Infinite Heroes Seat

Chapter 8: Sorting ceremony

   A few hours later, the train slowed down and finally stopped. The passengers shoved and shoved, rushing towards the door, Mo Wen also took Qiu Zhang's little hand and jumped onto a dark and small platform. An extraordinarily tall figure in the crowd carried a lamp and swayed above the students' heads, "First-year freshman! First-year freshman come here!" It seemed that it was the half-blood giant Hagrid.

  The freshmen followed this figure and slid and stumbled, seeming to be walking down a steep and narrow path, and they all held Qiu Zhang's little hand tightly along the way. "Turning this turn, you will soon see Hogwarts for the first time." The tall figure shouted back.

   Then, at the end of the path, a black lake suddenly appeared. On the high hillside across the lake, there was a towering castle. The top of the castle was lined with spires, and windows shone under the stars.

   "Each boat cannot exceed four people!" Hagrid pointed to a group of small boats moored on the shore and said loudly. Mo Wen pulled Qiu Zhang into the boat, and another boy and a girl followed. "Have you all been on the boat?" Hagrid shouted, riding a boat by himself. "Well, go ahead!" A group of small boats swept across the mirror-like lake and drove forward.

   "My name is Eddie Garmi, hello!" The boy was very generous and introduced himself shortly after boarding.

   "Marietta Ekmo" also introduced the girl with freckles on her face.

   Mo Wen began to recall the original work, two dragon sets with only names, except that Marietta seemed to be the culprit who informed the professor, and finally caused the relationship between Qiu Zhang and Harry. But Mo Wen didn't care, his methods were much higher than Harry, and he was not afraid that Qiu Zhang would run out of his palm.

   "Autumn Zhang" and "Modi Guris" also introduced themselves.

   After hearing Mo Wen's name, Marietta's eyes lit up. She had obviously heard of something, but when she was about to say something, she heard Hagrid yell, "Head down!" They were already close to the cliff of the castle.

   Everyone bowed their heads, and the boat carried them through the ivy tent covering the front of the cliff to the secret open entrance. They appeared to be under the castle along a dark tunnel, and finally reached a place similar to an underground pier, then climbed up a piece of gravel and small pebbles, and came to a huge oak door.

   At this time, a tall, dark-haired witch in an emerald green robe was standing in front of the gate. She said to Hagrid, "Hagrid, I will pick up the new students."

   "Okay, Professor." Hagrid agreed.

"This is Professor McGonagall, our vice president. She wrote our admission letter. She is also the dean of Gryffindor College and teaches transfiguration." Mo Wen whispered to Qiu Zhang. The reader nodded and listened carefully. After arriving at Hogwarts, Qiu Zhang was obviously nervous a lot and listened carefully to Mo Wen's introduction. But what makes Mo Wen regretful is that when he came to a place with lights, Qiu Zhang removed his little hand.

   While Professor McGonagall was introducing the branch school, Qiu Zhang suddenly asked in a low voice: "Modi, what college do you say we will be assigned to."

   Modi just smiled and said confidently: "You and I will both be assigned to Ravenclaw College."

   "Why?" Qiu Zhang asked puzzledly.

   "Because it is destined!"

   Qiu·Zhang is so angry that I can't hear it, girls regardless of age can do this trick, "I'm talking serious, don't make trouble."

   Mo Wen suddenly turned a straight face, and looked at Qiu Zhang seriously and said: "I mean, a smart and beautiful girl like you will definitely be assigned to Ravenclaw, and I will be with you."

   The door of the hall was opening at this time, and the flaming torch was set off against Mo Wen's pupils, which made him look extraordinarily charming at this time.

   Looking at this scene idiotically, Qiu Zhang was stunned.

   At this moment, Mo Wen suddenly heard a voice behind him, "Mr. Guris, the sorting ceremony is about to be carried out now, I personally think your confession should be saved for next time."

  , it was Professor McGonagall who appeared behind them at some unknown time. The people around him laughed at her words. Qiu Zhang's face was blushing and he hurriedly lowered his head.

   But Mo Wen was unmoved, and said with a smile: "Okay, Professor, I will remember."

   The freshmen lined up and walked into the hall. The students from other classes in the college were already sitting around four long tables. Above the tables, thousands of candles floating in the air illuminate the dining room. On the four tables were glittering gold plates and goblets. There is another long table on the top table of the restaurant, which is the seat of teachers. Professor McGonagall brought the first-year freshmen over there and arranged them in a row facing all the senior class students. The ceiling above his head is bright, but the sky outside is covered with dark clouds, obscuring the light of the moon.

   Professor McGonagall gently put a four-legged stool in front of the freshmen, and put a top wizard hat on it. The hat was patched, worn out, and extremely dirty.

   Then, as everyone watched, the hat suddenly cracked and began to sing. I didn't even hear what I sang. Instead, I looked at the hat carefully.

   Zero Spell: Detect Magic

In Mo Wen’s eyes, the aura contained in this broken hat is amazing, even far beyond his own magic wand. Is it really a Gryffindor hat? The things that have been circulated for so long really have some ways, but he is more concerned now. Will this hat be aware of its own secrets? After all, it is a hat that can detect thoughts. But at the beginning, he was rolling in Mo Wen's mind, making a big noise, saying that Mo Wen looked down on her and she would never be discovered by a broken hat. Mo Wen thought about it and didn’t think he could. If he could detect everything, those pure-blooded nobles would not allow schools to use this kind of thing to branch out. It is estimated that this hat is about the same as the second-level spell detection thought, perhaps more powerful. It's just that you can see a person's character, but you shouldn't find what you hide in the bottom of your heart.

   After a while, the Sorting Hat was finished singing, and the freshmen began to walk forward one by one and put on their hats.

   "Marca Belby." "Ravenclaw!" The boy who was the first to be pronounced was assigned to Ravenclaw, and the table with the most girls suddenly burst into applause.

   "Michael Conai" "Gryffindor!"

   "Miles Bleach" "Slytherin!"

   "Eddie Garmi" "Ravenclaw!"


   A personal name was clicked, and the applause in the hall never ceased.

   "Autumn Zhang", Mo Wen felt that Qiu Zhang behind him suddenly became nervous, he turned around and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I'll go back to Ravenclaw to find you."

   Looking at Mo Wen’s serious expression, Qiu Zhang chuckles, and he relaxes, and then smiles: "Okay, I'm waiting for you in Ravenclaw."

Then there was a loud "Ravenclaw!", Qiu Zhang briskly ran to the long table of Ravenclaw, and chatted with a senior school sister, Jian Mowen looked over, but Gives a playful look.

   Mo Wen just smiled at this, and when he saw Diggory's frustrated expression on Hufflepuff's table, Mo Wen smiled even more happily.

   The number of people decreased one by one, and finally it was the turn of "Modi Guris"

   The surrounding discussion suddenly became louder. Several people stood up from the table. Apparently many people had heard of the name of the young genius of the Guris family.

   Mo Wen was not nervous at all under the gaze of everyone, and walked up briskly. Those gold and silver eyes looked extremely deep, matching the aristocratic temperament, which attracted people's attention.

   An appraisal technique was thrown on the Sorting Hat, and a message appeared in Mo Wen's mind: The Sorting Hat, a sub-legendary item, can easily distinguish personal characters and obtain shallow thoughts.

   With a sigh of relief, Mo Wen buttoned the Sorting Hat on his head.

"Well," he heard a faint voice in his ear: "Difficult, very difficult, superior in wisdom, not lacking in courage, pure blood, and a kind of contempt for all the rules, except for the three colleges of Hufflepuff. They are all suitable for you."

   Mo Wen said firmly in his heart: "Ravenclaw!"

   "Ravenclaw, isn't it?" the small voice asked, "Are you paying attention? It's easier for you to succeed in Slytherin."

   Don't hear a sneer in his heart, is it Dumbledore's temptation? Are you afraid that I will become the second Voldemort? A broken hat in charge of the branch actually guided the students' choices, and immediately cast a three-level protection spell to evade detection, and then used Occlumency.

   "Huh?" The Sorting Hat was surprised: "What an amazing Occlumency, I want to assign you to Slytherin more and more."

Mo Wen said in a low voice, "Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw. UU reading" What a joke, the last few of the books in the book belong to Slytherin and Gryffindor. Most people died, and Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff almost never died. If they really entered Slytherin, he would definitely be rejected and suppressed by Dumbledore, and he would not be able to lick Voldemort’s toes. I can’t ask for it. The danger is great. Moreover, Ravenclaw is the academy with the most beautiful women in the original book. Qiu Zhang and Luna are here. The sister of the Pettil sisters is also here. There is only Gryffin in the academy. Many academies can be compared, because the protagonist's academy beauty can be introduced, if it is really compared, it is still Ravenclaw with the most beauties.

   "Okay, okay, let's Ravenclaw." Not seeing Mo Wen's thoughts, the sorting hat had to follow his meaning, and the hat shouted the last name to the entire restaurant.

The students in the hall saw another scene. After Mo Wen put on the sorting hat, the sorting hat seemed to be used for a long time without making a decision. At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly split apart. In the gap, a ray of moonlight shone down and enveloped Mo Wen's body. The golden and silver eyes exuded a faint luster, which made him extra mysterious.

   Then I heard the Sorting Hat yell: "Ravenclaw!"

   The whole Ravenclaw Academy boiled over, everyone cheered, and even a few girls jumped up, while the other academies seemed a bit disappointed, especially the girls in Slytherin.

   Mo Wen gracefully walked to the long table of his academy, opened the chair next to Qiu Zhang and sat down, and said to the latter: "I said I will come to Ravenclaw to find you."

  Qiu·Zhang glared at him, and then smiled.

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