Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 819: Chasing the truth

Shadowmoon continued: "In the world, all the evolvers known to our Shadowmoon group, the highest level of self-cultivation, is me, the 20th level evolver. Except for me, none of the other evolvers can I have cultivated to level 18. Because many times, by the time I reach level 15, they are already very old and will soon die of old age.

Only a few extremely powerful talents will reach level 15 or higher, but they will not break through level 18.

I am the only talented person in history who can reach level 20 in his 20s.

Those 18-level and 19-level evolvers that appeared some time ago are all evolvers spawned by Datonghui using evolution agents. Their strength is much worse than that of the evolutionary who cultivates normally.

In other words, based on the facts, our cultivation can only reach the level 20 evolve.

And this mysterious evolver had reached level 23, and obviously he was not catalyzed by the evolving agent of Datonghui.

Therefore, for now, he is far beyond our understanding. "

Lin Yi was silent. If there were such people, how powerful would they be?

Then Yingyue continued: "This is why I want to'kill' Shuruobing, thereby stimulating you to become stronger. I want the secret of your **** lightning, and the secret of your evil spirit knight. It’s fake. The real purpose is to make you stronger. Now it seems that you have become a lot stronger. You have reached the level 19 evolve. However, this is far from enough, you have to be as fast as possible Grow up."

Lin Yi continued to remain silent, occasionally taking a look at Eye Shadow Moon.

The system knew what Lin Yi was thinking and said: "Her brain waves show that what she is telling is the truth."

Lin Yi was silent for a while, feeling a little complicated in his heart.

He didn't know what kind of mood he had to face the current Shadow Moon-or the water Ruobing.

Yingyue continued: "I know, you still have a lot of questions, I will answer them one by one, knowing everything, saying nothing."

Lin Yi looked at Yingyue and said, "Since you are Shui Ruobing, then in the Shadowmoon group, when Shui Ruobing was killed, Yingyue was watching by the side. What was going on at that time? Shadowmoon is a level 20 evolutionary, and it is obviously you. Then who is that Shuruobing?"

Yingyue chuckled slightly and replied: "Actually, that Shuruobing is fake. She is a Shuruobing cloned with my genes after we stole Datonghui's technology. She has a chip in her brain. , Can do whatever I need her to do according to my settings."

Lin Yi thought for a while, and then asked, "Also, since Shui Ruobing, Shui Ruoying and Shui Ruoyue are the three sisters, and you are Shui Ruobing. Then I killed Shui Ruoying and Shui Ruoyue. At that time, did you feel sad and sad?"

When he said this, Lin Yi suddenly remembered.

"Could it be that Shui Ruoying and Shui Ruoyue were also cloned using your genes?"


Shadow Moon responded happily.

"Your city mansion is really deep."

Lin Yi sighed.

Shadowmoon said: "No way, in the world's largest assassin organization, the city is not deep enough. But now that Shadowmoon is killed, the Shadowmoon group will probably disband in a short time. From now on, I don’t need to be like before. Every day has passed with great trepidation."

Lin Yi was silent again.

The amount of information that Yingyue said just now was too large, and he had to digest it for a while.

Yingyue did not speak, but waited for Lin Yi quietly.

After a while, she saw Lin Yi's eyes become clearer, and then she said: "In short, what we have to do now is to make you stronger as soon as possible. Who knows why that mysterious evolving person should manipulate the Datonghui and create So many zombies come. So you have to become strong as soon as possible, strong enough to fight him."

Lin also thought about it for a while, weighed it repeatedly, and looked at the eyeshadow moon from time to time during the period.

In the end, more than ten minutes later, he said: "Well, I believe what you said for the time being. Then I must improve my strength as soon as possible."


Shadow Moon nodded happily.

She thought that so many things happened before, but now it is very difficult for Lin Yi to believe her.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi thought about it for a while and planned to believe her.

Of course she didn't know that Lin Yi had a system in her body, and the system could detect whether someone was lying or not through brain waves.

And just after the test, she told the truth.

"Then how do you want to improve your strength?"

Shadow Moon asked.

Lin Yidao: "You don't need to worry about this, I have my own way."

Yingyue said: "Listen to what you mean, do you want to go alone?"

Lin Yi hesitated: "Yes."

"It's better to take me."

Shadow Moon said.

"No, I am used to being alone."

Lin Yidao.

Yingyue smiled and said, "I'm afraid I'm not used to being I don't know what attitude I should use to face me? After all, I was the person you liked before, and the person you hated the most. And again Killing the person you like in the capacity you hate the most is a big deal to think about."

Lin Yi was taken aback, what Yingyue said was indeed the truth.

He really didn't know what attitude he should use to face Shadow Moon.

Yingyue chuckled and said: "It's actually very simple, you just assume that Yingyue is dead. Now standing in front of you is Shui Ruobing. And it is a more real Shui Ruobing than before."

The last "death" made Shui Ruobing really wake up.

Before her face was hidden behind the mask, her heart and her true character could only be hidden behind the mask.

Even if she appeared as Shui Ruobing, she was not good at expressing. After all, being a killer for a long time, it is normal to not express feelings.

But after one death this time, she finally understood.

You don’t need any special methods to express your feelings, just show your true side.

So after the resurrection this time, she has not concealed her expression of her feelings.

But despite what she said, after all Lin Yi experienced such ups and downs in his heart, it would be difficult for him to accept her for a while.

Therefore, Lin Yi still replied: "You go yours, I will go mine."

However, after the last death, Shadow Moon cherished everything in front of her even more.

In other words, the last death changed Yingyue's views on many things, and even her personality.

She will not give up easily.

"Don't worry, brother. I won't affect you, you continue to do what you should do, I just stay with you silently."

Lin Yi saw that Yingyue really had no idea of ​​giving up, he stopped talking.

Just frowned.

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