Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 154 Madripo Port

The Vibranium Robbery is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Fu Qinghai's arrangements.

Zhang Yuning made the arrangements herself, with Ron assisting her. Soon, Upton was unknowingly stuffed into the bag of a SHIELD employee.

The female agent named Sharon Carter just felt that she had a nightmare and woke up to find that everything was the same as before.

At the same time, after building a completely new chain sword, the Green Fang, and the powered sword, the Green Blade, Fu Qinghai finally restored the Syrian war-damaged version of the Blue Shell power armor to its new factory settings, and the flight backpack was also repaired. A new one.

Although it was mentioned briefly, in detail, these are all money-burning tasks. After the death of Old Hammer, Justine did not gain control of Hammer Industries, but Nathan Lemon continued to provide Fu Qinghai with a steady stream of money. Provide him with all the resources he needs.

Perhaps even in the view of the professional manager appointed by the Hammer Family Trust Fund to run Hammer Industries, continuing to cooperate with Fu Qinghai and continuing to invest in Fu Qinghai is still a very cost-effective and worthwhile project.

Hydra is cold and Old Han Mo is dead, but Fu Qinghai still has enough resources for him to squander.

This made Justin Hammer very unhappy.

She suddenly realized that she didn't seem to be that useful to Fu Qinghai.

With or without her, Fu Qinghai could continue to get involved with Hammer Industries.

Has it really become a daily necessities?

Three days later.

Port of Madrid.

This large-scale crime city is located on a small island between Singapore and Indonesia in the South Pacific. Legend has it that this island, about 160 kilometers apart from north to south, is actually the head of a giant dragon.

This city that does not exist in reality was once a port where pirates gathered in large numbers in history. It is the most famous lawless place in the Marvel Comics Universe and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Port of Madripoor refuses any criminals Extradition terms, this is the preferred place for fugitives to take refuge, various criminal organizations gather here, and criminal activities such as money laundering are commonplace.

In Madripoor Port, as long as you can protect yourself, you can stay here until no one is chasing you.

Lower Town Slums, Princess Bar.

This is a landmark building in the lower town of Madripoor, a place of good and bad, and Wolverine is said to have a stake in this bar.

A gorgeous woman with black hair and a tight leather jacket was sitting at the bar of the Princess Bar, waiting for her informant to arrive.

If you weren't particularly familiar with her, you would never have thought that she was Natasha Romanoff when you saw this woman dressed as a South American beauty.

The informant arrived quickly and stuffed a small brown paper package into the Black Widow. After handing it over, he didn't even order a pretentious glass of wine. He lowered his head and left in a hurry, as if he didn't dare to look at the Black Widow.

Natasha was slightly confused. Her intuition from many years of spy experience told her that something was wrong. Just when the informant was about to leave, she held his shoulder.

"Wait a minute, Christopher, let's talk for a while."

As she spoke, Black Widow gently opened a corner of the brown paper bag.

The informant turned around with a grimace, knowing that Black Widow wanted to inspect the goods.

Black Widow inadvertently glanced at the noisy surroundings. After making sure no one was peeking, she gently pulled out a photo.

For a moment, Black Widow's eyes widened, and then she turned around and pressed the informant's shoulders, slamming him onto the bar.


Black Widow quickly pulled out a black pistol and pointed the muzzle at the informant's head.

"How dare you slander him? Do you know who you are slandering?"

"Ah ah ah, have mercy on me, have mercy on me! I just follow you and take pictures according to your request. What I take is really beyond my control!"

Black Widow cocked the hammer and gritted her teeth:

"How dare you use this kind of pornographic trick to fool me?"

The informant's head was pressed on the bar, and the side of his face was squeezed into a ball. He raised his hands, blushed, and said urgently with unclear words:

"No, no, I know you won't believe it, but I definitely don't have any photos. This is all true. I saw it with my own eyes."


Natasha still didn't believe it. At this moment, a series of "click", "click" and "click" sounds suddenly sounded around her.

Black Widow raised her head and saw that the originally noisy environment around her had quieted down. The villains who were drinking, playing billiards, and watching stripteases all turned around, holding various weapons aimed at their heads.

"This is not a place for killing, little girl, please get out, you are not welcome in the Princess Bar."

Among this group of people, there were bald heads, tattoos, amputated hands, colorful hair, strange and punk styles, full of Madripoor style. Among them, a one-eyed black man with a scarred face walked out and said viciously to the black widow.


Black Widow snorted coldly, put away the gun, picked up the brown paper bag, held the informant by the back collar, and walked out of the bar.

But she was still recalling the scene in that photo:

In a dark, damp and narrow alleyway, two men, a woman and a humanoid robot sat in a circle and were having a secret conversation.

One of the men, wearing a purple vertical-striped hood and a black lapel trench coat, was the target of the Black Widow's pursuit - Baron Zemo.

The woman among them was wearing a dark green dress, high heels, and a faint scar could be seen in the hair on the side of her face. She was an unexpected surprise - Mrs. Viper.

The tall robot had a small camera on the top of its head and a screen in the middle of its body, which displayed a fat, white face of a man with round glasses - Dr. Zola.

The last remaining three high-level officials of the Hydra Supreme Council who were on the run gathered at the Port of Madripopo.

The only man standing in the middle, who looked like he was giving orders to them, made Black Widow unbelievable and unacceptable.

Steve Rogers.

Captain America.


The title of the previous chapter is a tribute to the western movie "The Golden Heist".

I’ll post one chapter first, and there will be another chapter later. I’m not sure when it will be finished, so it’s best not to wait.

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