Taurus Palace, Cedric directly pulled the Old Ox of Arudiba into the [Mental Universe]. What Arudiba represents is absolute power, which is suitable for Cedric to continue Consolidate your own expert-level fist technique.

Half an hour later, Cedric walked out of the [Mental Universe] with a torn saint. The cultivation of Arudiba was indeed as expected, not as good as Mu of Aries.

His absolute power is also weaker than Cedric’s power under the suppression of [Mental Universe]. The strongest point is the breakthrough, which is the biggest weak spot.

The bull has no double horns and is naturally food for the lion.

This battle really ended within half an hour, and I clenched my fists. Although the expert fist technique did not improve, Cedric liked the feeling of getting stronger a little bit.

“Master, this time is too late to arrange the great magic, I only prepared a magic-level recovery ceremony.” Medea said with some shame.

“en.” Cedric stepped into the ceremony, took out a bottle of recovery potion and drank it to make up for the damage from the previous battle, and then coldly looked towards Cuchulin.

“Let me come.” At this time, Eoria walked over, cut his arteries, and repaired the sagittarius saint clothing with golden blood.

“Brother.” Brother Gou laughed and patted Eoria’s shoulder.

“I just don’t want you to be bled to death before being beaten to death by me.” Aioriya coldly said, during this time, the fighting mad Cuchurin often provoked Ai, who was also a fighter. Euria.

In the previous team, Medea and Hong Ji were both good opponents, but C煤 Chulainn, the Knight, could not play against his female teammates.

After Aiolia appeared, it was naturally the best way for him to solve it.

The final result, of course, the current Eoria can only be unilaterally Packed by Cuchurin every time he fights, and the “Liangzi” between the two is also ended.

“I am waiting for that day.” Cuchurin said with a big smile indifferently.

Sure enough, this kind of life of the dog will be bright with a little sunshine, and then he still has to shed more of his blood, lest he floats up and can’t find the north.

Cedric and Medea looked at each other and made up their minds at the same time.

Before the womb, Medea said with some worry, “Really don’t need us to help?”

Although failure will not really die, it can obviously get more resources , Even Medea has some troubles.

“No.” Cedric shook the head firmly, “Saga’s [small universe] can be ranked in the top three among the Golden Saints, but his own ability is restrained by me, I have a chance to hit Kill him.”

Saga鈥檚 three unique tricks, [Different Dimensional Space]鈥檚 role is to distort the dimension and exile enemies into the void, equivalent to DND Master鈥檚 [Exile Skill].

銆怱overeign Fist銆慽s to control the opponent’s spirit, equivalent to advanced 銆怌harming Human銆?

銆怗alaxy Starburst銆慽s to smash the Star Core and burst out huge energy, which is the most direct energy attack.

And these three abilities were all killed by Cedric K. For him, Gemini Saga and Virgo Saga of the first echelon golden saints are most likely to defeat him alone. Enemies, and Aiolos and Tonghu have reached the peak of their own skills, and have also reached the limit of Deity, they can break through [small universe] at any time, and becoming the enemy of Demi-God is what Cedric cannot defeat by his own power. .

At the moment of entering the Gemini, the [Gemini Maze] enveloped everyone, here is a magical position formed by a huge space and Illusion Technique.

If Saga does not take the initiative to show up, it is estimated that even the sixth-order Samsara Artist like Iron Fist, who has a breakthrough within Deity’s limits, can only end here.

[Intrinsic Formation路Mental Universe], Cedric鈥檚 [Mental Universe] completely crushes the [Gemini Maze] in person, but the cost is not small. This time, in order to cover the entire Gemini, Cedric has consumed 5 points of source power, plus the 3 points of source power consumed by Taurus, he now has 76 points of source power.

Saga, who was caught out of his body, appeared in front of Cedric. His hair was half white and half sky blue. The two qualities of evil and kind blended perfectly in him. This is the true state of Gemini.

銆怱overeign Fist銆? one after another illusory shadow filled Cedric’s vision, and the two entered the battlefield of the spiritual realm.

“It turns out that this is the true power of [Sovereign Fist].”

Every time Saga punches, he brings his spiritual imprint to Cedric鈥檚 soul. Above, form a [Slave Seal] little by little, turning the enemy into your own puppet.

However, when Saga’s first punch was imprinted on Cedric’s soul, he felt something was wrong, and the opponent’s soul was too vast.

I was like a mortal who was throwing a fist at Universe Starry Sky. All the attacks were in vain, just when the spirit of Saga wanted to retreat.

Cedric’s soul body engulfed him like a starry sky.

Spirit and soul attacks are both double-edged swords. If the enemy is also proficient in this kind of attack, he can follow your Spirit Attack and counterattack your soul.

This is why when Snape used Legilimency with Harry Potter, Harry Potter read his memory when he was reading. That tragic memory, Snape would never expose to the enemy’s son.

“Who are you?” Calming Saga looked towards the pure and white soul body in front of him. There is a deep cosmic rotation behind him. This is the other party’s spiritual realm, or Soul Source.

Cedric shook the head, “I remember the last person who used Spirit Attack on me was a monk, didn’t expect you to be the second one.”

The Gemini Nebula is in Saga’s soul broke out, trying to break through Cedric’s Soul Source.

3 point source force value, Legilimency.

Cedric鈥檚 spirit is like a sword of lifelessness, tearing apart the Gemini Nebula and scattered stars, each of which contains the soul memory of Saga, from the initial Saint Seiya cultivation to the control of Sacred Domain.

With the soul essence of Cedric magic, coupled with [Mental Universe], it is completely able to receive all the memories of Saga.

“Ah!” The memory was torn apart, and even Saga made a painful sound.

“The time ahead is still a bit long.” Cedric’s soul body said with a smile, and the sword of the world continued to tear apart the Gemini Nebula, squeezing out Saga’s cultivation and battle memories little by little.

The confrontation in the spiritual realm was just a moment. In the real space, Saga fell to the ground. The silhouettes of Saga flickered in Cedric鈥檚 eyes, and his memory seemed to be too much. The same as a person, and this is a schizophrenic patient.

Fortunately, with the experience of splitting Horcrux and the soul essence of the higher personality, Cedric did not confuse Saga’s memory with himself.

“Did you beat him?” Eoria couldn’t believe how easily Cedric defeated the enemy who caused the death of his big brother, even though all he had in front of him was his projection.

“Attribute restrains that’s all.” Cedric said without arrogance, this may be the easiest twelve house he has ever gone through.

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