Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 606 Crazy Maggots in the Sea of ​​Dung

In the subspace where the storm is raging.

The battleship chooses a direction to start again.

In fact, blindsight cannot replace the role of a navigator. In this area, the navigator needs to pay attention to the tides and ocean currents of the subspace at all times, and then constantly correct the direction of the warship. Obviously Blindsight did not have this ability. She just pointed out a direction, and then the battleship sailed in that direction, with Saroyan Skasson steering the ship himself. As for what will happen next, no one knows.

Fu Qinghai and Saroyan stood side by side on the bridge.

Look out the armored portholes at the whirlpool and tsunami.

The battleship is about to sail without a pilot.

Like a blind man throwing away his crutch and running along the cliff.

Fu Qinghai looked serious and worried.

Saroyan raised his head proudly.

"Far from the fjords and the ice cold currents, Ravens soar over new frontiers, Songs and sagas of a fate determined..."

(The ship's hull is far away from the cold current of the fjord, jackdaws fly across the vast territory, war songs, legends, everything is destined)

Saroyan Skasson suddenly sang softly.

"Shields and spears!"

(I am a strong shield and a spear)

Saroyan Skasson sang louder and louder.

The other Space Wolves on the bridge joined in the chorus.

And gradually evolved into everyone singing in unison:

"Vows of favor or the thrill of plunder."

(Sharing joys and sorrows, plundering the mortal enemy)

"Pull together for the clan and kin."

(We will work together for the sake of the war group)

"Clank of hammers and the crash of thunder."

(Beyond the Storm and Thunder)

“Pound within…”

(Only glory accompanies)

The ship's hull is still shaking and trembling, the waves and torrent in the sea of ​​souls are still violently hitting the Geller force field, the adamantine keel is making a "crunching" sound as if it is about to disintegrate at any moment, and the spiritual storm in the non-material world is still venting its malice.

However, as the Space Wolves sang in unison, their roaring songs resounded across the bridge, the whispers lingering in the crew's ears gradually became inaudible, and the faint outlines clinging to the outside of the force field bubble also faded and disappeared.

The heroic song of the Space Wolves.

It even drowned out the groans coming from the hull structure.

It was like a raging storm penetrating the sea of ​​souls.

"Sing along with me, Qingshan!"

Saroyan put his arms around Fu Qinghai's shoulders and shouted.

Fu Qinghai shook his head firmly:

"I don't."

Saroyan ignored him and continued howling:

"Oh ho oh——"

"The echoes of eternity!"

(eternal echo)

"Oh ho oh——"

"Valhalla calling me!"

(The Hall of Valor is calling me)

The waves outside the battleship are getting more and more violent, and the Geller force field is flashing violently, and may be completely extinguished at any time. At that time, everyone in the battleship no longer needs to consider the direction - everyone will be torn apart by the subspace!

However, this group of space wolves still sang loudly, turning a deaf ear to all this. There was no trace of fear in their rough and hoarse voices, only the fearless pride of laughing and dying generously - perhaps, they had already been mentally prepared. .

From the moment I got stuck here.

Fu Qinghai thought that this song was really unlucky.

I don’t want to go to the Hall of Valor.

"Why has your prophecy still not come true?"

Fu Qinghai turned around and grabbed Blind Vision and asked.

The blind girl seemed to be still immersed in the after-effects of illegal drugs. She was in a daze as the deck swayed. Faced with Fu Qinghai's question, she smiled stupidly and said:

"I only saw that picture, the choice that we did not get swallowed up by the storm. As for when this prophecy will come true... Uh-huh! You have to ask the Emperor."

never mind……

Fu Qinghai let go of this stupid woman.

In this current state, asking is in vain.

"Qingshan, don't worry."

Saroyan turned his head and said meaningfully:

"The hour of the wolf will come!"

"Go to hell."

Fu Qinghai replied unceremoniously.

Fu Qinghai had also read many original Space Wolf novels in his previous life. In those novels, whenever a Space Wolf had a premonition that he was going to die in battle, he would always leave a mysterious and meaningful sentence - "The hour of the wolf will eventually come." arrival!"

Then he simply burped.


Fu Qinghai thought that I didn’t want to die.

Saroyan led the 10th Company and was still singing loudly. Fu Qinghai held his chin and paced back and forth, unable to do anything... At this moment, a mortal officer on the bridge suddenly raised his finger and pointed out of the glass porthole, shouting loudly with a shocked look on his face. :

"Look, what is that!"

Fu Qinghai and Saroyan looked up at the same time.

Then they all showed disbelief.

The colorful storms and ocean currents are receding, quickly separating on both sides just like Moses opening the sea in myths and legends. An ultimate behemoth appears in the middle, a giant whale that is cutting through the waves and swimming freely.

"The Void really a Void Whale!"

Fu Qinghai looked dull and muttered to himself.

"Is this the Kraken in the subspace?"

Saroyan put his hands on the table and said excitedly.

The Kraken is a fish found in Fenris.

The Void Whale is a mysterious creature that almost only exists in legends. Regardless of the poor people in the lower levels of the hive city or the well-informed navy captains, most people in the human empire have never seen it...or even heard of it. past this creature. He is like a baseless rumor that is only spread by word of mouth among some Rogue Traders in the Border Star Region.

According to classification, void whales should belong to the category of subspace creatures like enslavers and soul-eating bees. But this thing is really too big. In one version, the void whale is 20,000 kilometers long. And unlike other subspace creatures, void whales seem to have their own subspace engine and can freely shuttle back and forth between the real universe and the non-material world.

As a reincarnation person, Fu Qinghai knew more than the local aborigines. During the 42K Plague War, the Nurgle Demon Army used seven void whale calves that strayed into the Nurgle Garden as landing craft to forcefully smash into the Five Hundred Worlds. During the 41K period, a mutated adult void whale attacked the Imperial Space Fortress. The Space Wolves Sea Wolf Dalian came to stop it, and the clouds and mist formed by detonating the whale even destroyed two planets.

And the void whale in front of him.

It is also as long as three thousand kilometers.

Quickly occupy all the fields of view outside the porthole.

The five-kilometer long strike cruiser was like an insignificant speck of dust and debris in front of him.

Everyone stared with their mouths wide open.

Fu Qinghai had already begun to think silently about how he could hitch a ride on this void whale's subspace.

Thinking about it.

Fu Qinghai suddenly realized a problem:

There is no need to find a way to catch up with the Void Whale, because...

This giant whale is heading straight for you!

"Attention all crew!"

Saroyan woke up and shouted:

"The macro cannon is loaded and ready! The light spear is charged and ready!"


Fu Qinghai raised his hand to stop him and said:

"Don't attack, think about the prophecy."

"I know."

Saroyan nodded and said:

"But I must order the reloading."

Fu Qinghai understood what Saroyan meant.

Be prepared no matter what.

The void whale is getting closer and closer to the cruiser.

Everyone in the bridge couldn't even see the whole picture clearly.

Only a small portion of the whale's chin skin is visible.

"What does he want to do, hit us to death?"

one mortal crew member couldn't help but ask.

"He probably didn't even see us."

Saroyan murmured.

Indeed, compared to the Void Whale, the cruiser is only one-thousandth of its size. The so-called "coming straight at" may be just an illusion. The Void Whale may not have noticed the grain of sand in front of it at all, and is just looking after itself. Free swimming.

But Fu Qinghai didn't believe it.

He didn't look at the Void Whale again.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the blind girl beside him.

"What is the picture you see?"

Fu Qinghai asked in a deep voice.

"Ah, what did you say?"

Blindsight is still smiling like that:

"What I see is now."

"Now what?"

Fu Qinghai was about to continue asking.

"Well, this is the picture."

Blindsight said with his mouth straight forward.

Fu Qinghai turned his head and took a look.

A huge black hole-like mouth of the abyss suddenly appeared!

The view outside the bridge window instantly dimmed.

The entire battleship was swallowed by the maw of the abyss.

Immediately afterwards, the cruiser gave a heavy meal, and the entire bridge shook violently. Everyone on the bridge almost became unsteady, accompanied by groans as the hull deformed and twisted.

"The auspicious array has lost its signal, sir!"

The mortal officer next to the detection array said

"Restart now and detect again!"

shouted Saroyan Skasson.

"no need."

Fu Qinghai looked out the window and murmured.

The signal antenna on the outer shell of the battleship also illuminates the surrounding environment with a little light, and the dark red inner wall of the void whale's mouth can be seen. However, at this time, countless yellow-green wart-like herpes appeared on these flesh walls. The big ones could fit a Dreadnought mecha, and the small ones could also fit a Space Marine. They were densely packed like a bunch of grapes and hung all over the inner wall. .

"what is that?"

Saroyan asked doubtfully:

"This void whale has mouth ulcers?"

Fu Qinghai turned around and grabbed Blind Eye:

"You saw that we would be swallowed by the Void Whale, but you didn't say that there was a group of Nurgle Demon Army waiting for us in the belly of the whale! Damn it, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

The blind girl was grabbed by his shoulders and swayed.

There is still that silly smile on his face:

"Just say you haven't left the storm yet..."

"Nurgle's army?"

Saroyan Skasson frowned when he heard this:

"How do you know it's the Demon Army of Nurgle, Qingshan?"

"Because I saw it."

Fu Qinghai raised his head and looked out the window and said in a deep voice.

In the field of vision of the spiritual vision goggles, each of the giant jaundice blisters is pregnant with a Nurgle demon - this void whale has long been parasitized and is gradually becoming a hotbed of disease. I don't know if it is One of the seven that attacked Ultramar ten thousand years later.

"The Geller field has failed!"

The mortal crew members shouted at the top of their lungs from the bridge.

The Geller force field has been supported until now and is finally extinguished.

"They're coming!"

Fu Qinghai looked around and said in a deep voice.

In that first second.

Nothing happened inside the battleship.

Everyone was waiting with bated breath for something to happen.

Then, the next second.

A ripple spread across the bridge.

It's like a drop of liquid dropped into the air.

And spread quickly throughout the entire ship, bringing the smell of corruption. The air became slippery, and the hard decorative materials covering the deck and wall surfaces became soft and porous, exuding thick mucus. Fu Qinghai felt like he was stepping on a sponge.


Then there was a violent explosion.

The holographic projection on the bridge lit up multiple red areas. The texture of the ship's hull changed under the influence of surreal subspace spiritual energy. The hard steel became brittle and loose, leading to a series of problems. There was a violent explosion, and then the three-dimensional projection flickered a few times and then went out.

"Space Wolves, prepare to fight!"

Saroyan drew out the Frost Hell Ax and shouted.

"Welcome to the Plague Ark!"

Something huge was roaring, the sound loud enough to shake the walls and deck. The sound was like the gurgling of water from the bottom of a well, like a heavily polluted ocean finding its own tongue and uttering curses in the foaming foam. Blasphemous chants ferment in decaying instruments:

"Oh, Kor'gas! Oh, the father of plague! Oh, the favorite of Nurgle! The plague army has gathered, we are waiting, come and lead us! The great Kor'gas, the powerful Corruptor, the Seven Codes of Life Guardian of , bestow upon us your filthy blessing! dit-dip-dip-dip!”

Cheerful songs kept ringing.

There was a sound of heavy footsteps and the scraping of claws on the deck, and Saroyan also heard it. He was hesitating about what tactical decision to take - they had never faced this kind of enemy before, but before he could finish thinking, Fu Qinghai had already rushed out.

Saroyan immediately followed with his warriors.

The first ripple covered the entire ship in a few seconds. The lights in the corridor flashed one after another and then went out one by one. The hull was still shaking from the explosion. Saroyan was caught off guard and slipped in the darkness. , hit one side of the wall and then bounced to the ground by the fleshy wall.

They were not given time to think.

The second ripple soon followed.

The Spear of Russ vibrated violently, and a series of deep roars sounded. The metal tore through the stone and shattered, as if an invisible battering ram hit the hull. The walls were full of holes, and the deck shook like waves on the water, eventually collapsing. A huge passage was formed from the bow to the bridge. The violent vibration knocked all the Space Wolves to the ground, and the mortal soldiers on the bridge fell like rotten fruit.

When Saroyan stood up again, he could see what was happening in the collapsed passage in front of him. A thick mist spewed out in the darkness, the air became dirty, and the bulkheads were mottled with brown streaks, accompanied by with gray coils. These twisted coils proliferate like germs. This "corridor" has become a "throat" and is constantly exhaling foul gas.

Just as Fu Qinghai expected.

The plague army has arrived.

Plagues surged from the bilges, and they crowded and pushed against each other, eager to spread their faith. The demonic flesh is mottled gray and green, oozing pus and slipping from the bones. Some of the demons retained a bit of human form, clutching rusty, pitted swords. These one-eyed monsters were bowed down by the horns that were bigger than their heads. They shook their heads and made a monotonous and endlessly repeated grunting sound, which sounded like a person counting continuously, but could never reach seven.

Plaguebringer and Bad Debt Secretary.

And in front of these swaying humanoid demons are fat slugs with claws, jumping and slamming into the corridors with the joy of puppies, their gaping teeth dripping with poisonous slurry. Between the claws of these demons, a group of smaller and ugly things swarmed around. They walked, crawled and twisted, trying to climb the bodies of the larger demons. These mini demons looked like fat tumors. Legs and arms sprouted from their heads, and they laughed and muttered hymns that only they could understand.

Nurglings and Nurglings.

The plague army poured into the bridge along the passage that had been transformed into a fleshy throat. The entire corridor is like the subway line 1 during rush hour, with plague messengers and bad debt secretaries crowded together. Nurglings and Nurgle beasts crawled along the walls, steel beams and collapsed decks. They were like fat but swift insects. They looked bloated and clumsy but were actually lively and agile.

Then the plague army was stopped.

A black-armored warrior stood in front of them.

Blue light floated around the two sharp claws.

A pair of cold eyepieces shine with scarlet light.

"Everyone, do you dare to fight?"

Fu Qinghai asked about the eight evil spirits inside the armor.

"Of course, Qingshan."

The evil spirits hissed with evil laughter:

"We can't wait."

As the two ripples spread, the interior of the cruiser was in chaos. The originally familiar structure of the battleship changed into something else. Nurgle demons spewed out everywhere like a gray-green viscous and filthy fountain. Each cabin And each deck quickly fell into a state of fighting on its own.

"Use melee and melta weapons!"

Saroyan heard Fu Qinghai’s reminder.

Then his figure disappeared into the darkness.

Before Saroyan could call his name.

Something burst out of the darkness again.

It was a plaguebringer, with a single horn emerging from the left side of the skull, and protruding flesh sacs and bony protrusions everywhere on its limbs and torso. He yelled and charged, brandishing a serrated knife. The servants of the war group behind Saroyan shot first. The red laser burned the monster's skin, the pus boiled, and the fat burned. However, the demon seemed not to be aware of these injuries at all, and was still trying to spray the sailors with foamy mucus.

Saroyan stepped forward and thrust out the tip of his axe.

Directly into the Plaguebringer's one eye.

The bulging eyeballs that occupied the entire face exploded instantly.

The Plaguebringers screamed and danced wildly.

Saroyan pressed down hard, and the Frost Hell Ax penetrated deeply into the demon's back. The Plaguebringer stopped moving, his legs lost strength, and he fell heavily on the deck. Groaning and shouting, the demon's body began to liquefy, and his essence gradually dissolved into the corrupted deck and walls...

Saroyan didn't know if this counted as death or not.

The Space Wolves stood looking around.

Just then, the third ripple came again!

Invisible and silent ripples spread throughout the battleship.

Saroyan looked horrified when he saw:

The servants of the Chapter fell suddenly in front of them. These mortal soldiers' fingers were stuck in the middle of the trigger guard of the laser rifle, and their faces were flowing like liquid - their eyes and noses floated to the left, and their chins to the right. But the head was still not broken, it was still breathing, and its mouth opened in a silent scream. Their spines, arms, and thighs all flexed and squirmed, and every bone in their bodies twisted and continued to spin and grow until what little life was left in them was taken away.

The same goes for the rest of the crew.

The plague spread quickly.

The onset is rapid and the symptoms are frightening.

The bridge was littered with twisted corpses in agony, lying on their backs on the floor and hanging beside work tables, slowly deforming on their seats into crooked glyphs, hand bones and ribs cut from the carapace of the Chapter's servants. The cracks poked out, containing their melted bodies.

The soldiers fell in pieces, slumped on the deck, their bodies twisting, and madness flashing in their eyes. Some prayed to their comrades for the Emperor's mercy, while others twisted into new shapes amid grunts and gurglings. The soldiers began to shoot at their comrades, and gunfire broke out one after another.

Some of these shapeshifters are red like blood, and some are green like bile. Their thoughts were chaotic and manic, and eventually fragmented, and screams erupted from mouths and throats that no longer looked human.

"No, no, no-"

Saroyan roared angrily:

"All Father, I will tear you apart!"

When the third ripple hits.

Fu Qinghai also felt it.

The deck swelled, crashed, and shattered like waves, and the walls collapsed in the foam. Fu Qinghai had to lie on the ground and hold on to the floor. The whole ship seemed to be changing constantly, becoming slippery and unable to place his hands. He slid around in the cabin, and finally managed to grab a solid edge and stabilize his body. The ripples subsided after a few seconds, and Fu Qinghai lay on the ground without moving. He was not sure where he was now, but the touch on his gauntlet was very strange - like touching some soft object.

Am I still on board?

The Spear of Russ was trembling. This kind of trembling was almost impossible for a thousand-meter-class ship. The hull changes subtly. Although the main structure remains unchanged, the outline looks softer, as if the hull is melting or the edges are being eaten by insects, and the lights are dimmed.

The walls, floors and ceilings have been eroded, the carvings on the vaults have been obscured and the lines of the four corner columns have become blurred. Gray-black spotted mold is growing on the white stone carvings and golden decorations. The cruiser has turned into a large petri dish, and the mold spots are spreading around.

The disaster unleashed by the demon of Nurgle was a celebration and a baptism for them.

Fu Qinghai can feel it.

Deep inside this battleship.

The huge thing waited for him silently and indifferently, while everything around him died.


Fu Qinghai read out the name of the big demon

Then a carp straightened up and stood up.

"I am coming!"

The battleship corridor became a tunnel of flesh, a tunnel large enough for the Knight mecha to pass through, but the space was even more crowded as the demons almost formed a wall of roaring fleshy gel. Their dirty blades fell on Fu Qinghai, and the Nurgle beasts tried to bite through the Uru metal armor. Fu Qinghai cut into pieces every abomination that came near him, the sheer number of demons not slowing him down.

The sea of ​​demons parted before him.

Open a way for final revelation.

The sea of ​​demons closed behind him again, and the tunnel led to another huge space. This space seemed to be dug out of the ship. The walls of the room showed the remains of decayed decorations. All surfaces, including walls and ceilings, are dripping with fluorescent slime, and the air is filled with buzzing flies and shimmering floating spores. Demons filled this squirming, filthy space.

And their master sat on the throne in the center.

This Nurgle demon can be said to be huge.

Far greater than the Demon Prince of Destruction Storm.

He was as fat as a frog, and three curved horns sprouted from the top of his head: the central one was as short as a hook, the other two were long and curved, and the right one was broken.

When the demon shrugs its shoulders, it oozes a mixture of red and green fluid and hisses. His lower jaw was extremely huge, two meters wide, with broken and jagged teeth hanging from it, and two tongues sticking out from it.

The flesh on the demon's body is green and full of fluorescent fatty tissue. The ulcers constantly exude fluid, forming cancer bubbles on its surface, and eventually gather into small Nurgling monsters with distinct faces and outlines, on top of the demon's huge body. It rolled down and announced the birth with joy. They join hundreds of their kind, forming a chattering, ever-changing heap that supports the demon on his throne.

This throne was pieced together from highly toxic debris. Fu Qinghai saw all the experimental supplies whose names he knew as well as instruments and equipment whose functions he could not imagine. Everything was covered in dirt. The demon's arms were drooped beside the brazier. The flames licked the skin of his arms and heated the distillation vessel at his hand. Green miasma billowed in the distillation tube.

"Welcome, little one."

The Great Unclean One smiled gently:

"Welcome to my seat."

"Are you Kugas?"

Fu Qinghai stopped and asked.

"Yes, it's me."

The obese demon smiled so naively.

"Nurgle's favorite demon?"

Fu Qinghai then asked.

"Yes, yes, it's me."

Nurgle laughed triumphantly.

"Soon you won't be anymore."

Fu Qinghai said calmly.

The Great Demon Nurgle's expression changed upon hearing this:

"What do you mean? Do you want to compete with me for favor?"

You still think you're being funny, right?

Fu Qinghai jumped up and rushed towards him.

"Quack, quack, quack..."

Seeing Fu Qinghai rushing up, Kugas opened his mouth with satisfaction. Fu Qinghai felt that a large number of Nurglings exploded under his feet. He raised his claws to carry out a devastating sweep. Saronite Iron reacted violently to such a powerful demon, and its sharp claws shone with deep blue light. A Plaguebringer tried to stop it, but was cut into pieces of rotting flesh by sharp claws in an instant.

Kugas did not take action slowly until Fu Qinghai was only a few steps away from him. He stretched out an arm from the Corrupted Throne and made a throwing gesture, and a hurricane cloud composed of swarms of black flies flew out of his palm. This solid black substance enveloped the black-armored warrior.

Fu Qinghai seemed to have hit a wall. The flies covered his eyepiece, so dense that they could interrupt his charge. His ears were filled with the "crunching" sound of thousands of flies gnawing at the shell of the armor. He wanted to move forward, but the number of flies was increasing, making it impossible for him to see. He could only try his best to wade through the poisonous flood in front of him, waving his claws to try to clear his field of vision and let the flies disappear for a while.

Fu Qinghai saw Kugas raising his arms, and then a wave of Nurglings mixed with sewage spewed out from the bottom of the throne. These torrents of slime washed Fu Qinghai down. Flies clung to the armor in swarms, and the power of the tide forced Fu Qinghai to slowly swim upstream.

Kugas himself moved.

The Great Unclean One leaned forward and slid down from the pile of Nurglings. His huge body rushed towards Fu Qinghai on the surging carpet of slime. For such a behemoth, his speed was frighteningly fast, as rapid as an infection.

Fu Qinghai collided with Kugas and suffered all the impact. He was knocked out by the mountain of meat, and its pure mass mocked his overestimation. Fu Qinghai fell down more than ten meters away and stood up unsteadily to shake off the attackers.

The demon tide is still rising, and there seems to be no end to the demon tide. This hall will be completely filled until only Kugas is left sitting alone on a mountain of corpses.

Kugas opened his mouth as hard as he could.

He unleashed the most powerful storm of flies yet, the cloud growing until it filled the entire room and suffocated and blinded all fighting creatures. Thousands of evil incarnations of the Mouth of Decay landed on the metal shell of Uru and gnawed desperately. While each attack is insignificant individually, collectively they lead to destruction like Chaos itself.

In the previous impact, Fu Qinghai also left several deep and shallow wounds on Kugas' body, and Nurgle's colorful intestines flowed all over the floor. But he completely ignored the existence of wounds on his body. The Great Unclean One raised his fat hand and grabbed the black-armored warrior in front of him in his palm. He squeezed it like an egg and roared loudly:

"All things must decay."

Kugas clenched his hands tightly:

"Accept the gift of this truth!"

The words just fell.

Kugas' palm was cut open in the middle.

Sharp hook-like claws split it in half.

Fu Qinghai stretched out his entire body from the middle, and spread his arms outward to expand the tear area. Kugas screamed, the muscles in his palms broke, and the non-existent bones shattered...

Flies and mosquitoes were still surrounding him, and a pair of black bat wings suddenly spread out from behind the black-armored warrior. The wing membrane between the skeletons was filled with a blue psychic film.


Fu Qinghai turned around suddenly and flapped his wings.

The wings made of N metal rotated and flapped, setting off a black tornado-like knife-fan whirlwind. The flies flowed downwards and fell like black quicksand, and the entire field of vision suddenly became empty.

Fu Qinghai pounced on Kugas again.

Only this time, there is no more interference from slime and flies. Fu Qinghai closed his claws and rotated his body in mid-air. His whole body turned into a drill-like whirlwind and rushed towards Kugas. The entire face of the Nurgle Demon was drilled into pieces and splattered with broken bones, flesh, mucus, and pus in a spiral shape. The claws drilled out a big hole in his head from the middle.

Finally, the deformed body of the Great Unclean One began to collapse. He was like a filthy slaughterhouse filled with plasma, disintegrating and collapsing on the spot and disappearing. Fu Qinghai felt that the power of subspace was rapidly fading in the cruiser, and the surrounding corroded hull structure had turned back into solid steel.


"Nurgle remembers you."

In the end, there was only a long sigh.


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