Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 63: Escape life

   Tolerant and unforgiving, unforgiving.

   Xiaofei died for the country, for the society, and for the peace of these people.

   As a result, these people repeatedly bullied his family and made his soul uneasy. In the end, he even smashed his ashes.

   If the price of life was paid to protect the peace of these scumbags, it would be so chilling.

   So Lin also shot, and as soon as he shot, more than 30 people were killed.

   Broken limbs flew horizontally, blood flowed into channels.

   Today, I will sacrifice the soul of Xiao Fei with the blood of these scumbags.

   After cutting these people, Lin Yimeng turned his head and looked at the anti-riot team members.

   The rioters' hearts trembled suddenly, their limbs were cold, their legs were weak, and they felt that they couldn't move.

  Rao is that they, as rioters, have seen many thugs, but they have never seen such a sturdy thug.

   The riot captain’s mental quality is still good. He quickly calmed down and quickly shouted, "Shoot!"

   These thirty-odd anti-riot team members then reacted and raised their guns to shoot at Lin Yi.

   Lin also crossed his arms and stood in front of him.

   嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭 嘭——

   Those bullets hit his magma-like arms wrapped around blood vines, and he didn't respond.

   The mentality of the anti-riot team members at this time is broken.

   can't even move a gun, what kind of monster is this guy?

   Lin also jumped over ten meters and jumped in front of the riot captain.

   looked directly at the riot captain, with cold eyes in his eyes, as if to freeze the riot captain.

   The riot captain saw Lin Yi's gaze, and he felt that his whole body was cold.

   He seemed to be really frozen in ice, motionless.

   Lin Yi pressed the sharp claw of his right hand on his anti-riot gun and waved it lightly.


   With a soft sound, his anti-riot gun was broken.

   The riot captain trembled completely because of fear.

  A bloodthirsty color flashed across Lin Yi's face, and his voice was cold: "Give you a chance, get out."

   The riot captain listened, and suddenly turned around and fled like an amnesty.

   When the other team members saw the riot captain all fled, they also hurriedly followed.

   Lin also retracted his claws at this time and returned to his normal state.

   Looking at the corpse and blood in that place, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

   This made him a little worried.

   Why did I become so bloodthirsty?

   In fact, under normal circumstances, he would not have those bloodthirsty thoughts. But whenever he saw blood, he became excited. At that time, he seemed to be out of his own control, killing the enemy.

   And the more he killed, the more excited he was.

what the **** is it?

   Lin Yi returned to his normal state, and when he looked at the corpse there, he felt a little chill in his heart.

   I won’t really become a murderous monster, right?

   But these people killed by themselves are evil people, they deserve it.

   Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt better.

   After doing this, Lin Yi turned around and came to the excavator. He said to the driver who was already scared like a woodcarving: "Call and ask someone to collect the body."

   The corpse in that place is always to be disposed of.

   The driver trembled with both hands, and took out the phone numbly, looked blankly at the screen of the phone, after natural, raised his head, and said to Lin Yi: "I...I... don't have the number of the corpse collector..."

   Lin also took his cell phone, pulled a 110, and handed it back to him.

   The driver looked at the number on the phone in surprise, and said that he was really crazy.

   How can someone call 110 after killing so many people?

   Lin Yi said: "Tell me what happened here, 15 to 10."

   The driver didn't dare to say at first, but under Lin Yi's threat, he said it.

   Lin also waited for him to finish the phone call, and said, "You can go...take your excavator away."

   The driver's heart also collapsed.

   After experiencing such a terrible thing, he still needs to drive the excavator. He really wants to cry.

   But there is no other way. I can only follow Lin Yi's words and move the excavator away from here.

   Finally, Lin Yi turned his head, took a look at the half-run house, and came to Liu Zhilan and Xiao Fei’s mother.

   Xiaofei's mother had already woke up at this time, and Liu Zhilan was taking care of her.

   Liu Zhilan looked at Lin Yi, slightly scared.

   But because her husband’s ashes fell on the ground just now, she experienced a major blow, so her reaction was a little slow, and she didn’t seem to be as scared to death as others.

   Lin also said to Liu Zhilan: "Sister-in-law, the house is broken into this way, do you still want to stay here?"

   Liu Zhilan looked at Lin Yi, without saying anything, just nodded.

   Liu Zhilan’s mother said, "My baby, you have caused a serious disaster for our family. You go quickly, go quickly, you won’t be able to leave in a while."

   Lin also nodded and said, "I may not come often in the future. But don't worry, if anyone wants to demolish your house, I will never agree!"

  The little mother said with tears in her eyes: "My baby, we killed you. You go, go..."

   Lin also glanced at the corpse and blood on the floor for the last time, turned around, and quickly went away.

   His speed was very fast, and in a blink of an eye, he disappeared into the ruins in the distance.

Xiao Fei’s mother turned her gaze back and said to the sluggish Liu Zhilan: "Go and buy another ashes can and put Xiao Fei's ashes... Also, after Xiaoying is over from school in the afternoon, don’t bring it. Go home and live at your second aunt's house."

   Liu Zhilan nodded, and said to Xiao Fei’s mother: "Mom, you are here alone...I don’t worry..."

   Xiaofei’s mother said, “What can’t you worry about now? Now that this happens, the house won’t be demolished anymore. Go buy a cinerary urn. You can’t tell my son’s ashes to be scattered here.”

   Liu Zhilan wiped a tear, and said to Xiao Fei’s mother: "Mom, then...I'll leave..."


   In the next three months, Lin Yi naturally became a wanted criminal.

   His portrait was distributed to all parts of the country, and he has been wanted online.

   The police even found his ID card using facial recognition technology based on his portrait, and then found his hometown.

   It turned out that his hometown did not have him at all.

   Lin also evaded the police many times by virtue of his speed far beyond ordinary people and his biological tracking skills.

   He didn't dare to stay in the city, mostly in remote mountainous areas.

   And even in the mountains, he did not dare to go to the villagers' homes. But always in the wilderness.

   Fortunately, he carried the rental house with him, and when he needed a rest, he slept directly in the rental house.

   has food and drink in it, and he doesn’t worry about eating. He will go to the small shop in the nearby village to buy something only when the food in the refrigerator is finished.

   Then continue to live this life.

   Although this life is very bitter, Lin Yi has no regrets.

   If he was given another chance, he would still kill those wicked people without hesitation.

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