Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 579 The wormhole jump engine delivered to your door

"Hello, I'm Tanya Tiwan."

The white-haired old man stretched out his hand gracefully.

"Hello, Qingshan Khan."

Fu Qinghai shook his hand politely.

Although he didn't know why this guy was lying at the door pretending to be a beggar, it might just be that he was full and had nothing to do - after all, this kind of mentality is very common for a truly immortal person.

"Welcome to the void."

Tanya Tiwan chuckled and said:

“As you know, people have given me a nickname, The Collector, to describe my personal preferences. But what many people don’t know is that it wasn’t my passion to collect these weird and wonderful things in the first place; My wife, she inspired me to start this hobby.”

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details."

Fu Qinghai assumed the posture of a listener.

"My wife, she is also an immortal, oh, the so-called 'Elder of the Universe', but later she got tired of immortality and took the initiative to end her own life. Her death made me realize that people must have something in this world A hobby, a hobby that lasts a lifetime.”

The Collector spoke calmly.

There was nothing sad or regretful about his expression.

It seems that time has diluted these emotions.

"Ah, that's it."

Fu Qinghai didn't say anything like "sorry".

Maybe living too long really becomes a torture.

"What about you, Qingshan?"

The collector turned to look at Fu Qinghai:

"What is your hobby?"

my hobby?

Fu Qinghai thought about it seriously.

Does mating count as a hobby?

No, that was "animal instinct", a hobby forced upon me by Master Quinto, not my real hobby.

"We are weapons of war designed by man. We fight for the benefit of mankind. We are destined to fight."

Fu Qinghai chose to avoid this question.

"I see."

The collector raised his chin and nodded:

"Your hobby is war."

"You might as well think so."

Fu Qinghai chatted casually with the collector.

Then the old guy took his leave and left.

Fu Qinghai felt that there was nothing to talk about with him.

Fu Qinghai felt that the collector always looked at him with a hint of contempt and disdain. Although he didn't know where this emotion came from, Qingshan Khan had not swelled to the point of doubting the other party. It's possible to look down on yourself to the point where you'll beat the other person up.

Fu Qinghai has no basis for cooperation with collectors, because this guy collects items purely out of hobby - which can be regarded as an extreme form of collecting addiction, rather than for trading like the Order Alliance. He will not sell the collection. Unless Fu Qinghai directly looted his museum.

But that would offend the Order Alliance.

Collectors purchase collections from other people and use the local currency in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to pay. Fu Qinghai does not need this local currency. He only needs assimilation points, so even if he finds some rare and rare things to sell, Collector, getting a bunch of local currency doesn't do much good either.

Of course, the Collector is not easy to mess with. The Tiwan Group he controls is also a very powerful interstellar criminal group. It initially made its fortune by digging out the brain tissue and spinal fluid from the skull of the Celestial Group. Without particularly large interests, Fu Qinghai had no reason to conflict with the collector.

The reception room returned to its previous situation.

"Old man who has lived for hundreds of millions of years, you also understand."

Huo Qi shrugged at Fu Qinghai:

"My temper is a bit weird."

"Ha, I don't care."

Fu Qinghai smiled and said:

"But the red-skinned alien maid before this old man was quite eye-catching. She seemed to be called 'Carina' or something, right?" I had a little impression, but unfortunately it was destroyed by touching the cosmic spirit ball (power stone). "

"Yes, you have a good memory."

Hotch nodded and said:

"This kind of red-skinned alien race is called 'Crohn'. In the first part of "Guardians of the Galaxy", Star-Lord's one-night stand was also this kind of Crohn. If you are interested in this race, I can always help you. Arranged for you.”

This guy is quite wise.

Looking back, Qingshan Khan has never played with a red-skinned one, and it does feel a bit curious.

But Fu Qinghai still declined. Although Zhang Yuning didn't come, it was not the time to play with women yet.

He has more important things to attend to.

"I want to go to Xandar."

Fu Qinghai asked bluntly:

“How do I get there?”

"What means of transportation would you like to arrive by?"

Hotch asked instead of answering directly.

"What's the difference?"

Fu Qinghai asked rhetorically.

"There's a big difference."

Hodge sat up straight and talked:

"Currently, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are barely four ways to jump through space: wormhole jump, light speed engine, warp engine, and rainbow bridge."

"Oh? Tell me more."

Fu Qinghai also sat up straight after hearing this.

He was most interested in these technologies.

"The first and most common way: wormhole jump."

Hotch resumed his introduction.

After listening to his introduction, Fu Qinghai understood.

Wormhole jump is the most common method of super-light travel currently used in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the three movies of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" series, whether it is the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Predator fleet or the Sovereign remote-controlled fighter jets, they actually use this method to make space jumps.

The Warhammer 40K universe also has natural wormholes, but the major races in the Warhammer 40K universe do not use wormhole jumps as their main means of transportation - because there are too few natural wormholes in the universe! Except for the Necron's Scythe of Night, a black-tech troop carrier that can capture natural wormholes.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there are so many natural wormholes that people can’t help but speculate whether these wormholes scattered throughout the universe are naturally formed or created by some Marvel super-dimensional civilization. of?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has no answers.

But Fu Qinghai was a little skeptical, because of the way the wormholes were opened in Marvel movies, where a white transparent "wall" in the shape of a regular hexagonal honeycomb appeared out of thin air... It really didn't look like any natural geographical creation.

The wormhole captured by Night Scythe does not look like this.

The wormhole in Pacific Rim is not like this either.

"Then the second way is the light speed engine."

Hotch continued the introduction.

Note that it is a light speed engine, neither a super light speed engine nor a sublight speed engine. It is an engine technology that just reaches the speed of light, no more, no less.

"Unlike in the comics, the only light speed engine that has appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the Pegasus Project of S.H.I.E.L.D., where the Kree man Mai Weir transformed into Professor Lawson and lurked The light speed engine developed on Earth using the power of the Cosmic Cube (space gem). Unfortunately, this engine was destroyed before it could truly demonstrate its power. The burst of energy actually made Carol Danvers become Captain Marvel.”

Hodge said regretfully.

It took me a long time to do it, just a special case...

The plot of "Captain Marvel".

"I don't think there is any regret. Being able to reach the speed of light with the power of the engine alone must have borrowed the power of the space gem. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible. It is something that cannot be copied or mass-produced."

Fu Qinghai shook his head and said.

"Then the third way, warp drive."

Hotch spread his hands and said:

"It might disappoint you even more."

"how to say?"

"Because at present, we in the Order Alliance only have suspicions that the egg-shaped spaceship of Star-Lord's father Igo uses a warp engine to navigate, but there is no concrete evidence because we have not boarded that spacecraft."

Hotch explained.

"Is it just a guess?"

Fu Qinghai curled his lips and asked.


Hotch admitted honestly.

"You must be familiar with the last one."

Hodge changed the subject and said:

"Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, Thor once mentioned when chatting with his girlfriend Jane Foster: Asgard's 'Rainbow Bridge Theory' is somewhat similar to Earth's 'Einstein Rosen Bridge Theory' ', but in fact the two are not the same principle at all. The 'Einstein Rosen Bridge' theory is closer to the 'wormhole theory'. And if Thor calls Heimdall's name anywhere in the nine realms, Heimdall will He can be heard and seen, and then activate the Boltsteel Guardian Sword to take him away."

"That one is pure magic."

Fu Qinghai nodded and commented.

After talking for a long time, among the four space jump methods, Fu Qinghai could only use wormhole jump. However, this method of wormhole jump has an obvious drawback - the diameter of the wormhole is limited, which results in a limit on the size of the spacecraft that can pass through. Most wormholes are very narrow.

The Benatar and Milano of the Guardians of the Galaxy can only be regarded as small spaceships in size - although they are much larger than Sovereign fighters and Nova Legion fighters, the regular hexagonal transparent box of the wormhole is only It's just a little bigger than that - the Su Zheng is twelve kilometers long.

Wormholes in other universes also have this virtue. The wormholes captured by the Necron Nightscythe can only be used to transport infantry units, and the Tomb Blade cannot pass through them. The wormholes in the Pacific Rim universe are larger in size, barely. Can allow Titan units to pass through, but neither can be used as a battleship passage.

Besides, according to Hodge.

A special engine is also required for wormhole jump here.

Could it be that the Suzheng is still unable to move... But even if the Suzheng is not aboard, there is no such wormhole jump engine on the Thunder Eagle gunship. Perhaps one can only be temporarily installed?

Fu Qinghai just felt a headache, thinking that there were so many problems to be solved in a game of space navigation, why couldn't he just write it down like those mindless and cool articles?

How about renting a local spaceship in the void first?

This option just appeared in Fu Qinghai's mind.


A voice sounded from the communication channel next to his neck.

They were the three soldiers who stayed behind on the Thunderhawk gunboat.

"What's wrong?"

Fu Qinghai asked.

"We have just been attacked by the enemy. Someone tried to snatch the Thunderhawk gunboat, but we have repelled it. Because we are not familiar with the terrain here, we did not choose to pursue it."

The Space Marine said in a deep voice.

what? Dare you steal my boat?

"What did the attacker look like?"

Fu Qinghai asked coldly.

At the same time, he glanced up at Hotch.

Hotch understood and picked up the pen and paper.

"Well, a very strange combination, I can't quite describe it...a human male, a thin green skin, a strong alien with gray skin and red markings, a canine that can use weapons, and one that can stand upright. A walking humanoid sapling? I know it’s a bit outrageous, Khan.”

The Space Marine said hesitantly.

Hear a description of his appearance.

Fu Qinghai was immediately stunned.

Isn’t this... the Guardians of the Galaxy?


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