Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 316 What happened at the base

2025, March 17.

Dome base.

The latest students to join the Hunter Academy are visiting the Broken Dome base under the leadership of their instructors.

Everyone looked up and down at the vast Hunter's Bay, at the majestic mecha hunters standing in front of them, and at the thirty-story-high gate that stood in the ocean where these mechas were released to fight.

The vast majority of hunter students have definitely never seen what the inside of the Broken Dome looks like. Of course, they may have seen pictures and videos, but only when a person actually stands at the feet of a mecha hunter that is more than a hundred meters high can one truly experience the Broken Dome. The scale is huge - such a huge Broken Dome base can only accommodate six Mecha Hunters.

In front of the mecha hunter, all human beings are so small. Even the tall back of Marshal Panticost does not seem so majestic. The size difference between adults and children seems not worth mentioning.

Dizzard thought.

He is a mixed-race black boy from Chile. His parents were once pilots of the mecha hunter "Dark Interceptor" and belonged to the Lima Strike Group, a branch of the PPDC responsible for defending the South American continent. They were guarding the coast of Peru Of course, Dizard chose to join the Hunter Academy of PPDC when he grew up.

Everyone, including Dizard, is a mecha hunter student. They are similar in age, both about seventeen years old, and share a common dream - to one day drive these metal giants to save the world.

Most of the students arrived at the Broken Dome one day early, but one person arrived late - the girl named "Zofia", who was said to be from North America.

I have to say, she is really beautiful, she is also very tall, with fair skin, cute freckles, and crisp short flaxen hair. She stands out among a group of students, and the eyes of several male students are almost glued to her. .

Just in time to start the introduction to the dome, before the official start, they first entered a conference room, handed in all personal electronic products, got the PPDC license badge, and then listened to the managers reiterate all about the PPDC troops and Mecha Hunter Academy. Rules and requirements, although all learners and their parents have signed to agree to these rules.

After completing all procedures, two active pilots will take you around the Broken Dome base.

"Don't expect to be as leisurely as you are now."

One driver said to them:

"You must go through many tests and challenges to pilot these mecha hunters. Some people will never have the opportunity. After today, we will start basic training - combat synchronization training, and evaluate your synchronization suitability through basic Ponce training. ——Finally, you will have a virtual battle in the simulation test. If everything goes well, you will have the opportunity to drive the 'Eden Assassin', of course only within the base."

Hunter's Bay is a huge ring-shaped structure, and all the mechas stand in huge wall holes. The "Eden Assassin" is a third-generation mecha that belongs to Russia. Although it performed well in guard work, it still faces the problem of decommissioning in today's budget cuts. In line with the principle of waste utilization, PPDC broke it from Vladivostok. The dome was moved here to serve as a training mecha.

"As you can see, the head of the 'Assassin of Eden' has not yet been attached."

Another driver said:

"There it is, look up."

He pointed at the top of a wall hole, very close to the ceiling of the dome. There were crane racks, pedestrian walkways, installation scaffolding, head and neck restraints and other messy things blocking it. It was very dark and no one could see the "Garden of Eden" clearly. From the control cabin of "Assassin", only a shadow could be seen.

His companion took over the conversation:

"Now we take the elevator to the control cabin of the "Eden Assassin". You must all know that the pilot controls the mecha there. You can enter the control cabin in pairs. Although all important facilities have been disconnected from the power supply, everyone Still can’t touch any switch buttons.”

"Mechas are not toys, and this is not a kindergarten. The purpose of taking you into the control cabin is to let you experience the feeling of entering the inside of a mecha hunter, and to ensure that you are fully prepared to fight with all your strength no matter what situation you face. . Hunter training is very difficult, and you will definitely have the idea of ​​giving up from time to time. But I hope that this experience can support you to continue when you want to give up."

The group of them took the elevator to the highest point of the dome, where a mecha head neck restraint was installed, which could release the head control module of the "Eden Assassin" and allow it to fall vertically and connect to the torso.

A group of students waited on the spot and took turns to enter.

Dizard approached Zofia and asked:

"Hey, aren't you curious what it's like inside?"

Zofia gave the black boy a strange look:

"Aren't you about to go in?"

Dizard smiled mysteriously and said:

"I know what it's like inside. My parents used to fly the Dark Interceptor, and they described to me the inside of the head cockpit. Of course, the special model of Cherno Alpha with the cockpit in the chest might be It’s not the same, but the other mechas are all similar.”

There was an element of showing off in his tone.

Was he a second-generation driver?

Zofia twitched her lips and said perfunctorily:

"Yeah, you seem very proud."

Looking at the disapproving look on the girl's face.

Dizzard felt as if he had said the wrong thing.

"Pacific Rim Joint Military and Defense Forces·Personnel Files"

Name: Zofia Boleslaw

Affiliated formation: Hunter Academy

ID number: R-RBEC 122.21-B

Enlistment date: March 17, 2025

Current service status: Trained

Personal profile:

Born on December 11, 2008, he is 17 years old in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He is the second among three siblings. In 2017, the monster "Shanlan" invaded the city of Los Angeles and was successfully annihilated by the mecha "Danger Wanderer". Zofia's parents and siblings all died in the monster invasion.


He has a strong will, experienced fighting skills, and skilled driving skills, but he has not yet found a suitable partner for synaesthesia synchronization.


Shaw Industries recommends students.

Additional notes:

Whether to obtain the driver's qualification is yet to be further considered.

——September 12, 2025.

Fighting training today.

The driver took them to the combat training room, spent an hour leading them through a simple practice, and then paired them up.

What Dizzard didn't expect was that the person he was paired with for the first time turned out to be Zofia.

The students had never been in a combat training room before, but had heard many stories about it. It was like a gym, or a Japanese dojo, where students and pilots perfected their fighting skills.

After all, a mecha's fighting ability is no better than that of its pilot. If the pilot can't swing a beautiful uppercut or perform a perfect over-the-shoulder throw, then it's impossible for the mecha to do it either.

"I'm going to test you guys today."

The driver said:

"Of course, I have seen your test results, but I want to examine you personally. Starting from weaponless fighting, you can use any fighting moves or free combinations of moves. I want to see outstanding, practical moves, and I also I want to see your self-control. I don’t want to see anyone with a broken nose, a broken tooth, or a broken bone. Do you understand me?”

"Understood, sir," they replied in unison.

"Very good. Huo Yaqi and Doris, let's start with you two. I..." The driver suddenly clapped his hands to remind the students to pay attention, "Marshal, good morning."

"Good morning, pilot. Good morning, students."

A majestic voice sounded.

Everyone stood in silence, no one spoke.

Everyone just stared at the marshal.

That was Marshal Stark Penticost, the current commander of PPDC. He once piloted the second-level mecha "Tango Wolf" to single-handedly kill the third-level monster "Demon Witch" in Tokyo, Japan.

Dizard's parents had made outstanding achievements in the monster war. Even so, when he saw Panticost with his own eyes, he still felt like he was seeing a star.

"Why are you here in person?"

the driver asked.

"I'm just here to take a look," Marshal Panticost said. "Please go ahead and pretend I'm not here."

How is this possible?

The two students selected by the driver started fighting - they were at a stalemate at first. After the boy won his first victory, the girl also started to show off her skills. The girl saw that the other student had learned some Shoto-ryu karate and boxing, and had some fighting skills. Basic skills. So when the opponent used a high kick, she immediately grabbed his foot with one arm and punched him in the face with the other hand - of course, she didn't really hit him, but she almost touched him. Face.

Then another group of students battled.

Finally it was Dizzard's turn.

Zofia was coming fiercely, and Dizard groaned secretly. He blocked several punches in succession, but he had no time to take care of her legs. She stepped on his front foot, making him lose his balance, and then took advantage of the opportunity. Grabbed his neck.

The driver shouted stop.

The two returned to their original positions for another round.

Dizard stood on tiptoes and jumped forward slightly, narrowing the distance between him and Zofia, but she still stood still. He punched, which was just a feint, but he was caught. Zofia took advantage of the situation and punched her. He twisted his arm and gave him a slap on the other side of the face. The sound of the slap made Dizard's eyes sparkle with stars.

"What a heavy blow," Dizzard thought to himself.

"Stop," said Panticost.

His voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it.

Panticost looked at Zofia.

"Your name is Zofia Boleslaw, right?"

"Yes, Commander."

Zofia answered with her chest raised and her head raised.

Panticost held out his hand.

"Attack me," he said. "At full speed, but not touching me, just letting me feel the movement of the air."

Zofia stared at Panticost for a while, took a stance, and then took action.

She moved extremely quickly, and as Penticoster instructed, she did not touch him.

"very good."

Panticost said:

"Now do it again, hit my hand hard, with all your strength, I want to feel it hit my heart."

Zofia hesitated:


"Just do it."

Zofia lowered her body, took a good posture, gathered enough strength, and then punched Sempanticost's palm, making a "bang" sound, which sounded very painful.

But the marshal didn't blink at all.

"So, you know the difference."

Panticost said calmly.

Zofia lowered her head, looking shy.

"Remember, when I ask you to take control..."

Panticost said word for word:

"You're going to show control, got it?"

"Understood, Commander!"

Zofia shouted.

"I assume you've heard these words before."

Panticost's tone softened slightly.

Several other students covered their mouths and snickered.

"Yes, sir."

Zofia admitted.

"sit down."

The marshal said casually. After all the students and pilots sat down, he turned around and said to all the students:

"Training in the fight room has two purposes. The first is to ensure that you have the necessary skills to win the fight. The other, equally important, is to master the ability to adapt to others - this person may be in sync with you in the future. ——Whether you have the opportunity to synchronize or not. You will learn fighting skills and you will conduct relevant training. But when you fight with other students, don’t treat them as opponents, treat them as partners.”

Zofia fully understood what Panticost meant and readily accepted it - the existing "Air Martial Arts Hall" training system and evaluation methods, as well as other effective mecha hunter training models, were all created by Panticost .

If you want to get ahead in the PPDC evaluation system, you naturally have to follow Panticost's training model.

At this time, Dizard also understood what the commander wanted to express, but some students seemed a little confused.

The hunter students spent the rest of the day in the combat training room, training for more than seven hours.

The combat training was finally over. Dizard was sore, tired and sleepy that he could hardly walk back to the dormitory alone.

A group of students wearing training suits walked towards the Hunter Academy dormitory in the Broken Dome with their heads drooped, exhausted and listless. At the same time, in the same passage, another team of scientific researchers wearing white coats hurriedly walked towards them.

Then Dizard saw a scene that made him...and many male students feel mixed emotions:

Zofia, who was also exhausted, saw a man in the team of scientific researchers in front of him. He suddenly jumped up as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood, walked quickly to the man's side, took his arm, and chirped. Telling about today’s training process.

Like a happy little sparrow.

"Pacific Rim Joint Military and Defense Forces·Personnel Files"

Name: Fu Shan (Ph.D.)

Department: K-Science Department

ID number: S-NGEI_100.11-Y

Enlistment date: March 17, 2025

Current service status: Active duty

Personal profile:

Born on January 19, 1998 in Toronto, Canada, he is an only child and his parents are both workers. Graduated from Stanford University and has obtained six doctoral degrees as of 2022. From 2022 to 2023, he taught at MIT and later worked at Shaw Industries. Leadership personality, excellent communication skills, and good communication skills. Proficient in materials science, energy dynamics, biochemistry, mechanical engineering and other disciplines.


The file has been transferred from Shaw Industries to PPDC.

After a period of training, the students of the Hunter Academy have gradually become familiar with the Xiangjiang Broken Dome Base.

In addition to Hunter Academy, Dizard also visited other departments of Broken Dome——

Lawson Command Center:

Also called the command center. It is here that PPDC senior officials issue operational instructions and strategic guidelines to the pilots. This is also where the mecha terminal system is located. After debugging, technicians activate the "synaesthesia system" to connect the pilot and the mecha, while simultaneously monitoring the mecha's actions and the physical and mental conditions of the pilots in real time. The famous technical expert Cai Tiantong is a member of the Lawson Command Center.

K-Science Lab:

Biochemical Research Laboratory. After the monster was annihilated, the body parts were transported here under layers of protection for scientists to dissect and study. Newton Geisler and Hermann Gottlieb are the directors here, and they decipher the biological information of the monsters based on their toxicity and radioactivity. Newton is responsible for studying the structure and attributes of monsters, while Herman is dedicated to discovering the attack patterns and genetic information of monsters. The two doctors' research is on the one hand to deduce the frequency and location of monster attacks, and on the other hand to find out the monster's weaknesses.

Here, Dizard also met Dr. Fu Shan.

To be honest, Dr. Fu Shan is indeed very handsome. He wears black-framed glasses, a white shirt, and a printed tie. He looks elegant in a white coat. He has an upright and outstanding temperament when he puts his hands in his pockets. When he speaks, his tone is soft and extraordinary.

But his tall and burly figure, as well as his explosive muscles that can't be concealed by suits and white coats, always give people an illusion... He is really not a super soldier, a murderer or anything else terrible. Something?

Dizard thought to himself.

A qualified mecha hunter must not only learn fighting skills and driving skills, but also knowledge about monsters and mechas. Although the latter two are updated very quickly, monsters are constantly being updated, and mechas are also constantly being introduced. It seems like an arms race between the earth and the "other world" planet - this is what Dr. Fu Shan said.

But that’s no reason to give up on learning, is it?

Today, Cai Tiantong will teach the students.

About the core technology of Mecha Hunter——


Cai Tiantong said:

"What is synaesthesia?"

Without waiting for anyone to answer, he said:

"Connecting the nervous systems of all mecha pilots to achieve 'two into one' is synaesthesia. The mecha was initially set to be driven by a single person, but experiments found that a person driving a mecha is mentally overloaded and is not The ideal operating mode gave birth to the current synaesthesia system.”

“Next, let’s talk about the synchronization process of synaesthesia.”

"This is a technology similar to mind fusion. Two drivers share memories, feelings, emotions and even instincts with each other. In layman's terms, it means truly 'merging' and 'merging' two people into one. Two people Among the drivers, one acts as the left half of the brain and the other acts as the right half of the brain. All thoughts, actions and action instructions are completed simultaneously."

"It is not easy for two drivers to achieve synchronization. Not just any two people can become partners. There must be a high degree of tacit understanding between the drivers, which is the synchronization rate. The optional range of driver partners is as follows."

"First of all, blood relationship."

"This is the best choice, with the least difficulty in synchronization. The partners can be father and son, brothers and sisters, or close relatives. The closer the blood relationship, the higher the synchronization rate. If they are twins, the telepathy between them can greatly improve the synaesthesia. Success rate."

"Secondly, long-term tacit understanding."

"The difficulty of synchronization is slightly higher than that of blood-related partners, but the options are wider, such as harmonious couples and friends with harmonious relationships. After long-term running-in, such partners have very similar temperaments, temperaments, thinking, and interests, and the synchronization rate is also high. Very high."

“Finally, volunteer together.”

"This type of partner has the smallest range of choices, but if there are no two above, it is still an option. The 'common aspiration' of the two people must be large enough to transcend their respective personalities and instincts, such as two people who do not know each other. The same person has the revenge of killing his father. This common desire must be very strong to increase the synchronization rate, but due to various unpredictable reasons, this kind of cooperation is very prone to danger."

"It should be noted that no matter which of the above methods is used to choose a partner, the selected pilots must be physically and mentally coordinated. Physical and mental qualities can be cultivated, which is also the purpose of the 'Fighting Training Room' The content allows partners to develop similar physical and mental attributes.”

Cai Tiantong's teaching style is concise and straightforward.

Unlike many ignorant students, Dizard has been very familiar with the technology of synaesthesia for a long time.

His parents got acquainted and finally got together because of synaesthesia. The tacit understanding between the two of them made Dizzard feel that he was superfluous and a dispensable existence in the family, similar to There are countless husband and wife partners - Kedanovsky and his wife who drive "Cherno Alpha", and Ouyang and his wife who drive "Shaolin Ranger".

At the same time, this situation also occurs between twins or brothers. The Beckett brothers who drive the "Danger Wanderer" will still maintain a strange "mind-to-mind" state after leaving the synaesthesia state: a person's heart What they were thinking about, the other person could guess right away - the two of them had used this trick to pick up girls in a bar, an employee at the Broken Dome Base said.

Thinking of this, Dizard couldn't help but cast his eyes on Zofia. The girl crossed her arms and leaned on the back of the chair, listening carefully to Cai Tiantong's introduction.

Her profile is so beautiful.

But, is she willing to be my partner?

Dizzard was in distress.

What surprised Dizard was that Dr. Fu Shan was also in the classroom, sitting in the last row, holding a notebook and ballpoint pen in his hands, crossing his legs and lowering his head to take notes.

He also seemed interested in synaesthesia technology.

But didn’t he already learn that if you are rich, you can be good at eight things?


Thanks to book friend 20220306221418195. I’m not on holiday yet, for the reward.

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