“Second, we will give you a chance to save the world from the crisis…”

“I refuse.” Achilles said directly, “In Dragon Race world, I also faced despair and knew compromise, but this does not mean that I will be your means to fool the world. If we If you don’t save this World, you two should be more anxious.”

Cedric shook the head, “Although Ang has a good education, his level is still a bit low. Do you know why he calls himself an Avenger? Because he has never been able to play chess, even if you do not help us subjectively Can you really get rid of fate? The fate that belongs to Achilles in you is the main theme of this era. If you have experienced the Dragon Race world, you should know what fate and despair are. Your current disobedience is just Enlarging the disaster of the mortal world by one level does not hurt me and Athena, because the beginning of the matter has been in our hands, without the intervention of a more powerful existence, the result is also in our hands, but the process is possible It will be more painful that’s all.”

Wang Guiyi looked towards him, expression Obscurus, the Teacher who uses sentient beings as pawns, took a deep breath, “Teacher, if you call us today, it’s not just preaching, it’s not your character .”

Cedric didn’t argue, and clicked nodded, “In addition to giving you a last lesson today, I want to tell you that you are not chess pieces, at least compared to those at the foot of the mountain. .”

“What do you mean?”

“One of you has Human Sovereign aptitude and the other has Divine King aptitude, which means that you have the ability to jump out of our chessboard and become real chess players. Only when you really play chess will you be eligible to redefine this World Rules.”

Then he said in a self-deprecating tone, “Perhaps at that time, you will also become dragons like us.”

Achilles glanced at Cedric in front of him, and then said, “I see.”

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