Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 403 Encounter

Sudan, Bolgor Mountains.

The yellow sand is rolling, the setting sun is shining, and the desert is a lonely mountain.

The hot wind along the Red Sea coast blew, wrapped in the dry air and rough yellow sand of the eastern end of the Sahara Desert. The lone steel giant stood next to the sacred mountain of the ancient Beja and Nuba people, and the setting sun drew a long silhouette behind him.

The blood soaked the yellow sand and formed a lump.

There are messes and potholes everywhere.

Next to "Broken Army Golden Armor" lies a titan beast.

It has four pillar-like legs, and a curved horn emitting a faint green light on the top of its head. The head looks like an elephant without ears, with a pair of strange tusks that curve upward, and a face like A wide, flat mouth like a crocodile's maw, filled with thousands of teeth.

[You killed Mokra Mbembe! 】

[Start calculating assimilation points... 3789 points]

Australia, Ayers Rock.

The reddish-brown rock, more than 300 meters high, is tall and wide in the east and low and narrow in the west. It has stood in the desert area in the center of the red earth for hundreds of millions of years and has gone through hundreds of millions of years of ups and downs.

The steep and almost vertical rock wall and the majestic and huge volume make the surrounding "Broken Army Golden Armor" and Titan beasts even look a bit small. It is worthy of being the largest single rock in the world, "the red heart of Australia" .

A huge shaking sound spread along the ground.

The bushes rustled and trembled, and the stones jumped up and down.

In the desolate and endless flat desert, a long-necked dog-faced Titan and a steel giant were chasing around the giant rock. Blue-purple laser beams streaked across the sky from time to time, as well as arcs that cracked the force field and chainsaws that rotated. roar.

While preventing the Titans from harming the city, and at the same time protecting Australia's natural landmarks, the "Broken Army Golden Armor" was somewhat constrained, but in the end Benyep was defeated.

[You killed Benyep! 】

[Start calculating assimilation points... 3107 points]

Brazil, Amazon rainforest.

"Pojun Jinjia" advanced along the opened road. The wide red dirt road was crisscrossed with ruts, extending all the way into the depths of the rainforest. The surrounding area was full of dilapidated scenes after being cut down and burned. These rainforests will eventually be turned into soybean plantation areas.

Fu Qinghai couldn't help but shook his head.

The government is controlled by Western capital and the economy is harvested by leeks, destroying the Amazon rainforest, and then the people are still hungry...?

The media is incredible

Fu Qinghai opened the communication link:

"Tell the Brazilian government that I cannot comply with their demands. I will drive Behemoth away from human towns, but I will not kill Behemoth."


The staff member of the Emperor Organization who received the call was obviously taken aback, and then asked cautiously:

"Do you know the reason, Mr. Fu Shan?"

Fu Qinghai explained:

"Behemoth has the ability to emit weak radiant energy that can promote plant growth and restore the rainforest ecology. It is a Titan that is beneficial to humans."

"Ok, I see."

The staff member of the Imperial Organization on the other end of the phone expressed his understanding, and at the same time there was some joy in his tone.

Within the Imperial organization, there are not only radicals like Aaron Brooks, but also many moderates like Ichiro Serizawa, who advocate peaceful coexistence between humans and Titans.

But for the governments of various countries, all Titans are unstable factors that affect their rule. If they can be killed, then kill them all, so that the world order can be restored to an era without Titans, which would be the best. .

For reincarnations like Fu Qinghai, it doesn't matter what the imperial organization and governments think. What matters is that Behemoth is the titan beast of the protector camp. Even if they break into the human city and wreak havoc, they will only be able to destroy it. It can be expelled but cannot be killed, otherwise the assimilation points will be deducted.

"The Brazilian government agrees."

After a while, a reply came from the Imperial Organization.

Fu Qinghai smiled.

It doesn't really matter whether they agree or not.

If you have the ability, take care of Behemoth yourself.

"How long does it take to reach the destination?"

Fu Qinghai asked casually.

"Two hours, Master."

Qing Ming said.


"Broken Army Golden Armor" continues to move forward.

Without the artificial monster blood and pod-type boosters, "Pojun Golden Armor" cannot travel very fast just by walking. The aircraft carrier can only take him to the shore. According to the intelligence provided by the Brazilian government, Behemoth Located very deep inland in the rainforest, Titan can only be accessed on foot.

As "Pojun Jinjia" penetrates deeper into the rainforest, the roads begin to become narrow and disorderly, and traces of human activities become increasingly rare. The density and height of the forest are gradually increasing. The tops of some big trees even reach the top of "Pojun Jinjia". "A" knees and waist, half of Titan's body was covered by the rain forest.

The boundless rainforest is like a green sea.

The waves of forest leaves undulating with the wind are blue waves.

The "Pojun Golden Armor" is a traveler who is half submerged in the sea and trudging towards the depths of the ocean against the waves.


Kravis stretched and said:

"Qingshan, I'm going to take a nap. Call me when you get there."

After saying that, the night elf laid out a blanket in the cockpit of the "Broken Army Golden Armor", wrapped a shawl around his shoulders, lay on his side on the blanket, and began to sleep.

Since this woman got to know me, her behavior has become more and more unrestrained...

Fu Qinghai glanced sideways at the druid's undulating figure and thought to himself.

The last time he fought against Ghidorah, because the enemy was too powerful, the "Army-Breaking Golden Armor" was not sure of victory, so Kravis stayed on the aircraft carrier and did not follow him. He has been idle these days anyway. Dark Night The elf took the initiative to invite Ying and Fu Qinghai to come out to deal with the Titan problem.

Deep in the rainforest.

There were no crisp and sweet chirpings of birds and insects here, only earth-shaking loud noises. The woods were overwhelmed and destroyed one after another, leaves and branches crackled and exploded, causing the birds to take off in panic.

Two titans are fighting.

Anhuruk and Behemoth.

Behemoth has a pair of iconic huge ivory tusks, but compared to a mammoth, this Titan is actually more like a sloth. It has large and strong forearms and inwardly curved front paws, and can use its body when necessary. Can stand upright.

Anhuruk is a very rare plant titan. Only its head and torso still retain some of the characteristics of the animal. It has round yellow eyes, a face like a deep-sea fish, and a pair of whips on the top of its head and on the side of its face. The tentacles extend backward, looking quite like an ugly monster. Its body is made up of a large number of various plants, and it moves lushly.

"What a perfect time!"

Zhao Jianming stood on the hillside, put down the telescope in his hand, and said in a low voice:

"Just when I got here, I encountered Anhuruk fighting Behemoth. It was only God who helped me."

After Ghidorah woke up, he sent a signal to summon the Titans around the world to assemble, and the Titans Behemoth and Methuselah, which they had been looking for so hard to find, also appeared.

After some deliberations, Zhao Jianming's association finally targeted Behemoth. Not only because Behemoth can restore rainforest vegetation, there is another reason: according to the setting in the movie, although Methuselah lacks attack methods, it has extremely strong defensive capabilities. It is a real moving mountain, and many Titans can Its defense cannot be broken, and it is too difficult to capture. Behemoth is weaker in comparison and has a higher chance of success.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived in the Amazon rainforest, he encountered two titan beasts fighting each other. As long as they waited for them to fight, both of them would be injured, and he would be able to reap the benefits.

Isn't it beautiful?

"This is the plot in the original comic."

A player next to me said:

"After Godzilla defeated Ghidorah and became the King of Monsters, he patrolled his territory everywhere, making his presence known, and urging all the Titans to go back to sleep. He happened to swim along the coast of the South American continent and discovered that Anhuruk wanted to rob him. Behemoth Territory, so we intervened to mediate.”

"Godzilla: Awakening", "Godzilla: Aftershock" and "Godzilla: Dominion" are the prequel comic trilogy of the Monster Cinematic Universe, which are used to supplement the details not mentioned in the movie. Among them, "Godzilla: Aftershock" "Reign" tells the story of Mr. Brother's daily life after he became the king of monsters, including urging the Titans to sleep and mediating disputes between the Titans.

The reincarnators awakened Ghidorah in advance, causing the global Titans to awaken in advance, and the territorial war between Anhuruk and Behemoth was also advanced.

"Godzilla is quite like a big brother."

Another reincarnator said with a smile.

"So who won in the end?"

Zhao Jianming asked.

"Behemoth cannot defeat Anhuruk."

The subordinate just finished speaking.


There was a loud noise in the distance.

Anhuruk transformed into a giant tree man, and his thick arms made of vine branches slammed into Behemoth's face, knocking the giant sloth to the ground with one punch.


Behemoth fought back, and the ivory arched upwards with force, piercing deeply into Anhuruk's body made of plants. However, this attack seemed to be completely unable to hurt Anhuruk, and the plant giant allowed its tusks to be inserted into his body. There was no pain or itch in his body at all, and he continued to punch Behemoth violently.

Seeing this, the player continued to explain:

"Anhuruk's body is not big. Only its head and part of its spine are its real body. The 'fluorescent blue vines' inside its body are its nervous system. It can absorb and manipulate various plants at any time. The fragments are combined to increase its size. And it is said that its body can transform at will, become amphibious on land and water, and can even transform into a flying state."

"Then how to deal with it?"

Zhao Jianming continued to ask.

The reincarnation under his command explained:

"Since only its head is its main body, only attacking its head can cause damage to it. Its body has no pain. But since Anhuruk's body is controlled by its mind, attacking the blue ones on its body The chromatic nervous system may also cause its body to fall apart. And due to the flammability of plants, its greatest weakness is fire."

"Fire? This is not simple."

Zhao Jianming smiled when he heard this.

Is it not easy for reincarnations on the technological side to create high-temperature flames? Many weapons can shoot fire.

"This titan beast seems to be very strong, but its weaknesses are too obvious. It will be burned to death if it is lit on fire."

Another reincarnation echoed.

Everyone is discussing.

I plan to wait for Behemoth to be completely defeated before dealing with Anhuruk, which will save a lot of fighting.

"Mr. Zhao! Mr. Zhao!"

At this time, a player ran over.

I saw him walking in a hurry and coming to Zhao Jianming's side. He looked slightly panicked and whispered in his ear:

"There was a tip from Brasilia. The Brazilian government asked the Imperial Organization to send the 'Po Jun Golden Armor' to deal with Behemoth. The 'Po Jun Golden Armor' had landed in Rio a few hours ago and is now heading towards Come here!"

Zhao Jianming was shocked when he heard this:

"Aoyama is here!?"

The people around were listening attentively. When they heard the words "Qingshan is coming", their faces suddenly changed, showing a "something bad happened" expression, and asked hurriedly:

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Zhao Jianming fell into thinking, frowned and thought for a while, looked up at the crowd and said:

"Don't panic, listen to me, let's do this..."

Thanks to the multiple auspicious arrays, the "Breaking Army Golden Armor" discovered very early that the two titan beasts were fighting.

"What's happening here?"

Fu Qinghai stared at the picture in the holographic projection: the giant tree man held down the giant sloth and gave it a beating, until the opponent could not fight back. I saw the plant giant hugging the woolly giant elephant, and its huge arms turned into branches and leaves and vines wrapped around a white ivory, and then broke it with force, breaking it.

Behemoth moaned in pain.

"That's Anhuruk!"

Kravis woke up.

She pointed at the giant tree man and said loudly:

"Anhuruk, according to the analysis of the emperor's organization, it should be an alien plant with properties somewhat similar to Ghidorah. It came to the earth in ancient times and was affected by radiation and turned into a plant symbiotic form of Titan. The earliest It was discovered in the Mampupuna Rock Group in Russia, where the Monarch organization set up outpost No. 66. It escaped after waking up some time ago. I heard people from the Monarch organization say this."

"Oh, there's an unexpected bonus."

Fu Qinghai nodded when he heard this.

A Titan from the Destroyer camp.

You can also earn a lot of assimilation points.

"What's its weakness?"


Kravis said roughly, and added by the way:

"According to the setting, the four whip-like things on Anhuruk's head can wrap around the opponent's head and release mental shock, causing the opponent to be stunned or even die, depending on the opponent's strength. Due to the energy consumed by this move It’s so big that Anhuruk is said to only be used when absolutely necessary.”

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Fu Qinghai nodded in understanding.

"Master, someone is approaching from the northwest."

Qing Ming suddenly sent a reminder.

In the holographic projection, a group of red dots were winding along the forest road, getting closer and closer to me.

Qing Ming quickly sketched out the image of the other party.

It was a long list of military heavy-duty trucks, more than a dozen of them, with 10x10 load-bearing wheels, and their bodies painted in jungle camouflage. They didn't know what was loaded in the carriages.

"Brazil's army?"

Kravis asked curiously.


Fu Qinghai was not sure either.

"Po Jun Jin Jia" did not stop advancing.

The Titan and the convoy soon collided.


The convoy came to an emergency stop.

A man in military uniform got out of the car. He had an obvious face of mixed race. The man looked up at the mountain-like steel giant and shouted loudly:


There was no movement from "Pojun Golden Armor".

The man continued to shout at "Pojun Golden Armor":

"We are the 1st Division of the Brazilian Army, and we were ordered to expel the Titan Behemoth. We just received the order, and our superiors told us that the 'Army-breaking Golden Armor' will take over this task... Thank God, you guys are finally here. !”

Looking at the motionless steel giant, feeling that the other party had no intention of responding, the man shrugged and saluted, then got back into the car and prepared to leave.


A voice suddenly sounded from the Titan radio.


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