Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 372 Myth is our compass

The giant monster was covered with aquatic plants and trees, and its back above the water was as big as a small island. After swallowing Fu Qinghai in one gulp, it immediately turned around and sank to the bottom of the water.

The hearts of the four people present also sank.

The water surface rippled with waves and gradually became calm.

The dead tree stood up again.

It's like nothing happened.

But soon, the water suddenly boiled.

Large clumps of blood overflowed upwards, making the already dark water even more turbid, like a red spring that kept spewing out, and the water waves continued to spread outward...


The tip of a rotating chainsaw sticks out of the water.

The spinning chain saw cut horizontally and disappeared into the water again. Soon, the broken pieces of bright red meat and leathery skin began to surface. It was the same armored giant, standing up from the water covered in blood, stepping on the bulging back of the giant monster. .

Although he was covered in blood, as the water washed away from his body, the black gold armor still looked like brand new, and there were no scars on his face. It could be said that he was unscathed.

All four of Aaron's jaws dropped to the ground.

Fu Qinghai ignored the four people, stepped on the corpse of the giant monster in the middle of the lake, and jumped up to the other side.

After landing, it was discovered that the Osprey helicopter was in very bad condition. The wings had been broken, the cabin was wide open, and the nose was deeply embedded in the loose and moist soil near the lake.

The life or death of pilot Cejudo is unknown.

Aaron and the four looked here with telescopes.

The armored giant didn't use any tools. He grabbed the edge of the metal hatch that was half buried in the soil with one hand. He pulled hard and pulled out the entire hatch. He could see it even from a distance. I imagined the sharp and piercing sound of metal twisting in my mind, and then leaned in to check...

The cockpit was dark. Fu Qinghai tore off the seat belt, pulled the unconscious pilot Cejudo out of the cockpit, held it in his hands, and walked to the shore.

After flying over the lake, hand the pilot to Aaron.

"He's still alive."

After Fu Qinghai finished speaking, several people hurriedly laid down the unconscious teammate. Evelin took out the medical bag given by Fu Qinghai, skillfully used the diagnostic meditator to judge the injury, and then started to give treatment to Sehu according to the step-by-step instructions. Heal more.

She has learned to use this magic box.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Fu Qinghai looked at the mountain of corpses in the lake and asked casually.

"Dead Soul Island Monster."

Evelin said while operating:

"A giant crocodile predator. According to records, they mostly inhabit the lakes and tributaries in the southern part of Skull Island. Its back can host a large number of plants, including trees, shrubs and various aquatic plants. It is very concealed."

"Then let's eat crocodile meat and king crab tonight."

Fu Qinghai only cares about whether it tastes good or not.

When Cejudo's vital signs gradually stabilized, Fu Qinghai looked at Aaron Brooks and said:

"Well, now, you can fulfill your promise, Mr. Brooks."

Aaron nodded. He and Rioch lifted the two weak teammates on their shoulders and said to Fu Qinghai:

"Come with me, Mr. Fu Shan."


At this moment, the other side of Skull Island.

The reincarnations swarmed onto the island.

"Hmph, the ignorant are fearless."

Kravis stood alone in the forest, watching the group of players rush into the jungle of Skull Island with excitement on their faces, and the night elves who took off their disguises snorted disdainfully.

The reincarnations who dare to sign up for the exploratory operation and land on Skull Island are not just new reincarnation newcomers. They have more or less powerful equipment or special abilities in their hands.

But they knew nothing about the jungle.

Throughout the history of human wars, in any war that takes place in the jungle, the number of deaths caused by the natural environment always far exceeds the number of deaths caused by direct combat.

What's more, this is Skull Island.

A place that can be called "Little Catachan".

There is no need to wait for them to contract tropical diseases such as malaria, athlete's foot, pellagra, and scurvy. The bloodthirsty animals on Skull Island alone are enough to kill the reincarnators many times.

Thinking of this, Kravis couldn't help but admire Zhao Jianming's ability in her heart - she also spent her assimilation points to take Boss Zhao's voyage cargo ship to come here.

The Monster Movie Universe was opened for the first time, and many players poured in. Everyone was eager to participate in the story and showed off their talents. Among them, Zhao Jianming and his team took the lead in obtaining the location coordinates of Skull Island by unknown means.

Although the Magnesium Nation has long observed this magical island in the South Pacific through reconnaissance satellites, the specific location coordinates are a core secret of the Imperial Organization.

After obtaining the location coordinates, Boss Zhao did not lead his team to explore alone. On the contrary, he actually openly recruited adventurers and explorers in New York to join his scientific research ship and explore together - and he was only willing to accept payment in assimilation points.

If other players want to earn assimilation points, they must either win major events in the plot line or kill reincarnators from the opposing camp. And this boss Zhao almost never participates in plot missions and camp battles. He relies entirely on taking money from players' pockets: whether it is a supply town in the radioactive wasteland or a freighter ticket to Skull Island.

Others went to the well to dig for gold, while he sold pickaxes and jeans by the well.

Worthy of being an Oriental Jew.

Kravis thought to himself.

"Ah, help, help me——"

Sure enough, the wails of the reincarnators were soon heard not far away. When a group of players passed by the water, they were suddenly hooked into the water by a reed branch sticking out of the water. After a scream, they only saw large pieces of blood and minced meat floating on the water.

Some reincarnations did not go near streams and lakes, but walked along jungle trails. A pair of black compound eyes suddenly opened in the middle of the cracks of a dead wood lying next to it. The dead wood, which was as thick as a person's arms, suddenly moved and swept across. It turned out to be a giant stick insect. The wooden shell cracked a gap and was covered with tiny tiny branches. The mouthparts of the teeth swallow the unlucky eggs and chew them to pieces.

The night elf curled his lips.

The sound of dead grass stems and leaves being broken by being trampled suddenly rang in his ears. Kravis turned around and saw Zhao Jianming, wearing his X01 powered armor, walking towards here, followed by his always inseparable brain-controlled robot butler.

"You could tell there was a monster there, right?"

A rumbling sound came from the fly helmet:

"I saw that you deliberately avoided those two places, so you know very well that there are monsters hiding there, right, Miss Druid, why didn't you remind them?"

"Hello, Boss Zhao."

Kravis said calmly:

"If you have to ask. The weak eat the strong. This is part of the ecological chain. This is the order of nature. The moment they choose to set foot on the island, they are destined to face this law. Of course, death is also part of the material cycle. In addition, I don’t like the term ‘monster’. The appearance of animals and plants should not be judged by the narrow aesthetics of humans.”

It's exactly what a druid would say.

Zhao Jianming thought to himself.

He was not very kind-hearted, but it was a pity that several reincarnations lost their lives in vain - if they could leave the island alive, they could earn a fortune in ferry tickets.

Zhao Jianming lifted the triple plasma rifle held in the handle and said calmly:

"If you are lucky enough to go to the radiation universe in the future and see those ugly creatures that have been distorted to the extreme by radiation, I hope you can face them with the same attitude you have now."

"The power of nature is beyond your imagination, Mr. Zhao."

A smile appeared on Kravis' lips:

"Any so-called 'radiation wasteland' cannot escape the day when it returns to nature, including your radiation universe. Sooner or later, it will turn into a lush green land again."


Fu Qinghai looked at the mountain village in the distance.

Looking across the top of the forest, you can see sharpened wooden fences tied together with hemp rope, as well as some decorative lime daubs and animal skulls on them.

Before anyone could get close to the stronghold, a bone feather arrow was inserted into the ground in front of them with a whoosh.

A group of naked upper-body natives emerged from the trees holding spears and slowly surrounded them.


Aaron searched his mind, trying to use the few Iwe words to express his kindness.

"We know you, aliens."

A little boy from the Iwe tribe came out from behind the adult, clasped his hands and bowed slightly.

"Ah, do you speak English?"

Aaron looked surprised.

Fu Qinghai also raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, we learned your language a long time ago and welcome you here."

said the little boy with blue paint on his face.

"It seems that the natives of Skull Island have evolved."

Rioch turned his head and whispered.

What is surprising is that.

The Iwe people are very friendly.

They warmly received Aaron and the others, providing food, drink and shelter. They did not show any special concern for Fu Qinghai, who was unusually large in size. Perhaps they just regarded him as a special type of "visitors from outside the world".

Leochi is obsessed with studying myths and legends, and hangs out with the tribesmen all day long. This man does have an amazing IQ, and has learned many sentences in the Iwe indigenous language.

On this day, a little boy from the Iwe tribe brought several bowls of strange medicinal wine to everyone. Evelin quickly squatted down and asked the little boy, and after a conversation, she turned around and told everyone:

"This is a special medicinal wine made from the wax film on the wings of Icarus. It is said to be very good for treating trauma. He invited us to drink it."

The Wings of Icarus are waterproof all over, and the key lies in the wax coating secreted on their body surface.

Several people hesitated after hearing this.

Fu Qinghai took the wooden bowl and took a sip.

Taste detection nerves give early warning quickly.

"There is some mental damage, but it is not fatal."

Fu Qinghai put down the wooden bowl and said calmly.

"Why are we being given something poisonous to drink?"

Aaron asked, looking a little unhappy.

The little Iwe boy gestured and explained:

"Because you said that you want to know more about King Kong, then you have to enter the temple. According to tribal rules, you must drink this bowl of medicinal wine before entering there."

What kind of strange rule is this?

What place is the temple?

The Iwei boy took a sip of medicinal wine first to indicate that it was safe and non-toxic, and then looked at everyone.

Evelin looked at Fu Qinghai.

Fu Qinghai shrugged and said:

"This is normal. The religions and myths of many ancient primitive tribes are based on hallucinogens. Witches and shamans take hallucinogenic drugs, which are usually extracts of certain poisonous mushrooms. Then rely on hallucinations to make prophecies... and so on, probably, I guess."

After hearing this, Evelin agreed very much:

"I think it's very possible."

"That's no big deal!"

After listening to this, Rioch drank the medicinal wine in one gulp.

Aaron didn't even have time to stop it.

In turn, he was persuaded by his companion:

"Aaron, think about it carefully, why are we here? Isn't it just to explore the secret of King Kong? As Mr. Fu Shan said, this bowl of medicinal wine is not fatal, so why did you shrink back when the matter was about to happen? Woolen cloth?"


When Aaron heard this, he was immediately convinced.

Then he drank the bowl of medicinal wine.

Everyone drank the medicinal wine one after another, and Fu Qinghai also drank a large bowl - not to mention a bowl, he could drink a bucket without any problem.

Then follow the Iwe boy towards the temple.

Several people walked around the village and finally came to a lake near the edge of the village. To everyone's surprise, a wooden three-masted sailing warship ran aground here - strictly speaking, it was an armed merchant ship. The dark hull, canvas and cables had rotted away, leaving only the keel and wooden shell.

Is this their "temple"?

Several people looked at each other and had guesses in their minds.

The Iwe boy led several people and entered the sailboat through the huge hole in the bottom of the boat. Leochi reached out and touched a "V.O.C" sign on the inner wall of the cabin and said:

"Wow, look, the emblem of the Dutch East India Company, a seventeenth-century sailing ship."

"What does this mean? My father's scientific expedition team and the two pilots from World War II were not the first human civilization forces to enter Skull Island. There were others who strayed into this isolated place earlier than them. .”

Aaron murmured.

"Here we are."

The Iwe boy turned around and said.

In the dark cabin, Aaron and the others took out their flashlights and shined them on the surrounding bulkheads. They discovered that the Iwe people used the stranded sailboat as a temple and recorded many myths and legends with paint on the inner walls - about The story of two giant apes and a group of giant lizards with two claws and one tail.

Two giant apes?

I haven't heard that the handsome black guy has another one like him.

Fu Qinghai secretly wondered about the content of the mural.

At this moment, some kind of medicinal effect seemed to be taking effect.

The eyes of Aaron and the four others gradually became blurred.

His steps were unsteady and he began to wobble this way and that.

"Ah, I see!"

Rioch shouted loudly.

What do you understand, you bastard?

Fu Qinghai looked at him curiously.

The mythologist's face turned red and he was sweating profusely.

"I saw it, I saw them standing proudly on the shore. The Iwe people are islanders in the Pacific. They drifted here. It happened that the skeleton reptile family had slaughtered the giant ape family, and only the last two were left. The two strongest ones, they are the last descendants of the race... They are King Kong’s parents!”

Leo Qi rubbed the mural and said with wide eyes:

"This is a war between the original gods of the Earth."

Oh I got it.

Fu Qinghai stood aside with his arms folded, waiting for Leochi to continue to interpret the content of the mural.

Everyone seems to have different resistance to medicinal wine.

Aaron lay on the ground in a daze and fell asleep.

Medov and Cejudo held their heads and cried out that they had headaches.

Evelin rubbed her eyes and kept shaking her head... Suddenly, she staggered two steps forward and was about to fall. Fu Qinghai quickly stretched out a hand to support her, and the Latin beauty raised her face. , put his hands on his arm armor, stared at Fu Qinghai dreamingly, and murmured softly:

"Ah, so handsome, I really want to..."

Fu Qinghai: "???"

"I can see it! The birth of King Kong!"

Rioch suddenly yelled on the other side.

Fu Qinghai was attracted by him.

The mythologist raised his palm and pressed it on the uneven mural, rubbing it all the way to the right, causing dust to fall off under his fingertips, until it stopped somewhere, and then continued to mutter to himself:

"Here, the bone mound, is the burial place of the extraordinary giant ape clan. It is the final place where they were defeated by the enemy. It is also the place where the giant apes and skeleton reptiles first came to reality..."

Um! ?

Fu Qinghai instantly cheered up.

Listening to this, could it be that...

The entrance to the inner world?

Finally there was a hint of what he wanted.

"The Iwe people witnessed and recorded this great scene with their own eyes." The mythologist continued to be immersed in narcissism and tried to keep his eyes wide open. "Mother Vajra was still fighting when she was pregnant, and fought until their only child was born. King Kong was born on the battlefield, with killing, roaring, blood, and farewell... these are his only impressions of this world."

Fu Qinghai grabbed the little boy from the Iwe tribe. After taking a sip of medicinal wine, he became a little dazed. He stood there and circled. Fu Qinghai lifted the child up, pointed at the mural and said:

"There, I'm going there, take me there."

"That's... a place of pilgrimage, very dangerous..."

The little boy said with half-closed eyes.

"King Kong hid in a rock crevice and witnessed his parents being killed by skeleton reptiles. Anger, hatred, grief, and grief fueled the rage. The rage that filled his body that day was the source of his power, making him invincible..."

The mythologist continued to sing loudly.

Others only tasted it, but he drank a full bowl of medicinal wine, and now he was very high.

"He is not a brainless beast, King Kong, he is an orphan, he is a descendant of the race, he is..."


After shouting the last sentence loudly, Rioch fell back with a pop, then lay on the ground and started snoring loudly.

Fu Qinghai held his chin in thought.

“Myth is our compass.”

This sentence uttered by Dr. Chen Ling (played by Zhang Ziyi) is not only the motto of the Monarch Organization, but also runs through a series of movies in the entire Monster Movie Universe.

Until this moment, Fu Qinghai finally understood.

How to play the Monster Cinematic Universe.


1. "Windrunner" is the surname of a high elf, not a night elf. I forgot about it and it has been changed. Thanks for reminding everyone.

2. Chapter 53 of this volume left out a plot, but I have added it in. You can look back at it.

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