Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 476 Getting better

Cybertron, the Great Wasteland.

A troop of Transformers rumbles along.

All nine Decepticons that make up the Hun Tian Leopard were in the queue. They transformed into their respective vehicle forms and drove in a queue on the desolate and vast plains. The armored tracks and solid tires made deep ruts, and rolling wheels rolled up behind the convoy. Long smoke.

The team marched very professionally.

Light and fast vehicles, such as all-terrain vehicles, can be used to tow around the convoy to expand the search area and conduct early reconnaissance.

Aerial vehicles, such as reconnaissance aircraft and fighter jets, are soaring in the sky to provide wider range of warnings.

All of this is to protect the Huntian Leopard convoy in the middle of the team, because the giant combined King Kong is the key to breaking through the city, and there must be no room for error.

Set it up like this.

It is almost impossible to ambush the Huntianbao convoy.

Therefore, the Decepticons were not overly vigilant, and the convoy drove in an orderly manner on the road until they rounded a big bend and passed a pile of weathered gravel.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

A few inaudible ejection sounds were buried in the tire noise, wind noise, and the vibration and roar of the engine.

A series of small black dots appeared in the sky, drew an arc and then fell quickly into the convoy.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a huge explosion that shook the earth, accompanied by the rise of a mushroom cloud, flying sand and rocks, and rippling dust. The entire convoy was instantly torn apart and staggered around. The vehicle in front came to an emergency stop, the vehicle behind lost control of its braking and suddenly rear-ended the vehicle. There were also vehicles that lost steering and rushed off both sides of the road.

"Kacha Kucha..."

There was a sound of gears turning and mechanical assembly.

The members of the convoy quickly completed their transformation, and seven Decepticon warriors stood up in the smoke and dust. They raised their weapons and looked around. There were also two members of the group who were directly hit by micro-nuclear bombs. Their bodies were severely damaged and they were unable to complete their transformation. They lay on the ground halfway through their transformation, rolling and wailing in pain.

"Under attack, under attack!"

The leading Decepticon looked around and said loudly:

"Immediately determine the location of the source of the artillery fire."

He is the "attack" that makes up the Huntian Leopard's head.

The words are not finished yet.


A bolt of blue plasma hit his face, knocking his head sideways and causing a mechanical eyeball to explode.

The black-gold armored warrior carrying a jetpack crashed through the dust, smoke and yellow sand in the sky and swooped in at a low altitude. He held a silver-white chainsword in his right hand, with the sword lying across his face, his left hand pressing on the back of the sword, and he crashed straight into the leading Decepticon.


The sawtooth stirred his neck, and sparks and oil debris flew everywhere. At the scene of the attack, he fell on his back and his head was separated.

Several other Decepticons roared and rushed towards Fu Qinghai waving various weapons on their arms.

All of a sudden, lasers were flying and cannonballs were flying. Fu Qinghai hurriedly swung his sword to parry a few times, then hit the ground with his head crookedly. After hitting the ground, he rolled over and stood up. He held the sword with both hands and pushed back to stop his backward rush. Due to inertia, the blurry and vibrating sword body sank into the body of a wounded person who fell to the ground, and the other person screamed and burped on the spot.

The deflection force field pushed away a series of large-caliber lasers, plasma and artillery shells. Fu Qinghai opened and closed the Blue Fang, and his whole body turned into a silver-white whirlwind top. With two swords, he dismembered another Decepticon who was seriously injured and fell to the ground. Black oil splashed everywhere and wet the sand on the ground. .

The Decepticons found that the long-range weapons were useless, and roared in anger. They transformed into swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and various melee weapons and rushed towards him. Fu Qinghai quickly took off the portal gun from his waist and fired at the ground. The gun, the blue aperture expanded and appeared, jumped directly into the aperture and disappeared.


The blue aperture shrinks and disappears.


The two rushing Decepticons collided.

At this point, three of the nine members of the Huntian Leopard team were killed. One of the two giant combinations in the Decepticon camp - Hercules and Huntian Leopard - was unable to merge into a combined form again. The defensive pressure of Blade City sharp decrease.

When Fu Qinghai and Optimus Prime first heard the robot dog saying that the Hun Tianbao was traveling in separate directions, they immediately realized that this was an opportunity: If they merge into a combined King Kong, they can't defeat you, but if they separate into nine Transformers, they can't defeat you? Moreover, Fu Qinghai does not need to kill all the members of the Huntianbao team. He only needs to kill one or two, and Huntianbao will not be able to unite.

The Decepticons had scouted the route in advance, and theoretically it was impossible to ambush them. However, after Fu Qinghai knew the Decepticons' route, he had no intention of ambush in advance - instead, he opened a teleportation aperture on the side of the road in advance and waited for the convoy. After passing through, he came out from the aperture to attack the convoy.

The success of this operation must be guaranteed by two prerequisites:

1. The robot dog provides route information.

2. Use the portal gun to attack suddenly.

The only difficulty with this mission is that the diameter of the aperture that the portal gun can open is too small to allow Transformers to pass through. In the end of the plan, only Fu Qinghai could carry out this mission. His bravery, courage and fearlessness once again gained the respect and admiration of the Autobots. Fu Qinghai was a well-deserved commander, and everyone in the Autobot camp was convinced.

The Autobots celebrated this small, hard-won victory.

But the Decepticon siege of Blade City continues.

This is a fierce battle. This is different from any other city, because there is no option to retreat. If you abandon this energy base, the Autobots' base camp - Iron Castle, will fall into a state of chronic death and will be captured by the Decepticons sooner or later. Now Cyber The entire northern hemisphere of Tanzania is directly occupied or indirectly controlled by the Decepticons. The Autobots no longer have much territory to deal with, and Iron Castle is their last hope.

This was a brutal battle. Optimus Prime followed the agreement and released the robot dog. However, the Decepticon camp also had a giant combined Kong-Hercules, which he could not escape but had to deal with. Facing the giant Transformers coming over the ruins of the building, the Autobots rushed forward one after another, and finally killed Hercules with their lives. Transformers corpses piled up in mountains, and the battlefield was like a scrap car dismantling and recycling site - highlighting the tragedy.

Fifty-seven Autobots were killed.

Finally killed Hercules.

Sideswipe was the first to mount Hercules' head and remove his head. He was very proud of it and boasted about it everywhere.

Ironhide, on the other hand, was slapped away by Hercules while climbing up the body of Combinator and is currently receiving treatment.

Fu Qinghai had no time to celebrate this hard-won tragic victory. Instead, he dragged away the remains of Hercules' body non-stop, preparing to study how the Combination King Kong was realized and what the integration technology was about. But unfortunately, compared to a senior Cybertronian scientist like Shockwave, his understanding of Transformers' body structure is still at a very superficial level. After studying the corpses for a long time, he still couldn't figure out the reason.

There is another key to winning this battle:

Starscream's searchers stayed out of the battle.

No one knows where Starscream has gone. There are not even many flying Transformers in the sky of the battlefield. In the past, the Autobots were often suppressed by the Decepticons due to the lack of flying units. Now the two sides have returned to an evenly matched level.

Fu Qinghai also received a piece of "good news".

Megatron sent Shockwave to take over two neighboring cities on the edge of Xuanji Lake - Tarn City and Qingqiu City. Both cities chose to surrender to the Decepticons without resistance.

After Shockwave took control of Tarn City, he implemented a high-pressure reign of terror. He not only ruthlessly suppressed all opposition with violent means, but also used the Cybertronians in the resistance forces as his human experiment materials. Not only that, Tarn City actually launched three sets of photon missiles towards Qingqiu City. The photon missiles destroyed Qingqiu City's air control center.

Shockwave claimed that this was the work of the Autobots, and that the Autobots' resistance quietly sneaked into the Tarn City missile silo and launched these photon missiles, aiming directly at the Iron Citadel. He shouted loudly in the communication network, saying that all the atrocities committed by the Autobots were to maintain the class system and continue to implement tyranny.

However, Optimus Prime said that he didn't even know that there were underground resistance forces supporting the Autobots in Tarn City, so this matter was completely handled by Shockwave. Then, Fu Qinghai didn't understand why Shockwave wanted to To order Tarn City to launch missiles to bomb Qingqiu City, another surrendered city? Obviously both cities have surrendered to the Decepticons.

After Optimus Prime explained, Fu Qinghai understood.

Qingqiu City is the hometown of Starscream.

The air command center in the city was once the station and base camp of the searchers. This city used to be rich in various flying Transformers. Shockwave found an excuse to bomb Qingqiu City in order to weaken the military power controlled by Starscream and his searcher brigade. In this way, Shockwave became the second-in-command of the Decepticons without any doubt.

The addition of Starscream made Shockwave feel threatened and felt that his position as the second in command of the Decepticons was not guaranteed. The civil war has not even ended yet, and the Decepticon senior leaders have begun fighting among themselves. Optimus Prime sighed at the innocent casualties in the two cities, and Fu Qinghai felt happy to hear it - it seemed that Megatron's control of the Decepticons was not as perfect as he imagined, or perhaps, Megatron's control over the Decepticons was not as perfect as he imagined. He was originally dissatisfied with Starscream, so he acquiesced to Shockwave's small actions in private?


Moreover, this incident caused some of the searchers to declare their separation from the Decepticons and join the Autobots. Although their number was not large, they at least injected an air force into the Autobots. Facing the Decepticon searcher brigade, they no longer had to be like in the past. Being beaten passively. This is very good news.

And the searcher who led the team to escape from the Decepticons.

The name is "Sky Fire".

Things seem to be turning around for the Autobots.

Fu Qinghai was at a loss with Shockwave's combined diamond and fusion technology. Optimus Prime suddenly came to him and told him the good news: a young doctor who had just joined recently, after some clinical experiments and hard research, successfully copied He developed the Combiner Fusion technology and created the Autobots' first giant Combiner, the Patronus.

"What kind of doctor is so awesome?"

Fu Qinghai was surprised.

"His name is 'Ambulance'."

Optimus Prime introduced.

Optimus Prime led Fu Qinghai towards the city.

"Wow, what is this?"

At this time, there was a sudden exclamation from all around.

The two looked up following the gazes of the people around them.

The mountain-like giant combined Kong sat up.

He turned to look at the group of ant-like villains around him.

His gestures made the crowd scream.

Get better.

Fu Qinghai thought to himself.

Everything feels better.

This big plot event...

Am I going to win?


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