Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 807: General Zod arrives

Clark's abilities are shown to the world at an extremely fast speed.

Some people were surprised by Clark's ability, while others were a little panic.

But fortunately, in these days, Clark began to slowly try to do something beneficial to people.

Help the police catch criminals;

Rescue people who were crushed under the car after the accident;

Help the old lady cross the road...

Etc., etc.

Therefore, most of his reports are positive.

People began to believe that the emergence of Superman is a blessing to the world, not a disaster.

Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief when people began to accept Superman.

Lin Yi's choice was right.

And he himself kept Clark suppressed, this was the real mistake.

After just one month, the name of Superman has spread all over the world.

Louise Lane also won her coveted Pulitzer Prize for journalism because of that report.

However, Louise Lane knew;

The National Security Bureau knows;

Superman himself knew that Lin Yi's strength was actually much better than him.


Of course, while Superman was accepted by the world, Lin also continued to train Clark.

He wants to make him grow up quickly.

Jonathan couldn't bear to see Lin Yi becoming more strict with Clark.

"Although he is a Superman, he is still only a child after all. Isn't it a bit too much for you to be like him?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You don't know how powerful the enemy he will face in the future."

"Is it stronger than him?"

Jonathan asked.

"Compared to him at this stage, he is a hundred times stronger."

Jonathan was startled, but then shook his head again, and said with a smile, "Isn't there you still?"

"Even if it is me, it is impossible to deal with several of them at the same time. So I must let Clark grow up as soon as possible, when we fight side by side, there is no hope of winning."

Jonathan was silent.

Even such a powerful Lin Yi can't deal with a person alone, how strong should he be?

Time flies, time flies.

Two years later, Clark was 20 years old.

If you look at it from the face alone, he seems to be bigger than Lin Yi.

In the past two years, his abilities have become much stronger.

He can easily fly out of the earth, come to outer space, and listen to the voice of the whole world;

He can lift an airplane easily.

He also slowly learned to control the laser eye.

When it is powerful, you can use a laser eye to blast through a rock up to five meters thick.

When the power is small, you can use laser eyes to fry eggs.

Watching Clark grow up step by step, Lin also has the feeling of watching his children grow up.

However, although Clark's growth is already fast, Lin Yi still feels slow.

Because I don't know when, General Zod will arrive.


On this day, Lin Yi was practicing Ten Thousand Swords, while Clark was busy helping the police catch criminals.

Jonathan and Martha are sitting in the living room watching TV.

At this time, the TV picture suddenly became unstable.

On the screen, with a burst of flicker, snowflakes appeared.

"Jonathan, what's the matter?"

Martha asked.

Jonathan said: "Maybe it's a signal problem, just wait."

However, the snowflakes got worse and worse, and the screen went black in the end.

Martha looked at Jonathan again, and Jonathan also looked blank.

At this time, the TV screen suddenly lights up again.

The picture was a little fuzzy, and a figure was vaguely seen.

Then, the voice of the figure came: "Humans of the earth star, listen, I am looking for a compatriot of mine, he should have power beyond your earth. You are limited to three days, give him Me. Otherwise, I will destroy your cities one by one until you destroy your planet. Believe me, I have this ability."

At the end, the figure began to become clear.

I saw that this was a creature wearing black armor and a black helmet, almost the same size as a human being.


At the same time, on all TV screens, computer screens, mobile phone screens...

This alien creature appeared and said the same thing.

Everyone panicked.

As the saying goes, human beings are always full of fear for unknown things.

People don't understand this sudden appearance of alien creatures, and they naturally panic.

The military has quickly convened those high-level officials for a meeting to study.

On the farm where Lin Yi was located, Jonathan and Martha were also shocked.

Martha said worriedly, "He said...Is Clark?"

Jonathan nodded: "I'm afraid it is."

"Go to Lin, maybe he should know what to do."

Just after Martha finished speaking, Lin Yi and Clark had already walked in.

Lin Yi looked solemn and said to Clark, "He is the General Zod I told you about. I knew he was coming to Earth, but I didn't expect him to come so soon."

In the original movie, General Zod came to the earth when Clark was 33 years old.

At that time Clark had grown up to be able to compete with him ~ and now, Clark is only 20 years old, far from reaching the point of contending with him.

It seemed that Lin also had to fight against General Zod himself.

According to the setting of General Zod in the movie, Lin Yi now can't beat General Zod.

However, Lin also has his advantages.

Clark said: "He is looking for me, I want to go."

"Clark, don't worry, listen to what Lin says."

Jonathan said.

Lin Yi replied: "Let's listen to what the military and the National Security Bureau say."


An hour later, the military and the National Security Bureau had already arrived.

With the lessons learned two years ago, they were very polite this time.

After they met Lin Yi and Clark, they said: "The two must have known it. We don't know how strong he is. So the safest way we thought of is..."

"Just hand in Clark?"

Lin Yi sneered: "At the beginning, we didn't have any malicious intent against you, so you dared to attack us with nuclear bombs. Now this alien has obvious malicious intent and even wants to destroy the earth, but you dare not resist at all. Is it your character?"

The colonel sent by the military bowed his head in shame and gave a wry smile.

The agent sent by the National Security Bureau was even more ashamed. From this point of view, they were indeed a little bit bullied and afraid of hardship.

"We are just here to discuss with you and see what we can do."

The agents of the National Security Bureau were also quick to respond.

Originally, his task was to take Clark back, but now he changed his mind and turned to Lin Yi and the others to discuss countermeasures.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "In order not to cause damage to the earth, Clark will go. However, I will also go together."

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