mr. Weasley curled his lips, "Fudge? If you didn't mention me, he wouldn't pay attention to me at all, and now he is drawing me in—"

   The Weasley woman took him a moment, glanced at the children, and made Mr. Weasley swallow the rest.

   The Weasley woman kindly said to Mo Wen, "Did you also come to buy books, Little Modi? Would you like to come to our house later?"

Mo Wen shook his head, "No, Lihen Bookstore is our family's property. The books I use are usually delivered directly by them. As for the visit, you can talk about it later. You should take the Weasley woman first. Ron and the others, go in and line up. There are a lot of people today." Then he glanced at Hermione and Ginny. "Your daughter should stay here first. I will ask the clerk to send you a set of books after a while. At the house, it’s not easy for girls to squeeze in today, and of course Hermione is the same." It’s not that Mo Wen was reluctant to give away a few more sets. Although Gilrod’s book is not cheap, it’s not a big deal to Mo Wen. , I just can't embarrass Mr. Weasley too much, just giving Ginny is just right.

   The Weasley woman shook her head and said, "No, it's too much trouble for you."

   Mo Wen was happy, and he reached out and touched Ginny's little head, "It's nothing, just treat it as Ginny's school gift. Girls always want some special treatment."

The Weasley woman finally looked at the bookstore that was about to explode and compromised, but Hermione was not happy, "But I still want to see Guidro!" The little girl whispered, accepting Mo Wenyi. The set of books is not a big deal to her, it's a big deal to give a precious gift at Christmas.

   But Mo Wen whispered something in her ear, Hermione's eyes suddenly narrowed, "What you said is true, that's great! Okay, then I won't go in."

   The Weasley woman squeezed in with the boys in the house, and Harry followed. In the blink of an eye, Mo Wen, Hermione, and Ginny were left on the spot. Ginny was so shy only in front of Harry. When she turned her eyes, she said to Mo Wen slyly: "Are you the Modi who George and Freddie talked about just like wild boars?"

   Mo Wen was taken aback, and then smiled: "If you mean the Modi who knocked George off the broom during the game, it would be me."

   "Doesn't you look that strong, you are really that powerful?" Ginny deliberately looked up and down at Mo Wen and asked.

   "Of course, compared to Harry, it's naturally not that powerful." Mo Wen, who is familiar with the original book, naturally knows how to deal with this somewhat lively little girl.

   Hearing Mo Wen mentioned Harry, Ginny's small face was red, and there was an illusion of being broken. Hermione on the side also helped out: "Yes, our Ginny admires Harry the most."

   Ginny suddenly became anxious, "You are not the same, all the time I talk about how powerful Guris's magic is, and I am very considerate."

   Hermione blushed this time. She took a peek at Mo Wen, and she was anxious to see the other person looking at herself with a smile but a smile. She stretched out her hand to catch Ginny's itching, "What are you talking about, little girl!"

   The two suddenly became a group.

Suddenly I heard the crowd in the bookstore quiet, and then the sound of flashing lights, and across the crowd I saw Harry with a stiff expression on Gilderoo's face and his voice came out, " He will not only own my new book-"The Magical Me", but it is beyond imagination. In fact, he and their classmates will get the real and magical me! Yes, gentlemen, ladies and me I am honored and proud to announce here that in September of this year, I will take up the post of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as their new teacher for the Dark Witchcraft Defense Course!"

   Hermione stopped, stopped chasing Ginny, and said to Mo Wen, "What you just said is true. Gilrod has really become our teacher. This is really great!"

   Mo Wen shook his head, "As long as you don't regret it then."

"What did you say?"


After another while, Harry hobbled his way through the crowd and flashing lights, came to the three of them, put the book in Ginny's new cauldron, and said vaguely: "I'll buy another one. Set, this set is for you, Ginny." Apparently he hadn't heard Mo Wen's conversation with the Weasley woman just now.

   Ginny was about to explain, but suddenly a harsh voice came from the side.

   "I guess you will like this, Potter? You found a girlfriend?" Malfoy walked over with a sneer.

   "The well-known Harry Potter is on the front page of the newspaper even when he goes to the bookstore!"

   I didn’t know that Malfoy came to provoke Harry. It was a surprise. After looking for a chance to clean up Malfoy several times in school, this kid always ran away when he saw him. Why did he have the courage to show up in front of him today?

But seeing Malfoy subconsciously pretending not to see Mo Wen, and then looking at Harry viscerally, occasionally looking in the other direction from the corner of his eyes, Mo Wen was a joy, and he immediately understood Malfoy's intentions. It was obviously his father Lu. Seus motioned him to do this, which made Malfoy no choice. Seeing that he was here, he bit the bullet and came over.

   "Don't pay attention to him, he is uneasy and kind!" Ginny said. This was the first time she had spoken in front of Harry, although her eyes were staring at Malfoy.

   "Malfoy, what are you doing here?" Ron also came over with the book and looked at Malfoy in disgust, as if he was a dirty thing on the heel of his shoe. "You must be surprised to see Harry here, don't you?"

   "It would be better to be surprised when I see you here, Weasley." After a quiet glance at Mo Wen, Malfoy retorted. "I guess you must go to please Guris, otherwise you probably can't afford these books."

   Ron's face became as red as his hair, and he obviously couldn't stand Malfoy's words, especially since he just learned that his father's job was related to Mo Wen.

   Before Harry and Ginny could react, Ron threw Malfoy to the ground, and he hit the ground.

   Today Ron looked extraordinarily brave. After a few strokes, Malfoy could not fight back, and his face swelled in a short while.

   "Damn it, you stop me." Then an anxious voice came, and a man ran over, pulled Ron away, and helped Malfoy up.

   "Dad," Malfoy whimpered with red and swollen eyes.

   Lucius saw that his child was beaten like this for a while, and he felt distressed. He looked at Ron viciously and touched his wand unconsciously.

   But at this moment, Mr. Weasley also brought George and Freddy over. Mr. Weasley stood in front of Ron and looked at Lucius coldly.

   "Lucius, what do you want to do!"

Lucius looked at Mo Wen with a jealous look, and said in a gloomy manner: "Arthur, it seems that you have found a new backer. You have a lot of courage, but I am afraid that you can only give Someone else is a dog."

From Ginny’s crucible, he took out a shabby "Transfiguration Beginner's Guide", (after all, I have to live several children, although the working conditions have improved a lot, the Weasley family still maintains the habit of frugality) Lucius Continue to ridicule: "It looks like you are a dog, you have not been reused, the Guris family should not be short of this little money!"

Ginny’s crucible flew out, and Mr. Weasley knocked Lucius to the ground with a punch, and then there was a round of punches and kicks. Poor old Malfoy, for some reason he could only hold one hand tight. Grasping Ginny's textbook, he couldn't stop Weasley with just one hand, and soon followed in his son's footsteps.

   "Oh, my God, Arthur, stop, don't fight, don't fight!" Finally the Weasley woman squeezed out of the crowd and grabbed her husband.

   Lucius stood up for a long time, with a blue nose and a swollen face, and threw the textbook in his hand to Ginny, with a vicious light in his eyes.

   "Next, little girl-hold it steady-this is the most expensive thing your dad can buy you -"

Then he left with his son with the same blue nose and swollen In Mo Wen’s eyes, the originally shabby textbook was exuding a strong wave of magic at this time. It seemed that Lucius was still looking for a chance to stuff Voldemort’s diary. Ginny, but out of a certain plan, Mo Wen didn't say anything.

   At this time, the Weasley woman complained to her husband: "You have set a good example for the children...fighting in public...Gidlow-Rockhart would definitely think..."

   "He is happy," Fred said. "When we left, didn't you hear what he was talking about? He asked the guy from the Daily Prophet if he could report the fight-and said that would increase the popularity."

  George looked at Ron, "My dear brother, why are you so brave today, you put little Malfoy together like that alone, if you don't know your dull face, I really can't recognize you."

   Ron was obviously also a little confused, "I don't know, but today's Malfoy can't help being beaten, he fell down with just a little effort."

Mr. Weasley on the side took a look at Mo Wen. Unlike Ron, as an adult wizard, he knew very well that when he first started, someone silently casted magic on him, making his strength become stronger. Even bigger, this could knock Lucius down with one punch. I'm afraid Ron's situation is the same, and the only person who can do this is unknown.

   Seeing Weasley look over, Mo Wenshu gave a thumbs up, "It's beautiful, Mr. Weasley!"

   Then the two of them just looked at each other and smiled, seeing the person behind them for a while.

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