Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 327 Small Mecha Club

Broken Dome, Anchorage, Alaska.

Shi Lan and Xiao Fei are leading everyone to work overtime to transform the mecha hunter "White Scar".

Of course, Xiao Fei wants to stuff all the weapon technologies mastered by the Mechanicum into the Mecha Hunter, such as radium weapons, phosphorus fire weapons, arc weapons... But obviously, not every weapon can be enlarged to Titan-level size, for example Fu Qinghai's favorite power weapons and cracking force fields.

Not every weapon is effective against monsters.

The "White Scar" is seventy-six meters tall, between the Emperor-class Titan and the Warmaster-class Titan. There is a lot of space left. It is really a waste to only equip one volcano cannon and one seismic cannon. Even if To reserve structural space for a complex and sensitive body structure, there should not be only two weapons.

Now that the Chapter Leader has given the instruction to "specialize in melee combat", Xiao Fei has set his sights on that strange flower in the Titan Legion, a very rare melee Titan specially used for siege - the Warmaster-level Titan Breaker. Wall type.

Although most Titans are not good at melee combat, even if they want to play close combat, Xiao Fei has someone to refer to.

The design structure of the fingers and fists of "White Scar" remains unchanged, and two handheld weapons are added to it:

Kill the giant chainsword.

Cryus type siege drill.

In addition, two small cannons that are not too large will be added, installed on the two shoulders of "White Scar", as shoulder cannons to maintain the diversity of attack methods:

Two twin converted beam cannons.

This is a weapon mainly mounted on Knight-class Titans and Dreadnought mechas, and is just right as an auxiliary weapon.

Conversion beam weapons, like deflagration weapons, are relic technologies whose manufacturing technology has been lost at the time of 31K, but the Phaeton Forge World happens to have the STC of conversion beam weapons - an archaeological discovery from Master Buck.

At the same time, two sets of Vulcan giant explosive bombs were added to the upper abdomen of the Mecha Hunter. The shape is very similar to the electromagnetic rail cannon on the chest of the fifth-generation mecha "Phoenix Ranger". The power of the Vulcan giant explosive bombs is not enough to completely hit it. It wears the silicon-based skin of the monster, but Fu Qinghai still asked to install this weapon because he considered other threats, just in case.

The excellent melee weapon designs of previous generations of Mecha Hunters should still be retained and enhanced.

The renovation work is in full swing.

Fu Qinghai came to the laboratory alone.

Anchorage Broken Dome does not have a K-Science Department.

Temporarily set aside a room as a biology laboratory.

Fu Qinghai analyzed the old data left by Dr. Newton and Dr. Herman, and wanted to know what Lust used to create the super explosion at the Xiangjiang Broken Dome Base.

The remnants at the accident site pointed to the monster's blood, and the two were obviously related, so Fu Qinghai concentrated on checking the data related to the analysis of the chemical composition of the monster's blood.

The thing is, monster blood itself doesn't explode. It is toxic, corrosive, and has extremely complex composition, but it will not explode—at least not when faced with common detonation methods such as heating, electrification, compression, violent acceleration, etc.

So, could it be something else that caused it to explode.

Like a catalyst?

Fu Qinghai started a new search, this time focusing on the role of monster blood.

There are quite a few cases and data found.

Monster blood can turn water black, or spread onto land after a battle between a monster and a mecha hunter. Chemical plants, petroleum refineries, and liquefied natural gas plants all come into contact with monster blood one after another. Monster blood can mix with things that can cause explosions, such as by corroding their containers, but there is no suspected case that direct contact between monster blood and chemicals is the culprit.

When he was about to change his mind, he suddenly noticed a case marked by Dr. Newton:

A microelectronic chip factory in the Magic City exploded after the battle between the mecha hunter "Shaolin Ranger" and the monster "Huang Da". However, the factory was not directly attacked by the monster. In fact, it only exploded the day after the battle.

Dr. Newton commented here:

“Monster ‘Open-minded’ is bleeding profusely.”

Indeed, "Open-minded" was knocked into the air by the "Shaolin Ranger" at that time, and was hit by a plasma cannon from the "Storm Crimson" who came to support, and then exploded to pieces in mid-air. As a result, the economic development zone of the Magic City has been poisoned by monsters and is no longer suitable for human habitation.

Is there anything in that microelectronic chip factory that would react with monster blood?

Fu Qinghai stood up and walked to the tool box. He rummaged through it and found a computer motherboard with an electronic chip, and used pliers to take out the chip.

He put the chip into a fire extinguisher, closed the lid, then went to the freezer and took out a bit of monster blood. Return to the experimental table, use a pipette to absorb a little of the monster's blood, and drip it in from a small opening on the fire extinguisher lid. As soon as the blood left the pipette, Fu Qinghai immediately took a few steps back.

Let's see what happens next.

Fu Qinghai will wait and see.

Fluorescent blue monster blood dripped onto the surface of the chip, and for a moment, nothing happened.


The next second, he saw only a bright white light in front of his eyes. Fu Qinghai shook his head, trying to calm the ringing in his ears, and blinked again, but there were still spots in front of his eyes that blocked his vision.

By the time he woke up completely, security personnel had quickly arrived at the scene.

"Dr. Fu Shan!"

One of them shouted:

"Are you OK?"

His voice sounded a little vague, but Fu Qinghai nodded.

The invasion of monsters has not brought any benefits to mankind at all. At least through reverse research on the body structure and chemical composition of monsters, human materials science, biology, chemistry and medicine have all made great progress.

That container was made of a high-molecular polymer, similar to the composition of monster scales. It could withstand the explosion of ninety kilograms of TNT explosives, but now it was blown into pieces, and the titanium alloy lid was also blown off. .

Fu Qinghai woke up and immediately fell into deep thought.

What's in the chip that makes the monster's blood explode?

It's definitely not the microcircuit structure of the chip itself, but some kind of chemical substance contained in the chip.

The surrounding security personnel were amazed when they saw that the experimental site was in a mess, and the equipment was staggered here and there, but Dr. Fu Shan was unharmed. They believed a little more about the rumor that "nerve fibers are thicker than a small penis."

Fu Qinghai suddenly remembered that in the second movie, the three-headed monster tried every possible means to rush to Mount Fuji in Japan just to commit suicide in this dormant volcano——

The huge explosion caused by the contact of monster blood with magma will produce a cascade effect, detonating the entire Pacific Rim volcano and seismic zone. Billions of tons of toxic gases and volcanic ash will be emitted into the atmosphere, annihilating all life on the earth in order to achieve pioneer transformation. Earth's Purpose.


What common chemicals are there?

The answer is…rare earth elements!

"Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force·Research Report"

Reporter: Dr. Fu Shan.

Report topic: The reactivity and combustibility of monster blood with lanthanum as a catalyst.


It is known that monster blood is corrosive when it comes into physical contact with terrestrial organic materials, as well as most known metal compounds and plastic compounds. However, after further research and analysis, monster blood has another related characteristic - huge thermal energy.

The first experiments on monster blood found that the chemical reaction between monster blood and lanthanum produced additional heat. If a series of problems related to the chemical instability of monster blood can be overcome, monster blood research will play a major role in both propulsion and navigation in the future.

This series of puzzles includes:

The optimal time for controlled combustion is short and the generated substances are explosive or may not burn; corrosion of containers cannot be avoided during the storage and use of monster blood; furthermore, after the above-mentioned scientific and technological application results are widely used, it is also necessary to solve the problem of synthetic monsters Blood conundrum.

Further research is ongoing.


After typing the last word, Fu Qinghai left the keyboard with both hands, slowly leaned back on the chair, and rested his head on the back of his head with his fingers crossed.

He looked at the screen quietly. In the past, "research reports" were co-authored and published by three doctors. Now that the other two doctors are dead, the only signature is "Dr. Fu Shan".

However, his research conclusion was based on the old experimental data of two deceased doctors. In order to express his tribute and gratitude, Fu Qinghai finally added the "Citation" column at the end of the "Research Report" A paragraph:

"Special thanks to Dr. Newton Geisler and Dr. Hermann Gottlieb, you are the saviors of mankind."

How much energy does monster blood contain?

In Fu Qinghai's impression, in the second movie, Shao Liwen and Dr. Herman used liquid fuel rockets made from monster blood to fly into the sky with three mecha hunters.

You know, liquid fuel rockets have long been eliminated in the era of plasma engines.

Monster blood can revitalize this ancient rocket technology, and it is also a improvised rocket.

It's just that the core key of "rare earth elements" was not mentioned in the movie - maybe it was, but Fu Qinghai forgot.

"Monster Poison Blue" suddenly turned from a pollutant into a waste and into a "super energy source". Now perhaps humans should consider how to artificially synthesize this substance.

Fu Qinghai was thinking when there was a knock on the door behind him:

"Tuk, Tuk, Tuk."

"Please come in."

A rusty red hood poked out of his head:

"Khan, the reincarnators in the human camp have requested to gather for a meeting to discuss major events in the plot line."

Fu Qinghai turned his head blankly:

"Did you summon him?"

Xiao Fei shook his head:

"They asked for it. Do you want to agree?"

Seeing the mecha hunter "White Scar" easily killing monsters, are you asking for a gathering again?

After Fu Qinghai pondered for a moment, he said:

"Okay, find a place and gather them."


Broken Dome, Anchorage, Alaska.

Xiao Fei chose this place as the gathering place for players.

Not all reincarnations are thick-skinned, but three or five reincarnations found that things could turn around, so they contacted Xiao Fei again and proposed to gather for a meeting, hoping to get a piece of the big events in the plot line. But Xiao Fei followed Fu Qinghai's instructions and summoned all the reincarnators he knew from the human camp.

So the unified meeting time:

July 21 at 14:00 noon.

In the conference room of the base.

Xiao Fei sat in the first seat because he was the convener of the meeting, and other reincarnations did not know Fu Qinghai.

The technical priest silently checked the timing device in his body, coughed slightly and said:

"Okay, no more waiting, it's time to start."

"Anyone who is late will be automatically forfeited."

A traditional Chinese wooden tea tray was placed in front of Xiao Fei. The wood grain was simple and the varnish was bright, and it looked quite elegant.

After he finished speaking, four slender mechanical arms and two flexible mechanical tentacles stretched out from under the rust-red robe of the technical priest, and began to skillfully operate on the tea tray:

Cleaning utensils, waiting for water, showering cups... a set of movements is smooth and smooth. The four robotic arms work alternately without interfering with each other. When using tea, take out the tea leaves from the tea warehouse, use a teaspoon to put them into the teapot, and use a tea hammer to break the tea stems. Putting tea, sorting tea, dividing tea... Finally, pour the clear tea soup into the scent cup, bring it to the tip of your nose and take a sip, Xiao Fei has a satisfied look on his face.

This powerful cyber monster can also make tea?

The East Asian reincarnators present were all shocked.

After confirming that the aroma was rich and not astringent, Xiao Fei poured the tea soup from the fair cup into the tea cup one by one. He handed the first cup to Fu Qinghai who was sitting on his right and said:

"Khan, please."

Fu Qinghai picked up the tea cup and took a sip, thinking to himself:

The oil guy makes Kung Fu tea...

This is so fucking cyberpunk.

"To prevent anyone from being considered a traitor, electromagnetic shielding equipment has been turned on at the meeting site."

While Xiao Fei was sharing the tea, he explained smoothly:

"I won't bother everyone to turn off their communication equipment."

Everyone expressed their understanding.

Xiao Fei smiled and said:

"I'm just the convener today, and I don't necessarily have to be the leader. Since everyone is so polite and wants to give Xiao a face, then before deciding on the formal cooperation model, why not introduce each other's abilities and the universe they belong to."

As he spoke, the mechanical tentacle pointed to the left:

"Start with you."

The reincarnator who was pointed out quickly said:

"I come from the Avatar universe and own a mobile augmented platform armor, or 'AMP' armor for short..."

The reincarnators behind said in turn:

"I come from the ninth district universe and own an EXO SUIT exoskeleton mecha, commonly known as the prawn mecha..."

"I come from the Matrix universe and own an Armored Personnel Unit, or 'APU' armor for short..."

Xiao Fei answered yes, with a noncommittal expression.

These various small mechas from various science fiction universes are not suitable for the Warhammer 40K universe. It is said that powered armors are not as close-fitting and flexible as powered armors. Let's face it, the Dreadnought. After all, there is a complete living person inside. To match up with the Knight-class Titan, the size is a little too small - the correct match-up should be the early Tau Empire battle suit.

XV8 Crisis Combat Suit, almost.

None of them belong to the Titan unit. After all, they are not qualified to fight monsters.

Until a strong black man whose whole body was locked in a huge power armor said in a muffled voice:

"My name is Matthew, Berserker Power Armor, also known as MOX Power Armor, Wilander Yutani Company, Aliens vs. Predator Universe."

Fu Qinghai took a look and thought, Hey, he's an acquaintance.

"Matthew, the Resident Evil movie universe, Jacob's Town in the Glowing Sea, Boss Zhao's bar, do you still remember me?"

Fu Qinghai said.

It is said that people who are put into the berserker power armor are in great pain, so they can turn their anger into the motivation to hunt aliens. Black Matthew's face was slumped and he said in a hum:

"Remember, you are that Space Marine. You said that if I could get the anti-acid alloy formula of Wieland Yutani Company, you would spend a lot of money to buy it. Does this still count?"

Fu Qinghai nodded and said:

"Of course it counts, but the conditions have to change. I won't spend a lot of points to buy the formula, but I can take you to participate in major plot line events and help you earn assimilation points."

Black Matthew was silent for a moment:

"make a deal."

Several other players looked envious.

There was only one player left who did not introduce himself. He was a young black-haired man. He crossed his arms and leaned on the back of his chair. He looked arrogant and said lightly:

"Banaji Kurus, from the Gundam U.C universe."


Fu Qinghai and Xiao Fei were in awe.

Although Gundams are generally 15 to 18 meters tall, and War Dog Titans are also 15 to 18 meters tall, the combat effectiveness of Gundams is not comparable to that of War Dog Titans.

Moreover, many mecha sci-fi IPs such as Pacific Rim are influenced and inspired by the Gundam series.

Like the American comic universe, there are many parallel universes in the Gundam series. In addition to U.C, there are A.C, F.C, A.W, C.C, C.E, etc., but the Gundam U.C universe is the most orthodox Gundam world view.

Xiao Fei asked cautiously:

"So what are your abilities or equipment?"

Banagher Kurus spread his hands:

"I am NT, a born mecha pilot."

Fu Qinghai approached Xiao Fei and asked softly:

"NT? What do you mean? Cerebral palsy?"

Xiao Fei tilted his head and explained softly:

"New Type, New Humanity, you can understand it as the Children of the Void in the Warhammer 40K universe. They are new types of humans who have lived in the cosmic environment for a long time and have been mutated by various influences. However, unlike the Children of the Void, they are almost all benign. The mutation is very strange. He has strong spatial perception and cognitive abilities, and he can also have telepathy and the like."

In this way, even based on the synaesthesia requirements of the Pacific Rim Universe Ponce Bridge Device, Gundam's New Humans are indeed very suitable Mecha Hunter pilots.

After explaining, Xiao Fei asked:

"Where's your Gundam?"

The other party said calmly:

"I don't have the money to assimilate Gundam."

Xiao Fei did not underestimate the other party because of this, but continued to ask:

"Compared to the guy from the AVP universe just now, do you have the relevant technology of the Gundam U.C universe?"

"Miga particles? Secmu system? Gundam alloy? Similar technology, any one is fine."

The other party looked puzzled:

"I'm a driver, why do I need to know this?"

Xiao Fei understood, and he also looked puzzled:

"So, you know nothing and can't do anything, and just because you are an NT, we have to build a Mecha Hunter to drive for you?"


Banagher Kurus said matter-of-factly:

“Isn’t this the point of calling us together to work together?”

Xiao Fei pointed his mechanical tentacle at the door:

"Get out."

The new humans walked away in despair.

Just as this person opened the door and left, another person happened to walk in. An Asian man with long hair pulled out a chair and sat down, cupped his hands and said:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Brother Xiao, I'm late. This place is a bit far from downtown Anchorage. Traffic jam, traffic jam, hahaha."

He smiled in apology rather perfunctorily.

Xiao Fei narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile:

"Traffic jam? What universe are you from?"

The other person was stunned and thought, what universe do I come from and what does traffic jam have to do with it? But he still said:

"Oh, I'm from the Attack on Titan universe."

Xiao Fei smiled slightly, looked around and said:

"We are all from District 9, from Avatar, and from the Warhammer 40K universe. You are from the Attack on Titan universe. No wonder you are stuck in traffic... You are from the Attack on Titan universe. You are not qualified to participate in this meeting!"

The other party was stunned, and the look on his face changed from green to red.

It seemed as if he had been greatly humiliated.

Here Fu Qinghai is still thinking about whether the giant setting in Attack on Titan can fight monsters.

Over there, Xiao Fei had started taunting continuously, staring at the long-haired Asian man, and said coldly:

"You are half an hour late because you don't pay attention to this meeting and you look down on us. Why do you want us to treat you as your teammates?"

"Go home and wait for the world of reincarnation to inform you of the ending of the major plot event!"

Xiao Fei choked and cursed.

The last time he summoned the reincarnations to assemble, no one in this group paid him any attention. This made Xiao Fei very angry in the first place - he felt that he had left a negative impression of being incompetent in the heart of the chapter leader, and now there happened to be someone who didn't have long eyes. The person who is at gunpoint will naturally be stabbed.

The reincarnator walked away angrily.


Thank you, King Marquez, the great sage who rules Mars, in the dream, Jiahe Xuniu, the one who likes to read books, book friend 20220511175440235 for the reward, thank book friend Luo Feng for the 100,000 reward, thank you!

Some book friends actually believed that I was a high school student, and they made me so happy that I couldn’t even write a word for the whole day. From now on, “high school student writer” will be my character, and no one can compete with me!

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