Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 84: Start (Happy New Year everyone)

Harry has never taken a brain defense class since the incident of peeking into Snape’s memory. Of course he also expected the same. As headaches became more frequent, he seemed to feel Voldemort’s emotions more and more. For several consecutive nights, he dreamed of the same scene. The surroundings were very dark. However, he could see the strange and colorful light shining from the surrounding objects. It was a long and narrow corridor with a door at the end of the corridor. He was so Longing to go through that door, he hopes to get the thing behind the door. It's a pity that whenever he approaches that door, he always wakes up.

   "Cool! Man, you are peeping into the mind of the Dark Lord!" Ron exclaimed when he knew it.

   "But what is he looking for?" Harry was more concerned about another point.

   "Perhaps a weapon, a weapon that will allow him to defeat Dumbledore." Ron guessed.

is it? Harry vaguely felt that this was not the case, he felt that the thing seemed to be related to him.

   "Then, Harry, should we tell Dumbledore about this? This may be important," Ron suggested.

   Harry remembered his indifferent attitude the last time he saw Dumbledore, "No, we can't be sure whether this information is true or not, can we?"

"And have you forgotten? I shouldn't be able to feel Voldemort's thoughts now." Ron also knew about Harry's participation in Snape's brain defense class. He was the only friend with whom he could speak now. Yes, Hermione had parted ways with them a long time ago, and her mind fell on Guris.

   Ron wanted to say something when he saw this, but Harry interrupted him roughly, "Isn't there still the omnipotent Guris? If there is anything, he will notify Dumbledore!"

Ron stopped speaking. Since the last Christmas ball, he seems to have had some hazy feelings for Hermione. Now Hermione and Guris are getting closer and closer, but they are getting further and further away, which makes him also in his heart. There was a slight resistance to Guris. Harry had found a small statue of Guris under his bed. It was bought at the Quidditch World Cup. Now the arm of the statue has been broken off.

  As the semester draws to a close, Harry’s dreams become more frequent. Now he has passed through the door, where is the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. He accidentally got this information in a dream.

It’s a pity that there are other doors behind this door. The entire Department of Mysteries is like a maze. Thanks to this, Voldemort’s anger has been very strong recently. Harry can feel his irritation and impatience. The thing is that his scar hurts like fire.

In addition, Voldemort's getting closer and closer to the target also made him worried. He is now not sure whether he should tell Dumbledore about this. It's one thing to be angry, but it's another thing to really want Voldemort to get that thing. , He still can't trust Guris.

But soon he didn’t care about these things. The end of the fifth grade was approaching, which also meant that their OWLs exams were approaching, because without Hermione’s supervision, he and Ron were the last to start in Gryffindor. Review. They had to stay up almost every night now, every exam was spent in a trance, and Harry had desperately wanted to give up.

   The final exam, the history of magic, didn't start until the afternoon. Although Harry wanted to go back to bed very much after breakfast, he spent the last minute on the venue reviewing before the exam and almost overslept in the lounge.

   He and Ron rushed into the examination room almost at the same time the bell rang.

   started the first question, but after he thought about it for several seconds, he hadn't come up with a word in his mind, there was only a buzzing bee disturbing his thoughts. Slowly, with twists and turns, he finally began to write answers.

   He found it difficult to remember those confusing names and dates. He just skipped the fourth question (from your point of view, talk about whether the 18th century goblin rebellion was caused by a law to better manage the wand), considering that he would have time to go back in the end. He tried to answer the fifth question (how many secret laws were issued in 1749 to prevent multiple standards of measurement units), but he had a critical guess that he missed a few points; he had a feeling that vampires should be in a certain part of the story. Where it appears.

   He looked up for a question he could simply answer and then his eyes fell on the number 10 (describe the establishment of the World Wizard Federation and explain why the Wizards of Liechtenstein object to joining?)

   "I know this" Harry thought.

   He closed his eyes again, and tried his best to think about recalling them. The Federation met for the first time in France, yes, he has already written

   The goblin tried to participate and was expelled. He also wrote.

  Is there anyone from Liechtenstein participating.

   "Thinking" He told himself that when everyone around him was constantly writing and the sand in the hourglass in front of him was still losing, he put his face on his hand.

   He once again walked forward on the cold and dark corridor leading to the Department of Mystery Affairs, walking steadily and regularly, jogging occasionally, and finally he decided to reach his destination. The black door swayed open for him as usual, and he stood in a round room with many doors.

   walked straight through the stone steps through the second door, and the beating lights on the wall and floor made a ticking sound, but there was no time to visit, he had to be fast.

   He took a few last steps to the third door, which was hidden for him like the others.

   He came to the big room full of shelves and glass balls, and his heart was beating fast now. He is going there this time. When he reached the number 97, he walked left in the corridor between the two rows.

   But there was a shadow at the end of the floor, a black shadow that moved on the floor like an injured animal. Harry's stomach shrank from fear and excitement.

   A voice came out of his own mouth, a towering, cold and inhuman voice.

   "Give me that. Put it down, now, I can't touch him, but you can."

The dark figure on the floor moved Harry saw that he was holding a magic wand in his hand. It was a white hand with slender fingers, and then heard a towering, cold voice saying, " Cut your heart out!"

   The man on the ground screamed in pain, tried to stand up but fell down. Harry was laughing. He raised his wand, the curse stopped and the figure's groan gradually subsided.

   "Voldemort is waiting"

   Very slowly, his hands trembled, and the man on the ground lifted his shoulder an inch or two and then raised his head. His face was **** and haggard, and his face distorted by pain still had challenging fortitude.

   "You must kill me." Sirius whispered.

"In the end I will undoubtedly do this." said the cold voice, "but you have to get something for me first, Blake. Do you want more pain? Think about it again. We have several hours. And no one can hear you screaming."

   But when Voldemort raised his wand again, someone was screaming. Someone yelled and pushed the hot table onto the cold stone floor. But he was awake when Harry hit the ground, but he was still screaming, his scars were burning like fire, and the whole hall was watching him by his side.

   "I won't go, I don't need to go to the hospital ward, I don't want to—" Harry struggled frantically, but the old wizard who invigilated the exam insisted on sending him to Madam Pomfrey.

   "The pressure of the exam." With compassion in his tone, he winked at Madam Pomfrey.

   But Harry took this opportunity and ran wildly outside the door.

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